1000 resultados para Sutura manual e mecânica
This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed information, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.
This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.
This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.
This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.
In rodents and nonhuman primates subjected to spinal cord lesion, neutralizing the neurite growth inhibitor Nogo-A has been shown to promote regenerative axonal sprouting and functional recovery. The goal of the present report was to re-examine the data on the recovery of the primate manual dexterity using refined behavioral analyses and further statistical assessments, representing secondary outcome measures from the same manual dexterity test. Thirteen adult monkeys were studied; seven received an anti-Nogo-A antibody whereas a control antibody was infused into the other monkeys. Monkeys were trained to perform the modified Brinkman board task requiring opposition of index finger and thumb to grasp food pellets placed in vertically and horizontally oriented slots. Two parameters were quantified before and following spinal cord injury: (i) the standard 'score' as defined by the number of pellets retrieved within 30 s from the two types of slots; (ii) the newly introduced 'contact time' as defined by the duration of digit contact with the food pellet before successful retrieval. After lesion the hand was severely impaired in all monkeys; this was followed by progressive functional recovery. Remarkably, anti-Nogo-A antibody-treated monkeys recovered faster and significantly better than control antibody-treated monkeys, considering both the score for vertical and horizontal slots (Mann-Whitney test: P = 0.05 and 0.035, respectively) and the contact time (P = 0.008 and 0.005, respectively). Detailed analysis of the lesions excluded the possibility that this conclusion may have been caused by differences in lesion properties between the two groups of monkeys.
Several superstructure design methodologies have been developed for low volume road bridges by the Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center. However, to date no standard abutment designs have been developed. Thus, there was a need to establish an easy to use design methodology in addition to generating generic abutment standards and other design aids for the more common substructure systems used in Iowa. The final report for this project consists of three volumes. The first volume summarizes the research completed in this project. A survey of the Iowa County Engineers was conducted from which it was determined that while most counties use similar types of abutments, only 17 percent use some type of standard abutment designs or plans. A literature review revealed several possible alternative abutment systems for future use on low volume road bridges in addition to two separate substructure lateral load analysis methods. These consisted of a linear and a non-linear method. The linear analysis method was used for this project due to its relative simplicity and the relative accuracy of the maximum pile moment when compared to values obtained from the more complex non-linear analysis method. The resulting design methodology was developed for single span stub abutments supported on steel or timber piles with a bridge span length ranging from 20 to 90 ft and roadway widths of 24 and 30 ft. However, other roadway widths can be designed using the foundation design template provided. The backwall height is limited to a range of 6 to 12 ft, and the soil type is classified as cohesive or cohesionless. The design methodology was developed using the guidelines specified by the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Standard Specifications, the Iowa Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual, and the National Design Specifications for Wood Construction. The second volume (this volume) introduces and outlines the use of the various design aids developed for this project. Charts for determining dead and live gravity loads based on the roadway width, span length, and superstructure type are provided. A foundation design template was developed in which the engineer can check a substructure design by inputting basic bridge site information. Tables published by the Iowa Department of Transportation that provide values for estimating pile friction and end bearing for different combinations of soils and pile types are also included. Generic standard abutment plans were developed for which the engineer can provide necessary bridge site information in the spaces provided. These tools enable engineers to design and detail county bridge substructures more efficiently. The third volume provides two sets of calculations that demonstrate the application of the substructure design methodology developed in this project. These calculations also verify the accuracy of the foundation design template. The printouts from the foundation design template are provided at the end of each example. Also several tables provide various foundation details for a pre-cast double tee superstructure with different combinations of soil type, backwall height, and pile type.
Support manual for preventing bullying and harassment in school.
