826 resultados para Technology and innovation management
Although road construction and use provides significant economic and social benefits, its environmental impact is of growing concern. Roads are one of the greatest greenhouse gas contributors, both directly through fossil energy consumed in mining, transporting, earthworks and paving work, plus the emissions from road use by vehicles. Further, according to the Australian Government, when combined with forecast population growth, internal migration and changes in temperature and rainfall, these are expected to increase road maintenance costs. This discussion paper outlines opportunities within the Australian context for reducing environmental and carbon pressure from road building, and provides a framework for considering the potential future pressures that will affect the resilience of roads to the impacts of climate change and oil vulnerability. Seven strategic areas are outlined for further investigation, including a guide to carbon management for road agencies covering planning, funding, procurement, delivery and maintenance of roads.
Green infrastructure is considered as a strategic approach to address the ecological and social impacts of urban sprawl. The main elements of green infrastructure have been well established and include a series of multifunctional ecological systems, such as green urban space, green road infrastructure and the links between these systems. However, it should be noted that the elements of green road infrastructure have only been briefly mentioned in isolated life cycle stages, e.g. design, procurement, construction, maintenance and operation. The definition of green road infrastructure and the elements in green road infrastructure projects remain largely unknown. To explore the elements in green road infrastructure, a critical review was adopted. As the development of green road infrastructure projects is guided by rating systems, a comparison of three major green roads rating systems, including GreenroadsTM, EnvisionTM and Infrastructure Sustainability Rating Tool—IS, was conducted. The comparison reveals that green roads can be defined as road projects that have superior performance in economic, social and environmental sustainability. The sustainability features in green roads mainly include environmental sustainability, social sustainability, economic sustainability, quality, pavement technology and innovation. The results will contribute to an increased understanding of green roads and will be useful to improve the performance of road projects on these sustainability features.
Compensation systems are an essential tool to link corporate goals such as customer orientation with individual and organisational performance. While some authors demonstrate the positive effects of incorporating nonfinancial measures into the compensation system empirically, companies have encountered problems after linking pay to customer satisfaction. We argue that reasons for this can be attributed to the measurement of customer satisfaction as well as to the missing link between customer satisfaction and customer retention and profitability in theses cases. Hence, there is a strong need for the development of an holistic reward and performance measurement model enabling an organisation to identify cause-and-effect relationships when linking rewards to nonfinancial performance measures. We present a conceptual framework of a success chain driven reward system that enables organisations to systematically derive a customer-oriented reward strategy. In the context of performance evaluation, we propose to rely on integrated and multidimensional measurement methods.
The system for high utilization of LNG cold energy is proposed by use of process simulator. The proposed design is a closed loop system, and composed by a Hampson type heat exchanger, turbines, pumps and advanced humid air turbine (AHAT) or Gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC). Its heat sources are Boil-off gas and cooling water for AHAT or GTCC. The higher cold exergy recovery to power can be about 38 to 56% as compared to the existing cold power generation of about 20% with a Rankine cycle of a single component. The advantage of the proposed system is to reduce the number of heat exchangers. Furthermore, the environmental impact is minimized because the proposed design is a closed loop system. A life cycle comparative cost is calculated to demonstrate feasibility of the proposed design. The development of the Hampson type exchangers is expected to meet the key functional requirements and will result in much higher LNG cold exergy recovery and the overall system performance i.e. re-gasification. Additionally, the proposed design is expected to provide flexibility to meet different gas pressure suited for the deregulation of energy system in Japan and higher reliability for an integrated boil-off gas system.
Research on nascent entrepreneurship concerns itself with the emergence of new business ventures. The research aims to capture the pre-operational stage, from first idea or action to the point where the process ends either in the establishment of a viable new business or in termination of the start-up attempt. Although the label “nascent entrepreneur” is commonly used, it should be noted that it is really the venture that is nascent. The founder(s) may or may not have prior entrepreneurial experience.
New media technologies and the narrative turn in qualitative research has expanded the methods through which we gather data about and share findings of groups who have traditionally been written about by others rather than telling their own stories to reveal the complexities of their experiences. This chapter explores two projects that use storytelling and technology in an effort to change public perceptions about disadvantaged a community or cohort that have specific circumstances but are a result of policies beyond their control.
