1000 resultados para Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
En América Latina diversos escándalos de corrupción y malversaciónde recursos públicos están minando la confianza de la ciudadaníaen las instituciones democráticas, en todos los países de la región.La impunidad existente en casos de corrupción y la falta deaccountability dejan en duda a la democracia y la legitimidad delas instituciones. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar,primero, la importancia del fortalecimiento del accountability enAmérica Latina para mejorar la calidad de la democracia en la regiónpara, después, analizar específicamente el caso de Argentina,buscando identificar cuáles son los vacíos dentro del ordenamientojurídico que generan grandes riesgos de corrupción y evaluar cómosería posible mejorar esta situación.
Este estudo tem como objectivos conhecer o perfil do consumidor dos enchidos DOP/IGP/ETG da Região de Trás-os-Montes e descrever os seus hábitos de compra e consumo. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário que foi aplicado, directamente, à população do Concelho de Bragança, durante os meses de Junho e Julho de 2011. Neste estudo participam 376 indivíduos (43,4% do género masculino e 56,6% do género feminino) com uma média de 38,9 anos de idade (DP±16). Do total de respondentes, 53,5% são profissionalmente activo, 55,8% possuem até 12 anos de escolaridade e 51,6% residem na cidade de Bragança. A maioria dos inquiridos (58,8%) é consumidora de enchidos. Destes, mais de 80% afirma consumir enchidos da Região de Trás-os-Montes mas apenas 32% consome produtos DOP/IGP/ETG. Os produtos mais consumidos são as Alheiras de Mirandela (50%) e de Vinhais (45%), a Chouriça de Carne e o Salpicão de Vinhais (ambos com 41,3%).
Este trabajo de grado es un conjunto de crónicas que carácter experiencial, desde las cuales se narran las historias que viven los turistas en sitios inhóspitos como el desierto de la Tatacoa y la selva del Amazonas. Estos textos están orientados a mostrar el desarrollo del periodismo de turismo en Colombia.
A realidade atual concernente às cidades apresenta, aos pesquisadores, muitas questões, entre as quais algumas parecem-nos relevantes: os processos de urbanização e de produção do espaço urbano e as diversas formas de se apropriar dos espaços públicos. Este trabalho pretende problematizar as inter-relações entre as questões a partir do estudo de caso do Lago Igapó na cidade de Londrina-PR. No estudo aqui proposto, o recorte territorial é o da cidade de Londrina- PR. Desta forma, procurar-se-á colaborar para o debate sobre as articulações entre a produção e apropriação do espaço urbano, particularmente deste espaço público, procurando analisar e compreender o processo de valoração do uso do solo urbano em um espaço público onde se predomina a construção de residências de alto poder aquisitivo. Sendo assim, esta relação de espaço público com o privado, modifica, altera as inúmeras formas de apropriação e usos do espaço estudado? Destarte, pretendemos “olhar” para o papel dos agentes sociais urbanos no processo de reprodução espacial. São pontos nodais da pesquisa: as diversas formas de apropriação do espaço urbano por distintos agentes sociais; e seus diferentes significados para a população Londrinense; o consumo do espaço público e no espaço público do Lago Igapó, a busca de uma melhor “qualidade de vida”.
Este trabalho trata do processo de apropriação, produção e desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos/saberes necessários à docência em Geografia na escola básica e está baseada em tese de doutorado recentemente defendida junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia Humana na Universidade de São Paulo. No bojo das pesquisas que têm por escopo a profissionalização dos professores e seu principal corolário, os saberes docentes, pretende-se contribuir, de maneira geral, para o reconhecimento e maior valorização social do trabalho docente e, particularmente, com a melhoria dos processos de formação do professor de Geografia. Para tanto, além de pesquisa bibliográfica, que focaliza esse campo de investigação, obtiveram-se dados e informações em observações de aula e entrevistas com cinco professores experientes e especialistas nessa área do currículo escolar que atuam no município de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil.
