453 resultados para Viajeros ingleses
May I start with two observations? First, men’s relations to feminism are problematic—there is always a gap, a gap between men and feminism; second, the gendering of men and masculinities is now recognised. There are several challenges here. The gender challenge concerns how to move from the presumed “genderlessness” of men towards the gender-consciousness of being a man/men. Another challenge concerns the “public/private,” the disruption of dominant narratives of “I” of men and the masculine “I.” There is also a temporal challenge, of moving away from simple linearity of the “I.” Together, these challenges can be seen as moving away from taken-for-granted “gender power-coherence” towards gender power-consciousness. To address these kinds of question means interrogating the uneven non-equivalences of what it means to be male, a man, masculine. This is not easily reduced to sex or gender. Rather gender/sex, or simply gex, helps to speak of such blurrings.
Foregrounding research among 16-21 year-old heterosexual male youth, this article provides an overview of the changing nature of masculinities in Anglo-American cultures. I suggest that cultural homophobia is rapidly decreasing among young men in these cultures, and that this has a profound impact on their gendered performances. I suggest that hegemonic masculinity theory is incapable of explaining these changes. Thus I introduce inclusive masculinity theory—and its principal heuristic concept, homohysteria—to make sense of the changing nature of young men’s masculinities.
Previous research has demonstrated that aggression and marginalization are key components of maintaining popularity within male peer groups. However, more recent ethnographic studies have documented a significant shift in young men’s attitudes and behaviours, with more inclusive masculinities flourishing. My previous research has examined friendship dynamics and popularity hierarchies among boys, showing that contemporary popularity is stratified by a boy’s charisma, authenticity, emotional support, and social fluidity. In this article, I draw upon ethnographic research to provide an intersectional analysis of how adolescent masculinities are influenced by class, age and sexuality
The theoretical and rhetorical apparatus that Halberstam deploys in Female Masculinity reflects an understanding of masculinity and of its relation with gender performativity that seems to be at odds with the most recognizable political objectives of his work. Given the importance of his work and, especially, of the rethinking of gender binarism, I will try to highlight what I see as a problematic subtext of Female Masculinity.
This article sets out to demonstrate how the exclusive equation of emotions with femininity is a cultural and historical construction. It analyzes the close, though often veiled, relationship between masculinity and sentiment in American culture and history, especially with a view to demonstrating the political potential of men’s emotions to transform the existing social order. The argument is that friendships and emotional attachments between men could contribute not only to enriching men’s emotional lives but also, and above all, to erasing sexism, racism, and homophobia from our societies. It is argued that men’s friendships with other men might play a fundamental role in promoting greater social equality, as a number of Walt Whitman’s poems, all of them written in the first person, will help illustrate.
The defeat of South Vietnam in 1975 transformed Vietnamese men into fleeing refugees, boat people, and state-sponsored asylees. Writing against the popular and scholarly representations of Vietnamese refugee men as incapacitated objects of rescue, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of the intimate, insightful, and intense portrayal of Vietnamese masculinities in lê thi diem thúy’s novel, The Gangster We Are All Looking For. Focusing on the “sad and broken” father in the novel, the article conceptualizes his bouts of domestic violence neither as a private family matter nor an example of individual failing, but as a social, historical, and transnational affair that exposes the conditions—war, urban neglect, poverty—under which Vietnamese masculinity is continually produced, negotiated and transformed.
Contemporary research on masculinities has focused on demonstrating how these are multiple, hierarchical, collective as well as individual, complex and contingent. In this article, I read Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections in the light of such recent theorizations. I propose to focus on the negotiation of what Demetriou has termed a masculine bloc, which is a space in which hegemonic and non-hegemonic masculinities coexist and, therefore, a strict duality between both categories is transcended. Next, I suggest focusing on the construction of masculinities as subject positions that are interwoven with different geographical levels. It is my contention that St. Jude, the fictional city for the Lamberts’ home in the Midwest, conforms the symbolic arena in which hegemonic masculinity is staged.
