931 resultados para Wheel rims.


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Higher travel speeds of rail vehicles will be possible by developing sophisticated top performance bogies having creep-controlled wheelsets. In this case the torque transmission between the right and the left wheel is realized by an actively controlled creep coupling. To investigate hunting stability and curving capability the linear equations of motion are written in state space notation. Simulation results are obtained with realistic system parameters from industry and various controller gains. The advantage of the „creep-controlled wheelset" is discussed by comparison the simulation results with the dynamic behaviour of the special cases „solid-axle wheelset" and „loose wheelset" (independent rotation of the wheels). The stability is also investigated with a root-locus analysis.


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the mechanism of stock removal and the ground surface quality of advanced ceramics machined by a surface grinding process using diamond grinding wheels. The analysis of the grinding performance was done regarding the cutting surface wear behavior of the grinding wheel for ceramic workpieces. The ground surface was evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). As a result it can be said that the mechanism of material removal in the grinding of ceramic is largely one of brittle fracture. The increase of the h max can reduce the tangential force required by the process. Although, it results in an increase in the surface damage, reducing the mechanical properties of the ground component.


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During vehicle deceleration due to braking there is friction between the lining surface and the brake drum or disc. In this process the kinetic energy of vehicle is turned into thermal energy that raises temperature of the components. The heating of the brake system in the course of braking is a great problem, because besides damaging the system, it may also affect the wheel and tire, which can cause accidents. In search of the best configuration that considers the true conditions of use, without passing the safety limits, models and formulations are presented with respect to the brake system, considering different braking conditions and kinds of brakes. Some modeling was analyzed using well-known methods. The flat plate model considering energy conservation was applied to a bus, using for this a computer program. The vehicle is simulated to undergo an emergency braking, considering the change of temperature on the lining-drum. The results include deceleration, braking efficiency, wheel resistance, normal reaction on the tires and the coefficient of adhesion. Some of the results were compared with dynamometer tests made by FRAS-LE and others were compared with track tests made by Mercedes-Benz. The convergence between the results and the tests is sufficient to validate the mathematical model. The computer program makes it possible to simulate the brake system performance in the vehicle. It assists the designer during the development phase and reduces track tests.


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This paper presents a study on the dynamics of the rattling problem in gearboxes under non-ideal excitation. The subject has being analyzed by a number of authors such as Karagiannis and Pfeiffer (1991), for the ideal excitation case. An interesting model of the same problem by Moon (1992) has been recently used by Souza and Caldas (1999) to detect chaotic behavior. We consider two spur gears with different diameters and gaps between the teeth. Suppose the motion of one gear to be given while the motion of the other is governed by its dynamics. In the ideal case, the driving wheel is supposed to undergo a sinusoidal motion with given constant amplitude and frequency. In this paper, we consider the motion to be a function of the system response and a limited energy source is adopted. Thus an extra degree of freedom is introduced in the problem. The equations of motion are obtained via a Lagrangian approach with some assumed characteristic torque curves. Next, extensive numerical integration is used to detect some interesting geometrical aspects of regular and irregular motions of the system response.


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An Autonomous Mobile Robot battery driven, with two traction wheels and a steering wheel is being developed. This Robot central control is regulated by an IPC, which controls every function of security, steering, positioning localization and driving. Each traction wheel is operated by a DC motor with independent control system. This system is made up of a chopper, an encoder and a microcomputer. The IPC transmits the velocity values and acceleration ramp references to the PIC microcontrollers. As each traction wheel control is independent, it's possible to obtain different speed values for each wheel. This process facilities the direction and drive changes. Two different strategies for speed velocity control were implemented; one works with PID, and the other with fuzzy logic. There were no changes in circuits and feedback control, except for the PIC microcontroller software. Comparing the two different speed control strategies the results were equivalent. However, in relation to the development and implementation of these strategies, the difficulties were bigger to implement the PID control.


