999 resultados para Sulkala, Helena: Tutkielmia oppijankielestä. 2
El objetivo de este paper es analizar la relevancia que posee para la comprensión de Helena el himno a las Sirenas y a Perséfone, deidades que a simple vista no tienen relación con el mito de la tragedia. Consideramos que la inclusión de este himno no es arbitraria ni evidencia un descuido del poeta, por el contrario, permite la interpretación de Helena a partir de las doctrinas órficas y mistéricas vigentes en el siglo V (Ässael 2012). En Eleusis, Perséfone junto con su madre Deméter preside los misterios que prometen bendiciones a los iniciados tanto durante su vida como después de la muerte. En la tradición órfica, específicamente en las laminillas de oro, la figura de Perséfone cobra mayor importancia, ya que es quien decide sobre la suerte del iniciado después de su muerte. Y en la colección de himnos órficos, ligados a cultos mistéricos (Morand 2001: 77), su presencia junto con la de Deméter, Zeus y Dioniso es central. Sin embargo, no existe evidencia de himnos cultuales ni literarios en honor a Perséfone, salvo el Himno Orfico XXIX. Además, en la tragedia, la Reina del mundo subterráneo es alabada junto a las Sirenas, diosas que en la tradición iconográfica desempeñan el rol de cantoras en el Más Allá, en la Isla de los Bienaventurados. Por este motivo consideramos que puede plantearse el análisis del himno trágico a partir de la función central que desempeñaba la mousike en los misterios en el siglo V.
Tris(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate (TOTM) was recently suggested as a reference fluid for industrial use associated with high viscosity at elevated temperature and pressure. Viscosity and density data have already been published on one sample covering the temperature range (303-373) K and at pressures up to about 65 MPa. The viscosity covered a range from about (9 to 460) mPa s. In the present article we study several other characteristics of TOTM that must be available if it were to be adopted as a standard. First, we present values for the viscosity and density obtained with a different sample of TOTM to examine the important feature of consistency among different samples. Vibrating-wire viscosity measurements were performed at pressures from (5 to 100) MPa, along 6 isotherms between (303 and 373) K. Density measurements were carried out from (293 to 373) K up to 68 MPa, along 4 isotherms, using an Anton Paar DMA HP vibrating U-tube densimeter. Secondly, we report a study of the effect of water contamination on the viscosity of TOTM, performed using an Ubbelhode viscometer under atmospheric pressure. Finally, in order to support the use of TOTM as a reference liquid for the calibration of capillary viscometers, values of its surface tension, obtained by the pendant drop method, are provided. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tem como objetivo a divulgação de informação referente aos riscos profissionais, junto do público em geral e dos profissionais de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho e de Saúde, em particular.
Bothrops insularis venom contains a variety of substances presumably responsible for several pharmacological effects. We investigated the biochemical and biological effects of phospholipase A(2) protein isolated from B. insularis venom and the chromatographic profile showed 7 main fractions and the main phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) enzymatic activity was detected in fractions IV and V. Fraction IV was submitted to a new chromatographic procedure on ion exchange chromatography, which allowed the elution of 5 main fractions designated as lV-1 to IV-5, from which lV-4 constituted the main fraction. The molecular homogeneity of this fraction was characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and demonstrated by mass spectrometry (MS), which showed a molecular mass of 13984.20 Da; its N-terminal sequence presented a high amino acid identity (up to 95%) with the PLA(2) of Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops asper. Phospholipase A(2) isolated from B. insularis (Bi PLA(2)) venom (10 mu g/mL) was also studied as to its effect on the renal function of isolated perfused kidneys of Wistar rats (n = 6). Bi PLA(2) increased perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistance (RVR), urinary flow (UF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Sodium (%TNa+) and chloride tubular reabsorption (%TCl-) decreased at 120 min, without alteration in potassium transport. In conclusion, PLA(2) isolated from B. insularis venom promoted renal alterations in the isolated perfused rat kidney. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sea anemones contain a variety of biologically active substances. Bunodosoma caissarum is a sea anemone from the Cnidaria phylum, found only in Brazilian coastal waters. The aim of the present work was to study the biological effects of PLA(2) isolated from the sea anemone B. caissarum on the isolated perfused kidney, the arteriolar mesenteric bed and on insulin secretion. Specimens of B. caissarum were collected from the Sao Vicente Channel on the southern coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Reverse phase HPLC analysis of the crude extract of B. caissarum detected three PLA(2) proteins (named BcPLA(2)1, BCPLA(2)2 and BcPLA(2)3) found to be active in B. caissarum extracts. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of BcPLA(2)1 showed one main peak at 14.7 kDa. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of BcPLA(2)1 showed high amino acid sequence identity with PLA(2) group III protein isolated from the Mexican lizard (PA23 HELSU, HELSU, PA22 HELSU) and with the honey bee Apis mellifera (PLA(2) and 1POC_A). In addition, BcPLA(2)1 also showed significant overall homology to bee PLA(2). The enzymatic activity induced by native BCPLA(2)1 (20 mu g/well) was reduced by chemical treatment with p-bromophenacyl bromide (p-BPB) and with morin. BcPLA(2)1 strongly induced insulin secretion in presence of high glucose concentration. In isolated kidney, the PLA(2) from B. caissarum increased the perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow, glomerular filtration rate, and sodium, potassium and chloride levels of excretion. BcPLA(2)1, however, did not increase the perfusion pressure on the mesenteric vascular bed. In conclusion, PLA(2), a group III phospholipase isolated from the sea anemone B. caissarum, exerted effects on renal function and induced insulin secretion in conditions of high glucose concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bothrops marajoensis is found in the savannah of Marajo Island in the State of Par S and regions of Amapa State, Brazil. The aim of the work was to study the renal and cardiovascular effects of the B. marajoensis venom and phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)). The venom was fractionated by Protein Pack 5PW. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of sPLA(2) showed amino acid identity with other lysine K49sPLA(2)s of snake venom. B. marajoensis venom (30 mu g/mL) decreased the perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow, glomerular filtration rate and sodium tubular transport. PLA(2) did not change the renal parameters. The perfusion pressure of the mesenteric bed did not change after infusion of venom. In isolated heart, the venom decreased the force of contraction and increased PP but did not change coronary flow. In the arterial pressure, the venom and PLA(2) decreased mean arterial pressure and cardiac frequency. The presence of atrial flutter and late hyperpolarisation reversed, indicating QRS complex arrhythmia and dysfunction in atrial conduction. In conclusion, B. marajoensis venom and PLA(2) induce hypotension and bradycardia while simultaneously blocking electrical conduction in the heart. Moreover, the decrease in glomerular filtration rate, urinary flow and electrolyte transport demonstrates physiological changes to the renal system. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Secretory phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)) exert proinflammatory actions through lipid mediators. These enzymes have been found to be elevated in many inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, sepsis, and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of harpalycin 2 (Har2), an isoflavone isolated from Harpalyce brasiliana Benth., in the enzymatic, edematogenic, and myotoxic activities of sPLA2 from Bothrops pirajai, Crotalus durissus terrificus, Apis mellifera, and Naja naja venoms. Har2 inhibits all sPLA(2) tested. PrTX-III (B. pirajai venom) was inhibited at about 58.7%, Cdt F15 (C. d. terrificus venom) at 78.8%, Apis (from bee venom) at 87.7%, and Naja (N. naja venom) at 88.1%. Edema induced by exogenous sPLA(2) administration performed in mice paws showed significant inhibition by Har2 at the initial step. In addition, Har2 also inhibited the myotoxic activity of these sPLA(2)s. In order to understand how Har2 interacts with these enzymes, docking calculations were made, indicating that the residues His48 and Asp49 in the active site of these enzymes interacted powerfully with Har2 through hydrogen bonds. These data pointed to a possible anti-inflammatory activity of Har2 through sPLA(2) inhibition.