This article explores how Bless Me, Ultima and Heart of Aztlan, the two earliest novels by acclaimed Chicano writer Rudolfo Anaya, problematise and negotiate Chicano masculinity issues. I will focus on the main characters of the novels, who, at different vital moments of their lives, question the meaning of manhood amidst important socio-economic changes and conflicting cultural traditions. Anaya reveals the complexity of being “mestizo” in American society, and exposes how hegemonic standards of masculinity are Manichean, restrictive and reliant on gender inequality. I will finally examine whether the novels challenge hegemonic gender orders, successfully negotiate non-heterosexist ideals of manhood, and ultimately contribute to the advancement of egalitarian gender relations for the Chicana/o community
Having recently celebrated the bicentenary of Edgar Allan Poe’s birth, his tales still remain an invaluable source of ongoing interpretation. The first tale that conforms his detective trilogy, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, has been analysed from multiple perpectives, especially taking into consideration the discourse of race as a main focus of attention. Nonetheless, detective Auguste Dupin’s references to Georges Cuvier, an important preDarwinian French naturalist and zoologist, have often been unnoticed. This article aims at identifying pre-Darwinian concepts about selection and evolution in Poe’s tale so as to facilitate readings of the tale in relation to Darwinism and evolutionary theories
Non-finite clauses are sentential constituents with a verbal head that lacks a morphological specification for tense and agreement. In this paper I contend that these clauses are defective not only morphologically but also syntactically, in the sense that they all lack some of the functional categories that make up a full sentence. In particular I argue that to-infinitive clauses, gerund(ive) clauses and participial clauses differ among themselves, and with respect to other subordinate clauses, in the degree of structural defectiveness they display, which goes from the almost complete functional structure of the infinitive to the maximal degree of syntactic truncation of participial clauses (analyzed here as verbal small clauses). I also show the significant parallelism that exists in this respect between English and Spanish non-finite clauses, pointing to the implication this may have for a cross-linguistic approach to the cartography of syntactic structures.
El amplio mapa del Simbolismo europeo vivió un momento sobresaliente a finales del siglo XIX y con el cambio de siglo. Los simbolistas no convivieron como un grupo compacto. Fueron decadentes y estetas a los que unió una búsqueda y un espíritu común. Les interesó lo esotérico, lo secreto y crearon un nuevo mundo hermético con aquello que no está a simple vista en la realidad. Presentaron una irrealidad de ensueño aludiendo a contenidos en profundidad. La atención a lo subjetivo, a la apariencia no objetiva y la oscuridad romántica fueron antecedentes que anunciaron los contenidos cultivados por los simbolistas. La naturaleza difusa del Simbolismo se sirvió de justificaciones poéticas, literarias y filosóficas. Las referencias formales y poéticas atienden a sus dilatados contenidos. La emoción espiritual se adentra en lo intangible e indefinible de la magia simbolista. La influencia del Simbolismo en España se hace notar con cierto retraso y la cronología difiere de los ejemplos del resto de Europa. En el caso español nos movemos entre los años 1890 y 1930. Se ha distinguido un primer núcleo aventajado en Barcelona, con nombres propios como el de Rusiñol y el círculo de los Llimona. Posteriormente los artistas del entorno de Valle-Inclán y su tertulia en el madrileño Nuevo Café de Levante se convertirán en otro exponente que aglutine a artistas diversos. Las Exposiciones Nacionales de Bellas Artes y la repercusión crítica, también añaden información del impacto simbolista en el arte español. Además del núcleo madrileño existe un conjunto de referentes periféricos y artistas “olvidados” igualmente relevantes. Observando las obras simbolistas, se subraya una actitud común en estos artistas. Este talante es clave para trazar un hilo conductor entre los autores. Las formas varían, los significados se solapan y las señas visuales se alteran al no responder a unos cánones siempre fijos. Por ello, es la actitud lo que une a los pintores, escultores y literatos. Decadentismo, Dandysmo, Ocultismo o Esoterismo, son piezas añadidas a esta amalgama artística. Ser simbolista significa trascender más allá de la vida cotidiana. El simbolista accede y cultiva un universo enigmático, turbador y lírico. Es la vía para abandonar lo rutinario. El artista prefiere ensimismarse y regodearse en la creación. Una complicación añadida a su definición, es la falta de unidad estilística o unas características visuales siempre repetidas. Es importante prestar atención a los contenidos de fondo para distinguir puntos de encuentro comunes. Eso sí, los artistas españoles recibieron estas ideas e influencias de manera muy personal. También se añaden otros aspectos como los Regionalismos o la confrontación España Blanca - España Negra. Las fuentes de inspiración miran al Renacimiento, los Primitivos italianos o los Prerrafaelitas ingleses. Existen problemáticas, convivencias y diferentes ingredientes que se suman al discurso del Simbolismo español. El Modernismo, la Generación del 98, los Nacionalismos históricos, Orientalismo, Flamenquismo, Esteticismo, Wagnerianismo o el paisaje, revelan señas simbolistas. Extensión y posición del Simbolismo español en las afueras del Modernismo catalán es el título de esta Tesis Doctoral, en busca de una definición de un momento artístico complejo, rico y desbordante.