998 resultados para Wildlife weed interaction


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A linear excitation of electromagnetic modes at frequencies (n + ı89 in a plasma through which two electron beams are contra-streaming along the magnetic field is investigated. This may be a source of the observed {cote emissions at auroral latitudes.


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Intrinsic viscosity data for polystyrene, poly(methyl methacrylate) and styrene-methyl methacrylate copolymer of azeotropic composition have been used to evaluate the excess interaction parameters at different temperatures in γ-butyrolactone and dimethylformamide. It is found that these values are positive and show a negligible increase with increase in temperature, indicating therefore that the hetero-contact interactions are not influenced by temperature, contrary to the results obtained by Dondos and Benoit for the same copolymer system in p-xylene and iso-amyl acetate.


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Productivity is predicted to drive the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of predator-prey interaction through changes in resource allocation between different traits. However, resources are seldom constantly available and thus temporal variation in productivity could have considerable effect on the species' potential to evolve. To study this, three long-term microbial laboratory experiments were established where Serratia marcescens prey bacteria was exposed to predation of protist Tetrahymena thermophila in different prey resource environments. The consequences of prey resource availability for the ecological properties of the predator-prey system, such as trophic dynamics, stability, and virulence, were determined. The evolutionary changes in species traits and prey genetic diversity were measured. The prey defence evolved stronger in high productivity environment. Increased allocation to defence incurred cost in terms of reduced prey resource use ability, which probably constrained prey evolution by increasing the effect of resource competition. However, the magnitude of this trade-off diminished when measured in high resource concentrations. Predation selected for white, non-pigmented, highly defensive prey clones that produced predation resistant biofilm. The biofilm defence was also potentially accompanied with cytotoxicity for predators and could have been traded off with high motility. Evidence for the evolution of predators was also found in one experiment suggesting that co-evolutionary dynamics could affect the evolution and ecology of predator-prey interaction. Temporal variation in resource availability increased variation in predator densities leading to temporally fluctuating selection for prey defences and resource use ability. Temporal variation in resource availability was also able to constrain prey evolution when the allocation to defence incurred high cost. However, when the magnitude of prey trade-off was small and the resource turnover was periodically high, temporal variation facilitated the formation of predator resistant biofilm. The evolution of prey defence constrained the transfer of energy from basal to higher trophic levels, decreasing the strength of top-down regulation on prey community. Predation and temporal variation in productivity decreased the stability of populations and prey traits in general. However, predation-induced destabilization was less pronounced in the high productivity environment where the evolution of prey defence was stronger. In addition, evolution of prey defence weakened the environmental variation induced destabilization of predator population dynamics. Moreover, protozoan predation decreased the S. marcescens virulence in the insect host moth (Parasemia plantaginis) suggesting that species interactions outside the context of host-pathogen relationship could be important indirect drivers for the evolution of pathogenesis. This thesis demonstrates that rapid evolution can affect various ecological properties of predator-prey interaction. The effect of evolution on the ecological dynamics depended on the productivity of the environment, being most evident in the constant environments with high productivity.


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The nature of interaction of palladium(II) with calf thymus DNA was studied using viscometry, ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectrophotometry and optical rotatory disperison and circular dichroism measurements. The results indicate that Pd(II) interacts with both the phosphate and bases of DNA. The ORD/CD data indicate that the binding of Pd(II) to DNA brings about considerable conformational changes in DNA.


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The interaction of copper-thiosemicarbazide complexes with DNA was investigated using ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy. Evidence for the interaction of the complexes with nucleic acid bases and with the phosphate group is presented.


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An unusual intermediate bound to the enzyme was detected in the interaction of thiosemicarbazide with sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase. This intermediate had absorbance maxima at 464 and 440 nm. Such spectra are characteristic of resonance stabilized intermediates detected in the interaction of substrates and quasi-substrates with pyridoxal phosphate enzymes. An intermediate of this kind has not been detected in the interaction of thiosemicarbazide with other pyridoxal phosphate enzymes. This intermediate was generated slowly (t 1/2 = 4 min) following the addition of thiosemicarbazide (200 microM) to sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase (5 microM). It was bound to the enzyme as evidenced by circular dichroic bands at 464 and 440 nm and the inability to be removed upon Centricon filtration. The kinetics of interaction revealed that thiosemicarbazide was a slow binding reversible inhibitor in this phase with a k(on) of 11 M-1 s-1 and a k(off) of 5 x 10(-4) s-1. The intermediate was converted very slowly (k = 4 x 10(-5) s-1) to the final products, namely the apoenzyme and the thiosemicarbazone of pyridoxal phosphate. A minimal kinetic mechanism involving the initial conversion to the intermediate absorbing at longer wavelengths and the conversion of this intermediate to the final product, as well as, the formation of pyridoxal phosphate-thiosemicarbazone directly by an alternate pathway is proposed.


