973 resultados para Spontaneous-alternation


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A loss of function mutation in growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) in sheep causes increased ovulation rate and infertility in a dosage-sensitive manner. Spontaneous dizygotic (DZ) twinning in the human is under genetic control and women with a history of DZ twinning have an increased incidence of multiple follicle growth and multiple ovulation. We sequenced the GDF9 coding region in DNA samples from 20 women with DZ twins and identified a four-base pair deletion in GDF9 in two sisters with twins from one family. We screened a further 429 families and did not find the loss of function mutation in any other families. We genotyped eight single nucleotide polymorphisms across the GDF9 locus in 379 families with two sisters who have both given birth to spontaneous DZ twins (1527 individuals) and 226 triad families with mothers of twins and their parents (723 individuals). Using case control analysis and the transmission disequilibrium test we found no evidence for association between common variants in GDF9 and twinning in the families. We conclude that rare mutations in GDF9 may influence twinning, but twinning frequency is not associated with common variation in GDF9.


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We discuss the creation of entanglement between two two-level atoms in the dissipative process of spontaneous emission. It is shown that spontaneous emission can lead to a transient entanglement between the atoms even if the atoms were prepared initially in an unentangled state. The amount of entanglement created in the system is quantified by using two different measures: concurrence and negativity. We find analytical formulae for the evolution of concurrence and negativity in the system. We also find the analytical relation between the two measures of entanglement. The system consists of two two-level atoms which are separated by an arbitrary distance r(12) and interact with each other via the dipole-dipole interaction, and the antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout, even for small interatomic separations, in contrast to the small-sample model. It is shown that for sufficiently large values of the dipole-dipole interaction initially the entanglement exhibits oscillatory behaviour with considerable entanglement in the peaks. For longer times the amount of entanglement is directly related to the population of the slowly decaying antisymmetric state.


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We present phase-space techniques for the modelling of spontaneous emission in two-level bosonic atoms. The positive-P representation is shown to give a full and complete description within the limits of our model. The Wigner representation, even when truncated at second order, is shown to need a doubling of the phase-space to allow for a positive-definite diffusion matrix in the appropriate Fokker-Planck equation and still fails to agree with the full quantum results of the positive-P representation. We show that quantum statistics and correlations between the ground and excited states affect the dynamics of the emission process, so that it is in general non-exponential. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In-vitro calcification of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA)-based hydrogels in simulated body fluid (SBF) under a steady/batch system without agitation or stirring the solutions has been investigated. It was noted that the formation of calcium phosphate (CaP) deposits primarily proceeded through spontaneous precipitation. The CaP deposits were found both on the surface and inside the hydrogels. It appears that the effect of chemical structure or reducing the relative number of oxygen atoms in the copolymers on the degree of calcification was only important at the early stage of calcification. The morphology of the CaP deposits was observed to be spherical aggregates with a thickness of the CaP layer less than 0.5 mu m. Additionally, the CaP deposits were found to be poorly crystalline or to have nano-size crystals, or to exist mostly as an amorphous phase. Characterization of the CaP phases in the deposits revealed that the deposits were comprised mainly of whitlockite [Ca9MgH(PO4)(7)] type apatite and DCPD (CaHPO4 center dot 2H(2)O) as the precursors of hydroxyapatite [Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)]. The presence of carbonate in the deposits was also detected during the calcification of PHEMA based hydrogels in SBF solution.


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Human melanoma susceptibility is often characterized by germ-line inactivating CDKN2A (INK4A/ARF) mutations, or mutations that activate CDK4 by preventing its binding to and inhibition by INK4A. We have previously shown that a single neonatal UV radiation (UVR) dose delivered to mice that carry melanocyte-specific activation of Hras (TPras) increases melanoma penetrance from 0% to 57%. Here, we report that activated Cdk4 cooperates with activated Hras to enhance susceptibility to melanoma in mice. Whereas UVR treatment failed to induce melanomas in Cdk4(R24C/R24C) mice, it greatly increased the penetrance and decreased the age of onset of melanoma development in Cdk4(R24C/R24C)/TPras animals compared with TPras alone. This increased penetrance was dependent on the threshold of Cdk4 activation as Cdk4(R24C/+)/TPras animals did not show an increase in UVR-induced melanoma penetrance compared with TPras alone. In addition, Cdk4(R24C/R24C)/TPras mice invariably developed multiple lesions, which occurred rarely in TPras mice. These results indicate that germ-line defects abrogating the pRb pathway may enhance UVR-induced melanoma. TPras and Cdk4(R24C/R24C)/TPras tumors were comparable histopathologically but the latter were larger and more aggressive and cultured cells derived from such melanomas were also larger and had higher levels of nuclear atypia. Moreover, the melanomas in Cdk4(R24C/R24C)/TPras mice, but not in TPras mice, readily metastasized to regional lymph nodes. Thus, it seems that in the mouse, Hras activation initiates UVR-induced melanoma development whereas the cell cycle defect introduced by mutant Cdk4 contributes to tumor progression, producing more aggressive, metastatic tumors.


