805 resultados para Students’ performance
Previous research agrees that approach goals have positive effects whereas avoidance goals have negative effects on performance. By contrast, the present chapter looks at the conditions under which even avoidance goals may have positive effects on performance. We will first review the previous research that supports the positive consequences of avoidance goals. Then we will argue that the positive and negative consequences of approach and avoidance goals on performance depend on an individual‘s neuroticism level and the time frame of their goal striving. Because neuroticism is positively related to avoidance goals, we assume that individuals with high levels of neuroticism may derive some benefits from avoidance goals. We have specified this assumption by hypothesizing that the fit between an individual‘s level of neuroticism and their avoidance goals leads to favorable consequences in the short term – but to negative outcomes in the long run. A short-term, experimental study with employees and a long-term correlative field study with undergraduate students were conducted to test whether neuroticism moderates the short- and long-term effects of avoidance versus approach goals on performance. Experimental study 1 showed that individuals with a high level of neuroticism performed best in the short term when they were assigned to avoidance goals, whereas individuals with a low level of neuroticism performed best when pursuing approach goals. However, study 2 indicated that in the long run individuals with a high level of neuroticism performed worse when striving for avoidance goals, whereas individuals with a low level of neuroticism were not impaired at all by avoidance goals. In summary, the pattern of results supports the hypothesis that a fit between a high level of neuroticism and avoidance goals has positive consequences in the short term, but leads to negative outcomes in the long run. We strongly encourage further research to investigate short- and long-term effects of approach and avoidance goals on performance in conjunction with an individual‘s personality, which may moderate these effects.
The color red has been considered to indicate threat in achievement contexts. Recent studies have used brief confrontations with red — either as the color or as the word red — to prime for implicit threat, and have found a related impairment of cognitive performance. In another line of research, it has been shown that initial self-regulatory efforts cause diminished investment of self-regulatory resources afterwards, leading to a relative shift from a controlled to an automatic mode of information processing. We assume that activation of implicit threat via the color or the word red impairs cognitive performance more strongly during automatic compared to controlled processing of information. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated undergraduates’ (n = 78) momentary processing mode (automatic vs. controlled) by an initial task that required either high or low self-regulatory effort. Afterwards, participants were briefly confronted with red or gray stimuli and were then asked to complete a standardized intelligence measure. As expected, confrontation with red, as opposed to gray, impaired intellectual performance when participants were in an automatic processing mode. In contrast, no color effect emerged when participants were in a relatively controlled processing mode. In a second study, we replicated this finding in a sample of secondary school students (n = 130), using the black-printed word red or gray to experimentally manipulate implicit threat. Among others, the present findings may help to explain occasional difficulties in replicating findings of priming research.
The importance of performance expectancies for the prediction of regulation of behavior and actual performance has long been established. Building on theories from the field of social cognition, we suggest that the level of performance expectancies, as well as the certainty of the expectancy, have a joint influence on an individual’s beliefs and behavior. In two studies (one cross sectional using a sample of secondary school students and one longitudinal using a sample of university students) we found that expectancies more strongly predicted persistence, and subsequent performance, the more certain the expectancy was. This pattern was found even if prior performance was controlled, as in Study 2. The data give an indication that it may be useful to include certainty as an additional variable in expectancy models.
BACKGROUND In contrast to objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs), mini-clinical evaluation exercises (mini-CEXs) take place at the clinical workplace. As both mini-CEXs and OSCEs assess clinical skills, but within different contexts, this study aims at analyzing to which degree students' mini-CEX scores can be predicted by their recent OSCE scores and/or context characteristics. METHODS Medical students participated in an end of Year 3 OSCE and in 11 mini-CEXs during 5 different clerkships of Year 4. The students' mean scores of 9 clinical skills OSCE stations and mean 'overall' and 'domain' mini-CEX scores, averaged over all mini-CEXs of each student were computed. Linear regression analyses including random effects were used to predict mini-CEX scores by OSCE performance and characteristics of clinics, trainers, students and assessments. RESULTS A total of 512 trainers in 45 clinics provided 1783 mini-CEX ratings for 165 students; OSCE results were available for 144 students (87 %). Most influential for the prediction of 'overall' mini-CEX scores was the trainers' clinical position with a regression coefficient of 0.55 (95 %-CI: 0.26-0.84; p < .001) for residents compared to heads of department. Highly complex tasks and assessments taking place in large clinics significantly enhanced 'overall' mini-CEX scores, too. In contrast, high OSCE performance did not significantly increase 'overall' mini-CEX scores. CONCLUSION In our study, Mini-CEX scores depended rather on context characteristics than on students' clinical skills as demonstrated in an OSCE. Ways are discussed which focus on either to enhance the scores' validity or to use narrative comments only.