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A probe, 9-(anthrylmethyl)trimethylammonium chloride, 1, was prepared. 1 binds to calf-thymus DNA or Escherichia coli genomic DNA with high affinity, as evidenced from the absorption titration. Strong hypochromism, spectral broadening and red-shifts in the absorption spectra were observed. Half-reciprocal plot constructed from this experiment gave binding constant of 5±0.5×104 M−1 in base molarity. We employed this anthryl probe-DNA complex for studying the effects of addition of various surfactant to DNA. Surfactants of different charge types and chain lengths were used in this study and the effects of surfactant addition to such probe-DNA complex were compared with that of small organic cations or salts. Addition of either salts or cationic surfactants led to structural changes in DNA and under these conditions, the probe from the DNA-bound complex appeared to get released. However, the cationic surfactants could induce such release of the probe from the probe-DNA complex at a much lower concentration than that of the small organic cations or salts. In contrast the anionic surfactants failed to promote any destabilization of such probe-DNA complexes. The effects of additives on the probe-DNA complexes were also examined by using a different technique (fluorescence spectroscopy) using a different probe ethidium bromide. The association complexes formed between the cationic surfactants and the plasmid DNA pTZ19R, were further examined under agarose gel electrophoresis and could not be visualized by ethidium bromide staining presumably due to cationic surfactant-induced condensation of DNA. Most of the DNA from such association complexes can be recovered by extraction of surfactants with phenol-chloroform. Inclusion of surfactants and other additives into the DNA generally enhanced the DNA melting temperatures by a few °C and at high [surfactant], the corresponding melting profiles got broadened.


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Genetic engineering of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry proteins has resulted in the synthesis of various novel toxin proteins with enhanced insecticidal activity and specificity towards different insect pests. In this study, a fusion protein consisting of the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and garlic lectin (ASAL) has been designed in silico by replacing the DIII domain of Cry1Ac with ASAL. The binding interface between the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and lectin has been identified using protein–protein docking studies. Free energy of binding calculations and interaction profiles between the Cry1Ac and lectin domains confirmed the stability of fusion protein. A total of 18 hydrogen bonds was observed in the DI–DII–lectin fusion protein compared to 11 hydrogen bonds in the Cry1Ac (DI–DII–DIII) protein. Molecular mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann (generalized-Born) surface area [MM/PB (GB) SA] methods were used for predicting free energy of interactions of the fusion proteins. Protein–protein docking studies based on the number of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, aromatic–aromatic, aromatic–sulphur, cation–pi interactions and binding energy of Cry1Ac/fusion proteins with the aminopeptidase N (APN) of Manduca sexta rationalised the higher binding affinity of the fusion protein with the APN receptor compared to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex, as predicted by ZDOCK, Rosetta and ClusPro analysis. The molecular binding interface between the fusion protein and the APN receptor is well packed, analogously to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex. These findings offer scope for the design and development of customized fusion molecules for improved pest management in crop plants.


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The leucine zipper region of activator protein-1 (AP-1) comprises the c-Jun and c-Fos proteins and constitutes a well-known coiled coil protein−protein interaction motif. We have used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in conjunction with the molecular mechanics/Poisson−Boltzmann generalized-Born surface area [MM/PB(GB)SA] methods to predict the free energy of interaction of these proteins. In particular, the influence of the choice of solvation model, protein force field, and water potential on the stability and dynamic properties of the c-Fos−c-Jun complex were investigated. Use of the AMBER polarizable force field ff02 in combination with the polarizable POL3 water potential was found to result in increased stability of the c-Fos−c-Jun complex. MM/PB(GB)SA calculations revealed that MD simulations using the POL3 water potential give the lowest predicted free energies of interaction compared to other nonpolarizable water potentials. In addition, the calculated absolute free energy of binding was predicted to be closest to the experimental value using the MM/GBSA method with independent MD simulation trajectories using the POL3 water potential and the polarizable ff02 force field, while all other binding affinities were overestimated.


