882 resultados para Trends in tobacco smoking


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Numerosi lavori apparsi sulla letteratura scientifica negli ultimi decenni hanno evidenziato come, dall’inizio del XX secolo, la temperatura media globale sia aumentata. Tale fenomeno si è fatto più evidente dagli anni ’80, infatti ognuno degli ultimi tre decenni risulta più caldo dei precedenti. L’Europa e l’area mediterranea sono fra le regioni in cui il riscaldamento risulta più marcato, soprattutto per le temperature massime (dal 1951 sono cresciute di +0.39 °C per decennio) che hanno mostrato trend maggiori delle minime. Questo comportamento è stato osservato anche a scala nazionale (+0.25°C/dec per le massime e +0.20°C/dec per le minime). Accanto all’aumento dei valori medi è stato osservato un aumento (diminuzione) degli eventi di caldo (freddo) estremo, studiati attraverso la definizione di alcuni indici basati sui percentili delle distribuzioni. Resta aperto il dibattito su quali siano le cause delle variazioni negli eventi estremi: se le variazioni siano da attribuire unicamente ad un cambiamento nei valori medi, quindi ad uno shift rigido della distribuzione, o se parte del segnale sia dovuto ad una variazione nella forma della stessa, con un conseguente cambiamento nella variabilità. In questo contesto si inserisce la presente tesi con l’obiettivo di studiare l’andamento delle temperature giornaliere sul Trentino-Alto-Adige a partire dal 1926, ricercando cambiamenti nella media e negli eventi estremi in due fasce altimetriche. I valori medi delle temperature massime e minime hanno mostrato un evidente riscaldamento sull’intero periodo specialmente per le massime a bassa quota (`0.13 ̆ 0.03 °C/dec), con valori più alti per la primavera (`0.22 ̆ 0.05 °C/dec) e l’estate (`0.17 ̆ 0.05 °C/dec). Questi trends sono maggiori dopo il 1980 e non significativi in precedenza. L’andamento del numero di giorni con temperature al di sopra e al di sotto delle soglie dei percentili più estremi (stimate sull’intero periodo) indica un chiaro aumento degli estremi caldi, con valori più alti per le massime ad alta quota ( fino a +26.8% per il 99-esimo percentile) e una diminuzione degli estremi freddi (fino a -8.5% per il primo percentile delle minime a bassa quota). Inoltre, stimando anno per anno le soglie di un set di percentili e confrontando i loro trend con quelli della mediana, si è osservato, unicamente per le massime, un trend non uniforme verso temperature più alte, con i percentili più bassi (alti) caratterizzati da trend inferiori (superiori) rispetto a quello della mediana, suggerendo un allargamento della PDF.


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Sea level variation is one of the parameters directly related to climate change. Monitoring sea level rise is an important scientific issue since many populated areas of the world and megacities are located in low-lying regions. At present, sea level is measured by means of two techniques: the tide gauges and the satellite radar altimetry. Tide gauges measure sea-level relatively to a ground benchmark, hence, their measurements are directly affected by vertical ground motions. Satellite radar altimetry measures sea-level relative to a geocentric reference and are not affected by vertical land motions. In this study, the linear relative sea level trends of 35 tide gauge stations distributed across the Mediterranean Sea have been computed over the period 1993-2014. In order to extract the real sea-level variation, the vertical land motion has been estimated using the observations of available GPS stations and removed from the tide gauges records. These GPS-corrected trends have then been compared with satellite altimetry measurements over the same time interval (AVISO data set). A further comparison has been performed, over the period 1993-2013, using the CCI satellite altimetry data set which has been generated using an updated modeling. The absolute sea level trends obtained from satellite altimetry and GPS-corrected tide gauge data are mostly consistent, meaning that GPS data have provided reliable corrections for most of the sites. The trend values range between +2.5 and +4 mm/yr almost everywhere in the Mediterranean area, the largest trends were found in the Northern Adriatic Sea and in the Aegean. These results are in agreement with estimates of the global mean sea level rise over the last two decades. Where GPS data were not available, information on the vertical land motion deduced from the differences between absolute and relative trends are in agreement with the results of other studies.


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In Switzerland, the number, incidence, and cost of acute hospitalizations for major osteoporotic fractures (MOF) and major cardiovascular events (MCE) increased in both women and men between 2000 and 2008, although the mean length of stay (LOS) was significantly reduced. Similar trend patterns were observed for hip fractures and strokes (decrease) and nonhip fractures and acute myocardial infarctions (increase).


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It is crucial for aging societies to evaluate trends in cancer mortality rates of older adults. This study examined socio-demographic and regional characteristics specifically focused on the cancer mortality experience of older adults in Switzerland.


