990 resultados para Wall materials
Analyses of diffusion and dislocation creep in nanocrystals needs to take into account the generally utilized low temperatures, high stresses and very fine grain sizes. In nanocrystals, diffusion creep may be associated with a nonlinear stress dependence and dislocation creep may involve a grain size dependence.
An analysis has been carried out to study the non-Darcy natural convention flow of Newtonian fluids on a vertical cone embedded in a saturated porous medium with power-law variation of the wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injection with the streamwise distance x. Both non-similar and self-similar solutions have been obtained. The effects of non-Darcy parameter, ratio of the buoyancy forces due to mass and heat diffusion, variation of wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injection on the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers have been studied.
Rail track undergoes complex loading patterns under moving traffic conditions compared to roads due to its continued and discontinued multi-layered structure, including rail, sleepers, ballast layer, sub-ballast layer, and subgrade. Particle size distributions (PSDs) of ballast, subballast, and subgrade layers can be critical in cyclic plastic deformation of rail track under moving traffic on frequent track degradation of rail tracks, especially at bridge transition zones. Conventional test approaches: static shear and cyclic single-point load tests are however unable to replicate actual loading patterns of moving train. Multi-ring shear apparatus; a new type of torsional simple shear apparatus, which can reproduce moving traffic conditions, was used in this study to investigate influence of particle size distribution of rail track layers on cyclic plastic deformation. Three particle size distributions, using glass beads were examined under different loading patterns: cyclic sin-gle-point load, and cyclic moving wheel load to evaluate cyclic plastic deformation of rail track under different loading methods. The results of these tests suggest that particle size distributions of rail track structural layers have significant impacts on cyclic plastic deformation under moving train load. Further, the limitations in con-ventional test methods used in laboratories to estimate the plastic deformation of rail track materials lead to underestimate the plastic deformation of rail tracks.
Tutkielmani käsittelee yhdysvaltalaisen kirjailijan Paul Austerin (s. 1947) romaanituotannossa esiintyviä esteitä ja rajatiloja. Erityisesti olen kiinnostunut siitä, miten Auster liittää nämä "marginaalitilat" amerikkalaiseen vapauden ja laajentumisen ideologiaan sekä kieleen ja kirjoittamiseen. Austerin romaaneissa esteiden ja rajatilojen käsittely voidaan jakaa kolmeen vaiheeseen. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa henkilöt ovat vahvojen esteiden rajoittamia tai rakentavat niitä itse. Rajoittuneisuus ei kuitenkaan aina tunnu häiritsevän heitä - itse asiassa monet päähenkilöistä tuntevat itsensä onnellisiksi tai vähintäänkin tyytyväisiksi joutuessaan esteen takia pysähdyttämään vapaan liikkeensä. Toisessa vaiheessa henkilöt pyrkivät ylittämään tai rikkomaan esteen päästäkseen toiselle puolelle. Kuten amerikkalaiset esi-isänsä aikoinaan, he etsivät rajatonta, laajaa ja tyhjää tilaa - "suurta tuntematonta" valloitettavakseen. Tällaisen tilan kohdatessaan he joutuvat kuitenkin usein epävarmuuden valtaan. Kolmas vaihe on tutkielmani kannalta tärkein: välitila, josta käytän työssäni nimitystä "in-betweenity". Tähän vaiheeseen päästään kulkemalla ensin kahden muun vaiheen kautta. Juuri tietoisuus näistä kahdesta muusta vaiheesta synnyttää tämän kolmannen tilan, eräänlaisen rajatilan, jossa tajutaan sekä esteiden että esteettömyyden tärkeys. Tämä välitila on Austerille tyypillinen tila, joka kertoo paitsi amerikkalaisen unelman paradoksaalisuudesta myös (kaunokirjallisen) kielenkäytön prosessista. Monet Austerin kirjojen muurin rakentajista tai purkajista voidaan nähdä kirjailijahahmoina, joiden omituinen suhde esteisiin ja rajoihin kumpuaa juuri siitä rajatilasta, jonka asukkaita he kielentaiteilijoina väistämättä ovat. Tällaisen tilan/tilattomuuden kuvaaminen tekee Austerista oman postmodernin aikamme tärkeän kirjailijan - kirjailijan, joka sen sijaan, että pyrkisi eroon paradokseista, sijoittaa hahmonsa niiden sisään. Rajoihin ja esteisiin liittyvä problematiikka ei kuitenkaan ole pelkästään nykyajan ongelma vaan kysymys, joka ihmisen toisaalta rajoja kaipaavan toisaalta rajattomuutta kaipaavan luonteen vuoksi säilyy aina ajankohtaisena. Avainsanat: Paul Auster, este, muuri, raja, Yhdysvallat
The coefficients of thermal expansion reported by Worlton et al. [6] in the case of zircon are given in Table II along with the present data. Although Oql > or• in both cases, the anisotropy is more marked in the case of DyV04. From Table II, it is clear that the coefficient of volume expansion (,6) is almost the same for both compounds.
