973 resultados para Stewart, Ian
Additional neurological features have recently been described in seven families transmitting pathogenic mutations in OPA1, the most common cause of autosomal dominant optic atrophy. However, the frequency of these syndromal `dominant optic atrophy plus` variants and the extent of neurological involvement have not been established. In this large multi-centre study of 104 patients from 45 independent families, including 60 new cases, we show that extra-ocular neurological complications are common in OPA1 disease, and affect up to 20% of all mutational carriers. Bilateral sensorineural deafness beginning in late childhood and early adulthood was a prominent manifestation, followed by a combination of ataxia, myopathy, peripheral neuropathy and progressive external ophthalmoplegia from the third decade of life onwards. We also identified novel clinical presentations with spastic paraparesis mimicking hereditary spastic paraplegia, and a multiple sclerosis-like illness. In contrast to initial reports, multi-system neurological disease was associated with all mutational subtypes, although there was an increased risk with missense mutations [odds ratio = 3.06, 95% confidence interval = 1.44-6.49; P = 0.0027], and mutations located within the guanosine triphosphate-ase region (odds ratio = 2.29, 95% confidence interval = 1.08-4.82; P = 0.0271). Histochemical and molecular characterization of skeletal muscle biopsies revealed the presence of cytochrome c oxidase-deficient fibres and multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in the majority of patients harbouring OPA1 mutations, even in those with isolated optic nerve involvement. However, the cytochrome c oxidase-deficient load was over four times higher in the dominant optic atrophy + group compared to the pure optic neuropathy group, implicating a causal role for these secondary mitochondrial DNA defects in disease pathophysiology. Individuals with dominant optic atrophy plus phenotypes also had significantly worse visual outcomes, and careful surveillance is therefore mandatory to optimize the detection and management of neurological disability in a group of patients who already have significant visual impairment.
Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome is a mendelian mimic of congenital infection and also shows overlap with systemic lupus erythematosus at both a clinical and biochemical level. The recent identification of mutations in TREX1 and genes encoding the RNASEH2 complex and studies of the function of TREX1 in DNA metabolism have defined a previously unknown mechanism for the initiation of autoimmunity by interferon-stimulatory nucleic acid. Here we describe mutations in SAMHD1 as the cause of AGS at the AGS5 locus and present data to show that SAMHD1 may act as a negative regulator of the cell-intrinsic antiviral response.
Groups of Grade 3 children were tested on measures of word-level literacy and undertook tasks that required the ability to associate sounds with letter sequences and that involved visual, auditory and phonological-processing skills. These groups came from different language backgrounds in which the language of instruction was Arabic, Chinese, English, Hungarian or Portuguese. Similar measures were used across the groups, with tests being adapted to be appropriate for the language of the children. Findings indicated that measures of decoding and phonological-processing skills were good predictors of word reading and spelling among Arabic- and English-speaking children, but were less able to predict variability in these same early literacy skills among Chinese- and Hungarian-speaking children, and were better at predicting variability in Portuguese word reading than spelling. Results were discussed with reference to the relative transparency of the script and issues of dyslexia assessment across languages. Overall, the findings argue for the need to take account of features of the orthography used to represent a language when developing assessment procedures for a particular language and that assessment of word-level literacy skills and a phonological perspective of dyslexia may not be universally applicable across all language contexts. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this groundbreaking collection of essays the history of philosophy appears in a new light, not as reason's progressive discovery of its universal conditions, but as a series of unreconciled disputes over the proper way to conduct oneself as a philosopher. By shifting focus from the philosopher as proxy for the universal subject of reason to the philosopher as a... More special persona arising from rival forms of self-cultivation, philosophy is approached in terms of the social office and intellectual deportment of the philosopher, as a personage with a definite moral physiognomy and institutional setting. In so doing, this collection of essays by leading figures in the fields of both philosophy and the history of ideas provides access to key early modern disputes over what it meant to be a philosopher, and to the institutional and larger political and religious contexts in which such disputes took place.
It is technically feasible for mobile social software such as pairing or ‘matchmaking’ systems to introduce people to others and assist information exchange. However, little is known about the social structure of many mobile communities or why they would want such pairing systems. While engaged in other work determining requirements for a mobile travel assistant we saw a potentially useful application for a pairing system to facilitate the exchange of travel information between backpackers. To explore this area, we designed two studies involving usage of a low-fidelity role prototype of a social pairing system for backpackers. Backpackers rated the utility of different pairing types, and provided feedback on the social implications of being paired based on travel histories. Practical usage of the social network pairing activity and the implications of broader societal usage are discussed.
In 2007 Associate Professor Jay Hall retires from the University of Queensland after more than 30 years of service to the Australian archaeological community. Celebrated as a gifted teacher and a pioneer of Queensland archaeology, Jay leaves a rich legacy of scholarship and achievement across a wide range of archaeological endeavours. An Archæological Life brings together past and present students, colleagues and friends to celebrate Jay’s contributions, influences and interests.
Overproduction or underregulation of the proinflammatory complement component C5a has been implicated in numerous immune and inflammatory conditions. Therefore, targeting the C5a receptor (C5aR) has become an innovative strategy for antiinflammatory drug development. The novel cyclic peptide C5aR antagonist, AcF-[OP(D-Cha)WR] (PMX53), attenuates injury in numerous animal models of inflammation following intravenous, subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, and oral administration. In the present study the transdermal pharmacology of PMX53 and three analogs designed with increased lipophilicity, hydrocinnamate-[OP(D-Cha)WCit] (PMX200), AcF-[OP(D-Cha)WCit] (PMX201) and hydrocinnamate-[OP(D-Cha)WR] (PMX205), have been examined in order to assess their transdermal permeability and inhibitory effect on C5a-mediated lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced systemic responses. In the rat, PMX53, PMX201, and PMX205, were bioavailable following topical dermal administration (10 mg/50 cm(2) site/rat). All analogs functionally antagonized neutropenia and hypotension induced by systemic challenge with LPS (I mg/kg i.v.). Interestingly, PMX200 attenuated LPS-induced neutropenia more effectively than other analogs, despite undetectable (< 5 ng/ml) circulating levels following topical administration. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that cyclic peptide C5aR antagonists can penetrate transdermally sufficiently to have systemic effects. However, increasing lipophilicity in these compounds did not result in increased blood levels. Nonetheless, topical application of C5aR antagonists produced circulating levels of the drugs that antagonized the LPS-induced systemic responses of neutropenia and hypotension. This suggests that these small-molecule C5aR antagonists may be developed for topical administration for the treatment of local and systemic inflammatory conditions in the human and veterinary pharmaceutical markets.