845 resultados para Timing task
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of cover crops and timing of pre-emergence herbicide applications on soybean yield under no-tillage system. The experiment consisted of four cover crops (Panicum maximum, Urochloa ruziziensis, U. brizantha, and pearl millet) and fallow, in addition to four herbicide timings (30, 20, 10, and 0 days before soybean sowing), under no-tillage system (NTS), and of two control treatments under conventional tillage system (CTS). The experimental design was a completely randomized block, in a split-plot arrangement, with three replicates. Soybean under fallow, P. maximum, U. ruziziensis, U. brizantha, and pearl millet in the NTS and soybean under U. brizantha in the CTS did not differ significantly regarding yield. Soybean under fallow in the CTS significantly reduced yield when compared to the other treatments. The amount of straw on soil surface did not significantly affect soybean yield. Chemical management of P. maximum and U. brizantha near the soybean sowing date causes significant damage in soybean yield. However, herbicide timing in fallow, U. ruziziensis, and pearl millet does not affect soybean yield.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of ethephon and of abscisic acid (ABA) application timing on the color of 'Rubi' Table grape. Eight treatments were evaluated: control, without application; ethephon 500 mg L‑1 applied seven days after veraison (7 DAV); and two concentrations of ABA (200 and 400 mg L‑1) arranged with three application timings at 7 DAV, at 15 days before harvest (DBH), and at 7 DAV + 15 DBH. ABA does not modify physical‑chemical characteristics of the cluster and improves the color of grapes, especially when applied twice (7 DAV + 15 DBH) at the concentration of 400 mg L‑1.
A performance lower bound for quadratic timing recovery accounting for the symbol transition density
The symbol transition density in a digitally modulated signal affects the performance of practical synchronization schemes designed for timing recovery. This paper focuses on the derivation of simple performance limits for the estimation of the time delay of a noisy linearly modulated signal in the presence of various degrees of symbol correlation produced by the varioustransition densities in the symbol streams. The paper develops high- and low-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) approximations of the so-called (Gaussian) unconditional Cramér–Rao bound (UCRB),as well as general expressions that are applicable in all ranges of SNR. The derived bounds are valid only for the class of quadratic, non-data-aided (NDA) timing recovery schemes. To illustrate the validity of the derived bounds, they are compared with the actual performance achieved by some well-known quadratic NDA timing recovery schemes. The impact of the symbol transitiondensity on the classical threshold effect present in NDA timing recovery schemes is also analyzed. Previous work on performancebounds for timing recovery from various authors is generalized and unified in this contribution.
The suitable timing of capacity investments is a remarkable issue especially in capital intensive industries. Despite its importance, fairly few studies have been published on the topic. In the present study models for the timing of capacity change in capital intensive industry are developed. The study considers mainly the optimal timing of single capacity changes. The review of earlier research describes connections between cost, capacity and timing literature, and empirical examples are used to describe the starting point of the study and to test the developed models. The study includes four models, which describe the timing question from different perspectives. The first model, which minimizes unit costs, has been built for capacity expansion and replacement situations. It is shown that the optimal timing of an investment can be presented with the capacity and cost advantage ratios. After the unit cost minimization model the view is extended to the direction of profit maximization. The second model states that early investments are preferable if the change of fixed costs is small compared to the change of the contribution margin. The third model is a numerical discounted cash flow model, which emphasizes the roles of start-up time, capacity utilization rate and value of waiting as drivers of the profitable timing of a project. The last model expands the view from project level to company level and connects the flexibility of assets and cost structures to the timing problem. The main results of the research are the solutions of the models and analysis or simulations done with the models. The relevance and applicability of the results are verified by evaluating the logic of the models and by numerical cases.
