955 resultados para Workforce development


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Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Tenth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2008.


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Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Tenth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2008.


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The Iowa Department of Education and Iowa Workforce Development partnered to combine educational and workforce data. The collaboration led to the establishment of the Training and Employment Outcomes System (TEOS) which combines wage data with education records for community colleges. This report summarizes results on four areas: Descriptive wage summaries; the returns to education; transitions for program majors to the workforce; and the five-years in-state retention rate of community college graduates.


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Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Tenth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2008.


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Iowa Unemployment Rates by County map produced by the Iowa Workforce Development.


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Iowa Unemployment Rates by County map produced by the Iowa Workforce Development.


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Iowa Unemployment Rates by County map produced by the Iowa Workforce Development.


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A large wave of workers born during the Baby Boom of 1946 to 1964 will be leaving the workforce over the next few decades. A larger share than in past generations may “retire” to collect the pensions they earned over their work life and then continue working part-time or more flexible working arrangements.


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Iowa Unemployment Rates by County map produced by the Iowa Workforce Development.


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Iowa Unemployment Rates by County map produced by the Iowa Workforce Development.


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Iowa Unemployment Rates by County map produced by the Iowa Workforce Development.


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Within sport, a tremendous amount of effort is committed to the on-the-field performance of athletes and coaches, neglecting the off-the-field performance and development of sport managers. This study examines the impact of human resource training on the performance of five Canadian national sport organizations (NSO) and their managers (N=22). Data were collected on three outcome variables (learning, individual performance, organizational performance) and three mediating variables (motivation to transfer, training design, organizational climate) at three time measures (pre-training, post-training1, post-training2). Results indicate that training improves the learning and individual performance of sport managers, as well as the organizational performance of NSOs. Varying relationships were found at each of the three time measures, demonstrating that a progression to training-related performance change exists, while providing support for three levels of analysis (individual, organizational, systemic). Implications and future research directions are discussed and highlight the need for on-going training opportunities for Canadian sport managers.


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Ce mémoire porte sur la question de l’insertion sur le marché du travail, des Haïtiens arrivés au Québec après le tremblement de terre désastreux qui frappa Haïti le 12 janvier 2010. Notre objectif est d'analyser la trajectoire professionnelle de ce groupe et de déterminer les difficultés rencontrées au cours de leur projet d'insertion en emploi. Notre projet s’inscrit dans le cadre de l'approche plurielle développée par Victor Piché qui propose de porter attention à la fois aux facteurs macro-structurels, micro-individuels et à la force du réseau, dans l'étude du phénomène migratoire et du processus d'intégration de la personne immigrante au sein du pays d'accueil. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons choisi de réaliser des entretiens avec douze immigrants haïtiens. Cela nous a permis de recueillir des informations de première main sur les différents éléments qui les ont amenés à la décision d'immigrer au Québec et sur leurs parcours sur le marché du travail dans le pays d’accueil. Il ressort des entretiens que l'évaluation que font les répondants du bon déroulement de leur intégration socio-professionnelle dépend particulièrement de facteurs micro-individuels tels que : la maitrise des langues officielles, la connaissance des stratégies favorisant l'insertion en emploi, la connaissance des pratiques locales et du fonctionnement du marché du travail et le statut d'immigration. Très peu des immigrants haïtiens que nous avons rencontrés ont abordé la question de la discrimination, notamment parce qu’ils semblent avoir intégré le discours sur la compétition et l'individualisation et ramènent à des facteurs individuels les succès et les échecs qu'ils ont connus lors de la recherche d'emploi. En d’autres mots, les personnes interrogées semblent avoir intériorisé le discours sur « la lutte des places » les enjoignant à ne pas se contenter « d'être bon », mais d’être « le/la meilleur(e) » pour pouvoir concurrencer les "Québécois de souche" sur le marché de l'emploi.


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