Este trabalho trata do processo de apropriação, produção e desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos/saberes necessários à docência em Geografia na escola básica e está baseada em tese de doutorado recentemente defendida junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia Humana na Universidade de São Paulo. No bojo das pesquisas que têm por escopo a profissionalização dos professores e seu principal corolário, os saberes docentes, pretende-se contribuir, de maneira geral, para o reconhecimento e maior valorização social do trabalho docente e, particularmente, com a melhoria dos processos de formação do professor de Geografia. Para tanto, além de pesquisa bibliográfica, que focaliza esse campo de investigação, obtiveram-se dados e informações em observações de aula e entrevistas com cinco professores experientes e especialistas nessa área do currículo escolar que atuam no município de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil.
Este vídeo integra o curso Oftalmologia na Atenção Básica à Saúde (2016) que tem o objetivo de ampliar a capacidade de resolução clínico-oftalmológica na Atenção Básica à saúde. Vídeo ilustrativo sobre a opacificação do cristalino e a repercussão na visão.
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
A gestão do conhecimento abrange toda a forma de gerar, armazenar, distribuir e utilizar o conhecimento, tornando necessária a utilização de tecnologias de informação para facilitar esse processo, devido ao grande aumento no volume de dados. A descoberta de conhecimento em banco de dados é uma metodologia que tenta solucionar esse problema e o data mining é uma técnica que faz parte dessa metodologia. Este artigo desenvolve, aplica e analisa uma ferramenta de data mining, para extrair conhecimento referente à produção científica das pessoas envolvidas com a pesquisa na Universidade Federal de Lavras. A metodologia utilizada envolveu a pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental e o método do estudo de caso. As limitações encontradas na análise dos resultados indicam que ainda é preciso padronizar o modo do preenchimento dos currículos Lattes para refinar as análises e, com isso, estabelecer indicadores. A contribuição foi gerar um banco de dados estruturado, que faz parte de um processo maior de desenvolvimento de indicadores de ciência e tecnologia, para auxiliar na elaboração de novas políticas de gestão científica e tecnológica e aperfeiçoamento do sistema de ensino superior brasileiro.
Correio eletrônico como recurso didático no ensino superior: o caso da Universidade Federal do Ceará
O correio eletrônico é uma aplicação popular da Internet, constituindo-se um incentivo para os professores integrarem esse recurso tecnológico em suas disciplinas, podendo ser utilizado como uma técnica para aprimoramento do ensino-aprendizagem. Algumas disciplinas de cursos de graduação e de mestrado da Universidade Federal do Ceará vêm contemplando os alunos matriculados com a utilização do correio eletrônico, com o propósito de melhorar o intercâmbio das informações entre os alunos e entre estes e os professores. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo fundamental avaliar a opinião dos alunos sobre o uso do correio eletrônico e o sucesso instrucional proporcionado pela sua utilização. Aplicou-se um instrumento, contendo duas escalas de opinião, em uma amostra aleatória de 123 alunos de disciplinas que usam o correio eletrônico. Observou-se que somente 27,6% dos entrevistados apresentaram alto nível de concordância nos 13 itens da escala referentes à utilização do correio eletrônico como recurso. No entanto, 72,5% dos respondentes à escala com 12 itens sobre o sucesso instrucional e a troca de experiências apresentaram alto nível de concordância.
