810 resultados para Theoretical object
No entendimento de Habermas, "direito", na expressão "direitos humanos", é um conceito jurídico, donde direitos humanos, para ele, serem direitos jurídicos, normas legais declaradas em atos de fundações do Estado ou anunciadas em convenções do direito internacional e/ou constituições estatais. Ao conceber assim os direitos e tematizar os direitos humanos numa abordagem tríplice (focando-os entre moral, direito e política), ele fornece diferentes definições teóricas dos direitos humanos. O texto apresenta uma exposição sistemática dessas definições e focaliza os diferentes problemas que motivaram Habermas a alterar e ampliar suas concepções de direitos humanos.
Russia approved ambitious reform plan for the electricity sector in 2001 including privatisation of the country’s huge thermal generation assets. So far the sector had suffered from power shortages, aging infrastructure, substantial electricity losses, and weak productivity and profitability numbers. There was obvious need for foreign investments and technologies. The reform was rather successful; the generation assets were privatised in auctions in 2007-2008 and three European energy companies, E.On, Enel and Fortum, invested in and obtained together over 10% of the Russian production assets. The novelty of these foreign investments serves unique object for the study. The political risk is involved in the FDI due to the industry’s social and economic importance. The research’s objective was to identify and analyse the political risk that foreign investors face in the Russian electricity sector. The research had qualitative study method and the empirical data was collected by interviewing. The research’s theoretical framework was based on the existing political risk theories and it focused to understand the Russian government in relation to the country’s stability and define both macro-level and micro-level sources of political risk for the foreign direct investments in the sector. The research concludes that the centralised and obscure political decision-making, economic constriction, high level of governmental control in economy and corruption form the country’s internal macro-level risk sources for the foreign investors in the sector. Additionally the retribution due to the companies’ home country actions, possible violent confrontations at the Russian borders and the currency instability are externally originated risk sources. In the electricity industry there is risk of tightened governmental control and increased regulation and taxation. Similarly the company-level risk sources link to the unreformed heating sector, bargaining with the authorities, diplomatic stress between host and home countries and to companies and government’s divergent perspective for the profit-making. The research stresses the foreign companies’ ability to cope with the characteristics of Russian political environment. In addition to frequent political and market risk assessment, the companies need to focus on currency protection against rouble’s rate fluctuation and actively build good company-citizenship in the country. Good relationship is needed with the Russian political authorities. The political risk identification and the research’s conclusive framework also enable political risk study assessments for other industries in Russia
This study discusses the importance of internal communication during organizational change of a case study company X. The purpose of this study is to find out how to use internal communication effectively during organizational change. This study is an ethnographic cade study where a unique case of an organizational change was chosen as the research object. The theoretical background of this study consists of literature relating to the concepts of communication, organizational communication, organizational change, change management and communication of change. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on an ethnographic research method where data was collected through participant observation, informal interviews and field records in the form of a research diary. The research data was collected between September and December 2015. During this period the researcher was working within the case study organization while observing the internal communication during the organizational change process. Triangulation was used to analyze the research data in order to build a united and theoretical picture of the topic. The study finds that without clear internal communication strategy the effectiveness of communication is ought to be poor, which may lead to resistance of change, lack of trust and lower level of overall job satisfaction. Moreover the study findings highlight the importance of managerial presence during an organizational change process and consistency in using formal and informal communication and utilizing multiple communication channels. Based on the findings of this research the study suggests that during an organizational change process a clear internal communication strategy should be carefully planned and executed. The goals of internal communication should be clearly stated and communicated to the company’s employees. The findings of this study enhance importance of managers promoting sense of belonging, developing awareness of the overall change process and contributing to the manager employee relationships and trust. In addition this study points out the key factors that should be included in the internal change communication strategy which are how to ensure that the communications, both vertical and horizontal, are constant. Future research is however necessary in order to gain a more comprehensive view of the research and wider perspective of the case study. Nevertheless, this study deepens the understanding of how to use internal communication effectively during organizational change.