The constraint factor, C (given by the hardness-yield strength ratio H/Y in the fully lastic regime of indentation), in metallic glasses, is greater than three, a reflection of the sensitivity of their plastic flow to pressure. Furthermore, C increases with increasing temperature. In this work, we examine if this is true in amorphous polymers as well, through experiments on amorphous poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Uniaxial compression as well as spherical indentation tests were conducted in the 248-348 K range to construct H/Y versus indentation strain plots at each temperature and obtain the C-values. Results show that C increases with temperature in PMMA as well. Good correlation between the loss factors, measured using a dynamic mechanical analyzer, and C, suggest that the enhanced sensitivity to pressure is possibly due to beta-relaxation. We offer possible mechanistic reasons for the observed trends in amorphous materials in terms of relaxation processes.
Friction characteristics of journal bearings made from cast graphic aluminum particulate composite alloy were determined under mixed lubrication and compared with those of the base alloy (without graphite) and leaded phosphor bronze. All three materials ran without seizure while the performance of the particulate composite and leaded phosphor bronze improved with running. Temperature rise in the journal bearing under mixed/boundary lubrication was also measured. It was found that with 0.3D/1000 to 1.5D/1000 clearance and a low lubrication rate (typical value for a bearing of diameter 35 mm × length 35 mm is 80 mm3/min) and at a PV value of 73 × 106 Nm m−2 min−1 graphitic aluminium alloy journal bearings operate satisfactorily without seizure and excessive temperature rise. In comparison, the bronze bearings, with all the other parameters remaining the same, could not run without excessive temperature rise at clearances below D/1000 at lubrication rates lower than 200 mm3/min
Self-contained Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (NEMD) simulations using Lennard-Jones potentials were performed to identify the origin and mechanisms of atomic scale interfacial behavior between sliding metals. The mixing sequence and velocity profiles were compared via MD simulations for three cases, viz.: sell-mated, similar and hard-softvcrystal pairs. The results showed shear instability, atomic scale mixing, and generation of eddies at the sliding interface. Vorticity at the interface suggests that atomic flow during sliding is similar to fluid flow under Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and this is supported by velocity profiles from the simulations. The initial step-function velocity profile spreads during sliding. However the velocity profile does not change much at later stages of the simulation and it eventually stops spreading. The steady state friction coefficient during simulation was monitored as a function of sliding velocity. Frictional behavior can be explained on the basis of plastic deformation and adiabatic effects. The mixing layer growth kinetics was also investigated.
A novel method for screening bacterial isolates for their potential to inhibit the growth of ruminal methanogenic Archaea was developed using a modification of the soft agar overlay technique, formally used for the isolation of lytic bacteriophages. This method may be used in the specific, hydrogen-rich conditions required for the growth of ruminal methanogenic Archaea.
