999 resultados para Urticária crónica espontânea
Amb les tres obres que conformen l'anomenat «Cicle del Pallars», Maria Barbal construeix un marc referencial compartit on hi coincideixen la temàtica i l'esforç de recuperació de la imatge i la memòria de la vida de les comarques pirinenques de Lleida de la primera meitat del segle XX. Barbal crea un univers literari a partir del relat dels personatges i recrea una realitat simbòlica però en cap cas mítica del Pallars. D'altra banda, el recull de relats La mort de Teresa (1986) comparteix amb les novel·les del Cicle temàtiques, plantejaments i personatges, alguns dels quals són desenvolupats més endavant en les novel·les. El nostre interès és determinar si els relats es vinculen amb les obres del Cicle a partir d'aquests elements i si formen part d'aquest plantejament antropològic que és la base de les tres novel·les i, per tant, si s'hauria de considerar la pertinença del recull al Cicle dins del conjunt de la producció barbaliana.
Crònica de les I Jornades de Didàctica de la Matemàtica de la Universitat de Vic, celebrades a la Facultat d’Educació de la Universitat de Vic, els dies 5 i 6 de maig de 2000, amb motiu de la declaració de l’any 2000 com l’Any Mundial de les Matemàtiques per part de la Unesco
La seguretat del pacient es considera una prioritat en l’assistència sanitària, activitat cada cop més complexa que comporta riscos potencials i en la que no existeix un sistema capaç de garantir l’absència d’efectes adversos, ja que es tracta d’una activitat en la que es combinen factors inherents al sistema com actuacions humanes (8). Els objectius específics s’han dividit en tres apartats segons les variables relacionades amb: la consulta de diàlisi; la satisfacció dels malalts amb el tracte, comunicació i informació rebuda per part dels professionals de la salut que atenen als malalts a la consulta; i amb els errors comesos per part dels professionals metges i infermers : Les dones se senten més satisfetes amb el tracte rebut per la infermera que els homes. Les expectatives dels participants respecte al que esperaven de la consulta superen l’esperada. Els professionals que treballen a la consulta pre diàlisi són persones sensibles respecte a la intimitat. La consulta de nefrologia aporta confiança, seguretat i satisfacció al pacient. Els malalts que no han patit l’experiència d’efectes indesitjables per l’assistència i per la mediació mostren més satisfacció en el tracte infermer que els que l’han patit. Aquesta relació no s’observa en la satisfacció amb el tracte mèdic.: Les dones se senten més satisfetes amb el tracte rebut per la infermera que els homes. Les expectatives dels participants respecte al que esperaven de la consulta superen l’esperada. Els professionals que treballen a la consulta pre diàlisi són persones sensibles respecte a la intimitat. La consulta de nefrologia aporta confiança, seguretat i satisfacció al pacient. Els malalts que no han patit l’experiència d’efectes indesitjables per l’assistència i per la mediació mostren més satisfacció en el tracte infermer que els que l’han patit. Aquesta relació no s’observa en la satisfacció amb el tracte mèdic
In the present paper, a historical view from spontaneous generation of life to Oparin-Haldane hypothesis was discussed. It was also showed what is the main concern of the field of prebiotic chemistry. Several aspects of prebiotic chemistry such as synthesis of biomolecules and biopolymers, primitive metabolism and genetic code, and the importance of the adsorption for the origin of life were discussed.
The paper discusses the problem of the literary genre of the Crónica sarracina from a peninsular and european points of view. It is considerer through the prism of a new kind of fiction, related to history and an incipient realism, which grows up along the 15th century. Moreover, it reveals new fragments inspired by Pedro de Corral from the catalan version of Seneca’s tragedies and from the Libro de los doce sabios
[esp]Se describe el accionar del literato catalán Ricardo Monner Sans, establecido en Buenos Aires en la última década del siglo XIX, que entre 1903 y 1927 contribuyó mensualmente su"Crónica Argentina" a la Revista Comercial Ibero-Americana MERCURIO de Barcelona. Los temas principales abordados en este artículo tratan las impresiones de Monner Sans acerca de las posibilidades económicas y mercantiles entre el país receptor y Cataluña, en especial a partir de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
This paper describes the adsorption of an oligothymidylate (pdT16) on nanoemulsions obtained by spontaneous emulsification procedures. Formulations were composed by medium chain triglycerides, egg lecithin, glycerol, water (NE) and stearylamine (NE SA). After optimization of operating conditions, the mean droplet size was smaller than 255 nm. Adsorption isotherms showed a higher amount of pdT16 adsorbed on cationic NE SA (60 mg/g) compared to NE (20 mg/g). pdT16 adsorption was also evidenced by the inversion of the zeta-potential of NE SA (from +50 to -30 mV) and the morphology of oil droplets examined through transmission electron microscopy. The overall results showed the role of electrostatic interactions on the adsorption of pdT16 on the oil/water interface of nanoemulsions.
Diaphragmatic hernia secondary to blunt or penetrating trauma is rarely by itself a fatal event. However, if unpercieved, it may lead to severe complications caused by herniation of abdominal contents to the ethorax. Blunt trauma related to car accidents is the most frequent cause of diaphragmatic hernias. Associated injuries are frequently observed, provoked by severe traumas of great impact. These blunt trauma hernias occur mainly on the left side due to abdominal anatomy, since the liver is usually located on the right side. When injuries are observed on the right they tend to be more severe, generally related to major trauma of solid organs. Less frequently diaphragmatic hernias may be bilateral. The management of diaphragmatic injury would appear to be a simple matter of suturing the defect. However, peroperative diagnosis can be difficult and even at the time of surgery some diaphragmatic injuries can be overlooked if carefull exploration is not done. Associated injuries tend to divert attention from the diaphragmatic injury. Laparoscopic diagnosis and repair have been described with successfull. Laparotomy or thoracotomy can be employed for surgical repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias. Standard (laboratory/imaging) examinations may fail to make the diagnosis. Recently, the laparoscopic approach has proved useful for more precise evaluation of such injuries, very often allowing immediate repair of these lesions.
