914 resultados para Wetlands construídos
Temporary wetlands undergo recurrent drought due to the scarcity of water, which disrupts the hydrological connectivity with adjacent aquatic systems. However, some environments retain water for longer periods, allowing greater persistence of the community. The current study evaluated differences in the microcrustacean assemblages and limnological variability between perennial and intermittent pools in a semi-arid region of Brazil. The abiotic features (water temperature, pH, total alkalinity, electrical conductivity and depth) of intermittent pools were affected more than perennial pools due to loss of water volume. This may have contributed to a higher average richness and diversity index in some intermittent pools and differences in the structure of the assemblages. The lowest species richness and diversity were recorded where physical factors, such as a large quantity of suspended solids and variability in the electrical conductivity of the water and pH, make the environment unsuitable for these organisms. These results suggest that community development in intermittent pools is interrupted by the dry season; when the water returns, due to rainfall or rising groundwater, each pond undergoes a different process of colonization. In these circumstances, the biological importance of temporary aquatic environments is clear, since such pools provide shelters and have an important role in the maintenance of the regional diversity of aquatic environments.
ABSTRACT Atlantirivulus riograndensis (Costa & Lanés, 2009) is a fish registered to the basin of Patos lagoon and the adjacent coastal plains in southern states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil, found in shallow water courses with that have large quantities of aquatic vegetation and forest edges. The objective of this study was to investigate the reproductive strategy and tactics of this species including the sex ratio, the length at first maturity, spawning type, fecundity and the possible associations among reproduction and abiotic factors. Sampling of specimens occurred in perennial wetlands within the Banhado dos Pachecos wildlife refuge, in the city of Viamão, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which is a conservation unit that belongs to an area of environmental protection in the Pampa Biome. The capture of 30 A. riograndensis specimens per month occurred from January to December of 2012. A total of 188 females and 172 males were captured and the total sex ratio was 1:1 in the sampled population. Sexual maturity of the species occurs after 13.59 and 11.92 mm (SL) for females and males, respectively. Both a multiple spawning and a long reproductive period (since August to March) were confirmed by the presence of post-ovulatory follicles that were observed through histological analysis and the values of the gonadosomatic index in females considered spawning capable. The average absolute fecundity of the species is of 19.33 (± 6.18) vitellogenic oocytes in mature ovaries. No significant relationship was found between mean GSI and the abiotic data. Reproductive tactics presented by A. riograndensis indicate a species with an opportunistic reproductive strategy, following the pattern of other species of the Rivulidae family.
Les zones humides han sofert durant anys les velles concepcions de gestió de l'aigua, promovent la seva dessecació fins els anys 60. Com a resposta han sorgit un seguit de directives europees i lleis estatals i autonòmiques per intentar recuperar i restaurar aquests hàbitats amenaçats.
Species distribution models (SDMs) are increasingly used to predict environmentally induced range shifts of habitats of plant and animal species. Consequently SDMs are valuable tools for scientifically based conservation decisions. The aims of this paper are (1) to identify important drivers of butterfly species persistence or extinction, and (2) to analyse the responses of endangered butterfly species of dry grasslands and wetlands to likely future landscape changes in Switzerland. Future land use was represented by four scenarios describing: (1) ongoing land use changes as observed at the end of the last century; (2) a liberalisation of the agricultural markets; (3) a slightly lowered agricultural production; and (4) a strongly lowered agricultural production. Two model approaches have been applied. The first (logistic regression with principal components) explains what environmental variables have significant impact on species presence (and absence). The second (predictive SDM) is used to project species distribution under current and likely future land uses. The results of the explanatory analyses reveal that four principal components related to urbanisation, abandonment of open land and intensive agricultural practices as well as two climate parameters are primary drivers of species occurrence (decline). The scenario analyses show that lowered agricultural production is likely to favour dry grassland species due to an increase of non-intensively used land, open canopy forests, and overgrown areas. In the liberalisation scenario dry grassland species show a decrease in abundance due to a strong increase of forested patches. Wetland butterfly species would decrease under all four scenarios as their habitats become overgrown
Pond-breeding amphibians are affected by site-specific factors and regional and landscape-scale patterns of land use. Recent anthropogenic landscape modifications (drainage, agriculture intensification, larger road networks, and increased traffic) affect species by reducing the suitable habitat area and fragmenting remaining populations. Using a robust concentric approach based on permutation tests, we evaluated the impact of recent landscape changes on the presence of the endangered European tree frog (Hyla arborea.) in wetlands. We analyzed the frequency of 1 traffic and 14 land-use indices at 20 circular ranges (from 100-m up to 2-km radii) around 76 ponds identified in western Switzerland. Urban areas and road surfaces had a strong adverse effect on tree frog presence even at relatively great distances (from 100 m up to 1 km). When traffic measurements were considered instead of road surfaces, the effect increased, suggesting a negative impact due to a vehicle-induced effect. Altogether, our results indicate that urbanization and traffic must be taken into account when pond creation is an option in conservation management plans, as is the case for the European tree frog in western Switzerland. We conclude that our easy-to-use and robust concentric method of analysis can successfully assist managers in identifying potential sites for pond creation, where probability of the presence of tree frogs is maximized.
