983 resultados para Watergate Affair, 1972-1974


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This brochures has information on the celebration of the American Revolution and describes the duties of the Bicentennial Commission and State Heritage '76 committees. It tells how a person can help with the celebration and lists the members of the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission.


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Estudo documental dos artigos publicados no periódico Cadernos de Pesquisa sobre planejamento educacional. Foram analisados 35 trabalhos publicados na seção Planejamento Educacional, no período compreendido entre 1972 e 1986. Buscou-se analisar os textos dentro de uma perspectiva histórica sobre o desenvolvimento do planejamento educacional na América Latina. Procedeu-se com a análise documental, definindo-se dois níveis de análise, um em relação aos elementos textuais dos artigos e outro sobre o conteúdo veiculado. No primeiro nível de análise foram identificados textos de caráter analítico, sínteses de metodologias e experiências e guias de orientação. Em relação ao segundo nível de análise, observaram-se as seguintes categorias: a primeira compreendendo o planejamento educacional subordinado ao sistema econômico; a segunda, artigos que abordam temas e reflexões sobre o planejamento educacional; e a terceira categoria, trabalhos que fazem crítica ao planejamento educacional.


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Cova del Gegant is located near the city of Sitges (Barcelona, Spain). The cave is a small karst system which contains Upper Pleistocene archaeological and paleontological material (DauRa et al., 2005). The site was first excavated in 1954 and then in 1972 and 1974- (Viñas, 1972; Viñas & Villalta, 1975) and in 1985 and 1989 (maRtínez et al., 1985; moRa, 1988; maRtínez et al., 1990). Finally, in 2007, Grup de Recerca del Quaternari has restarted the archaeological research at Cova del Gegant (DauRa, 2008; DauRa et al., 2010). A human mandible was recovered during the first field season in 1954 and was recently published by DauRa et al. (2005). In the present study, we describe a new human tooth (left I2) that appeared, like the mandible, in a revision of the faunal material recovered from the site in 1974-1975. The specimen preserves the entire crown and the cervical two thirds of the root (Figure 1). The lack of the root apex makes it difficult to determine if the tooth was fully developed at the time of death. However, CT analysis reveals a pulp cavity that could be still open, suggesting root formation was incomplete. The specimen shows only slight dental wear corresponding to stage 2 of Molnar (1971 en Hillson, 1996). Morphologically, the crown shows slight shovelling and a lingual tubercle and appears similar to Neandertal incisors. Standard crown measurements (buccolingual diameter=7.7 mm; mesiodistal diameter= 7.3 mm) (Figure 2) suggest a fairly large tooth, particularly in the BL dimension, again resembling Neandertals in this regard. Discriminant analysis classified the Gegant incisor as Neandertal with a 99.8% posterior probability (Table 2). Association of this tooth with the previously described mandible is considered unlikely given the different ages at death estimated for each. Thus, there appear to be two individuals preserved in the sediments of the Gegant cave, one adult and one subadult (around 8-10 years old).


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El objeto de este artículo es el de dar a conocer, en la medida de lo posible, los resultados derivados de la revisión y nuevo estudio tipológico de los materiales líticos de la industria de los niveles solutrenses de la cueva del Parpalló. No es un dilema de fácil resolución el que se le presenta a un estudioso de la Prehistoria, y más concretamente del Paleolítico, a la hora de elegir su rama de estudio concreta; en nuestro caso particular abordamos la problemática de la tipología de la industria lítica paleolítica, que es en verdad tema extenso y trabajado por muchos investigadores. Las dos líneas hoy más en boga entre los paleolitistas son la propugnada por Mme. D. Sonneville-Bordes y J. Perrot (D. Sonneville-Bordes y J. Perrot, 1954-55-56) y por G. Laplace (Laplace, 1966, 1968, 1972 Y 1974 a) que no vamos a comentar aquí. La búsqueda de la mayor objetividad posible es la que, en nuestra opinión, debería decidir ya a los estudiosos del Paleolítico, sobre todo Superior, por el sistema tipológico analítico.