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The Age of Speed:Automobility’s Gender in the 1920s Finland The aim of this study is to analyze the connections between automobility and gender in Finland in the 1920s. In this study it is argued that the 1920s was the significant era in the Finnish history of automobility when many of the long-lasting gendered notions and cultural understandings were constructed. This study combines cultural history of technology with gender analysis. As the previous research on gender and technology has recognized, technology is a significant site of gender negotiations. Both from the cultural historical perspective and a gender perspective it is important to understand both technology and gender as cultural constructions. They were linked together and constructed each other. In other words: technology shapes gender and gender shapes technology. Historians of technology like Nina Lerman, Ruth Oldenziel and Arwen Mohun have argued that both gender and technology are about power: social, cultural, economic and political. In this study automobility means technology that can be analyzed in layers of identity, structures, institutions and representations. The source material consists of various types of historical sources, magazines and journals, advertisements, archival material together with films and literature. In the previous studies of the history of automobility gender has often been neglected. The term “gender” has also quite often been misunderstood. Some studies in the field have only focused on the early female drivers. However, far too little attention has been paid to the question, why automobility was considered as masculine sphere only. This study aims to give new insights to the previous interpretations of the history of automobility. As in various other countries also in Finland, the decade of the 1920s is characterized as a period of “modern times.” It was also the era of the automobiles. Although the number of cars in Finland was still low compared to the other European countries and the USA, in press, films and literature, images of automobiles and new women – and men – on the wheel became as an emblem of a new era. The thesis consists of three main chapters. The first main chapter focuses on the conflicts between drivers and non-drivers. The study shows how in the debate of the automobility “a driver” was constantly referred as a man and “a pedestrian” accordingly a woman, even though in the reality there were as much men and women walking on the streets and the roads. Thus, the public debate constructed and reconstructed the gendered traffic system where men were playing the key role. The second main chapter of the study analyses the automobile clubs and the cultural representations. The chapter answers the question how the concept of a driver was gendered. The Automobile clubs and the organizations of professional drivers were in a significant role in developing the early history of traffic in Finland. The Finnish Automobile Club (Suomen Automobiili Klubi, founded in 1919) was the oldest and the most powerful of all automobile organizations. The Finnish Automobile Club accepted women as members from the very beginning. The membership was strictly limited to the upper class and the very first female members were wives and daughters of the male members. However, Doctor of medicine and surgery 316 Karolina Eskelin (1867-1936) the founding member of the Club was an exception to that convention. The male members of the Finnish Automobile Club attended official international meetings and consulted Finnish authorities in traffic and road questions, whereas, female members joined car trips, picnics and social gatherings arranged by the club. Few young female members of the club drove in races and gross-country-tours. The cultural representations of drivers in the Finnish media in the 1920s both deconstructed and reconstructed the concept of gender. In Finnish press in general, motoring was seen as male dominated area. Men were represented as the experts of the automobility. The drivers’ uniforms and the automobile clubs underlined professionalism and expertise which, thus, got masculine meaning. Women were beautiful accessories in the car ads, but they were also becoming a new consumer group in the market. The representations of the female and the male drivers influenced and shaped actively the understandings of femininity and masculinity. In the third main chapter the analysis focuses on the automobile as an artifact.The automobile was considered as an artifact that primarily belonged to the masculine domain. However, the representations of the automobiles were ambivalent. The automobile was both masculine and feminine depending on the context. The representations of the automobile were also used to construct the discourse of heteronormativity.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Recently, due to the increasing total construction and transportation cost and difficulties associated with handling massive structural components or assemblies, there has been increasing financial pressure to reduce structural weight. Furthermore, advances in material technology coupled with continuing advances in design tools and techniques have encouraged engineers to vary and combine materials, offering new opportunities to reduce the weight of mechanical structures. These new lower mass systems, however, are more susceptible to inherent imbalances, a weakness that can result in higher shock and harmonic resonances which leads to poor structural dynamic performances. The objective of this thesis is the modeling of layered sheet steel elements, to accurately predict dynamic performance. During the development of the layered sheet steel model, the numerical modeling approach, the Finite Element Analysis and the Experimental Modal Analysis are applied in building a modal model of the layered sheet steel elements. Furthermore, in view of getting a better understanding of the dynamic behavior of layered sheet steel, several binding methods have been studied to understand and demonstrate how a binding method affects the dynamic behavior of layered sheet steel elements when compared to single homogeneous steel plate. Based on the developed layered sheet steel model, the dynamic behavior of a lightweight wheel structure to be used as the structure for the stator of an outer rotor Direct-Drive Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator designed for high-power wind turbines is studied.


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Teiden liukkauden mittaaminen on herättänyt kiinnostusta viime vuosina. Liikenneturvallisuutta pystyttäisiin parantamaan ja teiden talvikunnossapitoa tehostamaan, mikäli kitkakerroin voitaisiin mitata tiestöä käyttävissä ajoneuvoissa. Tässä työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan ajoneuvon pituussuuntaiseen dynamiikkaan perustuva kitkakertoimen mittausjärjestelmä. Pyörien luisto ja ajoneuvon nopeus, sekä pyöriin ja ajoneuvoon kohdistuvat voimat selvitetään CAN – väylästä luettavien ajoneuvon antureiden ja IMU:n avulla. Järjestelmää simuloidaan käyttämällä Matlab:ia ja testataan käytännössä VW Transporter pakettiautossa. Testitulokset osoittavat järjestelmän toimivan tarkasti ja että ajoneuvon dynamiikkaan perustuvan kitkakertoimen mittauksen on käyttökelpoinen ja kustannustehokas tapa teiden liukkauden valvomiseen.


