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Cysteine residues in proteins serve many important functions such as stabilizing and maintaining the three-dimensional conformation of many proteins(1), in enzyme catalysis, as a residue undergoing post-translational 2 and in the formation of DNA-binding modification domain of a class of transcriptional activators(3), It is also involved in biological redox coupling(4) and xenobiotic metabolism(5). Disulphide bonds formed by xenobiotic metabolism oxidation of cysteine residues have been used as a probe to study the structure/function relationships of proteins, Introducing novel disulphide bonds in proteins to increase their thermal stability and, therefore, the shelf life is an important goal of protein engineering(6,7), In addition, the thiol group of cysteine residue participates in a reaction termed as thiol/disulphide exchange reaction, the biological significance of this reaction being the theme of this review.


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A detailed theoretical study of solvation dynamics in water is presented. The motivation of the present study comes from the recent experimental observation that the dynamics of solvation of an ion in water is ultrafast and the solvation time correlation function decays with a time constant of about 55 fs. The slower decay in the long time can be described by a sum of two exponentials with time constants equal to 126 and 880 fs. The molecular theory (developed earlier) predicts a time constant equal to 52 fs for the initial Gaussian decay and time constants equal to 134 and 886 fs for the two exponential components at the long time. This nearly perfect agreement is obtained by using the most detailed dynamical information available in the literature. The present study emphasizes the importance of the intermolecular vibrational band originating from the O...O stretching mode of the O�H...O units in the initial dynamics and raises several interesting questions regarding the nature of the decay of this mode. We have also studied the effects of isotope substitution on solvation dynamics. It is predicted that a significant isotope effect may be observed in the long time. The experimental results have also been compared with the prediction of the dynamic mean spherical approximation (DMSA); the agreement is not satisfactory at the long time. It is further found that the molecular theory and the DMSA lead to virtually identical results if the translational modes of the solvent molecules are neglected in the former. DMSA has also been used to investigate the dynamics of solvation of a dipolar solute in water. It is found that the dynamics of dipolar solvation exhibit features rather different from those of ion solvation. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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The solvation dynamics of an excited coumarin dye molecule (C-480) enclosed within a restricted space have been studied using molecular hydrodynamic theory (MHT) and compared with the recent experimental findings. The solvation dynamics of the dye molecule within the cavity of a toroidal gamma-cyclodextrin molecule have been shown to be explained only in terms of the freezing of the solvent translational modes using MHT. The results of the theoretical calculation are in good agreement with the experimental results. The inertial components of the solvation time correlation function remain the same in both the restricted environment and in the free space. These results are interesting in the light of the simulation studies of Maroncelli and Fleming [J chem Phys, 89 (1988) 5044] which concludes that the participation of the different solvation shells in controlling the dynamics are much different. The earlier studies have been reviewed and the recent findings are discussed.


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Using a combination of a logarithmic spiral and a straight line as a failure surface, comprehensive charts have been developed to determine the passive earth pressure coefficients and the positions of the critical failure surface for positive as well as negative wall friction angles. Translational movement of the wall has been examined in detail, considering the soil as either an associated flow dilatant material or a non-dilatant material, to determine the kinematic admissibility of the limit equilibrium solutions.


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The unique features of a macromolecule and water as a solvent make the issue of solvation unconventional, with questions about the static versus dynamic nature of hydration and the, physics of orientational and translational diffusion at the boundary. For proteins, the hydration shell that covers the surface is critical to the stability of its structure and function. Dynamically speaking, the residence time of water at the surface is a signature of its mobility and binding. With femtosecond time resolution it is possible to unravel the shortest residence times which are key for the description of the hydration layer, static or dynamic. In this article we review these issues guided by experimental studies, from this laboratory, of polar hydration dynamics at the surfaces of two proteins (Subtilisin Carlsberg (SC) and Monellin). The natural probe tryptophan amino acid was used for the interrogation of the dynamics, and for direct comparison we also studied the behavior in bulk water - a complete hydration in 1 ps. We develop a theoretical description of solvation and relate the theory to the experimental observations. In this - theoretical approach, we consider the dynamical equilibrium in the hydration shell, defining the rate processes for breaking and making the transient hydrogen bonds, and the effective friction in the layer which is defined by the translational and orientational motions of water molecules. The relationship between the residence time of water molecules and the observed slow component in solvation dynamics is a direct one. For the two proteins studied, we observed a "bimodal decay" for the hydration correlation function, with two primary relaxation times: ultrafast, typically 1 ps or less, and longer, typically 15-40 ps, and both are related to the residence time at the protein surface, depending on the binding energies. We end by making extensions to studies of the denatured state of the protein, random coils, and the biomimetic micelles, and conclude with our thoughts on the relevance of the dynamics of native structures to their functions.