The properties of Co4Sb12 with various In additions were studied. X-ray diffraction revealed the presence of the pure δ-phase of In0.16Co4Sb12, whereas impurity phases (γ-CoSb2 and InSb) appeared for x = 0.25, 0.40, 0.80, and 1.20. The homogeneity and morphology of the samples were observed by Seebeck microprobe and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. All the quenched ingots from which the studied samples were cut were inhomogeneous in the axial direction. The temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient (S), electrical conductivity (σ), and thermal conductivity (κ) was measured from room temperature up to 673 K. The Seebeck coefficient of all In-added Co4Sb12 materials was negative. When the filler concentration increases, the Seebeck coefficient decreases. The samples with In additions above the filling limit (x = 0.22) show an even lower Seebeck coefficient due to the formation of secondary phases: InSb and CoSb2. The temperature variation of the electrical conductivity is semiconductor-like. The thermal conductivity of all the samples decreases with temperature. The central region of the In0.4Co4Sb12 ingot shows the lowest thermal conductivity, probably due to the combined effect of (a) rattling due to maximum filling and (b) the presence of a small amount of fine-dispersed secondary phases at the grain boundaries. Thus, regardless of the non-single-phase morphology, a promising ZT (S 2 σT/κ) value of 0.96 at 673 K has been obtained with an In addition above the filling limit.
Light gauge steel frame (LSF) wall systems are increasingly used in residential and commercial buildings as load bearing and non-load bearing elements. Conventionally, the fire resistance ratings of such building elements are determined using approximate prescriptive methods based on limited standard fire tests. However, recent studies have shown that in some instances real building fire time-temperature curves could be more severe than the standard fire curve, in terms of maximum temperature and rate of temperature rise. This has caused problems for safe evacuation and rescue activities, and in some instances has also lead to the collapse of buildings earlier than the prescribed fire resistance. Therefore a detailed research study into the performance of LSF wall systems under both standard fire and realistic fire conditions was undertaken using full scale fire tests to understand the fire performance of different LSF wall configurations. Both load bearing and non-load bearing full scale fire tests were performed on LSF walls configurations which included single layer, double layer, externally insulated wall panels made up of different steel sections and thicknesses of gypsum plasterboards. The non-load bearing fire test results were utilized to understand the factors affecting the fire resistance of LSF walls, while loading bearing fire test results led to development of simplified methods to predict the fire resistance ratings of load bearing LSF walls exposed to both standard and realistic design fires. This paper presents the results of full scale experimental study and highlights the effects of standard and realistic fire conditions on fire performance of LSF walls.
The heat pipe is an innovative engineering structure characterized by its capacity to transfer large quantities of heat through relatively small cross-sectional areas with very small temperature differences; it also possesses high thermal conductance and low thermal impedance. In recent times, heat pipes in various forms and designs have found a wide variety of applications. This paper briefly presents the basic concepts of heat pipes, recent innovations in design and their applications.
Cone penetrometer tests were carried out in a 140 mm diameter triaxial chamber by using a miniature cone of diameter 19.5 mm. The rate of cone penetration was varied from 0.01 mm/s to 0.1 mm/s. Tests were performed in (i) clean sand, (ii) silty sand, and (iii) sand added with fly ash. Two different effective vertical pressures (sigma(nu)), 100 kPa and 300 kPa, were employed. It was noted that for clean and silty sand, the effect of penetration rate on the ultimate tip resistance (q(cu)) of the cone was found to remain only marginal. On the other hand, for sand added with 30% fly ash, the variation in q(cu) values with penetration rate was found to become quite significant. The effect of penetratio rate on q(cu) in all the cases was found to increase with a decrease in the rate of cone penetration. It was noted that with an increase in sigma(nu), the effect of penetration rate on q(cu) was found to become smaller. The effect of the cone penetration rate on q(cu) generally reduces with an increase in the relative density of the material.