This paper is concerned with the derivation of new estimators and performance bounds for the problem of timing estimation of (linearly) digitally modulated signals. The conditional maximum likelihood (CML) method is adopted, in contrast to the classical low-SNR unconditional ML (UML) formulationthat is systematically applied in the literature for the derivationof non-data-aided (NDA) timing-error-detectors (TEDs). A new CML TED is derived and proved to be self-noise free, in contrast to the conventional low-SNR-UML TED. In addition, the paper provides a derivation of the conditional Cramér–Rao Bound (CRB ), which is higher (less optimistic) than the modified CRB (MCRB)[which is only reached by decision-directed (DD) methods]. It is shown that the CRB is a lower bound on the asymptotic statisticalaccuracy of the set of consistent estimators that are quadratic with respect to the received signal. Although the obtained boundis not general, it applies to most NDA synchronizers proposed in the literature. A closed-form expression of the conditional CRBis obtained, and numerical results confirm that the CML TED attains the new bound for moderate to high Eg/No.
This paper provides a systematic approach to theproblem of nondata aided symbol-timing estimation for linearmodulations. The study is performed under the unconditionalmaximum likelihood framework where the carrier-frequencyerror is included as a nuisance parameter in the mathematicalderivation. The second-order moments of the received signal arefound to be the sufficient statistics for the problem at hand and theyallow the provision of a robust performance in the presence of acarrier-frequency error uncertainty. We particularly focus on theexploitation of the cyclostationary property of linear modulations.This enables us to derive simple and closed-form symbol-timingestimators which are found to be based on the well-known squaretiming recovery method by Oerder and Meyr. Finally, we generalizethe OM method to the case of linear modulations withoffset formats. In this case, the square-law nonlinearity is foundto provide not only the symbol-timing but also the carrier-phaseerror.
A firm that wishes to launch a new product to the market is faced with a difficult task of deciding what the best moment for the launch is. Timing may also be critical when a firm plans to adopt new processes or intends to head for new markets. The critical question the firm needs to tackle is whether it will try to reach the so-called first-mover advantage by acting earlier than its rivals. The first-mover position may reward the entrant with various opportunities to gain competitive advantage over later movers. However, there are also great risks involved in the early market entry, and sometimes the very first entrant fails even before the followers enter the market. The follower, on the other hand, may be able to free-ride on the earlier entrants' investments and gain from the languished uncertainties that characterize the new markets. According to the current understanding the occurrence of entry order advantages depends not only on the mechanism and attributes in the firm's environment that provide the initial opportunities but also on the firm's ability to capitalize on these advantage opportunities. This study contributes to this discussion by analyzing the linkages between the asset base of the firm, characteristics of the operating environment and the firm's entry timing orientation. To shed light on the relationship between the entry timing strategy and competitive advantage, this study utilizes the concept of entry timing orientation. The rationale for choosing this type of approach arises from the inability of previously employed research tools to reach the underlying factors that result in entry timing advantage. The work consists of an introductory theoretical discussion on entry timing advantages and of four research publication. The empirical findings support the understanding that entry timing advantage is related to the characteristics of the firm's operating environment but may also be related to firm-specific factors. This in turn suggests that some of the traditional ways of detecting and measuring first-mover advantage - which to some extent ignore these dimensions - may be outdated.
