1000 resultados para Suomalaisen koulutuspolitiikan murros 1990-luvulla
This policy covers initial placement, adjustment, relocation and replacement of utility facilities in, on, above or below all highway right of way over which the Iowa Department of Transportation exercises control of access. It embodies the basic specifications and standards needed, to insure the safety of the highway user and the integrity of the highway. (1990 revision to 1985 policy.)
Summary: Elderly people in Estonia in the 1990s: works and coping
This pamphlet will help you decide which trees to save during construction. It shows simple, reliable methods that will keep trees safe during construction work.
This study was precipitated by several failures of flexible pipe culverts due to apparent inlet floatation. A survey of Iowa County Engineers revealed 31 culvert failures on pipes greater than 72" diameter in eight Iowa counties within the past five years. No special hydrologic, topography, and geotechnical environments appeared to be more susceptible to failure. However, most failures seemed to be on pipes flowing in inlet control. Geographically, most of the failures were in the southern and western sections of Iowa. The forces acting on a culvert pipe are quantified. A worst case scenario, where the pipe is completely plugged, is evaluated to determine the magnitude of forces that must be resisted by a tie down or headwall. Concrete headwalls or slope collars are recommended for most pipes over 4 feet in diameter.
One of the most serious impediments to the continued successful use of hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavements is rutting. The Iowa Department of Transportation has required 85% crushed particles and 75 blow Marshall mix design in an effort to prevent rutting on interstate roadways. The objective of this research and report is to develop relation~hips between the percent of crushed particles and resistance to rutting in pavement through the use of various laboratory test procedures. HMA mixtures were made with 0, 30, 60, 85 and 100% crushed gravel, crushed limestone and crushed quartzite combined with uncrushed sand and gravel. These aggregate combinations were used with 4, 5 and 6% asphalt cement (ac). Laboratory testing included Marshall stability, resilient modulus, indirect tensile and creep. A creep resistance factor (CRF) was developed to provide a single numeric value for creep test results. The CRF values relate well to the amount of crushed particles and the perceived resistance to rutting. The indirect tensile test is highly dependent on the ac with a small effect from the percent of crushed particles. The Marshall stability from 75 blow compaction relates well to the percent of crushed particles. The resilient modulus in some cases is highly affected by grade of ac.
Väitöskirjan nimeke: "Vanhustenhuollon muotoutuminen 1850-luvulta 1990-luvulle"
The Special Investigations Section recently completed the final evaluation of the I-80 eastbound bonded overlay placed in 1979 between the Shelby and Avoca interchanges in Pottawattamie County.