886 resultados para VSO order
Replaces and rescinds Iowa Workforce Executive Order #39. Rescinded by Exectuive Order #62.
Appoints the Des Moines resident-in-charge for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Adminstration as a nonvoting ex-officio member of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council.
Replaces and rescinds Executive Order #37.
Directs Department of Personnel to develop policy that will assist in continuing efforts to maintain a violence-free workplace.
Delegates the authority and responsibility for the Job Training Partnership Act to the Workforce Development Department(WDD). Replaces and rescinds Executive Order #24.
Assings the responsibility of meeting State's requirement to eastablish a Human Resource Investment Council, in conformance with P.L. 102-367. Rescinds Executive Order #53.
Delegates responibility to state agencies for making training available to employees who are responsible for services contracting. Rescind Exectuive Order #50, May 2, 1997. Rescinded Executive Order #25, Vilsack, June 4, 2002.
Assigns responsibility to coordinate disparate information technology and to provide enterprise-wide information technology services to the exectutive branch agencies to the Information Technology Services (ITS) director appointed by the Governor.
Rescinds Executive Order #54 and replaces it with a new team called the Primary Iowa Harzard Mitigation Team to coordinate state response to natural and technological disaters.
Establishes a nine-number committee for the Automated Fingerprint Identification System.
Amends Executive Order #48 only by changing the name from the Iowa Commission for National and Community Service to the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service.
Establish the Iowa Geographic Information Council.
Establish the Iowa Geographic Information Council.
Establishs the Council for continuous improvment in Education to facilitation statewide effort to prepare, recruit, induct, retrain effective educational infrastrucational
Higher-order expansions for compound distributions and ruin probabilities with subexponential claims