910 resultados para Sympatric speciation
Twelve commercially available edible marine algae from France, Japan and Spain and the certified reference material (CRM) NIES No. 9 Sargassum fulvellum were analyzed for total arsenic and arsenic species. Total arsenic concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) after microwave digestion and ranged from 23 to 126 μg g−1. Arsenic species in alga samples were extracted with deionized water by microwave-assisted extraction and showed extraction efficiencies from 49 to 98%, in terms of total arsenic. The presence of eleven arsenic species was studied by high performance liquid chromatography–ultraviolet photo-oxidation–hydride generation atomic–fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC–(UV)–HG–AFS) developed methods, using both anion and cation exchange chromatography. Glycerol and phosphate sugars were found in all alga samples analyzed, at concentrations between 0.11 and 22 μg g−1, whereas sulfonate and sulfate sugars were only detected in three of them (0.6-7.2 μg g−1). Regarding arsenic toxic species, low concentration levels of dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) (<0.9 μg g−1) and generally high arsenate (As(V)) concentrations (up to 77 μg g−1) were found in most of the algae studied. The results obtained are of interest to highlight the need to perform speciation analysis and to introduce appropriate legislation to limit toxic arsenic species content in these food products.
Se ha estudiado la determinación de especies de arsénico y de contenidos totales de arsénico y metales pesados, específicamente cadmio, cromo, cobre, níquel, plomo y cinc, en muestras de interés medioambiental por su elevada capacidad acumuladora de metales, concretamente algas marinas comestibles y plantas terrestres procedentes de suelos contaminados por la actividad minera. La determinación de contenidos totales se ha llevado a cabo mediante espectrometría de emisión atómica con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP‐AES), así como por espectrometría de fluorescencia atómica con generación de hidruros (HG‐AFS), para bajos contenidos de arsénico. Las muestras fueron mineralizadas en medio ácido y calentamiento en horno de microondas. Los métodos fueron validados a través de su aplicación a materiales de referencia de matriz similar a la de las muestras, certificados en contenidos totales de los elementos seleccionados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron su elevada capacidad de bioabsorción, especialmente en relación a los elevados contenidos de arsénico encontrados en algunas especies de algas pardas (Phaeophytas). En las plantas, se calcularon los factores de translocación, acumulación y biodisponibilidad de los elementos estudiados, permitiendo identificar a la especie Corrigiola telephiifolia como posible acumuladora de plomo e hiperacumuladora de arsénico. La determinación de especies de arsénico hidrosolubles en las muestras objeto de estudio, se llevó a cabo por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC) acoplado a ICP‐AES, HG‐ICP‐AES y HG‐AFS, incluyendo una etapa previa de foto‐oxidación. Los métodos desarrollados, mediante intercambio aniónico y catiónico, permitieron la diferenciación de hasta once especies de arsénico. Para el análisis de las muestras, fue necesaria la optimización de métodos de extracción, seleccionándose la extracción asistida por microondas (MAE) con agua desionizada. Asimismo, se realizaron estudios de estabilidad de arsénico total y de las especies hidrosolubles presentes en las algas, tanto sobre la muestra sólida como en sus extractos acuosos, evaluando las condiciones de almacenamiento adecuadas. En el caso de las plantas, la aplicación del diseño factorial de experimentos permitió optimizar el método de extracción y diferenciar entre las especies de arsénico presentes en forma de iones sencillos de mayor movilidad y el arsénico más fuertemente enlazado a componentes estructurales. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar la presencia de arseniato (As(V)) y arsenito (As(III)) en las plantas, así como de ácido monometilarsónico (MMA) y óxido de trimetilarsina (TMAO) en algunas especies. En la mayoría de las algas se encontraron especies tóxicas, tanto mayoritarias (arseniato) como minoritarias (ácido dimetilarsínico (DMA)), así como hasta cuatro arsenoazúcares. Los resultados obtenidos y su estudio a través de la legislación vigente, mostraron la necesidad de desarrollar una reglamentación específica para el control de este tipo de alimentos. La determinación de especies de arsénico liposolubles en las muestras de algas se llevó a cabo mediante HPLC, en modo fase inversa, acoplado a espectrometría de masas con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP‐MS) y con ionización por electrospray (ESI‐MS), permitiendo la elucidación estructural de estos compuestos a través de la determinación de sus masas moleculares. Para ello, fue necesaria la puesta a punto de métodos extracción y purificación de los extractos. La metodología desarrollada permitió identificar hasta catorce especies de arsénico liposolubles en las algas, tres de ellas correspondientes a hidrocarburos que contienen arsénico, y once a arsenofosfolípidos, además de dos especies desconocidas. Las masas moleculares de las especies identificadas fueron confirmadas mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC‐MS) y espectrometría de masas de alta resolución (HR‐MS). ABSTRACT The determination of arsenic species and total arsenic and heavy metal contents (cadmium, chromium, cooper, nickel, lead and zinc) in environmental samples, with high metal accumulator capacity, has been studied. The samples studied were edible marine algae and terrestrial plants from soils polluted by mining activities. The determination of total element contents was performed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP‐AES), as well as by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG‐AFS) for low arsenic contents. The samples studied were digested in an acidic medium by heating in