Although Iowa has some of the most productive agricultural land in the nation, it also maintains a very extensive road network.Consequently, landowners and roadway officials often must deal with drainage issues affecting private lands and public highways. However, many individuals are unfamiliar with legal drainage requirements, practices, and procedures, which can result in misunderstandings concerning maintenance responsibilities for drainage facilities, sometimes leading to litigation. To assist propertyowners, public agencies, and others with interest in better understanding drainage maintenance responsibilities, a reference manual was developed to describe Iowa’s drainage laws and offer interpretations in a clear and concise manner. To develop a comprehensive drainage manual, researchers identified and reviewed current available literature. These resources described pertinent drainage issues and presented explanations of legal responsibilities. The literature review included manuals and guides from Iowa, surrounding states, and federal agencies. Researchers developed a survey to assess the needs and interestsof potential users of an Iowa drainage law manual. Survey responses were used to identify common problems and concerns among individuals who encounter drainage issues on a regular basis. Issues mentioned in the survey responses included interpretation of drainage laws and commonly encountered questions relating to public improvements and private interests. Many individuals, including county engineers, stated interest in specific topics such as maintenance and/or diversion of drainage, landowner issues, and upstream and downstream impacts. Overall, the survey provided researchers with valuable information regarding drainage issues, problems, current policies, and concerns. A comprehensive manual of Iowa drainage law will assist agencies and individuals in interpreting current code requirements and in implementing effective and beneficial solutions when dealing with drainage issues.
Análisis y propuesta de solución contra la “deslocalización” masiva en algunos municipios de vehículos de sociedades para ahorrar en el Impuesto sobre Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica.
This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed information, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.
Quan es va plantejar aquest treball, a l’Observatori de Neologia s’havia substituït el buidatge manual de textos per un de semiautomàtic. No s’havia realitzat cap estudi contrastiu entre ambdues metodologies, i els resultats presentats en aquest projecte donen resposta a les limitacions de cada mètode i llur aportacions.
The purpose of this chapter is to implement Iowa Code chapter 316 and sections 6B.42, 6B.45, 6B.54 and 6B.55, as required by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, Pub. L. 91-646, as amended by the Uniform Relocation Act Amendments of 1987, Title IV, Pub. L. No. 100-17 , Sec. 104, Pub. L. 105-117, and federal regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
This manual describes best roadway maintenance practices for Iowa's local roads and streets, from the center line to shoulders, ditches, and drainage, with chapters on public relations, bridge maintenance, and snow and ice control. Each chapter contains safety tips, information(as appropriate) on managing quality control, and a list of references for further information.
A actual tendência de crescimento da epidemia da SIDA e os riscos derivados da presença das IST, atingindo amplos sectores populacionais, a um alto custo emocional, social e económico, ressaltam a importância do aconselhamento entre as acções de saúde pública. Esta epidemia evidencia questões fundamentais para o sistema de saúde em geral. Entre estas, aquelas que dizem respeito à qualidade da relação construída entre profissional de saúde e Utente. Esta relação estabelece um encontro íntimo e privilegiado para a acção preventiva, na medida em que as mensagens são individualizadas e ajustadas às necessidades e possibilidades do Utente. A prática do aconselhamento nas Unidades de Saúde é um instrumento importante para romper a cadeia de transmissão das IST e da SIDA. Apesar de ser uma actividade muitas vezes já desenvolvida pelos profissionais de saúde que actuam nessa área, requer atenções especiais por implicar questões subjectivas, como atitudes e valores do aconselhador, e por envolver temáticas com desdobramentos emocionais e socioculturais. Portanto, a formação de aconselhadores em IST e SIDA deve levar em conta essas questões ao propor a padronização das linhas de acção a serem desenvolvidas pelas Unidades de Saúde, utilizando um adequado referencial teórico e metodológico. O presente Manual tem por finalidade sistematizar uma proposta de implantação da prática do aconselhamento nas Unidades de Saúde e subsidiar as actividades de formação de aconselhamento em IST e SIDA, oferecendo aos instrutores recursos conceituais e metodológicos. A descrição do processo de aconselhamento está apresentada em documento específico1 e contempla os conceitos utilizados neste plano de curso, que está constituído por sete unidades, as quais guardam entre si uma sequência lógica. A Unidade I, Construindo o Conceito de Aconselhamento, tem por finalidade refletir sobre a prática profissional e sua relação com a Actividade de aconselhamento. A Unidade II, Conhecimentos Básicos de Epidemiologia das IST e da SIDA, propicia a aquisição de conhecimentos sobre esse tema, associando-o com o aconselhamento.
Ministérios de Saúde