BACKGROUND E-learning and blended learning approaches gain more and more popularity in emergency medicine curricula. So far, little data is available on the impact of such approaches on procedural learning and skill acquisition and their comparison with traditional approaches. OBJECTIVE This study investigated the impact of a blended learning approach, including Web-based virtual patients (VPs) and standard pediatric basic life support (PBLS) training, on procedural knowledge, objective performance, and self-assessment. METHODS A total of 57 medical students were randomly assigned to an intervention group (n=30) and a control group (n=27). Both groups received paper handouts in preparation of simulation-based PBLS training. The intervention group additionally completed two Web-based VPs with embedded video clips. Measurements were taken at randomization (t0), after the preparation period (t1), and after hands-on training (t2). Clinical decision-making skills and procedural knowledge were assessed at t0 and t1. PBLS performance was scored regarding adherence to the correct algorithm, conformance to temporal demands, and the quality of procedural steps at t1 and t2. Participants' self-assessments were recorded in all three measurements. RESULTS Procedural knowledge of the intervention group was significantly superior to that of the control group at t1. At t2, the intervention group showed significantly better adherence to the algorithm and temporal demands, and better procedural quality of PBLS in objective measures than did the control group. These aspects differed between the groups even at t1 (after VPs, prior to practical training). Self-assessments differed significantly only at t1 in favor of the intervention group. CONCLUSIONS Training with VPs combined with hands-on training improves PBLS performance as judged by objective measures.
This study focused on the relationship between students’ Advanced Placement (AP) English language performance and their subsequent college success. Targeted students were divided into three groups according to their AP English Language performance. Subsequent college success was measured by students’ first-year college GPA, retention to the second year, and institutional selectivity. The demographic characteristics of the three AP performance groups with regard to gender, ethnicity, and best language spoken are provided. Results indicated that, after controlling for students’ SAT scores as a measure of prior academic performance, AP English Language performance was positively related to all three measures of college success.
All previous studies comparing online and face-to-face format for instruction of economics compared courses that were either online or face-to-face format and regressed exam scores on selected student characteristics. This approach is subject to the econometric problems of self-selection omitted unobserved variables. Our study uses two methods to deal with these problems. First we eliminate self-selection bias by using students from a course that uses both instruction formats. Second, we use the exam questions as the unit of observation, and eliminate omitted variable bias by using an indicator variable for each student to capture the effect of differences in unobserved student characteristics on learning outcomes. We report the finding that students had a significantly greater chance of answering a question correctly if it came from a chapter covered online.