Background: Harpalycin 2 (HP-2) is an isoflavone isolated from the leaves of Harpalyce brasiliana Benth., a snakeroot found in northeast region of Brazil and used in folk medicine to treat snakebite. Its leaves are said to be anti-inflammatory. Secretory phospholipases A(2) are important toxins found in snake venom and are structurally related to those found in inflammatory conditions in mammals, as in arthritis and atherosclerosis, and for this reason can be valuable tools for searching new anti-phospholipase A(2) drugs.Methods: HP-2 and piratoxin-III (PrTX-III) were purified through chromatographic techniques. The effect of HP-2 in the enzymatic activity of PrTX-III was carried out using 4-nitro-3-octanoyloxy-benzoic acid as the substrate. PrTX-III induced platelet aggregation was inhibited by HP-2 when compared to aristolochic acid and p-bromophenacyl bromide (p-BPB). In an attempt to elucidate how HP-2 interacts with PrTX-III, mass spectrometry, circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence analysis were performed. Docking scores of the ligands (HP-2, aristolochic acid and p-BPB) using PrTX-III as target were also calculated.Results: HP-2 inhibited the enzymatic activity of PrTX-III (IC50 11.34 +/- 0.28 mu g/mL) although it did not form a stable chemical complex in the active site, since mass spectrometry measurements showed no difference between native (13,837.34 Da) and HP-2 treated PrTX-III (13,856.12 Da). A structural analysis of PrTX-III after treatment with HP-2 showed a decrease in dimerization and a slight protein unfolding. In the platelet aggregation assay, HP-2 previously incubated with PrTX-III inhibited the aggregation when compared with untreated protein. PrTX-III chemical treated with aristolochic acid and p-BPB, two standard PLA(2) inhibitors, showed low inhibitory effects when compared with the HP-2 treatment. Docking scores corroborated these results, showing higher affinity of HP-2 for the PrTX-III target (PDB code: 1GMZ) than aristolochic acid and p-BPB. HP-2 previous incubated with the platelets inhibits the aggregation induced by untreated PrTX-III as well as arachidonic acid.Conclusion: HP-2 changes the structure of PrTX-III, inhibiting the enzymatic activity of this enzyme. In addition, PrTX-III platelet aggregant activity was inhibited by treatment with HP-2, p-BPB and aristolochic acid, and these results were corroborated by docking scores.
Background: The different body components may contribute to the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of the present study was to examine the association of fat mass and fat free mass indices with markers of insulin resistance, independently of each other and giving, at the same time, gender-specific information in a wide cohort of European adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional study in a school setting was conducted in 925 (430 males) adolescents (14.9 ± 1.2 years). Weight, height, anthropometric, bioimpedance and blood parameters were measured. Indices for fat mass and fat free mass, and homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) were calculated. Multiple regression analyses were performed adjusting for several confounders including fat free mass and fat mass when possible. Results: Indices of fat mass were positively associated with HOMA (all p < 0.01) after adjusting for all the confounders including fat free mass indices, in both sexes. Fat free mass indices were associated with HOMA, in both males and females, after adjusting for center, pubertal status, socioeconomic status and cardiorespiratory fitness, but the associations disappear when including fat mass indices in the adjustment's model. Conclusion: Fat mass indices derived from different methods are positively associated with insulin resistance independently of several confounders including fat free mass indices. In addition, the relationship of fat free mass with insulin resistance is influenced by the amount of fat mass in European adolescents. Nevertheless, future studies should focus not only on the role of fat mass, but also on other body components such as fat free mass because its role could vary depending of the level and distribution of fat mass.
El objetivo de este paper es analizar la relevancia que posee para la comprensión de Helena el himno a las Sirenas y a Perséfone, deidades que a simple vista no tienen relación con el mito de la tragedia. Consideramos que la inclusión de este himno no es arbitraria ni evidencia un descuido del poeta, por el contrario, permite la interpretación de Helena a partir de las doctrinas órficas y mistéricas vigentes en el siglo V (Ässael 2012). En Eleusis, Perséfone junto con su madre Deméter preside los misterios que prometen bendiciones a los iniciados tanto durante su vida como después de la muerte. En la tradición órfica, específicamente en las laminillas de oro, la figura de Perséfone cobra mayor importancia, ya que es quien decide sobre la suerte del iniciado después de su muerte. Y en la colección de himnos órficos, ligados a cultos mistéricos (Morand 2001: 77), su presencia junto con la de Deméter, Zeus y Dioniso es central. Sin embargo, no existe evidencia de himnos cultuales ni literarios en honor a Perséfone, salvo el Himno Orfico XXIX. Además, en la tragedia, la Reina del mundo subterráneo es alabada junto a las Sirenas, diosas que en la tradición iconográfica desempeñan el rol de cantoras en el Más Allá, en la Isla de los Bienaventurados. Por este motivo consideramos que puede plantearse el análisis del himno trágico a partir de la función central que desempeñaba la mousike en los misterios en el siglo V.