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In an attempt to identify the arginine residue involved in binding of the carboxylate group of serine to mammalian serine hydroxymethyltransferase, a highly conserved Arg-401 was mutated to Ala by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme had a characteristic visible absorbance at 425 nm indicative of the presence of bound pyridoxal 5'-phosphate as an internal aldimine with a lysine residue. However, it had only 0.003% of the catalytic activity of the wild-type enzyme. It was also unable to perform reactions with glycine, beta-phenylserine or d-alanine, suggesting that the binding of these substrates to the mutant enzyme was affected. This was also evident from the interaction of amino-oxyacetic acid, which was very slow (8.4x10(-4) s-1 at 50 microM) for the R401A mutant enzyme compared with the wild-type enzyme (44.6 s-1 at 50 microM). In contrast, methoxyamine (which lacks the carboxy group) reacted with the mutant enzyme (1.72 s-1 at 250 microM) more rapidly than the wild-type enzyme (0.2 s-1 at 250 microM). Further, both wild-type and the mutant enzymes were capable of forming unique quinonoid intermediates absorbing at 440 and 464 nm on interaction with thiosemicarbazide, which also does not have a carboxy group. These results implicate Arg-401 in the binding of the substrate carboxy group. In addition, gel-filtration profiles of the apoenzyme and the reconstituted holoenzyme of R401A and the wild-type enzyme showed that the mutant enzyme remained in a tetrameric form even when the cofactor had been removed. However, the wild-type enzyme underwent partial dissociation to a dimer, suggesting that the oligomeric structure was rendered more stable by the mutation of Arg-401. The increased stability of the mutant enzyme was also reflected in the higher apparent melting temperature (Tm) (61 degrees C) than that of the wild-type enzyme (56 degrees C). The addition of serine or serinamide did not change the apparent Tm of R401A mutant enzyme. These results suggest that the mutant enzyme might be in a permanently 'open' form and the increased apparent Tm could be due to enhanced subunit interactions.


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Kinetic studies of macromolecular ligand-ligate interaction have generated ample interest since the advent of plasmon resonance based instruments like BIAcore. Most of the studies reported in literature assume a simple 1 : 1 Langmuir binding and complete reversibility of the system. However we observed that in a high affinity antigen-antibody system [human chorionic gonadotropin-monoclonal antibody (hCG-mAb)] dissociation is insignificant and the sensogram data cannot be used to measure the equilibrium and kinetic parameters. At low concentrations of mAb the complete sensogram could be fitted to a single exponential. Interestingly we found that at higher mAb concentrations, the binding data did not conform to a simple bimolecular model. Instead, the data fitted a two-step model, which may be because of surface heterogeneity of affinity sites. In this paper, we report on the global fit of the sensograms. We have developed a method by which a single two-minute sensogram can be used in high affinity systems to measure the association rate constant of the reaction and the functional capacity of the ligand (hCG) immobilized on the chip. We provide a rational explanation for the discrepancies generally observed in most of the BIAcore sensograms


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The potential energy curves of the ground state and the first excited state of H2 are examined in terms of the electronic force acting on each nucleus. The results reveal the detailed course of events that occur when two hydrogen atoms with parallel and antiparallel electron spins approach one another from a large internuclear separation.


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The hallmark of mammalian spermiogenesis is the dramatic chromatin remodeling process wherein the nucleosomal histones are replaced by the transition proteins TP1, TP2, and TP4. Subsequently these transition proteins are replaced by the protamines P1 and P2. Hyperacetylation of histone H4 is linked to their replacement by transition proteins. Here we report that TP2 is acetylated in vivo as detected by anti-acetylated lysine antibody and mass spectrometric analysis. Further, recombinant TP2 is acetylated in vitro by acetyltransferase KAT3B (p300) more efficiently than by KAT2B (PCAF). In vivo p300 was demonstrated to acetylate TP2. p300 acetylates TP2 in its C-terminal domain, which is highly basic in nature and possesses chromatin-condensing properties. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that p300 acetylates four lysine residues in the C-terminal domain of TP2. Acetylation of TP2 by p300 leads to significant reduction in its DNA condensation property as studied by circular dichroism and atomic force microscopy analysis. TP2 also interacts with a putative histone chaperone, NPM3, wherein expression is elevated in haploid spermatids.Interestingly, acetylation of TP2 impedes its interaction with NPM3. Thus, acetylation of TP2 adds a new dimension to its role in the dynamic reorganization of chromatin during mammalian spermiogenesis.