Knowledge economy seeks its nourishment from diversity and dissemination of ideas and creativity of its talent base. This has led to the acknowledgement of place making as a major strategy to attract and retain the knowledge base into the emerging knowledge and innovation spaces. The study seeks to explore the adoption of place making in this context. Literature and practice provide information to understand the evolution of various spatial typologies and the specialised role of place making in such locations. This helps in determining the key facilitators of place making. The paper takes an interdisciplinary approach and develops an integrated conceptual framework considering dimensions and facilitators of place making. Through the lens of the framework, best practices across Europe—i.e., Cambridge Science Park (UK), 22@Barcelona (Spain), Arabianranta (Finland), Strijp-S (Netherlands), and Digital Hub (Ireland)—are scrutinised to highlight various approaches to place making. The findings provide insights and a discussion into the interplay of form, function, image and underlying processes in globally emerging spatial typologies of contemporary knowledge and innovation spaces.
Baby Boomers are a generation of life long association joiners, but following generations prefer spontaneous and episodic volunteering. This trend is apparent not only during natural disasters, but in most other spheres of volunteering. Legal liability for such volunteers is a growing concern, which unresolved, may dampen civic participation. We critically examine the current treatment of these liabilities through legislation, insurance and risk management.
Reduced economic circumstances havemoved management goals towards higher profit, rather than maximum sustainable yields in several Australian fisheries. The eastern king prawn is one such fishery, for which we have developed new methodology for stock dynamics, calculation of model-based and data-based reference points and management strategy evaluation. The fishery is notable for the northward movement of prawns in eastern Australian waters, from the State jurisdiction of New South Wales to that of Queensland, as they grow to spawning size, so that vessels fishing in the northern deeper waters harvest more large prawns. Bioeconomic fishing data were standardized for calibrating a length-structured spatial operating model. Model simulations identified that reduced boat numbers and fishing effort could improve profitability while retaining viable fishing in each jurisdiction. Simulations also identified catch rate levels that were effective for monitoring in simple within-year effort-control rules. However, favourable performance of catch rate indicators was achieved only when a meaningful upper limit was placed on total allowed fishing effort. Themethods and findings will allow improved measures for monitoring fisheries and inform decision makers on the uncertainty and assumptions affecting economic indicators.
The demonstrated wide adaptability, substantial yield potential and proven timber quality of African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) from plantings of the late 1960s and early 1970s in northern Australia have led to a resurgence of interest in this high-value species. New plantations or trials have been established in several regions since the early 1990s -in four regions in north Queensland, two in the Northern Territory and one in Western Australia. Overall, more than 1500 ha had been planted by early 2007, and the national annual planting from 2007-2008 as currently planned will exceed 2400 ha. Proceedings of two workshops have summarised information available on the species in northern Australia, and suggested research and development (R&D) needs and directions. After an unsustained first phase of domestication of K. senegalensis in the late 1960s to the early 1970s, a second phase began in northern Australia in 2001 focused on conservation and tree improvement that is expected to provide improved planting stock by 2010. Work on other aspects of domestication is also described in this paper: the current estate and plans for extension; site suitability, soils and nutrition; silviculture and management; productivity; pests and diseases; and log and wood properties of a sample of superior trees from two mature plantations of unselected material near Darwin. Some constraints on sustainable plantation development in all these fields are identified and R&D needs proposed. A sustained R&D effort will require a strategic coordinated approach, cooperative implementation and extra funding. Large gains in plantation profitability can be expected to flow from such inputs.
This special issue of Continental Shelf Research contains 20 papers giving research results produced as part of Australia's Torres Strait Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) Program, which was funded over a three-year period during 2003-2006. Marine biophysical, fisheries, socioeconomic-cultural and extension research in the Torres Strait region of northeastern Australia was carried out to meet three aims: 1) support the sustainable development of marine resources and minimize impacts of resource use in Torres Strait; 2) enhance the conservation of the marine environment and the social, cultural and economic well being of all stakeholders, particularly the Torres Strait peoples; and 3) contribute to effective policy formulation and management decision making. Subjects covered, including commercial and traditional fisheries management, impacts of anthropogenic sediment inputs on seagrass meadows and communication of science results to local communities, have broad applications to other similar environments.
A guide to better soil, water and nutrient management practices for the south east Queensland strawberry industry.