The perovskite crystal structure is host to many different materials from insulating to superconducting providing a diverse range of intrinsic character and complexity. A better fundamental description of these materials in terms of their electronic, optical and magnetic properties undoubtedly precedes an effective realization of their application potential. SmTiOa, a distorted perovskite has a strongly localized electronic structure and undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition at 50 K in its nominally stoichiometric form. Sr2Ru04 is a layered perovskite superconductor (ie. Tc % 1 K) bearing the same structure as the high-tem|>erature superconductor La2_xSrrCu04. Polarized reflectance measurements were carried out on both of these materials revealing several interesting features in the far-infrared range of the spectrum. In the case of SmTiOa, although insulating, evidence indicates the presence of a finite background optical conductivity. As the temperature is lowered through the ordering temperature a resonance feature appears to narrow and strengthen near 120 cm~^ A nearby phonon mode appears to also couple to this magnetic transition as revealed by a growing asymmetry in the optica] conductivity. Experiments on a doped sample with a greater itinerant character and lower Neel temperature = 40 K also indicate the presence of this strongly temperature dependent mode even at twice the ordering temperature. Although the mode appears to be sensitive to the magnetic transition it is unclear whether a magnon assignment is appropriate. At very least, evidence suggests an interesting interaction between magnetic and electronic excitations. Although Sr2Ru04 is highly anisotropic it is metallic in three-dimensions at low temperatures and reveals its coherent transport in an inter-plane Drude-like component to the highest temperatures measured (ie. 90 K). An extended Drude analysis is used to probe the frequency dependent scattering character revealing a peak in both the mass enhancement and scattering rate near 80 cm~* and 100 cm~* respectively. All of these experimental observations appear relatively consistent with a Fermi-liquid picture of charge transport. To supplement the optical measurements a resistivity station was set up with an event driven object oriented user interface. The program controls a Keithley Current Source, HP Nano-Voltmeter and Switching Unit as well as a LakeShore Temperature Controller in order to obtain a plot of the Resistivity as a function of temperature. The system allows for resistivity measurements ranging from 4 K to 290 K using an external probe or between 0.4 K to 295 K using a Helium - 3 Cryostat. Several materials of known resistivity have confirmed the system to be robust and capable of measuring metallic samples distinguishing features of several fiQ-cm.
A fluorescence excitation spectrum of formic acid monomer (HCOOH) , has been recorded in the 278-246 nm region and has been attributed to an n >7r* electron promotion in the anti conformer. The S^< S^ electronic origins of the HCOOH/HCOOD/DCOOH/DCOOD isotopomers were assigned to weak bands observed at 37431.5/37461.5/37445.5/37479.3 cm'''. From a band contour analysis of the 0°^ band of HCOOH, the rotational constants for the excited state were estimated: A'=1.8619, B'=0.4073, and C'=0.3730 cm'\ Four vibrational modes, 1/3(0=0), j/^(0-C=0) , J/g(C-H^^^) and i/,(0-H^yJ were observed in the spectrum. The activity of the antisymmetric aldehyde wagging and hydroxyl torsional modes in forming progressions is central to the analysis, leading to the conclusion that the two hydrogens are distorted from the molecular plane, 0-C=0, in the upper S. state. Ab initio calculations were performed at the 6-3 IG* SCF level using the Gaussian 86 system of programs to aid in the vibrational assignments. The computations show that the potential surface which describes the low frequency OH torsion (twisting motion) and the CH wagging (molecular inversion) motions is complex in the S^ excited electronic state. The OH and CH bonds were calculated to be twisted with respect to the 0-C=0 molecular frame by 63.66 and 4 5.76 degrees, respectively. The calculations predicted the existence of the second (syn) rotamer which is 338 cm'^ above the equilibrium configuration with OH and CH angles displaced from the plane by 47.91 and 41.32 degrees.