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Sleep-related complaints have become a highlight for physicians as well as public health administrators. Studies of sleep patterns and sleep-related complaints of shift workers have been useful in minimizing reduction in the quality of life due to the warping of the sleep-wake cycle. The objective of the present study was to assess patterns of sleep, sleep-related complaints as well as physical activity and scoring rates for depression and anxiety in interstate bus drivers. Data were obtained with a sleep questionnaire, with the Beck inventory for depression, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). A total of 400 interstate bus drivers from the northern, southern, central-western and south-eastern regions of Brazil were interviewed. Sixty percent of the subjects interviewed presented at least one sleep-related complaint, 16% admitted to have dozed at the wheel while on duty, and 41% stated that they exercised on a regular basis. Other sleep disturbance complaints reported were: sleep latency 29'17"; physical fatigue, 59.8%; mental fatigue, 45.4%; sleepiness, 25.8%; irritability, 20.6%; insomnia, 37.5%, respiratory disturbances, 19.25% and snoring, 20.75%. Scores for anxiety and depression were not in the pathological range. The present data reinforce the view that bus drivers are generally discontent with shift work and its effects on sleep. Consequently, it is very important to establish an appropriate work schedule for drivers, besides implementing photo-therapy and physical activities in order to minimize sleepiness when driving.


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This master’s thesis has been done for Drive! –project in which a new electric motor solution for mobile working machines is developed. Generic simulation model will be used as marketing and development tool. It can be used to model a wide variety of different vehicles with and without electric motor and to show customer the difference between traditionally build vehicles and those with new electric motor solution. Customers can also use simulation model to research different solutions for their own vehicles. At the start of the project it was decided that MeVEA software would be used as main simulation program and Simulink will only be used to simulate the operation of electrical components. Development of the generic model started with the research of these two software applications, simulation models which are made with them and how these simulation models can be build faster. Best results were used for building of generic simulation model. Finished generic model can be used to produce new tractor models for real-time simulations in short notice. All information about model is collected to one datasheet which can be easily filled by the user. After datasheet is filled a script will automatically build new simulation model in seconds. At the moment generic model is capable of building simulation models for wide variety of different tractors but it can be easily altered for other vehicle types too which would also benefit greatly from electric drive solution. Those could be for example wheel loaders and harvesters.