Authors present two cases of spontaneous pyeloduodenal fistulas associated to suppurative kidney disease. In both cases the fistulas developed from pyonephrosis and perirenal abscesso Diagnosis was made through intravenous or retrograde pyelogram and two patients were successfully treated by nephrectomy and primary duodenorraphy. Authors present a literature review concluding that 72 additional cases of pyeloduodenal fistulas have been described.
Spontaneous perforation of the common bile duct is rare. It happens predominantly in children and it is related to obstructive disease of the biliary tract. We present a case of an 18 year-old male patient, with ulcerative rectocolitis associated with malignant tumor of the head of pancreas. The patient developed an acute abdomen syndrome and laparotomy, a spontaneous perforation of common bile duct was evidenced. The authors make a revision of the clinical aspects of that pathology.
Our objective is to report a case of a patient with a descending thoracic aortic aneurysm and chronic aortic dissection, who was submitted to an endovascular treatment. A 68-year-old male with coronary artery disease and hypertension, with no history of trauma, diabetes or smoking. He had myocardial infarction ten years ago. Under general anesthesia, the left femoral artery was surgically exposed and the left braquial artery was catheterized with a "pigtail" catheter, under Seldinger technique. The proximal 46mm/Æ and distal 34mm/Æ stent-graft was placed just distal to the origen of the left subclavian artery. Control arteriography showed that the lesion was completely excluded. The patient was discharged seven days after the surgery, when a computed tomographic control, was performed showing a sustained aneurysm exclusion and a satisfactory endovascular position.
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is defined as a laceration of the diaphragm with an abdominal viscera herniation into the thorax. It is usually asymptomatic, with the exception of the cases with obstruction, strangulation, necrosis or perforation of the herniaded viscera. It is classified as acute, latent or chronic, in accordance with the evolutive period. At the latent phase, symptoms are indefinite and the radiological signals, which are suggestive of thoracic affections, are frequent and can induce a diagnosis error, leading to inadequate treatment.This article presents a case of chronic traumatic diaphragmatic hernia which was complicated by a gastricpleuralcutaneous fistula, due to an inadequate thoracic drainage. Considering that this is a chronic affection with an unquestionable surgical indication, due to the complications risk, it is essential to have a detailed diagnostic investigation, which aims at both avoiding an intempestive or inadequate therapeutics behaviour and reducing the affection morbimortality. Recently, the videolaparoscopic approach has proved to be more precise when compared to the other diagnostic methods, by direct visualization of the diaphragmatic laceration, allowing its correction by an immediate suture.
Literature has been showing a tendency of reducing the limits of Whipple's resection. The main technical advance was the pylorus preserving resection, technique proposed by Traverso and Longmire in 1978. The pancreticoduodenectomy for chronic pancreatitis, is probably the best opportunity to apply this type of procedure. In these specific patients, the author preserved the pylorus and the third portion of the duodenum. The gastrointestinal transit was reconstructed by the duodenumduodenal anastomosis and the bile duct and the pancreas were drained in a Roux-en-way loop . Follow-up showed no important complication, with no problems related to gastric emptying and without pain.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as indicações, técnicas e resultados do tratamento cirúrgico de 74 pacientes operados por complicações da pancreatite crônica. MÉTODO: Foram pacientes consecutivos, estudados prospectivamente pelo preenchimento de um protocolo individual, no período de 1971 a 2000. Foram realizadas cirurgias de derivação e ressecção. O acompanhamento foi feito pelo agendamento de consultas no ambulatório, por convocação por cartas e telefonemas. RESULTADOS: Dos 270 pacientes com pancreatite crônica, acompanhados pelo Serviço, 74 (27,4%) foram operados. Destes 74 pacientes, 97,7% eram do sexo masculino e a idade variou de 15 a 63 anos, com média de 39,4 anos para alcoolistas e 33,1 para aqueles com outras etiologias. O alcoolismo foi a causa da doença em 68 pacientes (90,5%) e os outros casos estiveram relacionados a hiperparatiroidismo(1), pancreatite hereditária (1), fibrose retroperitoneal (1) e em três casos a etiologia não foi definida. As seguintes causas únicas ou associadas definiram a indicação cirúrgica:1. dor em 44,6% dos pacientes; 2. compressão de vias biliares em 28,4%; 3. pseudocistos em 12,2%; 4. fístulas internas em 10,8%. Cinqüenta pacientes (67,5%) foram submetidos a operações de derivação e 24 (32,5%) a cirurgias de ressecção. Oito pacientes derivados (16,0%) complicaram, ocorrendo três óbitos; dez ressecados (41,6%) complicaram, com cinco óbitos. Os óbitos estiveram relacionados a abscessos, às deiscências e às hemorragias cirúrgicas. CONCLUSÕES: As cirurgias de derivação mostraram-se mais seguras e as complicações que evoluíram com infecção foram as mais graves e ocorreram com mais freqüência nas ressecções.