The incorporation of sown pastures as short-term rotations into the cropping systems of northern Australia has been slow. The inherent chemical fertility and physical stability of the predominant vertisol soils across the region enabled farmers to grow crops for decades without nitrogen fertiliser, and precluded the evolution of a crop–pasture rotation culture. However, as less fertile and less physically stable soils were cropped for extended periods, farmers began to use contemporary farming and sown pasture technologies to rebuild and maintain their soils. This has typically involved sowing long-term grass and grass–legume pastures on the more marginal cropping soils of the region. In partnership with the catchment management authority, the Queensland Murray–Darling Committee (QMDC) and Landcare, a pasture extension process using the LeyGrain™ package was implemented in 2006 within two Grain & Graze projects in the Maranoa-Balonne and Border Rivers catchments in southern inland Queensland. The specific objectives were to increase the area sown to high quality pasture and to gain production and environmental benefits (particularly groundcover) through improving the skills of producers in pasture species selection, their understanding and management of risk during pasture establishment, and in managing pastures and the feed base better. The catalyst for increasing pasture sowings was a QMDC subsidy scheme for increasing groundcover on old cropping land. In recognising a need to enhance pasture knowledge and skills to implement this scheme, the QMDC and Landcare producer groups sought the involvement of, and set specific targets for, the LeyGrain workshop process. This is a highly interactive action learning process that built on the existing knowledge and skills of the producers. Thirty-four workshops were held with more than 200 producers in 26 existing groups and with private agronomists. An evaluation process assessed the impact of the workshops on the learning and skill development by participants, their commitment to practice change, and their future intent to sow pastures. The results across both project catchments were highly correlated. There was strong agreement by producers (>90%) that the workshops had improved knowledge and skills regarding the adaptation of pasture species to soils and climates, enabling a better selection at the paddock level. Additional strong impacts were in changing the attitudes of producers to all aspects of pasture establishment, and the relative species composition of mixtures. Producers made a strong commitment to practice change, particularly in managing pasture as a specialist crop at establishment to minimise risk, and in the better selection and management of improved pasture species (particularly legumes and the use of fertiliser). Producers have made a commitment to increase pasture sowings by 80% in the next 5 years, with fourteen producers in one group alone having committed to sow an additional 4893 ha of pasture in 2007–08 under the QMDC subsidy scheme. The success of the project was attributed to the partnership between QMDC and Landcare groups who set individual workshop targets with LeyGrain presenters, the interactive engagement processes within the workshops themselves, and the follow-up provided by the LeyGrain team for on-farm activities.
The impact of cropping histories (sugarcane, maize and soybean), tillage practices (conventional tillage and direct drill) and fertiliser N in the plant and 1st ratoon (1R) crops of sugarcane were examined in field trials at Bundaberg and Ingham. Average yields at Ingham (Q200) and Bundaberg (Q151) were quite similar in both the plant crop (83 t/ha and 80 t/ha, respectively) and the 1R (89 t/ha v 94 t/ha, respectively), with only minor treatment effects on CCS at each site. Cane yield responses to tillage, break history and N fertiliser varied significantly between sites. There was a 27% yield increase in the plant crop from the soybean fallow at Ingham, with soybeans producing a yield advantage over continuous cane, but there were no clear break effects at Bundaberg - possibly due to a complex of pathogenic nematodes that responded differently to soybeans and maize breaks. There was no carryover benefit of the soybean break into the 1R crop at Ingham, while at Bundaberg the maize break produced a 15% yield advantage over soybeans and continuous cane. The Ingham site recorded positive responses to N fertiliser addition in both the plant (20% yield increase) and 1R (34% yield increase) crops, but there was negligible carryover benefit from plant crop N in the 1R crop, or of a reduced N response after a soybean rotation. By contrast, the Bundaberg site showed no N response in any history in the plant crop, and only a small (5%) yield increase with N applied in the 1R crop. There was again no evidence of a reduced N response in the 1R crop after a soybean fallow. There were no significant effects of tillage on cane yields at either site, although there were some minor interactions between tillage, breaks and N management in the 1R crop at both sites. Crop N contents at Bundaberg were more than 3 times those recorded at Ingham in both the plant and 1R crops, with N concentrations in millable stalk at Ingham suggesting N deficiencies in all treatments. There was negligible additional N recovered in crop biomass from N fertiliser application or soybean residues at the Ingham site. There was additional N recovered in crop biomass in response to N fertiliser and soybean breaks at Bundaberg, but effects were small and fertiliser use efficiencies poor. Loss pathways could not be quantified, but denitrification or losses in runoff were the likely causes at Ingham while leaching predominated at Bundaberg. Results highlight the complexity involved in developing sustainable farming systems for contrasting soil types and climatic conditions. A better understanding of key sugarcane pathogens and their host range, as well as improved capacity to predict in-crop N mineralisation, will be key factors in future improvements to sugarcane farming systems.
