964 resultados para Thyroid hormone responsive
The use of chromic materials for responsive surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) based nanosensors is reported. The potential of nano-chromic SERRS is demonstrated with the use of the halochrome methyl yellow to fabricate an ultrasensitive pH optical sensor. Some of the challenges of the incorporation of chromic materials with metal nanostructures are addressed through the use of computational calculations and a comparison to measured SERRS and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra is presented. A strong correlation between the measured SERRS and the medium's proton concentration is demonstrated for the pH range 2-6. The high sensitivity achieved by the use of resonance Raman conditions is shown through responsive SERRS measurements from only femtolitres of volume and with the concentration of the reporting molecules approaching the single molecule regime.
Nunes, JA, Crewther, BT, Ugrinowitsch, C, Tricoli, V, Viveiros, L, de Rose Jr, D, and Aoki, MS. Salivary hormone and immune responses to three resistance exercise schemes in elite female athletes J Strength Cond Res 25(8): 2322-2327, 2011-This study examined the salivary hormone and immune responses of elite female athletes to 3 different resistance exercise schemes. Fourteen female basketball players each performed an endurance scheme (ES-4 sets of 12 reps, 60% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) load, 1-minute rest periods), a strength-hypertrophy scheme (SHS-1 set of 5RM, 1 set of 4RM, 1 set of 3RM, 1 set of 2RM, and 1set of 1RM with 3-minute rest periods, followed by 3 sets of 10RM with 2-minute rest periods) and a power scheme (PS-3 sets of 10 reps, 50% 1RM load, 3-minute rest periods) using the same exercises (bench press, squat, and biceps curl). Saliva samples were collected at 07:30 hours, pre-exercise (Pre) at 09:30 hours, postexercise (Post), and at 17:30 hours. Matching samples were also taken on a nonexercising control day. The samples were analyzed for testosterone, cortisol (C), and immunoglobulin A concentrations. The total volume of load lifted differed among the 3 schemes (SHS > ES > PS, p < 0.05). Postexercise C concentrations increased after all schemes, compared to control values (p < 0.05). In the SHS, the postexercise C response was also greater than pre-exercise data (p < 0.05). The current findings confirm that high-volume resistance exercise schemes can stimulate greater C secretion because of higher metabolic demand. In terms of practical applications, acute changes in C may be used to evaluate the metabolic demands of different resistance exercise schemes, or as a tool for monitoring training strain.
In recent years, magnetic nanoparticles have been studied due to their potential applications as magnetic carriers in biomedical area. These materials have been increasingly exploited as efficient delivery vectors, leading to opportunities of use as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) agents, mediators of hyperthermia cancer treatment and in targeted therapies. Much attention has been also focused on ""smart"" polymers, which are able to respond to environmental changes, such as changes in the temperature and pH. In this context, this article reviews the state-of-the art in stimuli-responsive magnetic systems for biomedical applications. The paper describes different types of stimuli-sensitive systems, mainly temperature- and pH sensitive polymers, the combination of this characteristic with magnetic properties and, finally, it gives an account of their preparation methods. The article also discusses the main in vivo biomedical applications of such materials. A survey of the recent literature on various stimuli-responsive magnetic gels in biomedical applications is also included. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Since the recombinant thyroid-stimulating hormone (rhTSH) is secreted by stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-hTSH) cells, a bioprocess consisting of immobilizing the cells on a substrate allowing their multiplication is very suitable for rhTSH recovering from supernatants at relative high degree of purity. In addition, such a system has also the advantage of easily allowing delicate manipulations of culture medium replacement. In the present study, we show the development of a laboratory scale bioprocess protocol of CHO-hTSH cell cultures on cytodex microcarriers (MCs) in a 1 L bioreactor, for the preparation of rhTSH batches in view of structure/function studies. CHO-hTSH cells were cultivated on a fetal bovine serum supplemented medium during cell growth phase. For rhTSH synthesis phase, 75% of supernatant was replaced by animal protein-free medium every 24 h. Cell cultures were monitored for agitation (rpm), temperature (A degrees C), dissolved oxygen (% DO), pH, cell concentration, MCs coverage, glucose consumption, lactate production, and rhTSH expression. The results indicate that the amount of MCs in the culture and the cell concentration at the beginning of rhTSH synthesis phase were crucial parameters for improving the final rhTSH production. By cultivating the CHO-hTSH cells with an initial cell seeding of four cells/MC on 4 g/L of MCs with a repeated fed batch mode of operation at 40 rpm, 37 A degrees C, 20% DO, and pH 7.2 and starting the rhTSH synthesis phase with 3 x 10(6) cells/mL, we were able to supply the cultures with enough glucose, to maintain low levels of lactate, and to provide high percent (similar to 80%) of fully covered MCs for a long period (5 days) and attain a high cell concentration (similar to 9 x 10(5) cells/mL). The novelty of the present study is represented by the establishment of cell culture conditions allowing us to produce similar to 1.6 mg/L of rhTSH in an already suitable degree of purity. Batches of produced rhTSH were purified and showed biological activity.
Prohormone proteins in animals and yeast are typically processed at dibasic sites by convertases. Propeptide hormones are also found in plants but little is known about processing. We show for the first time that a dibasic site upstream of a plant peptide hormone, AtRALF1, is essential for processing. Overexpression of preproAtRALF1 causes semidwarfism whereas overexpression of preproAtRALF1(R69A), the propeptide with a mutation in the dibasic site, shows a normal phenotype. RALF1(R69A) plants accumulate only the mutated proprotein and not the processed peptide. In vitro processing using microsomal fractions suggests that processing is carried out by a kexin-like convertase. (C) 2008 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Background In familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), glucocorticoid treatment suppresses adrenocorticotrophic hormone-regulated hybrid gene expression and corrects hyperaldosteronism. Objective To determine whether the wild-type aldosterone synthase genes, thereby released from chronic suppression, are capable of functioning normally. Methods We compared mid-morning levels of plasma potassium, plasma aldosterone, plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone : PRA ratios, measured with patients in an upright position, and responsiveness of aldosterone levels to infusion of angiotensin II (AII), for 11 patients with FH-I before and during long-term (0.8-14.3 years) treatment with 0.25-0.75 mg/day dexamethasone or 2.5-10 mg/day prednisolone. Results During glucocorticoid treatment, hypertension was corrected in all. Potassium levels, which had been low (< 3.5 mmol/l) in two patients before treatment, were normal in all during treatment (mean 4.0 +/- 0.1 mmol/l, range 3.5-4.6). Aldosterone levels during treatment [13.2 +/- 2.1 ng/100 ml (mean +/- SEM)] were lower than those before treatment (20.1 +/- 2.5 ng/100 ml, P < 0.05). PRA levels, which had been suppressed before treatment (0.5 +/- 0.2 ng/ml per h), were unsuppressed during treatment (5.1 +/- 1.5 ng/ml per h, P < 0.01) and elevated (> 4 ng/ml per h) in six patients. Aldosterone : PRA ratios, which had been elevated (> 30) before treatment (101.1 +/- 25.9), were much lower during treatment (4.1 +/- 1.0, P < 0.005) and below normal (< 5) in eight patients. Surprisingly, aldosterone level, which had not been responsive (< 50% rise) to infusion of AII for all 11 patients before treatment, remained unresponsive for 10 during treatment. Conclusions Apparently regardless of duration of glucocorticoid treatment in FH-I, aldosterone level remains poorly responsive to AII, with a higher than normal PRA and a low aldosterone : PRA ratio. This is consistent with there being a persistent defect in functioning of wild-type aldosterone synthase gene. (C) Rapid Science Publishers ISSN 0263-6352.