L’objectiu del present estudi és comparar els vectors de paràmetres de l’aigua, producció de fangs, costos i personal entre 2 tipus d’instal·lacions EDAR al municipi de Begues; una ja existent amb tractament secundari i terciari mitjançant un reactor biològic i una potencial amb tractament secundari i terciari mitjançant aiguamolls construïts. La finalitat del projecte és determinar, gràcies a l’estudi dels principals vectors ambientals de la infraestructura i a altres estudiats per na Susana Forero Sánchez, quina de les 2 tipologies d’instal·lació s’ajusta més al territori i a les necessitats de tractament de les aigües del mateix. Els resultats de la investigació indiquen que tant els costos d’explotació com la producció de fangs i el personal donen avantatge als aiguamolls construïts, però els costos capitals i el tractament de nutrients són favorables per a la depuradora actual. Amb el projecte de Susana Forero Sánchez, les conclusions que es poden establir en referència a la decisió d’instal·lar una depuradora o una altra segons els vectors estudiats indiquen que l’EDAR sense aiguamolls té més probabilitat de ser escollida com la més adient per les necessitats del territori d’estudi.
L’objectiu del present estudi és comparar els vectors de superfície, consum energètic i integració en el medi entre 2 tipus d’instal·lacions EDAR al municipi de Begues; una ja existent amb tractament secundari i terciari mitjançant un reactor biològic i una potencial amb tractament secundari i terciari mitjançant aiguamolls construïts. La finalitat del projecte és determinar, gràcies a l’estudi dels principals vectors ambientals de la infraestructura i a altres estudiats per en Jordi Gómez Castillo, quina de les 2 tipologies d’instal·lació s’ajusta més al territori i a les necessitats de tractament de les aigües del mateix. Els resultats de la investigació indiquen que els aiguamolls construïts fan un ús més productiu del sòl però ocupen l’espai de reserva disponible amb el sistema de reactor biològic. A més, consumeixen 50kWh/dia menys que l’altra instal·lació, fet que implica un 7% menys d’emissions de CO2 anuals. Finalment, tenen una millor integració en el medi i proporcionen uns beneficis auxiliars afegits. Amb el projecte d’en Jordi Gómez Castillo, les conclusions que es poden establir en referència a la decisió d’instal·lar una depuradora o una altra indiquen que l’EDAR sense aiguamolls té més probabilitat de ser escollida com la més adient per les necessitats del territori d’estudi.
Western European landscapes have drastically changed since the 1950s, with agricultural intensifications and the spread of urban settlements considered the most important drivers of this land-use/land-cover change. Losses of habitat for fauna and flora have been a direct consequence of this development. In the present study, we relate butterfly occurrence to land-use/land-cover changes over five decades between 1951 and 2000. The study area covers the entire Swiss territory. The 10 explanatory variables originate from agricultural statistics and censuses. Both state as well as rate was used as explanatory variables. Species distribution data were obtained from natural history collections. We selected eight butterfly species: four species occur on wetlands and four occur on dry grasslands. We used cluster analysis to track land-use/land-cover changes and to group communes based on similar trajectories of change. Generalized linear models were applied to identify factors that were significantly correlated with the persistence or disappearance of butterfly species. Results showed that decreasing agricultural areas and densities of farms with more than 10 ha of cultivated land are significantly related with wetland species decline, and increasing densities of livestock seem to have favored disappearance of dry grassland species. Moreover, we show that species declines are not only dependent on land-use/land-cover states but also on the rates of change; that is, the higher the transformation rate from small to large farms, the higher the loss of dry grassland species. We suggest that more attention should be paid to the rates of landscape change as feasible drivers of species change and derive some management suggestions.