With the need of the companies in becoming more competitive within the market, it arises an incessant search for selective human potential, with a high level of capacity and low rotativity, which motivation results in production raise, quality optimization and waste reduction. This scenario requires a strategy development which advantages the Human Resources Quality Management. This way, the model of the Human System Audit (HSA), developed by the Spanish researchers Ouijano and Navarro, presents itself as an important tool to diagnosis and evaluation, contemplating the environment where the organization is inserted, its strategies, its organizational design, its processes and its organizational effectiveness. In this sense, the present study has identified the existent relation between the professional satisfaction and the Organizational Culture, based in the model HSA. The research has been a quantitative-descriptive one and has had as population the technical-administrative workers from the Federal Center of Technical Education of Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET RN). The data collection has occurred during May, 2008, by means of the application of a questionnaire in the HSA model. The sample was composed by 167 subjects, distributed among the Five units of the institution. It was used the factorial analysis, with the extraction method of main components and orthogonal rotation varimax, in order to extract the dimensions of the satisfaction and of the organizational culture and the calculation of Cronbach s Alpha coefficient, to evaluate the reliability of these dimensions. The factorial analysis of the satisfaction indicators has identified four factors,, all of them showing significance: gratefulness and relationship , self-realization , stability and security and physical conditions and social benefits . The result of the factorial analysis with the indicators of the organizational culture has extracted four factors and among them, three of them have obtained significance: Personal Satisfaction Style , Competitive-Denial-Power Style and the Conventional-Dependent Style . After identifying the dimensions of the satisfaction and culture found at CEFET-RN, it has been notice the existence or not of relation among them, through the application of Pearson s coefficient. It has been verified that all of the dimensions of the Professional satisfaction are correlated with some dimension of the organizational culture, having in outstand position, with higher intensity, the relation between the culture style of Personal Satisfaction and the satisfaction factor referring to the self-realization
In recent decades the public sector comes under pressure in order to improve its performance. The use of Information Technology (IT) has been a tool increasingly used in reaching that goal. Thus, it has become an important issue in public organizations, particularly in institutions of higher education, determine which factors influence the acceptance and use of technology, impacting on the success of its implementation and the desired organizational results. The Technology Acceptance Model - TAM was used as the basis for this study and is based on the constructs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, when it comes to integrated management systems due to the complexity of its implementation,organizational factors were added to thus seek further explanation of the acceptance of such systems. Thus, added to the model five TAM constructs related to critical success factors in implementing ERP systems, they are: support of top management, communication, training, cooperation, and technological complexity (BUENO and SALMERON, 2008). Based on the foregoing, launches the following research problem: What factors influence the acceptance and use of SIE / module academic at the Federal University of Para, from the users' perception of teachers and technicians? The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of organizational factors, and behavioral antecedents of behavioral intention to use the SIE / module academic UFPA in the perspective of teachers and technical users. This is applied research, exploratory and descriptive, quantitative with the implementation of a survey, and data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire applied to a sample of 229 teachers and 30 technical and administrative staff. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with the technique of partial least squares (PLS). Effected primarily to assess the measurement model, which were verified reliability, convergent and discriminant validity for all indicators and constructs. Then the structural model was analyzed using the bootstrap resampling technique like. In assessing statistical significance, all hypotheses were supported. The coefficient of determination (R ²) was high or average in five of the six endogenous variables, so the model explains 47.3% of the variation in behavioral intention. It is noteworthy that among the antecedents of behavioral intention (BI) analyzed in this study, perceived usefulness is the variable that has a greater effect on behavioral intention, followed by ease of use (PEU) and attitude (AT). Among the organizational aspects (critical success factors) studied technological complexity (TC) and training (ERT) were those with greatest effect on behavioral intention to use, although these effects were lower than those produced by behavioral factors (originating from TAM). It is pointed out further that the support of senior management (TMS) showed, among all variables, the least effect on the intention to use (BI) and was followed by communications (COM) and cooperation (CO), which exert a low effect on behavioral intention (BI). Therefore, as other studies on the TAM constructs were adequate for the present research. Thus, the study contributed towards proving evidence that the Technology Acceptance Model can be applied to predict the acceptance of integrated management systems, even in public. Keywords: Technology