A simple theoretical framework is presented for bioassay studies using three component in vitro systems. An equilibrium model is used to derive equations useful for predicting changes in biological response after addition of hormone-binding-protein or as a consequence of increased hormone affinity. Sets of possible solutions for receptor occupancy and binding protein occupancy are found for typical values of receptor and binding protein affinity constants. Unique equilibrium solutions are dictated by the initial condition of total hormone concentration. According to the occupancy theory of drug action, increasing the affinity of a hormone for its receptor will result in a proportional increase in biological potency. However, the three component model predicts that the magnitude of increase in biological potency will be a small fraction of the proportional increase in affinity. With typical initial conditions a two-fold increase in hormone affinity for its receptor is predicted to result in only a 33% increase in biological response. Under the same conditions an Ii-fold increase in hormone affinity for receptor would be needed to produce a two-fold increase in biological potency. Some currently used bioassay systems may be unrecognized three component systems and gross errors in biopotency estimates will result if the effect of binding protein is not calculated. An algorithm derived from the three component model is used to predict changes in biological response after addition of binding protein to in vitro systems. The algorithm is tested by application to a published data set from an experimental study in an in vitro system (Lim et al., 1990, Endocrinology 127, 1287-1291). Predicted changes show good agreement (within 8%) with experimental observations. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.
The gross morphology, histology, and ultrastructure of the thyroid gland of the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, is described. Generally, the glands were found to contain large-diameter follicles in association with an epithelium of low height. Morphometric analysis demonstrated a high relative thyroid weight (0.3 +/- 0.2 g/kg) for koalas compared with the 0.07-0.24 g/kg typical of eutherian mammals and 0.03-0.1 g/kg found in other marsupials. The relative thyroid weight of glands (0.33 +/- 0.21 g/kg) from the coastal population (less than 28 km from the coastline) was found to be significantly higher (ANOVA: P = 0.007, significant at the 1% level) than that for glands (0.21 +/- 0.11 g/kg) of noncoastal koalas (greater than 28 km from the coastline). Follicle size was positively correlated (at the 0.1% level) with relative thyroid weight in the overall koala sample. The presence of C cells, occurring singly in the epithelial layer, was demonstrated in electron micrographs. Structural features such as low epithelial height, large follicle length and width, and large intercellular spaces in association with low concentrations of free TS (3.3 +/- 2.1 pM) and free T-3 (1.4 +/- 0.9 pM) as reported previously (Lawson et al., 1996) are consistent with an unusually low level of glandular activity in the koala thyroid even though iodine concentrations in the thyroid gland [4.7 +/- 1.6 mg/g (dry weight)] as well as leaf [0.8 +/- 0.3 mu g (dry weight)] and soil samples [3.8 mu g/g (dry weight)] from the koalas' habitat appear unremarkable. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
GH-binding protein (GHBP) corresponds to the extracellular domain of the GH receptor (GHR) and has been shown to be closely related to body fat. This study aimed to examine the inter-relationship between GHBP, leptin and body fat, and to test the hypothesis that GHBP is modified by GH replacement in GH-deficient adults and predicts IGF-I response. Twenty adults, mean age 47 years (range 20-69) with proven GH deficiency were randomly allocated to either GH (up to 0.25 U/kg/week in daily doses) or placebo for 3 months before cross-over to the opposite treatment. Plasma GHBP and leptin were measured at baseline and 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after each treatment. Whole body composition was measured at baseline by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). There was a strong correlation between baseline leptin and GHBP (r = 0.88, P < 0.0001) and between baseline GHBP and percentage body fat, (r = 0.83, P < 0.0001). Mean GHBP levels were higher on GH compared with placebo, 1.53 +/- 0.28 vs 1.41 +/- 0.25 nM, P = 0.049. There was no correlation between baseline IGF-I and GHBP (r = -0.049, P = 0.84), and GHBP did not predict IGF-I response to GH replacement. The close inter-relationship between GHBP, leptin and body fat suggests a possible role for GHBP in the regulation of body composition. GHBP is increased by GH replacement in GH-deficient adults, but does not predict biochemical response to GH replacement. (C) 1999 Churchill Livingstone.