Résumé pour le grand public L'île de Fuerteventura (Canaries) offre l'occasion rare d'observer les racines d'un volcan océanique édifié il y a 25 à 30 millions d'années et complètement érodé. On y voit de nombreux petits plutons de forme et composition variées, témoignant d'autant d'épisodes de l'activité magmatique. L'un de ces plutons, appelé PX1, présente une structure inhabituelle formée d'une alternance de bandes verticales d'épaisseur métrique à hectométrique de roches sombres de composition pyroxénilique ou gabbroïque. Les pyroxénites résultent clairement de l'accumulation de cristaux de pyroxènes et non de la simple solidification d'un magma? Se pose dès lors la question de la nature du processus qui a conduit à l'accumulation verticale de niveaux concentrés en pyroxènes. En effet, les litages pyroxénitiques classiques sont subhorizontaux, car ils résultent de l'accumulation gravitaire des cristaux séparés du magma dont ils cristalli¬sent par sédimentation. Cette étude vise à identifier et comprendre les mécanismes qui ont engendré ce Iitage minéralogique vertical et l'im¬portant volume de ces faciès cumulatifs. Nous nous sommes également intéressés aux conditions de pression et de température régnant au moment de la mise en place du pluton, ainsi qu'à sa durée de vie et à sa vitesse de refroidis¬sement. Enfin une approche géochimique nous a permis de préciser la nature de la source mantellique des magmas liés à cette activité magmatique. PX1 est en réalité un complexe filonien formé à des conditions de pression et de température de 1-2 kbar et 1050- 1100°C; sa construction a nécessité au moins 150 km3 de magma. L'alternance d'horizons gabbroïques et pyroxéniti¬ques représente des injections successives de magma sous la forme de filons verticaux, mis en place dans un contexte régional en extension. L'étude des orientations des minéraux dans ces faciès révèle que les horizons gabbroïques enregistrent l'extension régionale, alors que les pyroxénites sont générées par une compaction au sein du pluton. Ceci suggère que le régime des contraintes, qui était extensif lors de l'initiation de la mise en place de PX1, est pério¬diquement devenu compressif au sein même du pluton. Cette compression serait liée à des cycles de mise en place où la vitesse de croissance du pluton dépassait celle de l'extension régionale. La différenciation observée au sein de chaque horizon, depuis des pyroxénites riches en olivine jusqu'à des pyroxé¬nites à plagioclase interstitiel et des gabbros, ainsi que la composition géochimique des minéraux qui les constituent suggèrent que chaque filon vertical s'est mis en place à partir d'un magma de composition identique, puis a évolué indépendamment des autres en fonction du régime thermique et du régime des contraintes local. Lorsque le magma en train de cristalliser s'est trouvé en compression, le liquide résiduel a été séparé des cristaux déjà formés et extrait du système, laissant derrière lui une accumulation de cristaux dont la nature et les proportions dépendaient du stade de cristallisation atteint par le magma au moment de l'extraction. Ainsi, les niveaux de pyroxénites à olivine (premier minéral à cristalliser) ont été formés lorsque le magma correspondant était encore peu cristallisé; à l'inverse, les py¬roxénites riches en plagioclase (minéral plus tardif dans la séquence de cristallisation) et certains gabbros à caractère cumulatif résultent d'une compression tardive dans le processus de cristallisation du filon concerné. Les liquides résiduels extraits des niveaux pyroxénitiques sont rarement observés dans PX1, certaines poches et filonets de com¬position anorthositique pourraient en être les témoins. L'essentiel de ces liquides a probablement gagné des niveaux supérieurs du pluton, voire la surface du volcan. L'origine du régime compressif périodique affectant les filons en voie de cristallisation est attribuée aux injections suivantes de magma au sein du pluton, qui se sont succédées à un rythme plus rapide que la vitesse de consolidation des filons. Des datations U/Pb de haute précision sur des cristaux de zircon et de baddeleyite ainsi que40Ar/39Ar sur des cris¬taux d'amphibole révèlent une initiation de la mise en place de PX1 il y a 22.1 ± 0,7 Ma; celle-ci a duré quelque 0,48 ± 0,22 à 0,52 ± 0,29 Ma. Ce laps de temps est compatible avec celui nécessaire à la cristallisation des filons individuels, qui va de