This work addresses the relationship between University-Firm aims to understand the model of shared management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. This is a case study which sought to investigate whether the model of cooperation established by the two institutions brings innovation to generate technical-scientific knowledge and contribute to the coordination with other actors in the promotion of technological innovation. In addition to desk research the necessary data for analysis were obtained by sending questionnaires to the coordinators of projects in R&D at the company and university. Also, interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the study since its inception to the present day. This case study were analysed through the Resource-Based View and Interorganizational Networks theory. The sample data also stands that: searches were aligned to the strategic planning and that 29% of R&D projects have been successful on the scope of the proposed objectives (of which 11% were incorporated into business processes); which was produced technical and scientific knowledge caracterized by hundreds of national and international publications; thesis, dissertations, eleven patents, and radical and incremental innovations; the partnership has also brought benefits to the academic processes induced by the improved infrastructure UFRN and changing the "attitude" of the university (currently with national prominence in research and staff training for the oil sector). As for the model, the technical point of view, although it has some problems, it follows that it is appropriate. From the viewpoint of the management model is criticized for containing an excess of bureaucracy. From the standpoint of strategic allocation of resources from the legal framework needs to be reassessed, because it is focused only on the college level and it is understood that should also reach the high school given the new reality of the oil sector in Brazil. For this it is desirable to add the local government to this partnership. The set of information leads to the conclusion that the model is identified and named as a innovation of organizational arrangement here known as Shared Management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. It is said that the shared management model it is possible to exist, which is a simple and effective way to manage partnerships between firms and Science and Technology Institutions. It was created by contingencies arising from regulatory stand points and resource dependence. The partnership is the result of a process of Convergence, Construction and Evaluation supported by the tripod Simplicity, Systematization and Continuity, important factors for its consolidation. In practice an organizational arrangement was built to manage innovative university-industry partnership that is defined by a dyadic relationship on two levels (institutional and technical, therefore governance is hybrid), by measuring the quarterly meetings of systematic and standardized financial contribution proportional to the advancement of research. These details have led to the establishment of a point of interaction between the scientific and technological-business dimension, demystifying they are two worlds apart
The aim of this study was to investigate the social representation of technological education teachers at the Federal Technological Education Network. The survey was conducted from 2007 to 2010, and the respondents were 275 teachers, 135 of the Federal Center for Technological Education (CEFET in portuguese) in the state of Amazonas, in Manaus unit headquarters; 140 of the CEFET in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, a unit based in Natal. We adopt the concept of technological education as the top level of professional education, that is to say, the undergraduate programs of short duration called technological courses. The Federal Technological Education Network gathers hundreds of related institutions, coordinated and supervised by the Office of Vocational and Technological Education of the Ministry of Education. Although many of these institutions offer courses in technology education, no research addressing this subject from the perspective of Social Representations Theory (SRT) was found in the literature. We seek to unravel the social representation of technological education of the teachers by adopting the procedural approach of SRT. This is a qualitative approach, focusing on significant aspects of the representative activity and the formation mechanisms of the representation. Therefore, we search the socio-genesis of the representation in the articulations between discourses, social institutions and practices. We initiated the research through applying critical reading and an analytical perspective on the historical and regulatory documents of technological education in Brazil, from the early twentieth century to the present day. We adopt the Procedure for Multiple Classifications (PMC) from the Free Words Association Technique (FWAT) to access the elements of representational content. For the analysis of the data obtained with FWAT and selection of major words / phrases pertinent to the semantic field of education technology, we used Hamlet II software. For the data analysis of PMC and Free Classification (FC) we used the SPSS ® (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 17.0 and used the method of multidimensional scaling - Multidimensional scaling - (MDS). The output from the central MDS takes the form of a set of scatterplots - "perceptual maps" - of which the points are the elements of the representational content. For the FC data analysis we used the Scalogram Multidimensional Analysis (SMA) - which makes use of the original data in its raw form and allows categorical data to be interpreted in the map as measures of (di)similarity. In order to help with the understanding of the settings of the perceptual maps of FC, we used the Content Analysis of the discourse fragments of the teachers interviewed. The results confirm our initial hypothesis regarding the presence of a single plot among the socio-cognitive study subjects, which is the basis for a social representation of technological education in line with the historic assumption of the dichotomy between mental and manual labor. In spite of the three merging representational elements of the representational content, the perceptual maps compiled from the MSA statistics corroborates the dichotomy, with the exception of the map relating to the subgroup of teachers belonging to the humanities