911 resultados para West Branch (Mich.)


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The article investigates the question, whether and in how far the travel behaviour of the former GDR inhabitants and the former FRG inhabitants has equalled since the years after the German reunification. A person-group specific analysis shows that the major differences still consist only in the elderly of age 60 and above. This is mainly due to the much slower process of motorization within this age group in the former GDR. In the younger age groups the adaption of the travel behaviour has almost been achieved; mainly as a consequence of the fast motorization process since 1990 in these age groups. Where differences are still valid, this stems firstly from worse supply conditions, especially with public transport, but also with road infrastructure, as can be seen by an overall lower system speed in the former GDR. A panel analysis shows, that the dynamics in terms of transport specific life style changes is far more relevant in the former GDR than former FRC. This is linked with higher mobility in the persons with such changes. These changes will probably come to an end once the economic development will have stabilised and the cohort with the biggest behavioural differences will gradually decrease.


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Tiivistelmä: Metaanivuo länsi-siperialaiselta suolta


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Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of 1973 and 1979 are compared to those of 1986 and 1990 in the Raccoon River basin, west-central Iowa. The profiles illustrate the 1979 and 1986 floods on the Raccoon, South Raccoon, and Middle Raccoon Rivers, the 1973 and 1986 floods on Walnut Creek, and the 1986 flood on Willow Creek and Mosquito Creek. The 1986 flood is the largest on record at U.S. Geological Survey streamflowgaging stations on the Middle Raccoon River tributary at Carroll, Middle Raccoon River near Bayard, Middle Raccoon River at Panora, and Walnut Creek at Des Moines. The 1990 flood discharge is the largest on record at U.S. Geological Survey crest-stage gaging stations on Hardin Creek near Farlin and on East Fork Hardin Creek near Churdan. The flood history given in this report describes rainfall conditions for floods that occurred during 1986 and 1990. Discharge for the 1990 flood on East Fork Hardin Creek near Churdan was 1.01 times larger than the 100-year recurrence-interval discharge.


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In the Catalonian Coastal Ranges, Paleozoic sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks crop out in severa1 areas, intruded by late tectonic Hercynian granitoids and separated by Mesozoic and Tertiary cover sediments. Large structures are often difficult to recognize, although a general east-west trend can be observed on the geological map. Deformation was accompanied by the development of cleavages and regional metamorphism. Green-schist facies rocks are prominent throughout the Ranges, while amphibolite facies are restricted to small areas. In low-grade areas, the main deformation phase generated south-facing folds with an axial plane cleavage (slaty cleavage in metapelitic rocks). The intersection lineation (Ss/Sl) and the axes of minor folds trend cast-west, as do all mapable structures. Late deformations generated coarse crenulations, small chevrons and kink-bands, all intersecting the slaty cleavage at high angles. In medium- to high-grade areas no major folds have been observed. In these areas, the main foliation is a schistosity and is often folded, giving centimetric to decimetric, nearly isoclinal intrafolial folds. In schists, these folds aremuchmore common than inother lithologies, and can be associated with a crenulation cleavage. All these planar structures in high-grade rocks are roughly parallel. The late Hercynian deformational events, which gave rise to the crenulations and small chevrons, also produced large (often kilometric) open folds which fold the slaty cleavage and schistosity. As aconsequence, alternating belts with opposite dip (north and south) of the main foliation were formed. With respect to the Hercynian orogenic belt, the Paleozoic outcrops of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges are located within the northern branch of the Ibero-Armorican arc, and have a relatively frontal position within the belt. The Carboniferous of the Priorat-Prades area, together with other outcrops in the Castellón Province, the Montalbán massif (Iberian Chain) and the Cantabrian zone (specially the Pisuerga-Carrión Province) probably form part of a wide area of foreland Carboniferous deposition placed at the core of the arc.


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Audit report on the City of West Union, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2013


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The Experimental Project was designated as Research Project No. HR-34, sponsored by the Iowa Highway Research Board and constructed by the Iowa Highway Commission. Construction was supervised cooperatively by Engineers of the Iowa Highway Commission and the Portland Cement Association. The objective of the experiment is to study the behavior of relatively thin portland cement concrete resurfacing courses placed with bond on old concrete pavements. The phase of the problem being studied now, involves only pavements in which the old concrete is structurally sound.


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Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2013


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We sequenced 998 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b and 799 bp of nuclear gene BRCA1 in the Lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens group) over its geographic range from Portugal to Japan. The aims of the study were to identify the main clades within the group and respective refugia resulting from Pleistocene glaciations. Analyses revealed the Asian lesser white-toothed shrew (C. shantungensis) as the basal clade, followed by a major branch of C. suaveolens, subdivided sensu stricto into six clades, which split-up in the Upper Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene (1.9-0.9 Myr). The largest clade, occurring over a huge range from east Europe to Mongolia, shows evidence of population expansion after a bottleneck. West European clades originated from Iberian and Italo-Balkanic refugia. In the Near East, three clades evolved in an apparent hotspot of refugia (west Turkey, south-west and south-east of the Caucasus). Most clades include specimens of different morphotypes and the validity of many taxa in the C. suaveolens group has to be re-evaluated.


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Special investigation of the City of West Liberty for the period July 1, 2010 through January 31, 2014