moins d'une année lors de l'initiation du magmatisme à 5 ans lors du maximum d'activité de PX1. La présence de cristaux résorbés enregistrant une cristallisation complexe suggère l'existence d'une chambre mag¬matique convective sous-jacente à PX1 et périodiquement rechargée. Les compositions isotopiques des roches étu¬diées révèlent une source mantellique profonde de type point chaud avec une contribution du manteau lithosphéri- que métasomatisé présent sous les îles Canaries. Résumé L'intrusion mafique Miocène PX1 fait partie du soubassement superficiel (0.15-0.2 GPa, 1100 °Q d'un volcan d'île océanique. La particularité de ce pluton est l'existence d'alternances d'unités de gabbros et de pyroxénites qui met¬tent en évidence un litage magmatique vertical (NNE-SSW). Les horizons gabbroiques et pyroxénitiques sont constitués d'unités de différenciation métriques qui suggèrent tine mise en place par injections périodiques de filons verticaux de magma formant un complexe filonien. Chaque filon vertical a subi une différenciation parallèle à un front de solidification sub-vertical parallèle aux bords du filon. Les pyroxénites résultent du fractionnement et de l'accumulation d'olivine ± clinopyroxene ± plagioclase à partir d'un magma basaltique faiblement alcalin et sont interprétées comme étant des imités de différenciation tronquées dont le liquide interstitiel a été extrait par compaction. L'orientation préférentielle des clinopyroxènes dans ces pyroxe- nites (obtenues par analyse EBSD et micro-tomographique) révèle une composante de cisaillement simple dans la genèse de ces roches, ce qui confirme cette interprétation. La compaction des pyroxénites est probablement causée par a mise en place de filons de magma suivants. Le liquide interstitiel expulsé est probablement par ces derniers. Les clinopyroxènes des gabbros, montrent une composante de cisaillement pure suggérant qu'ils sont affectés par une déformation syn-magmatique parallèle aux zones de cisaillement NNE-SSW observées autour de PX1 et liées au contexte tectonique Miocène d'extension régionale. Ceci suggère que les gabbros sont liés à des taux de mise en place faibles à la fin de cycles d'activité magmatique et sont peu ou pas affectés par la compaction. L'initiation et la géométrie de PX1 sont donc contrôlées par le contexte tectonique régional d'extension alors que les taux et les volumes de magma dépendent de facteurs liés à la source. Des taux d'injection élevés résultent probable¬ment en une croissance du pluton supérieure à la place crée par cette extension. Dans ce cas de figure, la propagation des nouveaux dykes et l'inaptitude du magma à circuler à travers les anciens dykes cristallisés pourrait causer une augmentation de la pression non-lithostatique sur ces derniers, exprimée par un cisaillement simple et l'expulsion du liquide interstitiel qu'ils contiennent (documenté par les zones de collecte anorthositiques). Les compositions en éléments majeurs et traces des gabbros et pyroxenites de PX1 sont globalement homogènes et dépendent de la nature cumulative des échantillons. Cependant, de petites variations des concentrations en éléments traces ainsi que les teneurs en éléments traces des bordures de clinopyroxenes suggèrent que ces derniers ont subi un processus de rééquilibrage et de cristallisation in situ. L'homogénéité des compositions chimiques des échantillons, ainsi que la présence de grains de clinopyroxene résorbés suggère que le complexe filonien PX1 s'est mis en place au dessus d'une chambre magmatique périodiquement rechargée dans laquelle la convection est efficace. Chaque filon est donc issu d'un même magma, mais a subi une différenciation par cristallisation in situ (jusqu'à 70% de fraction¬nement) indépendamment des autres. Dans ces filons cristallisés, les minéraux cumulatifs subissent un rééquilibrage partiel avec les liquide interstitiel avant que ce dernier ne soit expulsé lors de la compaction (mettant ainsi un terme à la différenciation). Ce modèle de mise en place signifie qu'un minimum de 150Km3 de magma est nécessaire à la genèse de PX1, une partie de ce volume ayant été émis par le 'Central Volcanic Complex' de Fuerteventura. Les rapports isotopiques radiogéniques mesurés révèlent la contribution de trois pôles mantelliques dans la genèse du magma formant PX1. Le mélange de ces pôles HIMU, DMM et EM1 refléterai l'interaction du point chaud Cana¬rien avec un