Ehkäisypainotteisuus karieksen hoidossa: iranilaishammaslääkärien hoitovalinnat Karies aiheuttaa hampaiden kovan pinnan ja hammasluun syöpymistä, joka lopulta näkyy ”reikänä”. Iästä riippumatta kariesvaara vaanii kaikkia hampaiden omistajia, vauvasta vaariin, ja lähes kaikilla aikuisilla on suussaan merkkejä karieksesta. Karies etenee yleensä hitaasti ja antaa siten aikaa ehkäisevälle hoidolle. Tämä etsikkoaika jää usein käyttämättä, ja karieksen hoito painottuu reikien paikkaamiseen. Karies voitaisiin pitää kurissa sen ehkäisyyn kehitetyillä monipuolisilla keinoilla. Hammaslääkärit ovat avainasemassa, sillä he tekevät kauaskantoisia valintoja — hoidetaanko kariesta paikkaamalla vai valitaanko ehkäisevä hoito? Valintojen taustalla ovat hammaslääkärin tietotaso, asenteet ja omat terveystavat sekä potilaiden ja vastaanoton aiheuttamiksi koetut esteet. Tämä kyselytutkimus selvitti karieksen hoitovalintoja ja niiden taustoja Iranissa. Kysymyslomakkeet jaettiin kahdessa hammaslääkärien kongressissa Teheranissa (2004─2005) ja palautettiin nimettöminä. Kysely kartoitti hammaslääkärien tietoja karieksen ehkäisykeinoista ja asenteita ehkäisyä kohtaan sekä koettuja esteitä sen toteuttamisessa. Hoitovalintoja selvitettiin tarkasti kuvattujen esimerkkipotilaiden avulla. Kysely kartoitti myös hammaslääkärien omat terveystavat: suun omahoidon, tupakoinnin ja hammaslääkärissä käynnin. Aineisto käsitti 980 iältään keskimäärin 37-vuotiasta hammaslääkäriä, joista 64 % oli miehiä. Iranilaishammaslääkärien tiedot karieksen ehkäisystä olivat fluorihammastahnan merkitystä lukuun ottamatta hyvät ja heidän asenteensa ehkäisyä kohtaan valtaosin myönteiset. Tästä huolimatta 77 % heistä olisi valinnut suuren kariesvaaran potilaalle hammaskiilteessä olevan reiän hoidoksi paikkauksen. Ehkäisyhoidoksi tarjotuista 8:sta keinosta lähes kaikki hammaslääkärit valitsivat suuren kariesvaaran potilaalle hoidoksi harjausopetuksen ja säännölliset hammastarkastukset, noin 80 % valitsi hampaiden puhdistamisen vastaanotolla ja ravintoneuvonnan, 70 % ohjeet fluorihuuhteluista kotona ja 53 % vastaanotolla tehtävän fluorikäsittelyn. Potilaiden vastustavat mielipiteet arvioitiin suurimmaksi esteeksi ehkäisevän hoidon toteuttamiselle. Hammaslääkäreistä 59 % ilmoitti harjaavansa hampaansa kahdesti päivässä; 76 % ei tupakoinut ja 56 % kertoi aina ehdottavansa tupakoivalle potilaalle tupakoinnin lopettamista. Hammaslääkärien ehkäisypainotteisuus karieshoidossa oli naisilla vahvempi kuin miehillä. Tulosten perusteella voi päätellä, että Iranissa tulisi nykyistä selvemmin suosia ehkäisevää linjaa karieksen hoitovalintoja tehtäessä ja hammaslääkäreitä koulutettaessa. Potilastyössä koettujen ehkäisyhoidon esteiden syvällisempi ymmärtäminen edesauttaisi niiden poistamisessa.