TITLE: The normal co-ordinate analysis, vibrational spectra and theoretical infrared intensities of some thiocarbonyl halides. AUTHOR: J. L. Brema SUPERVISOR: Dr. D. C. Moule NUMBER OF PAGES: 89 ABSTRACT: The vibrational assignment of the five-in-plane fundamental modes of CSClBr has been made on the basis of infrared gas phase and liquid Raman spectral analyses to supplement our earlier vibrational studies. Even though the one out-of-plane fundamental was not observed spectroscopically an attempt has been made to predict its frequency. The vibrational spectra contained impurity bands and the CSClBr assignment was made only after a thorough analysis of the impurities themselves. A normal co-ordinate analysis calculation was performed assuming a Urey-Bradley force field. This calculation yielded the fundamental frequencies in good agreement with those observed after refinement of the originally transferred force constants. The theoretical frequencies are the eigenvalues of the secular equation and the calculation also gave the corresponding eigenvectors in the form of the very important LLj matrix. The [l] matrix is the transfoirmation between internal co-ordinates and normal co-ordinates and it is essential for Franck-Condon calculations on electronically excited molecules and for infrared Integrated band intensity studies. Using a self-consistent molecular orbital calculation termed "complete neglect of differential overlap" (CNDO/2) , theoretical values of equilibrium bond lengths and angleswere calcuted for a series of carbonyl and thlocarbonyl molecules. From these calculations valence force field force constants were also determined but with limited success. With the CNIX)/2 method theoretical dipole moment derivatives with respect to symmetrized internal co-ordinates were calculated and the results should be useful in a correlation with experimentally determined values.
Experiential Learning Instruments (ELls) are employed to modify the leamer's apprehension and / or comprehension in experiential learning situations, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of those modalities in the learning process. They involve the learner in reciprocally interactive and determining transactions with his/her environment. Experiential Learning Instruments are used to keep experiential learning a process rather than an object. Their use is aimed at the continual refinement of the learner's knowledge and skill. Learning happens as the leamer's awareness, directed by the use of Ells, comes to experience, monitor and then use experiential feedback from living situations in a way that facilitates knmvledge/skill acquisition, self-correction and refinement. The thesis examined the literature relevant to the establishing of a theoretical experiential learning framework within which ELls can be understood. This framework included the concept that some learnings have intrinsic value-knowledge of necessary information-while others have instrumental value-knowledge of how to learn. The Kolb Learning Cycle and Kolb's six characteristics of experiential learning were used in analyzing three ELls from different fields of learning-saxophone tone production, body building and interpersonal communications. The ELls were examined to determine their learning objectives and how they work using experiential learning situations. It was noted that ELls do not transmit information but assist the learner in attending to and comprehending aspects of personal experience. Their function is to telescope the experiential learning process.
In Part I, theoretical derivations for Variational Monte Carlo calculations are compared with results from a numerical calculation of He; both indicate that minimization of the ratio estimate of Evar , denoted EMC ' provides different optimal variational parameters than does minimization of the variance of E MC • Similar derivations for Diffusion Monte Carlo calculations provide a theoretical justification for empirical observations made by other workers. In Part II, Importance sampling in prolate spheroidal coordinates allows Monte Carlo calculations to be made of E for the vdW molecule var He2' using a simplifying partitioning of the Hamiltonian and both an HF-SCF and an explicitly correlated wavefunction. Improvements are suggested which would permit the extension of the computational precision to the point where an estimate of the interaction energy could be made~
This thesis deals with the nature of ignorance as it was interpreted in the Upani~adic tradition, specifically in Advaita Vedanta, and in early and Mahayana Buddhism , e specially in the Madhyamika school of Buddhism. The approach i s a historical and comparative one. It examines the early thoughts of both the upanis.a ds and Buddhism abou t avidya (ignorance), shows how the notion was treated by the more speculative and philosphically oriented schools which base d themselves on the e arly works, and sees how their views differ. The thesis will show that the Vedinta tended to treat avidya as a topic for metaphysical s peculation as t he s chool developed, drifting from its initial e xistential concerns, while the Madhyamika remained in contact with the e xistential concerns evident in the first discourses of the