a microwave oven. The digestion methods were validated against reference materials, with matrix similar to sample matrix and certified in total contents of the elements studied. The results showed the high biosorption capacity of the samples studied, especially regarding the high arsenic contents in some species of brown algae (Phaeophyta division). In terrestrial plants, the translocation, accumulation and bioavailability factors of the elements studied were calculated. Thus, the plant species Corrigiola telephiifolia was identified as possible lead accumulator and arsenic hyperaccumulator. The determination of water‐soluble arsenic species in the samples studied was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to ICP‐AES, HG‐ICP‐AES and HG‐AFS, including a prior photo‐oxidation step. The chromatographic methods developed, by anion and cation exchange, allowed us to differentiate up to eleven arsenic species. The sample analysis required the optimization of extraction methods, choosing the microwave assisted extraction (MAE) with deionized water. On the other hand, the stability of total arsenic and water‐soluble arsenic species in algae, both in the solid samples and in the water extracts, was studied, assessing the suitable storage conditions. In the case of plant samples, the application of a multivariate experimental design allowed us to optimize the extraction method and differentiate between the arsenic species present as simple ions of higher mobility and the arsenic more strongly bound to structural components. The presence of arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) was identified in plant samples, as well as monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO) in some cases. Regarding algae, toxic arsenic species were found in most of them, both As(V) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), as well as up to four arsenosugars. These results were discussed according to the current legislation, showing the need to develop specific regulations to control this kind of food products. The determination of lipid‐soluble arsenic species in alga samples was performed by reversed‐phase HPLC coupled to inductively coupled plasma and electrospray mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS and ESI‐MS), in order to establish the structure of these compounds by determining the corresponding molecular masses. For this purpose, it was necessary to develop an extraction method, as well as a clean‐up method of the extracts. The method developed permitted the identification of fourteen lipid‐soluble arsenic compounds in algae, corresponding to three arsenic‐hydrocarbons and eleven arsenosugarphospholipids, as well as two unknown compounds. Accurate mass measurements of the identified compounds were performed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) and high resolution mass spectrometry (HR‐MS).
A one-step extraction procedure and a leaching column experiment were performed to assess the effects of citric and tartaric acids on Cu and Zn mobilization in naturally contaminated mine soils to facilitate assisted phytoextraction. A speciation modeling of the soil solution and the metal fractionation of soils were performed to elucidate the chemical processes that affected metal desorption by organic acids. Different extracting solutions were prepared, all of which contained 0.01 M KNO3 and different concentrations of organic acids: control without organic acids, 0.5 mM citric, 0.5 mM tartaric, 10 mM citric, 10 mM tartaric, and 5 mM citric +5 mM tartaric. The results of the extraction procedure showed that higher concentrations of organic acids increased metal desorption, and citric acid was more effective at facilitating metal desorption than tartaric acid. Metal desorption was mainly influenced by the decreasing pH and the dissolution of Fe and Mn oxides, not by the formation of soluble metal–organic complexes as was predicted by the speciation modeling. The results of the column study reported that low concentrations of organic acids did not significantly increase metal mobilization and that higher doses were also not able to mobilize Zn. However, 5–10 mM citric acid significantly promoted Cu mobilization (from 1 mg kg−1 in the control to 42 mg kg−1 with 10 mM citric acid) and reduced the exchangeable (from 21 to 3 mg kg−1) and the Fe and Mn oxides (from 443 to 277 mg kg−1) fractions. Citric acid could efficiently facilitate assisted phytoextraction techniques.
Studies of the continuum between geographic races and species provide the clearest insights into the causes of speciation. Here we report on mate choice and hybrid viability experiments in a pair of warningly colored butterflies, Heliconius erato and Heliconius himera, that maintain their genetic integrity in the face of hybridization. Hybrid sterility and inviability have been unimportant in the early stages of speciation of these two Heliconius. We find no evidence of reduced fecundity, egg hatch, or larval survival nor increases in developmental time in three generations of hybrid crosses. Instead, speciation in this pair appears to have been catalyzed by the association of strong mating preferences with divergence in warning coloration and ecology. In mate choice experiments, matings between the two species are a tenth as likely as matings within species. F1 hybrids of both sexes mate frequently with both pure forms. However, male F1 progeny from crosses between H. himera mothers and H. erato fathers have somewhat reduced mating success. The strong barrier to gene flow provided by divergence in mate preference is probably enhanced by frequency-dependent predation against hybrids similar to the type known to occur across interracial hybrid zones of H. erato. In addition, the transition between this pair falls at the boundary between wet and dry forest, and rare hybrids may also be selected against because they are poorly adapted to either biotope. These results add to a growing body of evidence that challenge the importance of genomic incompatibilities in the earliest stages of speciation.
