681 resultados para Video tracking
MP4 file - 8mins
Se analiza el uso del vídeo en el marco escolar como medio didáctico y como objeto de estudio, ambas perspectivas complementarias e interrelacionadas. Situar al vídeo dentro de la metodología audiovisual del quehacer didáctico y dar a conocer los usos potenciales, campos de aplicación, como elemento al servicio del profesor o en tareas de investigación son algunas de las propuestas del artículo.
A video markscheme was created using a combination of Camtasia screen capture (on a Tablet PC) and 'live action' video taken with a camcorder. The resulting video supported students in the self-assessment of an organic chemistry exercise which had been set over the Easter vacation break. Feedback was collected from the students after the exercise and was overwhelmingly positive. The video won the 2010 award for 'Most Effective Use of Video in an Educational Context' from the Assocation for Learning Technology. DOWNLOAD THE ZIP FOLDER AND EXTRACT THE FILES TO ACCESS THEM.
This video contains an overall description of DRM as an introduction, and a discussion about the controversy around DRM techniques.
A video made by physics for the AS/A Level Science & Art Competition
This short video is a demonstration of the University of Southampton's Post Graduate Research (PGR) Tracker software that PGR students use for recording and tracking their post graduate progression milestones and training. Click on the 'Download' link to watch the video with a clearer image.
This short video is a demonstration of the University of Southampton's Post Graduate Research (PGR) Tracker software that supervisors use for tracking and recording their post graduate student’s progression and viewing training records. Click on the 'Download' link to watch the video with a clearer image.
Our country is heading for a crisis. IT and computing are growing larger every day. With this comes an increasing skills shortage, so we need you to be the future of IT. Look ahead of you is an educational video, designed to teach you about the future of computing and why you should be a part of it.
This repository contains the coursework for group 7 - The Kamikaze Spanners for the module INFO2009. Our work consists of an educational movie/video on the legal and ethical issues raised by the use of Augmented Reality, a flyer in docx and pdf format and a readme.txt file. The two presenting slides used during lectures have also been uploaded to the repository, as per the coursework instructions. To view our video, please download and run it on any standard video player. Alternatively, our video can also be seen on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYXJ7Ma4RrQ
An educational resource set on Augmented Reality and whether it really is "A Vision of Tomorrow". Our educational video takes the audience on a journey through the current uses of AR, then to the future and we also discusses legal and ethical issues towards the end.
"Really, you don't say?" quiz show
a video called “Do You Know the Equality Act”. The video is aimed at undergraduate and A level students. This was produced by 17 and our name is “The 8 Team”. The group consists of Elizabeth Bolton, Aisha Guba, Zoe Butler, Caroline Lee, Yingyi Emily Liu, George Lovegrove and Annie Relfe. Our content is based on the topic of legal awareness through
Directory containing a teaching resource titled Movie Tech: Fantasy or Reality?, as well as a flyer promoting this resource and a file readme.txt which contains further information
Group 20 (km) "Kirk's Krew" is proud to present "Panorama: An Investigation into Augmented Reality," an exciting and entertaining video used for the general public which engages through a fast-paced investigatory style. You'll never forget the story of students Jake and Andrew as they seek to thwart the villianous schemes of Larry Beige with help and hindrance from AR! Explore the past, present and future of AR in a Panorama style investigation! ECS' very own Dr Enrico Costanza is on hand with years of expertise! For a full listing of share contents, please see readme.txt
Web 3.0 - Future Technology Awareness By Team "Time Management": Alejandro Saucedo - Video & Flyer Stephen Griffith - Website James Crickmere - Research Jack Kanani - Dictionary In this era you cannot afford being tech-illiterate as it is literally everywhere! This is why we did thorough research on the future of technology - Web 3.0! You can find all our resources at http://web3.hackasoton.com