Buddha. The word "notion" has been chosen for use in referring t o avidya, even though it may have non-intellectual and emotional connotations, to avoid more popular a lternatives such as "concept" or "idea". In neither the Upani,ads, Advaita Vedanta, or Buddhism is ignorance merely a concept or an idea. Only in a secondary sense, in texts and speech , does it become one. Avidya has more to do with the lived situation in which man finds himself, with the subjectobject separation in which he f eels he exists, than with i i i intel lect ual constr ucts . Western thought has begun to r ealize the same with concerns such as being in modern ontology, and has chosen to speak about i t i n terms of the question of being . Avidya, however, i s not a 'question' . If q ue stions we r e to be put regarding the nature of a vidya , they would be more of t he sort "What is not avidya?", though e ven here l anguage bestows a status t o i t which avidya does not have. In considering a work of the Eastern tradition, we f ace t he danger of imposing Western concepts on it. Granted t hat avidya is customari ly r endered i n English as ignorance, the ways i n which the East and West view i gno rance di f f er. Pedagogically , the European cultures, grounded in the ancient Greek culture, view ignorance as a l ack or an emptiness. A child is i gnorant o f certain t hings and the purpose o f f ormal education , in f act if not in theory, is to fill him with enough knowledge so that he can cope wit h t he complexities and the e xpectations of s ociety. On another level, we feel t hat study and research will l ead t o the discovery o f solutions, which we now lack , for problems now defying solut i on . The East, on the o t her hand, sees avidya in a d i fferent light.Ignorance isn't a lack, but a presence. Religious and philosophical l iterature directs its efforts not towards acquiring something new, but at removing t.he ideas and opinions that individuals have formed about themselves and the world. When that is fully accomplished, say the sages , t hen Wisdom, which has been obscured by those opinions, will present itself. Nothing new has to be learned, t hough we do have t o 'learn' that much. The growing interest in t he West with Eastern religions and philosophies may, in time, influence our theoretical and practical approaches to education and learning, not only in the established educati onal institutions, but in religious , p sychological, and spiritual activities as well. However, the requirements o f this thesis do no t permit a formulation of revolutionary method or a call to action. It focuses instead on the textual arguments which attempt to convince readers that t he world in which they take themselves to exist is not, in essence, real, on the ways i n which the l imitations of language are disclosed, and on the provisional and limited schemes that are built up to help students see through their ignorance. The metaphysic s are provisional because they act only as spurs and guides. Both the Upanisadic and Buddhist traditions that will be dealt with here stress that language constantly fails to encompass the Real. So even terms s uch as 'the Real', 'Absolute', etc., serve only to lead to a transcendent experience . The sections dealing with the Upanisads and Advaita Vedanta show some of the historical evolution of the notion of avidya, how it was dealt with as maya , and the q uestions that arose as t o its locus. With Gau?apada we see the beginnings of a more abstract treatment of the topic, and , the influence of Buddhism. Though Sankhara' S interest was primarily directed towards constructing a philosophy to help others attain mok~a ( l iberation), he too introduced t echnica l t e rminology not found in the works of his predecessors. His work is impressive , but areas of it are incomplete. Numbers of his followers tried to complete the systematic presentation of his insi ghts . Their work focuses on expl anat i ons of adhyasa (superimposition ) , t he locus and object of ignorance , and the means by which Brahman takes itself to be the jiva and the world. The section on early Buddhism examines avidya in the context o f the four truths, together with dubkha (suffering), the r ole it p l ays in t he chain of dependent c ausation , a nd t he p r oblems that arise with t he doctrine of anatman. With t he doct rines of e arly Buddhism as a base, the Madhyamika elaborated questions that the Buddha had said t e nded not t o edi f ication. One of these had to do with own - being or svabhava. Thi s serves a s a centr e around which a discussion o f i gnorance unfolds, both i ndividual and coll ective ignorance. There follows a treatment of the cessation of ignorance as it is discussed within this school . The final secti on tries to present t he similarities and differences i n the natures o f ignorance i n t he two traditions and discusses the factors responsible for t hem . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Sinha for the time spent II and suggestions made on the section dealing with Sankara and the Advait.a Vedanta oommentators, and Dr. Sprung, who supervised, direoted, corrected and encouraged the thesis as a whole, but especially the section on Madhyamika, and the final comparison.