Molecular keys to speciation: DNA polymorphism and the control of genetic exchange in enterobacteria
Speciation involves the establishment of genetic barriers between closely related organisms. The extent of genetic recombination is a key determinant and a measure of genetic isolation. The results reported here reveal that genetic barriers can be established, eliminated, or modified by manipulating two systems which control genetic recombination, SOS and mismatch repair. The extent of genetic isolation between enterobacteria is a simple mathematical function of DNA sequence divergence. The function does not depend on hybrid DNA stability, but rather on the number of blocks of sequences identical in the two mating partners and sufficiently large to allow the initiation of recombination. Further, there is no obvious discontinuity in the function that could be used to define a level of divergence for distinguishing species.
The comparison of malaria indicators among populations that have different genetic backgrounds and are uniformly exposed to the same parasite strains is one approach to the study of human heterogeneities in the response to the infection. We report the results of comparative surveys on three sympatric West African ethnic groups, Fulani, Mossi, and Rimaibé, living in the same conditions of hyperendemic transmission in a Sudan savanna area northeast of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The Mossi and Rimaibé are Sudanese negroid populations with a long tradition of sedentary farming, while the Fulani are nomadic pastoralists, partly settled and characterized by non-negroid features of possible caucasoid origin. Parasitological, clinical, and immunological investigations showed consistent interethnic differences in Plasmodium falciparum infection rates, malaria morbidity, and prevalence and levels of antibodies to various P. falciparum antigens. The data point to a remarkably similar response to malaria in the Mossi and Rimaibé, while the Fulani are clearly less parasitized, less affected by the disease, and more responsive to all antigens tested. No difference in the use of malaria protective measures was demonstrated that could account for these findings, and sociocultural or environmental factors do not seem to be involved. Known genetic factors of resistance to malaria did not show higher frequencies in the Fulani. The differences in the immune response were not explained by the entomological observations, which indicated substantially uniform exposure to infective bites. The available data support the existence of unknown genetic factors, possibly related to humoral immune responses, determining interethnic differences in the susceptibility to malaria.
The phylogeny of closely related species as revealed by the genealogy of a speciation gene, Odysseus
Molecular differentiation between races or closely related species is often incongruent with the reproductive divergence of the taxa of interest. Shared ancient polymorphism and/or introgression during secondary contact may be responsible for the incongruence. At loci contributing to speciation, these two complications should be minimized (1, 2); hence, their variation may more faithfully reflect the history of the species' reproductive differentiation. In this study, we analyzed DNA polymorphism at the Odysseus (OdsH) locus of hybrid sterility between Drosophila mauritiana and Drosophila simulans and were able to verify such a prediction. Interestingly, DNA variation only a short distance away (1.8 kb) appears not to be influenced by the forces that shape the recent evolution of the OdsH coding region. This locus thus may represent a test case of inferring phylogeny of very closely related species.
Speciation rates among extant lineages of organisms vary extensively, but our understanding of the causes of this variation and, therefore, the processes of speciation is still remarkably incomplete. Both theoretical and empirical studies have indicated that sexual selection is important in speciation, but earlier discussions have focused almost exclusively on the potential role of female mate choice. Recent findings of postmating reproductive conflicts of interest between the sexes suggest a quite different route to speciation. Such conflicts may lead to perpetual antagonistic coevolution between males and females and may thus generate rapid evolutionary divergence of traits involved in reproduction. Here, we assess this hypothesis by contrasting pairs of related groups of insect species differing in the opportunity for postmating sexual conflict. Groups where females mate with many males exhibited speciation rates four times as high as in related groups where females mate only once. Our results not only highlight the general importance of postmating sexual selection in speciation, but also support the recent suggestion that sexual conflict is a key engine of speciation.
Phylogenies of Adh1 and Adh2 genes suggest that a widespread Mediterranean peony, Paeonia officinalis, is a homoploid hybrid species between two allotetraploid species, Paeonia peregrina and a member of the Paeonia arietina species group. Three phylogenetically distinct types of Adh sequences have been identified from both accessions of P. officinalis, of which two types are most closely related to the two homoeologous Adh loci of the P. arietina group and the remaining type came from one of the two Adh homoeologs of P. peregrina. The other Adh homoeolog of P. peregrina was apparently lost from the hybrid genome, possibly through backcrossing with the P. arietina group. This is a documentation of homoploid hybrid speciation between allotetraploid species in nature. This study suggests that hybrid speciation between allotetraploids can occur without an intermediate stage of genome diploidization or a further doubling of genome size.