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NMR spectroscopy and relaxometry were used to investigate microemulsion formation in supercritical CO2. The droplets were stabilised by the salt of a perfluorinated polyether. Spontaneous microemulsion formation was observed over a period of 5 h in the absence of applied sheer. Time-resolved relaxation times of the surfactant tail showed a stepwise increase in mobility of the tail over this period. Conversely, the translational mobility of water confined within the droplet decreased over the same interval. This data is consistent with the gradual decrease in droplet size as time progressed. Indeed, NMR self-diffusion coefficients were used to show that droplets with a radius of approximately 5 nm were formed at equilibrium.


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To our knowledge, there has been no report of spontaneous regression in a non-immunocompromised adult with classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) in the absence of chemotherapy. We describe spontaneous regression and subsequent relapse of Epstein - Barr virus (EBV)-positive HL in an otherwise healthy male adult. The clinical course was associated with an increase in regulatory T-cell markers within the peripheral blood and diseased lymph node at the time of relapse and with a concomitant reduction in cellular immunity against relevant EBV latent membrane protein tumor-associated antigens. Our findings are in keeping with previous observations that implicate impaired cellular immunity in the immunopathogenesis of EBV-positive HL.


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The structure of a comprehensive research project into mine fires study applying the Ventgraph mine fire simulation software, preplanning of escape scenarios and general interaction with rescue responses is outlined. The project has Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) funding and also relies on substantial mining company site support. This practical input from mine operators is essential and allows the approach to be introduced in the most creditable way. The effort is built around the introduction of fire simulation computer software to the Australian mining industry and the consequent modelling of fire scenarios in selected different mine layouts. Application of the simulation software package to the changing mine layouts requires experience to achieve realistic outcomes. Most Australian mines of size currently use a ventilation network simulation program. Under the project a small subroutine has been written to transfer the input data from the existing mine ventilation network simulation program to ‘Ventgraph’. This has been tested successfully. To understand fire simulation behaviour on the mine ventilation system, it is necessary to understood the possible effects of mine fires on various mine ventilation systems correctly first. Case studies demonstrating the possible effects of fires on some typical Australian coal mine ventilation circuits have been examined. The situation in which there is some gas make at the face and effects with fire have also been developed to emphasise how unstable and dangerous situations may arise. The primary objective of the part of the study described in this paper is to use mine fire simulation software to gain better understanding of how spontaneous combustion initiated fires can interact with the complex ventilation behaviour underground during a substantial fire. It focuses on the simulation of spontaneous combustion sourced heatings that develop into open fires. Further, it examines ventilation behaviour effects of spontaneous combustion initiated pillar fires and examines the difficulties these can be present if a ventilation reversal occurs. It also briefly examines simulation of use of the inertisation to assist in mine recovery. Mine fires are recognised across the world as a major hazard issue. New approaches allowing improvement in understanding their consequences have been developed as an aid in handling this complex area.


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This paper investigates the adequacy of current gas monitoring techniques to adequately detect spontaneous combustion in underground coalmines. Despite being in the 21st century spontaneous combustion continues to occur in underground coalmines sometimes being detected only at a very advanced stage. Control of the incident is often then very expensive and time consuming. The adequacy needs to be assessed not only from the point of view of the analysis technique be it tube bundle, gas chromatograph or real time sensor but also the number, location and sampling frequency of the monitoring locations. Recommendations are made to optimise monitoring processes and recognise limitations of current techniques.


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Numerical modelling has been used to examine the relationship between the results of two commonly used methods of assessing the propensity of coal to spontaneous combustion, the R70 and Relative Ignition Temperature tests, and the likely behaviour in situ. The criticality of various parameters has been examined and a method of utilising critical self-heating parameters has been developed. This study shows that on their own, the laboratory test results do not provide a reliable guide to in situ behaviour but can be used in combination to considerably increase the ability to predict spontaneous combustion behaviour.