Recent research on the sources of cognitive competence in infancy and early childhood has highlighted the role of social and emotional factors (for example, Lewis, 1993b). Exploring the roots of competence requires a longitudinal and multivariate approach. To deal with the resulting complexity, potentially integrative theoretical constructs are required. One logical candidate is self-regulation. Three key developmental questions were the focus of this investigation. 1) Does infant self-regulation (attentional, emotional, and social) predict preschool cognitive competence? 2) Does infant self-regulation predict preschool self-regulation? 3) Does preschool self-regulation predict concurrent preschool cognitive competence? One hundred preschoolers (46 females, 54 males; mean age = 5 years, 11 months) who had participated at 9- and/ or 12-months of age in an object permanence task were recruited to participate in this longitudinal investigation. Each subject completed four scales of the WPPSI-R and two social cognitive tasks. Parents completed questionnaires about their preschoolers' regulatory behaviours (Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist [1991] and selected items from Eisenberg et ale [1993] and Derryberry & Rothbart [1988]). Separate behavioural coding systems were developed to capture regulatory capabilities in infancy (from the object permanence task) and preschool (from the WPPSIR Block Design). Overall, correlational and multiple regression results offered strong affirmative answers to the three key questions (R's = .30 to .38), using the behavioural observations of self-regulation. Behavioural regulation at preschool substantially predicted parental reports of regulation, but the latter variables did not predict preschool competence. Infant selfregulation and preschool regulation made statistically independent contributions to competence, even though regulation at Time 1 and Time 2 ii were substantially related. The results are interpreted as supporting a developmental pathway in which well-regulated infants more readily acquire both expertise and more sophisticated regulatory skills. Future research should address the origins of these skills earlier in infancy, and the social contexts that generate them and support them during the intervening years.
The present study has both theoretical and practical aspects. The theoretical intent of the study was to closely examine the relationship between muscle activity (EMG) and EEG state during the process of falling asleep. Sleep stages during sleep onset (SO) have been generally defined with regards to brain wave activity (Recht schaff en & Kales (1968); and more precisely by Hori, Hayashi, & Morikawa (1994)). However, no previous study has attempted to quantify the changes in muscle activity during this same process. The practical aspect of the study examined the reliability ofa commercially developed wrist-worn alerting device (NovAlert™) that utilizes changes in muscle activity/tension in order to alert its user in the event that he/she experiences reduced wakefulness that may result in dangerous consequences. Twelve female participants (aged 18-42) sp-ent three consecutive nights in the sleep lab ("Adaptation", "EMG", and "NOVA" nights). Each night participants were given 5, twenty-minute nap opportunities. On the EMG night, participants were allowed to fall asleep freely. On the NOV A night, participants wore the Nov Alert™ wrist device that administered a Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) when it detected that muscle activity levels had dropped below baseline. Nap sessions were scored using Hori's 9-stage scoring system (Hori et aI, 1994). Power spectral analyses (FFT) were also performed. Effects ofthe PVT administration on EMG and EEG frequencies were also examined. Both chin and wrist EMG activity showed reliable and significant decline during the early stages ofHori staging (stages HO to H3 characterized by decreases in alpha activity). All frequency bands studied went through significant changes as the participants progressed through each ofHori's 9 SO stages. Delta, theta, and sigma activity increased later in the SO continuum while a clear alpha dominance shift was noted as alpha activity shifted from the posterior regions of the brain (during Hori stages HO to H3) to the anterior portions (during Hori stages H7 to H9). Administration of the PVT produced significant increases in EMG activity and was effective in reversing subjective drowsiness experienced during the later stages of sleep onset. Limitations of the alerting effects of the PVTs were evident following 60 to 75 minutes of use in that PVTs delivered afterwards were no longer able to significantly increase EMG levels. The present study provides a clearer picture of the changes in EMG and EEG during the sleep onset period while testing the efficacy of a commercially developed alerting device. EMG decreases were found to begin during Hori stage 0 when EEG was - dominated by alpha wave activity and were maximal as Hori stages 2 to 5 were traversed (coincident with alpha and beta activity). This signifies that EMG decrements and the loss of resting alpha activity are closely related. Since decreased alpha has long been associated with drowsiness and impending sleep, this investigation links drops in muscle tone with sleepiness more directly than in previous investigations. The EMG changes were reliably demonstrated across participants and the NovAlert™ detected the EMG decrements when Hori stage 3 was entered. The alerting vibrations produced by the NovAlert™ occurred early enough in the SO process to be of practical importance as a sleepiness monitoring and alerting device.
