990 resultados para Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, marquis de, 1715-1747.


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This slip of paper contains a request from Harvard College President John Leverett to the College Treasurer John White to pay John Rogers for his work as library keeper, pursuant to a Harvard Corporation vote on September 27, 1714.


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This series contains seventeen handwritten sermons composed by Nicholas Sever and delivered in the Boston area between 1709 and 1722. Following the completion of his Master's degree at Harvard in 1704, Sever preached in towns around New England including Haverhill in 1709, Dover, New Hampshire (where he was ordained in 1711 and remained until 1715), and in Cambridge as part of his duties as a Harvard Tutor between 1716 and 1728. During these years, Sever also filled in for ministers in nearby parishes. Sever's sermons reflect these engagements, and he occasionally noted the dates and locations where the sermons were delivered in the margin of the first page of the sermon.


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This paper notebook contains abstracts of sermons attended between January 12, 1745/6 and November 15, 1747 in Kingston, Massachusetts, presumably by William Sever. The notebook lists the minister by last name, the location ("King." for Kingston), the date the sermon was delivered, the biblical passage used, and one-to-two-page entries on the sermon containing numbered notes and a section titled "Improvements and Applications." From the front of the volume, the pages contain entries for sermons attended between January 12 1745/6 through November 30, 1746, and there are no entries for June-September 1746. Sermon entries for December 7, 1746 to November 15, 1747 are written tête-bêche from the other end of the volume, and there are no entries for February-July 1747. Almost all of the sermons were delivered by Rev. William Rand, but there are sporadic sermons by additional ministers, who based on the last name are presumed to be John Angier (1701-1787; Harvard AB 1720), Ebenezer Gay (1696-1787; Harvard AB 1714), Nathaniel Eells (1678-1750; Harvard AB 1699), Josiah Torrey (1720-1783; Harvard AB 1741) and Daniel Shute (1722-1802; Harvard AB 1743).


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Small notebook with a handwritten copy of the 1692 College laws copied in Latin by Harvard undergraduate Warham Williams and signed by President John Leverett and Fellow Henry Flynt on November 13, 1715.


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List of the matriculating members of the Harvard Class of 1751.


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Harvard president John Leverett informs treasurer John White that the Harvard Corporation has voted to allocate funds for repairs to Stoughton College. Also includes a separate receipt for nails purchased in Boston for repairs in Stoughton College dated the same day.


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This notebook is missing at least one page, as it begins in the midst of a problem. It contains extensive notes on logarithms and various related examples, problems, and calculations. Prince made notes on the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of logarithms, as well as some notes on navigation. The last two pages of this notebook contain a draft of a letter from Prince to an unnamed gentleman in London, thanking him for his financial support. This is believed to have been written in June 1747, when Prince arrived in Portsmouth, England "without one six pence in [his] pocket & without Hat, Coat, Breeches, Shirts, Stockings or shoes fit to come up to London with." In the letter, he thanks this donor for his support and describes in detail his situation and the challenges facing him in leaving the Navy and beginning missionary work. He refers several times to Dr. Philip Bearcroft, the Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, who was responsible for his approval as a Missionary to the Moskito tribe.


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Almanac containing calendar pages with sporadic annotations of unidentified measurements and interleaved pages with short handwritten entries about Winthrop's daily activities, and astronomical and meteorological observations. The entries include personal notes about travel, the weather, deaths in the community, and the hiring and dismissal of servants.


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Notebook containing handwritten meteorologic observations and calculations made by John Winthrop for the years 1744 (18 pages), 1745 (23 pages), 1746 (15 pages), and 1747 (20 pages). The verso of the last page in the volume contains the note "presented June 16 1748.")


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Leather hardcover notebook containing a handwritten copy of John Winthrop's course of experimental and philosophical lectures presented between March 10, 1746 and June 16, 1746. The first one-hundred pages of the volume are divided into twenty chapters which were presented in thirty-three lectures. The chapters contain text and diagrams on mechanical powers, the lever, the pulley, the axis in peritrochio, the inclined plane, the wedge, the screw, compound engines, the laws of motion, gravity, attraction of cohesion, the power of repulsion, magnetism, fluids, electricity, opticks, and astronomy. There is a five-page addenda to the course summary added in 1747, and a sixty-page text titled "The Method of Astronomical calculations" containing thirteen problems related to calculating distances with a list of astronomical characters, and followed with charts related to the eclipse of Jupiter's satellites.


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The 1747 diary contains brief records (usually one or two a month) written in a small booklet of blank pages. The scattered entries focus on community news including local deaths and murder. The March 23 entry reads, "Will a Mulatto of Benj & Jno Walkers shot a negro of Jno Denny [Jun] he died on the spot." Entries in November recount the Boston Knowles Riot.