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Análise da revista Ciência da Informação, do IBICT, nas suas qualidades extrínsecas e intrínsecas. As primeiras, relativas à forma, incluem as seções, padrões bibliográficos e sistema de avaliação. As características intrínsecas abrangem a análise de conteúdo dos artigos, a produtividade de autores e padrões de autoria, tendo sido constatada tanto a sua repercussão nacional quanto internacional. O processo evolutivo da Ciência da Informação, na sua transformação para formato eletrônico , potencializou a disseminação e acesso universal à informação. Os resultados demonstram que o periódico Ciência da Informação é um espaço de discussão de temas relevantes e atuais da área, nos seus avanços, contribuindo para a consolidação e expansão da Ciência da Informação no Brasil.


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Después de breve y grave enfermedad ha muerto en Lagenthal, Suiza, el gran liquenólogo helvético Dr. E. Frey. A lo largo de su dilatada vida trabajó en el campo de la taxonomía de los liqúenes (monografía de Cladoniáceas y Umbilicariáceas en la Rabenhorst's Kryptogamenflora, 1933), y en los de la florística y de la fitosociología de los liqúenes, campo este último en el que debe considerársele pionero en la aplicación de la metodología sigmatista al estudio de las comunidades de liqúenes de los Alpes Suizos.


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The Iowa State Highway Commission purchased a Conrad automatic freeze and thaw machine and placed it in operation during October 1961. There were a few problems, but considering, the many electrical and mechanical devices used in the automatic system it has always functioned quite well. Rapid freezing and thawing of 4"x4"xl8" concrete beams has been conducted primarily in accordance with ASTM C-29l (now ASTM C-666 procedure B) at the rate of one beam per day. Over 4000 beams have been tested since 1961, with determination of the resulting durability factors. Various methods of curing were used and a standard 90 day moist cure was selected. This cure seemed to yield durability factors that correlated very well with ratings of coarse aggregates based on service records. Some concrete beams had been made using the same coarse aggregate and the durability factors compared relatively well with previous tests. Durability factors seemed to yield reasonable results until large variations in durability factors were noted from beams of identical concrete mix proportions in research projects R-234 and R-247. This then presents the question "How reliable is the durability as determined by ASTM C-666?" This question became increasingly more important when a specification requiring a minimum durability factor for P.C. concrete made from coarse aggregates was incorporated into the 1972 Standard Specification for coarse aggregates for concrete.


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One of the main problems of bridge maintenance in Iowa is the spalling and scaling of the decks. This problem stems from the continued use of deicing salts during the winter months. Since bridges will frost or freeze more often than roadways, the use of deicing salts on bridges is more frequent. The salt which is spread onto the bridge dissolves in water and permeates into the concrete deck. When the salt reaches the depth of the reinforcing steel and the concentration at that depth reaches the threshold concentration for corrosion (1.5 lbs./yd. 3 ), the steel will begin to oxidize. The oxidizing steel must then expand within the concrete. This expansion eventually forces undersurface fractures and spalls in the concrete. The spalling increases maintenance problems on bridges and in some cases has forced resurfacing after only a few years of service. There are two possible solutions to this problem. One solution is discontinuing the use of salts as the deicing agent on bridges and the other is preventing the salt from reaching or attacking the reinforcing steel. This report deals with one method which stops the salt from reaching the reinforcing steel. The method utilizes a waterproof membrane on the surface of a bridge deck. The waterproof membrane stops the water-salt solution from entering the concrete so the salt cannot reach the reinforcing steel.


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Includes discussion and findings by a key note speaker at Natural Resources Task Force Workshop on trends to do with Iowa's natural resources such as urban and rural development on agricultural land, cultivation, farm ownership, air quality, disposing of solid waste and the recreational needs and the possibility of creating new agencies to deal with natural resources planning and regulation.


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Research Project HR-124, "Development of a Laboratory Durability Test for Asphalts," was initiated in 1966 as a long-range comprehensive program. Its ultimate objective was to develop a simple, rapid laboratory test that could be used by highway engineers to select paving asphalt according to quality, to identify inferior asphalts, and to reasonably predict the useful life of asphalts once they were incorporated in the pavements.