This cross-sectional study examined the prevalence of depressive symptoms in urban Hispanic and African American middle and high school students (N=1,292) using data collected from a multi-component, multi-wave violence and substance use intervention program targeted at a large urban school district in Texas. Chi-square analysis was used to examine differences in race/ethnicity, gender, grade level and whether or not a student had been held back/repeated a grade in school. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to analyze the association between depressive symptoms and demographic variables. Being female and being held back/repeating a grade was significantly associated with depressive symptoms in both univariate and multivariate analyses. Overall 16% of the students reported depressive symptoms; Hispanic youth had a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms (16.8%) than the African American youth (14.8%). Minority females and those who had been held back/repeated a grade reported a prevalence of 19.4% and 21.2%, respectively. Further research is needed to understand why Hispanic youth continue to report a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms than other minorities. Additionally research is required to further explore the association between academic performance and depressive symptoms in urban minorities, specifically the effect of being held back/repeating a grade.^
This cross-sectional study examines the association between health and academic achievement among Hispanic eighth-grade students in the Houston Independent School District. As part of the district's 3 year Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative to enhance comprehensive educational programs, a brief anonymous questionnaire was administered in the classroom to 359 students in two schools during a one-month period in the early part of the 2001 school year. ^ The primary study questions are: Among this sample of Hispanic adolescents, is there a significant association between academic achievement and health status? and in this same population, is there a significant association between health risk behavior and health status? The specific aims of this research are: (1) to describe the association between academic achievement and health status; (2) to describe the association between health risk behaviors and health status; and (3) to describe the relative contribution of health risk behaviors and academic achievement to adolescent health status among this sample of Hispanic adolescents. ^ The survey instrument was a 32-item questionnaire that incorporated: several academic achievement questions measuring usual grades, school-related performance, attendance, student and perceived parental satisfaction with academic achievement, and educational aspirations; two health and quality of life scales measuring adolescent self-reported health; and specific measures of health risk behavior, e.g., frequency of tobacco cigarette smoking, alcohol and other drug use, aggression, and suicidal ideation and behavior that were incorporated from the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Questions pertaining to sexual behavior and pregnancy were omitted to comply with school district guidelines. ^ Analysis revealed that strong associations between academic achievement and health status and between health risk behaviors and health status were observed after controlling for the covariates. Eight factors were found to be significantly associated with poor health status: usual grades (low), academic performance (low), academic achievement beliefs (low), classroom and homework performance satisfaction (low), ever drinking alcohol (6 or more times), suicidality (ever thought about, planned for, or sought medical help after attempting suicide), gender (female), and age (15 years and older). (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
En este trabajo se comunican los resultados preliminares de una investigación más amplia sobre desempeño y autopercepción en lectura y escritura de alumnos universitarios. Se trata en este caso de los resultados en comprensión verbal, dadas las relaciones que guarda con la comprensión lectora. Esta última constituye un aspecto crítico, particularmente en la construcción del modelo de situación , que se logra vía integración de la información proporcionada por el texto con el conocimiento previo relevante. Para su estudio se seleccionó una muestra piloto aleatoria de 60 alumnos de tercer año, de ambos sexos, de 23 años de edad promedio, a los que se les aplicó colectivamente las pruebas Vocabulario, Información y Analogías del WAIS III. Los resultados en el Índice de Comprensión Verbal muestran medidas de tendencia central semejantes a los de la muestra de tipificación y una dispersión menor, con casos particulares con puntuaciones en el límite inferior del promedio. Se hacen observaciones respecto del desempeño en población universitaria y sobre algunas particularidades acerca del tipo de errores en las respuestas proporcionadas, que merecen consideraciones adicionales. En principio indican ausencia e insuficiencia de información, confusiones conceptuales en algunos términos de uso relativamente frecuente y dificultades en la formación de conceptos, situación a ser atendida por sus implicaciones en el aprendizaje exitoso a partir de los textos.
En este trabajo se comunican los resultados preliminares de una investigación más amplia sobre desempeño y autopercepción en lectura y escritura de alumnos universitarios. Se trata en este caso de los resultados en comprensión verbal, dadas las relaciones que guarda con la comprensión lectora. Esta última constituye un aspecto crítico, particularmente en la construcción del modelo de situación , que se logra vía integración de la información proporcionada por el texto con el conocimiento previo relevante. Para su estudio se seleccionó una muestra piloto aleatoria de 60 alumnos de tercer año, de ambos sexos, de 23 años de edad promedio, a los que se les aplicó colectivamente las pruebas Vocabulario, Información y Analogías del WAIS III. Los resultados en el Índice de Comprensión Verbal muestran medidas de tendencia central semejantes a los de la muestra de tipificación y una dispersión menor, con casos particulares con puntuaciones en el límite inferior del promedio. Se hacen observaciones respecto del desempeño en población universitaria y sobre algunas particularidades acerca del tipo de errores en las respuestas proporcionadas, que merecen consideraciones adicionales. En principio indican ausencia e insuficiencia de información, confusiones conceptuales en algunos términos de uso relativamente frecuente y dificultades en la formación de conceptos, situación a ser atendida por sus implicaciones en el aprendizaje exitoso a partir de los textos.