Fil: Nápoli, Juan Tobías. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
El objetivo de este paper es analizar la relevancia que posee para la comprensión de Helena el himno a las Sirenas y a Perséfone, deidades que a simple vista no tienen relación con el mito de la tragedia. Consideramos que la inclusión de este himno no es arbitraria ni evidencia un descuido del poeta, por el contrario, permite la interpretación de Helena a partir de las doctrinas órficas y mistéricas vigentes en el siglo V (Ässael 2012). En Eleusis, Perséfone junto con su madre Deméter preside los misterios que prometen bendiciones a los iniciados tanto durante su vida como después de la muerte. En la tradición órfica, específicamente en las laminillas de oro, la figura de Perséfone cobra mayor importancia, ya que es quien decide sobre la suerte del iniciado después de su muerte. Y en la colección de himnos órficos, ligados a cultos mistéricos (Morand 2001: 77), su presencia junto con la de Deméter, Zeus y Dioniso es central. Sin embargo, no existe evidencia de himnos cultuales ni literarios en honor a Perséfone, salvo el Himno Orfico XXIX. Además, en la tragedia, la Reina del mundo subterráneo es alabada junto a las Sirenas, diosas que en la tradición iconográfica desempeñan el rol de cantoras en el Más Allá, en la Isla de los Bienaventurados. Por este motivo consideramos que puede plantearse el análisis del himno trágico a partir de la función central que desempeñaba la mousike en los misterios en el siglo V.
Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is a novel Orthobunyavirus causing mild clinical signs in cows and malformations in aborted and neonatal ruminants in Europe. SBV belongs to the family Bunyaviridae and is transmitted by biting midges. This new virus was identified for the first time in blood samples of cows in the city of Schmallenberg in North-Rhine Westphalia in November 2011. Since then, the virus spread to several European countries. Here, we describe the pathogenesis and the risk of viral spread in the Portuguese territory.
1,2,4,5-Tetrazines are six-membered heterocyclic compounds in which the four nitrogen atoms are displayed in a symmetric fashion. Their reactivity is quite different from other heterocyclic aromatic systems due to its unique electron-withdrawing character, comparable to tetra-nitrobenzene. 1 In particular, 1,2,4,5- tetrazines are known to take part in [4+2] inverse-Diels–Alder cycloaddition processes which efficiently lead to the construction of substituted pyridazine systems that are important in drug development and biomarker applications. 2 However, the electronic character of 1,2,4,5-tetrazines hampered the development of 3- ethynyl- and 3,6-diethynyl-1,2,4,5-tetrazine derivatives for molecular electronic applications, proved by the scarcity of examples found in the literature. 3 Herein, we describe the synthesis and characterization of two novel ethynyl-based 1,2,4,5-tetrazine derivatives. Synthesis of 3,6-(4-bromophenyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine precursor (1) was achieved in good yield by Pinner’s method, starting from 4-bromobenzonitrile. Despite its low solubility in common organic solvents, this precursor was found to react smoothly under typical Sonogashira coupling conditions to selectively afford the 3-ethynyl (2) and 3,6-diethynyl (3) protected derivatives (Figure 1). Reaction conditions were evaluated in order to provide the best yields and to promote selectivity of the mono- or disubstituted ethynyl derivatives. Finally, deprotection was achieved affording, in the case of compound 3, an unprecedented 3,6- diethynyl-1,2,4,5-tetrazine compound. Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT) calculations for both deprotected ethynyl derivatives were used to simulate electronic spectra. A deep knowledge of the relevant electronic transitions involved and quantitatively satisfactory results of the calculated electronic excitations in comparison with experimental data were obtained.
No Brasil por muitos anos o ensino de Geografia se mostrou tradicional, e apesar da evolução de ferramentas educacionais e de tecnologias na área do ensino nas últimas décadas, ainda é notório que em muitas escolas, principalmente nas públicas, as práticas e metodologias que não estão adequadas às necessidades vigentes diante da globalização e do sistema. O C.E. Maria Helena Rocha é uma escola da rede pública estadual localizada na cidade de São Luís – MA. Este trabalho é fruto das atividades exercidas na referida escola com a turma 303 do 3º ano do ensino médio através do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a Docência – PIBID em Geografia, e busca através dos fenômenos observar as práticas e metodologias de ensino visando criar alternativas para dar suporte ao ensino e a aprendizagem da Geografia. Durante os períodos de observação foi possível identificar que a metodologia se pauta na e utilização do livro didático e à elaboração de resumos de textos do mesmo. De acordo com a professora falta, de alguma forma, motivação nos discentes, pois a turma não acompanha a contento o planejamento das aulas pela docente. A escola não dispõe de recursos necessários e isso inviabiliza, segundo a professora, o desenvolvimento de atividades diferentes, tendo como agravante a inexistência de equipamentos/recursos didáticos ou são de uso restrito.