manteau lithosphérique hétérogène métasomatisé. Les petites variations de ces rapports et des teneurs en éléments traces au sein des faciès pourrait refléter des taux de fusion partielle variable de la source, résultant en un échantillonnage variable du manteau lithosphérique métasomatisé lors de son interaction avec le point chaud. Des datations U/Pb de haute précision (TIMS) sur des cristaux de zircon et de baddeleyite extraits de gabbros de PX1 révèlent que l'initiation de la cristallisation du magma a eu lieu il y a 22.10±0.07 Ma et que l'activité magmatique a duré un minimum de 0.48 à 0.52 Ma. Des âges 40Ar/39Ar obtenus sur amphibole sont de 21.9 ± 0.6 à 21.8 ± 0.3 Ma, identiques aux âges U/Pb. La combinaison de ces méthodes de datations, suggère que le temps maximum nécessaire à PX1 pour se refroidir en dessous de la température de fermeture de l'amphibole est de 0.8Ma. Ceci signifie que la durée de vie de PX1 est de 520 000 à 800 000 ans. La coexistence de cristaux de baddeleyite et de zircon dans un gabbro est attribuée à son interaction avec un fluide riche en C02 relâché par les carbonatites encaissantes lors du métamorphisme de contact généré par la mise en place de PX1 environ 160 000 ans après le début de sa mise en place. Les durées de vie obtenue sont en accord avec le modèle de mise en place suggérant une durée de cristallisation poux chaque filon allant de 1 an à 5 ans. Abstract The Miocene PX1 gabbro-pyroxenite intrusion (Fuerteventura, Canary Islands), is interpreted as the shallow-level feeder-zone (0.15-0.2 GPa and 1100-1120°C), to an ocean island volcano. The particularity of PX1 is that it displays a NNE-SSW trending vertical magmatic banding expressed by alternating gabbro and pyroxeriite sequences. The gabbro and pyroxenite sequences consist of metre-thick differentiation units, which suggest emplacement by pe¬riodic injection of magma pulses as vertical dykes that amalgamated, similarly to a sub-volcanic sheeted dyke com¬plex. Individual dykes underwent internal differentiation following a solidification front (favoured by a significant lateral/horizontal thermal gradient) parallel to the dyke edges. Pyroxenitic layers result from the fractionation and accumulation of clinopyroxene ± olivine ± plagioclase crystals from a mildly alkaline basaltic liquid and are interpre¬ted as truncated differentiation sequences, from which residual melts were extracted by compaction. Clinopyroxene mineral orientation in pyroxenites (evidenced by EBSD and micro X-ray tomography analysis) display a marked pure shear component, supporting this interpretation. Compaction and squeezing of the crystal mush is ascribed to the incoming and inflating magma pulses. The resulting expelled interstitial liquid was likely collected and erupted along with the magma flowing through the newly injected dykes. Gabbro sequences represent crystallised coalesced magma batches, emplaced at lower rates at the end of eruptive cycles, and underwent minor melt extraction as evi¬denced by clinopyroxene orientations that record a simple shear component suggesting syn-magmatic deformation parallel to observed NNF.-SSW trending shear-zones induced by the regional tensional Miocene stress-field. The initiation and geometry of PX1 is controlled by the regional extensional tectonic regime whereas rates and vo¬lumes of magma depend on source-related factors. High injection rates are likely to induce intrusion growth rates larger than could be accommodated by the regional extension. In this case, dyke tip geometry and the inability of magma to circulate through previously emplaced and crystallised dykes could result in an increase of non-lithostatic pressure on previously emplaced mushy dyke walls; generating strong pure-shear compaction and interstitial melt expulsion within the feeder-zone as recorded by the cumulitic pyroxenite bands and anorthositic collection zones. The whole-rock major and trace-element chemistry of PX1 gabbros and pyroxenites is globally homogeneous and controlled by the cumulate nature of the samples (i.e. on the modal proportions of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase and oxides). However, small variations of whole-rock trace-element contents as well as trace-element contents of clinopyroxene rims suggest that in-situ re-equilibration and crystallisation has occurred. Additionally, the global homogeneity and presence of complex zoning