No conhecimento em Administração, não é simples encontrar a discussão sobre como sistematizar uma pesquisa acadêmica para a criação de métodos de gestão (frameworks). Como planejar uma pesquisa exploratória, qualitativa e interdisciplinar, para a geração de métodos de planejamento e gestão, é o foco neste trabalho. A pesquisa bibliográfica (desk research), a análise documental, a grounded theory e o estudo de caso são métodos de pesquisa que podem ser utilizados nos trabalhos que produzem sequências de etapas gerenciais, apesar da importância de muitos outros na pesquisa qualitativa. A contribuição empírica deste trabalho começa com a apresentação de diferentes métodos de gestão, aprovados recentemente em journals e conferências acadêmicas, e que foram construídos sob um método (processo) comum de pensamento. Na sequência, além da discussão de como estruturar uma pesquisa científica para a geração de métodos gerenciais, apresentam-se os processos para publicação (e reconhecimento) dessa linha de trabalho.
Com o objetivo de descrever a evolução da disciplina "Administração Aplicada à Enfermagem", no período de 1980 a 1995, estudou-se os planos de curso construídos pelos docentes responsáveis por sua elaboração e condução. Os textos dos itens "Objetivos e Conteúdo" foram analisados sob a ótica da Fenomenologia, sendo submetidos ao processo de análise de discurso proposto por Martins e Bicudo. Os resultados dos procedimentos empregados nessa análise permitiram a identificação de seis categorias de pensamento: Gerenciar em Enfermagem, Bases Ideológicas e Políticas do Gerenciar em Enfermagem, A Comunicação como Instrumento para Gerenciar, Gerenciamento de Recursos Físicos, Gerenciamento de Recursos Materiais e Gerenciamento de Recursos Humanos. As modificações observadas nos planos de curso ao longo do período estudado indicaram a ocorrência de dois momentos marcantes - um no fim da década de 80, com a reformulação das bases ideológicas nas quais se assentava a disciplina e outro ao fim do primeiro lustro da década de 90, com a reorganização curricular,. A identificação desta trajetória possibilitou o acompanhamento e a compreensão do desenvolvimento da disciplina, podendo trazer recursos para a análise de disciplinas correlatas ou da mesma disciplina em outros contextos e experiências.
Este artigo apresenta a sexualidade como uma construção cultural. Para fundamentar tal assertiva, é relatada uma pesquisa realizada com um grupo de onze mulheres de uma comunidade rural, no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e as narrativas foram analisadas qualitativamente, buscando, via ótica cultural, o significado dos depoimentos. A sexualidade é, aqui, contemplada a partir das vivências individuais, dos valores, das crenças, dos mitos e dos preconceitos, construídos ao longo da socialização de cada colaboradora. No final do texto, foram acrescentadas algumas reflexões que salientam a importância de tal interpretação cultural sobre os eventos, especialmente sobre a sexualidade para as enfermeiras.
Este é um estudo exploratório de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, que avalia o desempenho dos serviços de saúde na execução do DOT no domicílio em um município de grande porte. Para a análise quantitativa foram construídos indicadores que avaliaram a otimização dos recursos materiais/humanos e a efetivação da observação da ingestão da medicação. Identificou-se que o desempenho dos serviços é influenciado pela disponibilidade de recursos humanos/materiais, organização interna dos serviços e ausência do doente no domicílio. Para a análise qualitativa, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. A Debilidade de recursos materiais e humanos dos serviços de saúde e o Contexto sócio-cultural e econômico do doente foram identificados como os principais fatores que influenciam no desempenho dos serviços de saúde. Considera-se necessário uma permanente qualificação gerencial, organizativa e técnico-assistencial dos profissionais no controle da TB.