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Thesis: A liquid-cooled, direct-drive, permanent-magnet, synchronous generator with helical, double-layer, non-overlapping windings formed from a copper conductor with a coaxial internal coolant conduit offers an excellent combination of attributes to reliably provide economic wind power for the coming generation of wind turbines with power ratings between 5 and 20MW. A generator based on the liquid-cooled architecture proposed here will be reliable and cost effective. Its smaller size and mass will reduce build, transport, and installation costs. Summary: Converting wind energy into electricity and transmitting it to an electrical power grid to supply consumers is a relatively new and rapidly developing method of electricity generation. In the most recent decade, the increase in wind energy’s share of overall energy production has been remarkable. Thousands of land-based and offshore wind turbines have been commissioned around the globe, and thousands more are being planned. The technologies have evolved rapidly and are continuing to evolve, and wind turbine sizes and power ratings are continually increasing. Many of the newer wind turbine designs feature drivetrains based on Direct-Drive, Permanent-Magnet, Synchronous Generators (DD-PMSGs). Being low-speed high-torque machines, the diameters of air-cooled DD-PMSGs become very large to generate higher levels of power. The largest direct-drive wind turbine generator in operation today, rated just below 8MW, is 12m in diameter and approximately 220 tonne. To generate higher powers, traditional DD-PMSGs would need to become extraordinarily large. A 15MW air-cooled direct-drive generator would be of colossal size and tremendous mass and no longer economically viable. One alternative to increasing diameter is instead to increase torque density. In a permanent magnet machine, this is best done by increasing the linear current density of the stator windings. However, greater linear current density results in more Joule heating, and the additional heat cannot be removed practically using a traditional air-cooling approach. Direct liquid cooling is more effective, and when applied directly to the stator windings, higher linear current densities can be sustained leading to substantial increases in torque density. The higher torque density, in turn, makes possible significant reductions in DD-PMSG size. Over the past five years, a multidisciplinary team of researchers has applied a holistic approach to explore the application of liquid cooling to permanent-magnet wind turbine generator design. The approach has considered wind energy markets and the economics of wind power, system reliability, electromagnetic behaviors and design, thermal design and performance, mechanical architecture and behaviors, and the performance modeling of installed wind turbines. This dissertation is based on seven publications that chronicle the work. The primary outcomes are the proposal of a novel generator architecture, a multidisciplinary set of analyses to predict the behaviors, and experimentation to demonstrate some of the key principles and validate the analyses. The proposed generator concept is a direct-drive, surface-magnet, synchronous generator with fractional-slot, duplex-helical, double-layer, non-overlapping windings formed from a copper conductor with a coaxial internal coolant conduit to accommodate liquid coolant flow. The novel liquid-cooling architecture is referred to as LC DD-PMSG. The first of the seven publications summarized in this dissertation discusses the technological and economic benefits and limitations of DD-PMSGs as applied to wind energy. The second publication addresses the long-term reliability of the proposed LC DD-PMSG design. Publication 3 examines the machine’s electromagnetic design, and Publication 4 introduces an optimization tool developed to quickly define basic machine parameters. The static and harmonic behaviors of the stator and rotor wheel structures are the subject of Publication 5. And finally, Publications 6 and 7 examine steady-state and transient thermal behaviors. There have been a number of ancillary concrete outcomes associated with the work including the following. X Intellectual Property (IP) for direct liquid cooling of stator windings via an embedded coaxial coolant conduit, IP for a lightweight wheel structure for lowspeed, high-torque electrical machinery, and IP for numerous other details of the LC DD-PMSG design X Analytical demonstrations of the equivalent reliability of the LC DD-PMSG; validated electromagnetic, thermal, structural, and dynamic prediction models; and an analytical demonstration of the superior partial load efficiency and annual energy output of an LC DD-PMSG design X A set of LC DD-PMSG design guidelines and an analytical tool to establish optimal geometries quickly and early on X Proposed 8 MW LC DD-PMSG concepts for both inner and outer rotor configurations Furthermore, three technologies introduced could be relevant across a broader spectrum of applications. 1) The cost optimization methodology developed as part of this work could be further improved to produce a simple tool to establish base geometries for various electromagnetic machine types. 2) The layered sheet-steel element construction technology used for the LC DD-PMSG stator and rotor wheel structures has potential for a wide range of applications. And finally, 3) the direct liquid-cooling technology could be beneficial in higher speed electromotive applications such as vehicular electric drives.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) may be important mediators of the profound molecular and cellular changes that occur after traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, the changes and possible roles of miRNAs induced by voluntary exercise prior to TBI are still not known. In this report, the microarray method was used to demonstrate alterations in miRNA expression levels in the cerebral cortex of TBI mice that were pretrained on a running wheel (RW). Voluntary RW exercise prior to TBI: i) significantly decreased the mortality rate and improved the recovery of the righting reflex in TBI mice, and ii) differentially changed the levels of several miRNAs, upregulating some and downregulating others. Furthermore, we revealed global upregulation of miR-21, miR-92a, and miR-874 and downregulation of miR-138, let-7c, and miR-124 expression among the sham-non-runner, TBI-non-runner, and TBI-runner groups. Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction data (RT-qPCR) indicated good consistency with the microarray results. Our microarray-based analysis of miRNA expression in mice cerebral cortex after TBI revealed that some miRNAs such as miR-21, miR-92a, miR-874, miR-138, let-7c, and miR-124 could be involved in the prevention and protection afforded by voluntary exercise in a TBI model.


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This project aims to design and manufacture a mobile robot with two Universal Robot UR10 mainly used indoors. In order to obtain omni-directional maneuverability, the mobile robot is constructed with Mecanum wheels. The Mecanum wheel can move in any direction with a series of rollers attached to itself. These rollers are angled at 45º about the hub’s circumference. This type of wheels can be used in both driving and steering with their any-direction property. This paper is focused on the design of traction system and suspension system, and the velocity control of Mecanum wheels in the close-loop control system. The mechanical design includes selection of bearing housing, couplers which are act as connection between shafts, motor parts, and other needed components. The 3D design software SolidWorks is utilized to assemble all the components in order to get correct tolerance. The driving shaft is designed based on assembled structure via the software as well. The design of suspension system is to compensate the assembly error of Mecanum wheels to guarantee the stability of the robot. The control system of motor drivers is realized through the Robot Operating System (ROS) on Ubuntu Linux. The purpose of inverse kinematics is to obtain the relationship among the movements of all Mecanum wheels. Via programming and interacting with the computer, the robot could move with required speed and direction.


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The overall objective of the thesis is to design a robot chassis frame which is a bearing structure of a vehicle supporting all mechanical components and providing structure and stability. Various techniques and scientific principles were used to design a chassis frame.Design principles were applied throughout the process. By using Solid-Works software,virtual models was made for chassis frame. Chassis frame of overall dimension 1597* 800*950 mm3 was designed. Center of mass lieson 1/3 of the length from front wheel at height 338mm in the symmetry plane. Overall weight of the chassis frame is 80.12kg. Manufacturing drawing is also provided. Additionally,structural analysis was done in FEMAP which gives the busting result for chassis design by taking into consideration stress and deflection on different kind of loading resembling real life case. On the basis of simulated result, selected material was verified. Resulting design is expected to perform its intended function without failure. As a suggestion for further research, additional fatigue analysis and proper dynamic analysis can be conducted to make the study more robust.