This thesis will introduce a new strongly typed programming language utilizing Self types, named Win--*Foy, along with a suitable user interface designed specifically to highlight language features. The need for such a programming language is based on deficiencies found in programming languages that support both Self types and subtyping. Subtyping is a concept that is taken for granted by most software engineers programming in object-oriented languages. Subtyping supports subsumption but it does not support the inheritance of binary methods. Binary methods contain an argument of type Self, the same type as the object itself, in a contravariant position, i.e. as a parameter. There are several arguments in favour of introducing Self types into a programming language (11. This rationale led to the development of a relation that has become known as matching [4, 5). The matching relation does not support subsumption, however, it does support the inheritance of binary methods. Two forms of matching have been proposed (lJ. Specifically, these relations are known as higher-order matching and I-bound matching. Previous research on these relations indicates that the higher-order matching relation is both reflexive and transitive whereas the f-bound matching is reflexive but not transitive (7]. The higher-order matching relation provides significant flexibility regarding inheritance of methods that utilize or return values of the same type. This flexibility, in certain situations, can restrict the programmer from defining specific classes and methods which are based on constant values [21J. For this reason, the type This is used as a second reference to the type of the object that cannot, contrary to Self, be specialized in subclasses. F-bound matching allows a programmer to define a function that will work for all types of A', a subtype of an upper bound function of type A, with the result type being dependent on A'. The use of parametric polymorphism in f-bound matching provides a connection to subtyping in object-oriented languages. This thesis will contain two main sections. Firstly, significant details concerning deficiencies of the subtype relation and the need to introduce higher-order and f-bound matching relations into programming languages will be explored. Secondly, a new programming language named Win--*Foy Functional Object-Oriented Programming Language has been created, along with a suitable user interface, in order to facilitate experimentation by programmers regarding the matching relation. The construction of the programming language and the user interface will be explained in detail.
The natural abundance of the N-heterocycle containing compounds has pushed the synthetic community toward the invention of new synthetic methods that result in the structural diversity of N-heterocycles. Among this, is the efficient and highly selective diamine mediated asymmetric lithiation process. Amongst the diamine chiral ligands, (-)-sparterine, which is a naturally occurring alkaloid proved to be an efficient one. Many successful, good yielding and highly selective lithiation reactions have been accomplished with the mediation by this chiral diamine base. Although, there are some examples of experimental and theoretical mechanistic studies in the literature, there is a lack of detailed understanding as to how it exactly induces the chirality. In this thesis is described a systematic investigation of how (-)-sparteine influences the stereoselectivity in the course of asymmetric lithiation reaction. This led us to the establishment of the function of A-ring’s β-CH2 effect and D-ring effect. Consequently, the importance of the A-ring and D-ring portions of (-)-sparteine in the stereoselectivity is unraveled. Another part of this thesis deals with the asymmetric lithiation of BF3-activated N,N- dimethylaminoferrocene in the presence of (1R, 2R)-N1,N2-bis(3,3-dimethylbutyl)-N1,N2-dimethylcyclohexane-1,2-diamine ( a (R,R)-TMCDA surrogate) with i-PrLi. Computational findings were in full accord with the experimental observations. Subsequently, the theoretically provided insights into the mechanism of the reaction were exploited in computational design of a new ligand. Unfortunately, the outcome of this design was not experimentally robust and an updated approach towards a successful design was explained.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 P65 D53 2007
This thesis examines the religious dimension of fandom in popular music, taking as an object of reflection Lady Gaga and her fans. I combine fan studies with theories of immanence as well as Deleuze and Guattari's notion of the process of becoming, and provide a theoretical reading of the relationship between Lady Gaga and her most fervent fans, the 'little monsters.' Both fandom and religion promise a stable sense of identity and authentic community to devotees. Performing deconstructive discourse analysis on three of Lady Gaga's music videos, I demonstrate how fandom, like organized religion, can simultaneously be an emancipatory practice and a practice that seeks to deny individual subjects their agency. This thesis provides a new theoretical framework for understanding fandom, and illustrates how the purported benefits of both fandom and religion can only be gained when the figureheads of each group are symbolically destroyed by the members themselves.