of rare resorbed clinopyroxene crystals suggest that the PX1 feeder- zone overlies a periodically replenished and efficiently mixed magma chamber. Each individual dyke of magma thus originated from a compositionally constant mildly alkaline magma and differentiated independently from the others reaching up to 70% fractionation. Following dyke arrest these are affected by interaction with the trapped interstitial liquid prior to its compaction-linked expulsion (thus stopping the differentiation process). This emplacement model implies that minimum amount of approximately 150 km3 of magma is needed to generate PX1, part of it having been erupted through the overlying Central Volcanic Complex of Fuerteventura. The radiogenic isotope ratios of PX1 samples reveal the contribution on three end-members during magma genesis. This mixing of the H1MU, EMI and DMM end-members could reflect the interaction of the deep-seated Canarian mantle plume with a heterogeneous metasomatic and sepentininsed lithospheric mantle. Additionally, the observed trace-element and isotopic variations within the same fades groups could reflect varying degrees of partial melting of the source region, thus tapping more or less large areas of the metasomatised lithospheric mantle during interac¬tion with the plume. High precision ID-TIMS U/Pb zircon and baddeleyite ages from the PX1 gabbro samples, indicate initiation of magma crystallisation at 22.10 ± 0.07 Ma. The magmatic activity lasted a minimum of 0.48 to 0.52 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar amphibole ages are of 21.9 ± 0.6 to 21.8 ± 0.3, identical within errors to the U/Pb ages. The combination of the 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb datasets imply that the maximum amount of time PX1 took to cool below amphibole Tc is 0.8 Ma, suggesting PX1 lifetime of 520 000 to 800 000 years. On top of this, the coexistence of baddeleyite and zircon in a single sample is ascribed to the interaction of PX1 with C02-rich carbonatite-derived fluids released from the host-rock carbonatites during contact metamorphism 160 000 years after PX1 initiation. These ages are in agreement with the emplacement model, implying a crystallisation time of less than 1 to 5 years for individual dykes.
In October 2011 the Task Force Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of the Association for Neuropsychopharmacology and Pharmacopsychiatry (AGNP) published an update (Pharmacopsychiatry 2011, 44: 195-235) of the first version of the consensus paper on therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) published in 2004. This article summarizes the essential statements to make them accessible to a wider readership in German speaking countries.
This thesis attempts to find whether scenario planning supports the organizational strategy as a method for addressing uncertainty. The main issues are why, what and how scenario planning fits in organizational strategy and how the process could be supported to make it more effective. The study follows the constructive approach. It starts with examination of competitive advantage and the way that an organization develops strategy and how it addresses the uncertainty in its operational environment. Based on the conducted literature review, scenario methods would seem to provide versatile platform for addressing future uncertainties. The construction is formed by examining the scenario methods and presenting suitable support methods, which results in forming of the theoretical proposition for supporter scenario process. The theoretical framework is tested in laboratory conditions, and the results from the test sessions are used a basis for scenario stories. The process of forming the scenarios and the results are illustrated and presented for scrutiny
Qualitative differences in strategy selection during foraging in a partially baited maze were assessed in young and old rats. The baited and non-baited arms were at a fixed position in space and marked by a specific olfactory cue. The senescent rats did more re-entries during the first four-trial block but were more rapid than the young rats in selecting the reinforced arms during the first visits. Dissociation between the olfactory spatial cue reference by rotating the maze revealed that only few old subjects relied on olfactory cues to select the baited arms and the remainder relied mainly on the visuo-spatial cues.