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Current analytical work on the effect of convection on the late stages of spinodal decomposition in liquids is briefly described. The morphology formed during the spinodal decomposition process depends on the relative composition of the two species. Droplet spinodal decomposition occurs when the concentration of one of the species is small. Convective transport has a significant effect on the scaling laws in the late-stage coarsening of droplets in translational or shear flows. In addition, convective transport could result in an attractive interaction between non-Brownian droplets which could lead to coalescence. The effect of convective transport for the growth of random interfaces in a near-symmetric quench was analysed using an area distribution function, which gives the distribution of surface area of the interface in curvature space. It was found that the curvature of the interface decreases proportional to time t in the late stages of spinodal decomposition, and the surface area also decreases proportional to t.


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Depth measures the extent of atom/residue burial within a protein. It correlates with properties such as protein stability, hydrogen exchange rate, protein-protein interaction hot spots, post-translational modification sites and sequence variability. Our server, DEPTH, accurately computes depth and solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) values. We show that depth can be used to predict small molecule ligand binding cavities in proteins. Often, some of the residues lining a ligand binding cavity are both deep and solvent exposed. Using the depth-SASA pair values for a residue, its likelihood to form part of a small molecule binding cavity is estimated. The parameters of the method were calibrated over a training set of 900 high-resolution X-ray crystal structures of single-domain proteins bound to small molecules (molecular weight < 1.5 KDa). The prediction accuracy of DEPTH is comparable to that of other geometry-based prediction methods including LIGSITE, SURFNET and Pocket-Finder (all with Matthew's correlation coefficient of similar to 0.4) over a testing set of 225 single and multi-chain protein structures. Users have the option of tuning several parameters to detect cavities of different sizes, for example, geometrically flat binding sites. The input to the server is a protein 3D structure in PDB format. The users have the option of tuning the values of four parameters associated with the computation of residue depth and the prediction of binding cavities. The computed depths, SASA and binding cavity predictions are displayed in 2D plots and mapped onto 3D representations of the protein structure using Jmol. Links are provided to download the outputs. Our server is useful for all structural analysis based on residue depth and SASA, such as guiding site-directed mutagenesis experiments and small molecule docking exercises, in the context of protein functional annotation and drug discovery.


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In nature, helical structures arise when identical structural subunits combine sequentially, the orientational and translational relation between each unit and its predecessor remaining constant. A helical structure is thus generated by the repeated action of a screw transformation acting on a subunit. A plane hexagonal lattice wrapped round a cylinder provides a useful starting point for describing the helical conformations of protein molecules, for investigating the geometrical properties of carbon nanotubes, and for certain types of dense packings of equal spheres.


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The dynamics of water molecules near an aqueous micellar interface is studied in an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of cesium pentadecafluorooctanoate (CsPFO) in water. The dipolar orientational time correlation function (tcf) and the translational diffusion of the water molecules are investigated. Results show that both the reorientational and the translational motion of water molecules near the micelle are restricted. In particular, the orientational tcf exhibits a very slow component in the long time which is slower than its bulk value by 2 orders of magnitude. This slow decay seems to be related to the slow decay often observed in experiments. The origin of the slow decay is analyzed.