Increasing evidence from human epidemiological studies suggests that poor growth before birth is associated with postnatal growth retardation and the development of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. We have shown previously that nutritional deprivation in the pregnant rat leads to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), postnatal growth failure, changes in the endocrine parameters of the somatotrophic axis, and to increased blood pressure in later life. In the present study, we investigated whether administration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) or bovine growth hormone (GH) during pregnancy could prevent IUGR and/or alter long-term outcome. Dams h-om day 1 of pregnancy throughout gestation received a diet of nd libitum available food or a restricted dietary intake of 30% of ad libitum fed dams. From day 10 of gestation, dams were treated for 10 days with three times daily subcutaneous injections of saline (100 mu l), IGF-I (2 mu g/g body weight) or GH (2 mu g/g body weight). Maternal weight gain was significantly increased (P
We previously described significant changes in GH-binding protein (GHBP) in pathological human pregnancy. There was a substantial elevation of GHBP in cases of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and a reduction in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. GHBP has the potential to modulate the proportion of free placental GH (PGH) and hence the impact on the maternal GH/insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) axis, fetal growth, and maternal glycemic status. The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship among glycemia, GHBP, and PGH during pregnancy and to assess the impact of GHBP on the concentration of free PGH. We have extended the analysis of specimens to include measurements of GHBP, PGH, IGF-I, IGF-II, IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), IGFSP-2, and IGFBP-3 and have related these to maternal characteristics, fetal growth, and glycemia. The simultaneous measurement of GHBP and PGH has for the first time allowed calculation of the free component of PGH and correlation of the free component to indexes of fetal growth and other endocrine markers. PGH, free PGH, IGF-I, and IGF-II were substantially decreased in IUGR at 28-30 weeks gestation (K28) and 36-38 weeks gestation (K36). The mean concentration (+/-SEM) of total PGH increased significantly from K28 to K36 (30.0 +/- 2.2 to 50.7 +/- 6.2 ng/mL; n = 40), as did the concentration of free PGH (23.4 +/- 2.3 to 43.7 +/- 6.0 ng/mL; n = 38). The mean percentage of free PGH was significantly less in IUGR than in normal subjects (67% vs. 79%; P < 0.01). Macrosomia was associated with an increase in these parameters that did not reach statistical significance. Multiple regression analysis revealed that PGH/IGF-I and IGFBP-5 account for 40% of the variance in birth weight. IGFBP-3 showed a significant correlation with IGF-I, IGF-II, and free and total PGK at K28 and K36. Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients had a lower mean percentage of free PGH (65%; P < 0.01), and insulin-dependent diabetics had a higher mean percentage of free PGH (87%; P < 0.01) than normal subjects. Mean postprandial glucose at K28 correlated positively with PGH and free PGH (consistent with the hyperglycemic action of GH). GHBP correlated negatively with both postprandial and fasting glucose. Although GHBP correlated negatively with PGH (r = -0.52; P
A randomised crossover dietary intervention study was performed to evaluate the effects of replacing meat protein in the diet with a soyabean product, tofu, on blood concentrations of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstanediol glucuronide, oestradiol, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and the free androgen index (total testosterone concentration/SHBG concentration x 100; FAI). Forty-two healthy adult males aged 35-62 years were studied. Diets were isoenergetic, with either 150 g lean meat or 290 g tofu daily providing an equivalent amount of macronutrients, with only the source of protein differing between the two diets. Each diet lasted for 4 weeks, with a 2-week interval between interventions. Fasting blood samples were taken between 07.00 and 09.30 hours. Urinary excretion of genistein and daidzein was significantly higher after the tofu diet (P