Human activities have greatly reduced the amount of the earth's area available to wild species. As the area they have left declines, so will their rates of speciation. This loss of speciation will occur for two reasons: species with larger geographical ranges speciate faster; and loss of area drives up extinction rates, thus reducing the number of species available for speciation. Theory predicts steady states in species diversity, and fossils suggest that these have typified life for most of the past 500 million years. Modern and fossil evidence indicates that, at the scale of the whole earth and its major biogeographical provinces, those steady states respond linearly, or nearly so, to available area. Hence, a loss of x% of area will produce a loss of about x% of species. Local samples of habitats merely echo the diversity available in the whole province of which they are a part. So, conservation tactics that rely on remnant patches to preserve diversity cannot succeed for long. Instead, diversity will decay to a depauperate steady state in two phases. The first will involve deterministic extinctions, reflecting the loss of all areas in which a species can ordinarily sustain its demographics. The second will be stochastic, reflecting accidents brought on by global warming, new diseases, and commingling the species of the separate bio-provinces. A new kind of conservation effort, reconciliation ecology, can avoid this decay. Reconciliation ecology discovers how to modify and diversify anthropogenic habitats so that they harbor a wide variety of species. It develops management techniques that allow humans to share their geographical range with wild species.
Drosophila melanogaster from Zimbabwe and nearby regions shows strong but asymmetric sexual isolation from its cosmopolitan counterparts. By creating stable chromosome-substitution lines, earlier studies were able to show that the two major autosomes have very large effects on both male mating success and female mating preference. In this study, we genetically dissect this sexual isolation by recombination analysis between a whole-chromosome substitution line (which carries a Zimbabwe-derived third chromosome) and a strain with seven visible markers on that chromosome. Four loci are responsible for male mating success and three others are found to control female mating preference. Because male and female traits are not closely linked, their strong association among isofemale lines is most likely a reflection of sexual selection in nature. The results suggest that a large number of behavioral loci may evolve concurrently in the incipient stage of speciation before other aspects of reproductive isolation (such as hybrid sterility) have become evident. The results shed light on the population genetic processes underlying the formation of nascent species, as well as modes of speciation.
Maternally inherited bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are responsible for the early death of embryos in crosses between uninfected females and infected males in several insect species. This phenomenon, known as cytoplasmic incompatibility, also occurs between strains infected by different symbionts in some species, including Drosophila simulans. Wolbachia was found in two species closely related to D. simulans, Drosophila mauritiana, and Drosophila sechellia, and shown to cause incompatibility in the latter species but not in D. mauritiana. Comparison of bacterial and mtDNA history clarifies the origins of bacterial and incompatibility polymorphisms in D. simulans. Infection in D. mauritiana is probably the result of introgression of an infected D. simulans cytoplasm. Some D. simulans and D. sechellia cytoplasmic lineages harbor two bacteria as a consequence of a double infection which probably occurred in a common ancestor. The descendant symbionts in each species are associated with similar incompatibility relationships, which suggests that little variation of incompatibility types has occurred within maternal lineages beyond that related to the density of symbionts in their hosts.
The theory of founder-effect speciation proposes that colonization by very few individuals of an empty habitat favors rapid genetic changes and the evolution of a new species. We report here the results obtained in a 10-year-long and large-scale experiment with Drosophila pseudoobscura designed to test the theory. In our experimental protocol, populations are established with variable numbers of very few individuals and allowed to expand greatly for several generations until conditions of severe competition for resources are reached and the population crashes. A few random survivors are then taken to start a new population expansion and thus initiate a new cycle of founding events, population flushes, and crashes. Our results provide no support for the theories proposing that new species are very likely to appear as by-products of founder events.
It is generally believed that Drosophila melanogaster has no closely related species with which it can produce the viable and fertile hybrids that are essential for the genetic analysis of speciation. Following the recent report of molecular differentiation between a Zimbabwe, Africa, population and two United States populations, we provide evidence that strong sexual isolation exists between the D. melanogaster population in Zimbabwe and populations of other continents. In the presence of males of their own kind, females from most isofemale lines of Zimbabwe would not mate with males from elsewhere; the reciprocal mating is also significantly reduced, but to a lesser degree. The genes for sexual behaviors are apparently polymorphic in Zimbabwe and postmating reproductive isolation between this and other populations has not yet evolved. Whole chromosome substitutions indicate significant genetic contributions to male mating success by both major autosomes, whereas the X chromosome effect is too weak to measure. In addition, the relative mating success between hybrid and pure line males supports the interpretation of strong female choice. These observations suggest that we are seeing the early stages of speciation in this group and that it is driven by sexual selection. The genetic and molecular tractability of D. melanogaster offers great promise for the detailed analysis of this apparent case of incipient speciation.