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We consider the breaking of a polymer molecule which is fixed at one end and is acted upon by a force at the other. The polymer is assumed to be a linear chain joined together by bonds which satisfy the Morse potential. The applied force is found to modify the Morse potential so that the minimum becomes metastable. Breaking is just the decay of this metastable bond, by causing it to go over the barrier. Increasing the force causes the potential to become more and more distorted and eventually leads to the disappearance of the barrier. The limiting force at which the barrier disappears is D(e)a/2,D-e with a the parameters characterizing the Morse potential. The rate of breaking is first calculated using multidimensional quantum transition state theory. We use the harmonic approximation to account for vibrations of all the units. It includes tunneling contributions to the rate, but is valid only above a certain critical temperature. It is possible to get an analytical expression for the rate of breaking. We have calculated the rate of breaking for a model, which mimics polyethylene. First we calculate the rate of breaking of a single bond, without worrying about the other bonds. Inclusion of other bonds under the harmonic approximation is found to lower this rate by at the most one order of magnitude. Quantum effects are found to increase the rate of breaking and are significant only at temperatures less than 150 K. At 300 K, the calculations predict a bond in polyethylene to have a lifetime of only seconds at a force which is only half the limiting force. Calculations were also done using the Lennard-Jones potential. The results for Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials were rather different, due to the different long-range behaviors of the two potentials. A calculation including friction was carried out, at the classical level, by assuming that each atom of the chain is coupled to its own collection of harmonic oscillators. Comparison of the results with the simulations of Oliveira and Taylor [J. Chem. Phys. 101, 10 118 (1994)] showed the rate to be two to three orders of magnitude higher. As a possible explanation of discrepancy, we consider the translational motion of the ends of the broken chains. Using a continuum approximation for the chain, we find that in the absence of friction, the rate of the process can be limited by the rate at which the two broken ends separate from one another and the lowering of the rate is at the most a factor of 2, for the parameters used in the simulation (for polyethylene). In the presence of friction, we find that the rate can be lowered by one to two orders of magnitude, making our results to be in reasonable agreement with the simulations.


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In Neurospora crassa, multinucleate macroconidia are used for genetic transformation. The barrier for such a transformation can be either at the cell membrane level or at the nuclear membrane level. For assessment of these possibilities, a forced heterokaryon (containing two genetically marked nuclei and auxotrophic for histidine) of Neurospora crassa was transformed with a plasmid containing his-3(+) gene. The transformants, which could grow without histidine supplementation, were then resolved into component homokaryons to determine into which nucleus or nuclei the plasmid had entered. Our results suggest that the barrier for transformation in Neurospora crassa is at the nuclear level, not at the cell membrane level. In a heterokaryon containing two genetically distinct nuclei, plasmid DNA integrated into only one of the nuclear types at any instance, but never into both nuclear types. Thus, in Neurospora crassa, the competent nucleus is essential for the transformation event to take place, and at a given time only one type of nucleus is competent to take up the exogenous DNA. Genomic Southern analysis showed that the transformants harbor both ectopic and homologous integrations of the plasmid DNA. The type and number of integrations were reflected at the post-translational level, since the specific activity of histidinol dehydrogenase (the translation product of his-3+ gene) was variable among several transformants and always less than the level of the wild type.


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The analysis of propagation of a normal shock wave in CO2‐N2‐He or H2 or H2O system seeded with solid particles is presented. The variation of translational and vibrational temperatures of gas phase and the particle temperatures in the relaxation zone behind the shock front are given in graphical form. These results show that the peak value of population inversion and the width of the inversion zone are highest for He catalyst and lowest for H2O catalyst.