En este trabajo se comunican los resultados preliminares de una investigación más amplia sobre desempeño y autopercepción en lectura y escritura de alumnos universitarios. Se trata en este caso de los resultados en comprensión verbal, dadas las relaciones que guarda con la comprensión lectora. Esta última constituye un aspecto crítico, particularmente en la construcción del modelo de situación , que se logra vía integración de la información proporcionada por el texto con el conocimiento previo relevante. Para su estudio se seleccionó una muestra piloto aleatoria de 60 alumnos de tercer año, de ambos sexos, de 23 años de edad promedio, a los que se les aplicó colectivamente las pruebas Vocabulario, Información y Analogías del WAIS III. Los resultados en el Índice de Comprensión Verbal muestran medidas de tendencia central semejantes a los de la muestra de tipificación y una dispersión menor, con casos particulares con puntuaciones en el límite inferior del promedio. Se hacen observaciones respecto del desempeño en población universitaria y sobre algunas particularidades acerca del tipo de errores en las respuestas proporcionadas, que merecen consideraciones adicionales. En principio indican ausencia e insuficiencia de información, confusiones conceptuales en algunos términos de uso relativamente frecuente y dificultades en la formación de conceptos, situación a ser atendida por sus implicaciones en el aprendizaje exitoso a partir de los textos.
In this paper, the results of six years of research in engineering education, in the application of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to improve the performance of the students in the subject Analysis of Circuits of Telecommunication Engineering, are analysed taking into consideration the fact that there would be hidden variables that both separate students into subgroups and show the connection among several basic subjects such as Analysis of Circuits (AC) and Mathematics (Math). The discovery of these variables would help us to explain the characteristics of the students through the teaching and learning methodology, and would show that there are some characteristics that instructors do not take into account but that are of paramount importance
The purpose of this paper is to present a program written in Matlab-Octave for the simulation of the time evolution of student curricula, i.e, how students pass their subjects along time until graduation. The program computes, from the simulations, the academic performance rates for the subjects of the study plan for each semester as well as the overall rates, which are a) the efficiency rate defined as the ratio of the number of students passing the exam to the number of students who registered for it and b) the success rate, defined as the ratio of the number of students passing the exam to the number of students who not only registered for it but also actually took it. Additionally, we compute the rates for the bachelor academic degree which are established for Spain by the National Quality Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ANECA) and which are the graduation rate (measured as the percentage of students who finish as scheduled in the plan or taking an extra year) and the efficiency rate (measured as the percentage of credits which a student who graduated has really taken). The simulation is done in terms of the probabilities of passing all the subjects in their study plan. The application of the simulator to Polytech students in Madrid, where requirements for passing are specially stiff in first and second year subjects, is particularly relevant to analyze student cohorts and the probabilities of students finishing in the minimum of four years, or taking and extra year or two extra years, and so forth. It is a very useful tool when designing new study plans. The calculation of the probability distribution of the random variable "number of semesters a student has taken to complete the curricula and graduate" is difficult or even unfeasible to obtain analytically, and this is even truer when we incorporate uncertainty in parameter estimation. This is why we apply Monte Carlo simulation which not only provides illustration of the stochastic process but also a method for computation. The stochastic simulator is proving to be a useful tool for identification of the subjects most critical in the distribution of the number of semesters for curriculum vitae (CV) completion and subsequently for a decision making process in terms of CV planning and passing standards in the University. Simulations are performed through a graphical interface where also the results are presented in appropriate figures. The Project has been funded by the Call for Innovation in Education Projects of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) through a Project of its school Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales ETSII during the period September 2010-September 2011.
Analysis of learning data (learning analytics) is a new research field with high growth potential. The main objective of Learning analytics is the analysis of data (interactions being the basic data unit) generated in virtual learning environments, in order to maximize the outcomes of the learning process; however, a consensus has not been reached yet on which interactions must be measured and what is their influence on learning outcomes. This research is grounded on the study of e-learning interaction typologies and their relationship with students? academic performance, by means of a comparative study between different interaction typologies (based on the agents involved, frequency of use and participation mode). The main conclusions are a) that classifications based on agents offer a better explanation of academic performance; and b) that each of the three typologies are able to explain academic performance in terms of some of their components (student-teacher and student-student interactions, evaluating students interactions and active interactions, respectively), with the other components being nonrelevant.