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Since the 1980s, the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled to over 30 percent of the adult population (Thorpe, 2004). Obesity is a key contributing factor to continually rising national healthcare costs. Addressing its negative implications is essential not only from a cost perspective, but also for the betterment of our nation¿s general health and wellbeing. Obesity is reportedly associated with a 35% increase in inpatient and outpatient spending, as well as a 77% increase in related necessary medications (Sturm, 2002). Obesity, which some have argued should be classified as a disease in itself, has roughly the same association with the development of chronic health conditions as does 20 years of aging (Sturm, 2002). Defined as ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, these obesity-related chronic health diagnoses ¿ like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension ¿ are in turn the primary drivers of current healthcare spending, as well as future predicted health expenditures. It is well established that lower socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with higher rates of obesity and the subsequent development of aforementioned obesity-related conditions. Socioeconomic status has traditionally been defined by education, income, and occupation (Adler, 2002); however, this study found empirical evidence for education being the most fundamental of these three SES indicators in determining obesity outcomes. For both men and women, as education levels increased, the likelihood of an individual being obese decreased. However, with less education, there was increased disparity between the obesity rates for men and women. Women consistently saw higher rates of obesity and were more impacted in terms of obesity onset by belonging to a lower SES category than men. In addition, this study assessed whether the impact of one¿s socioeconomic status on obesity-related health outcomes (specifically the negative impact low-SES as measured by education level) has changed over time. Results deriving from annual data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for all years from 2002 to 2012 indicate that the association between low-socioeconomic status and negative health outcomes has not increased in magnitude over the past decade. Instead, obesity rates have increased across the overall U.S. adult population, most likely due to a number of larger external societal factors resulting in increased caloric intake and decreased energy expenditure across every SES group. In addition, while the association between low-SES and obesity has not worsened, a consequence of the Great Recession has been a larger percentage of the U.S. population in lower-SES, which is still consistently subject to the same worse health outcomes.


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This project aimed to establish a comprehensive long-term projection of refugee migration trends in Serbia which would allow the different organisations engaged in caring for refugees to plan their work more effectively. Mr. Cvetkovic studied first the official records of numbers and origins of refugees and the various definitions used to describe refugees, exiled persons, etc., considering also the indication of nationality, i.e. Serb or Yugoslav, and the future intentions expressed by refugees. He concluded that more than three quarters of the total number of refugees in Serbia wish to remain in Serbia/Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and only 20% wish to repatriate. He concludes that the situation in relation to the ethnic-national structure of Serbia is extremely complicated, even to the point of chaos. One certainty is that sooner or later a huge majority of the refugees in Serbia today will be granted full citizenship and will then participate in the choice of the political system and the dominant national values and institutions of the country. The experiences of the refugees, as well as of their fellow nationals in Serbia, make it relatively unlikely that they will make rational choices that could produce a balance between civil democracy and national totalitarianism. Insofar as overall political relations within Serbia and its Federation with Montenegro develop along democratic lines, the civic identity of Serbs (as opposed to their national/ethnic status) can be expected to become stronger, and the civil and national to become an integral part of thinking which does not represent a challenge to the democratic state. This would help ensure that the migratory movements of the Serbs and of other national and ethnic groups in the region are motivated by economic rather than political or ethnic reasons.


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This contribution investigates the evolution of diet in the Pan – Homo and hominin clades. It does this by focusing on 12 variables (nine dental and three mandibular) for which data are available about extant chimpanzees, modern humans and most extinct hominins. Previous analyses of this type have approached the interpretation of dental and gnathic function by focusing on the identification of the food consumed (i.e. fruits, leaves, etc.) rather than on the physical properties (i.e. hardness, toughness, etc.) of those foods, and they have not specifically addressed the role that the physical properties of foods play in determining dental adaptations. We take the available evidence for the 12 variables, and set out what the expression of each of those variables is in extant chimpanzees, the earliest hominins, archaic hominins, megadont archaic hominins, and an inclusive grouping made up of transitional hominins and pre-modern Homo . We then present hypotheses about what the states of these variables would be in the last common ancestor of the Pan – Homo clade and in the stem hominin. We review the physical properties of food and suggest how these physical properties can be used to investigate the functional morphology of the dentition. We show what aspects of anterior tooth morphology are critical for food preparation (e.g. peeling fruit) prior to its ingestion, which features of the postcanine dentition (e.g. overall and relative size of the crowns) are related to the reduction in the particle size of food, and how information about the macrostructure (e.g. enamel thickness) and microstructure (e.g. extent and location of enamel prism decussation) of the enamel cap might be used to make predictions about the types of foods consumed by extinct hominins. Specifically, we show how thick enamel can protect against the generation and propagation of cracks in the enamel that begin at the enamel– dentine junction and move towards the outer enamel surface.