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An exact classical theory of the motion of a point dipole in a meson field is given which takes into account the effects of the reaction of the emitted meson field. The meson field is characterized by a constant $\chi =\mu /\hslash $ of the dimensions of a reciprocal length, $\mu $ being the meson mass, and as $\chi \rightarrow $ 0 the theory of this paper goes over continuously into the theory of the preceding paper for the motion of a spinning particle in a Maxwell field. The mass of the particle and the spin angular momentum are arbitrary mechanical constants. The field contributes a small finite addition to the mass, and a negative moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the spin axis. A cross-section (formula (88 a)) is given for the scattering of transversely polarized neutral mesons by the rotation of the spin of the neutron or proton which should be valid up to energies of 10$^{9}$ eV. For low energies E it agrees completely with the old quantum cross-section, having a dependence on energy proportional to p$^{4}$/E$^{2}$ (p being the meson momentum). At higher energies it deviates completely from the quantum cross-section, which it supersedes by taking into account the effects of radiation reaction on the rotation of the spin. The cross-section is a maximum at E $\sim $ 3$\cdot $5$\mu $, its value at this point being 3 $\times $ 10$^{-26}$ cm.$^{2}$, after which it decreases rapidly, becoming proportional to E$^{-2}$ at high energies. Thus the quantum theory of the interaction of neutrons with mesons goes wrong for E $\gtrsim $ 3$\mu $. The scattering of longitudinally polarized mesons is due to the translational but not the rotational motion of the dipole and is at least twenty thousand times smaller. With the assumption previously made by the present author that the heavy partilesc may exist in states of any integral charge, and in particular that protons of charge 2e and - e may occur in nature, the above results can be applied to charged mesons. Thus transversely polarised mesons should undergo a very big scattering and consequent absorption at energies near 3$\cdot $5$\mu $. Hence the energy spectrum of transversely polarized mesons should fall off rapidly for energies below about 3$\mu $. Scattering plays a relatively unimportant part in the absorption of longitudinally polarized mesons, and they are therefore much more penetrating. The theory does not lead to Heisenberg explosions and multiple processes.


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Significant advances have been made in our understanding of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) in terms of its structure, biochemical characteristics, post-translational modifications, interactomes, regulation and functions. In addition to yeast as a model several new systems have now been examined including flies, worms, plants as well as mammalian cells. This review discusses themes emerging out of studies reported on Hsp90 from infectious disease causing protozoa. A common theme of sensing and responding to host cell microenvironment emerges out of analysis of Hsp90 in Malaria, Trypanosmiasis as well as Leishmaniasis. In addition to their functional roles, the potential of Hsp90 from these infectious disease causing organisms to serve as drug targets and the current status of this drug development endeavor are discussed. Finally, a unique and the only known example of a split Hsp90 gene from another disease causing protozoan Giardia lamblia and its evolutionary significance are discussed. Clearly studies on Hsp90 from protozoan parasites promise to reveal important new paradigms in Hsp90 biology while exploring its potential as an anti-infective drug target. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (DOHH) catalyzes the final step in the post-translational synthesis of an unusual amino acid hypusine (N-(sic)-(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl) lysine), which is present on only one cellular protein, eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A). We present here the molecular and structural basis of the function of DOHH from the protozoan parasite, Leishmania donovani, which causes visceral leishmaniasis. The L. donovani DOHH gene is 981 bp and encodes a putative polypeptide of 326 amino acids. DOHH is a HEAT-repeat protein with eight tandem repeats of alpha-helical pairs. Four conserved histidine-glutamate sequences have been identified that may act as metal coordination sites. A similar to 42 kDa recombinant protein with a His-tag was obtained by heterologous expression of DOHH in Escherichia coli. Purified recombinant DOHH effectively catalyzed the hydroxylation of the intermediate, eIF5A-deoxyhypusine (eIF5A-Dhp), in vitro. L. donovani DOHH (LdDOHH) showed similar to 40.6% sequence identity with its human homolog. The alignment of L. donovani DOHH with the human homolog shows that there are two significant insertions in the former, corresponding to the alignment positions 159-162 (four amino acid residues) and 174-183 (ten amino acid residues) which are present in the variable loop connecting the N- and C-terminal halves of the protein, the latter being present near the substrate binding site. Deletion of the ten-amino-acid-long insertion decreased LdDOHH activity to 14% of the wild type recombinant LdDOHH. Metal chelators like ciclopirox olamine (CPX) and mimosine significantly inhibited the growth of L. donovani and DOHH activity in vitro. These inhibitors were more effective against the parasite enzyme than the human enzyme. This report, for the first time, confirms the presence of a complete hypusine pathway in a kinetoplastid unlike eubacteria and archaea. The structural differences between the L. donovani DOHH and the human homolog may be exploited for structure based design of selective inhibitors against the parasite.