933 resultados para Soil samples
An investigation was made of the influence of alkaline extraction on the characteristics of humic substances extracted from Brazilian soil samples. Humic substances (HS) from seven different soils samples collected in Brazil were extracted using the procedure recommended by the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS). Soils, HS and humins were characterized by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. About 8 mg of each material (soil, HS and humin) were placed in a platinum crucible and heated continuously from 20 to 750 degrees C at a heating rate of 10 degrees C min(-1) in an atmosphere of synthetic air (100 ml min(-1)). A thermal analysis revealed a difference between the content and structural characteristics of organic matter present in HS and humin fractions in relation to their soils. The results indicated that alkaline extraction alters the characteristics of humic substances during the extraction process, underlining the importance of developing methodologies and analytical procedures that allow organic matter in soils to be studied without extracting it. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O uso e manejo do solo e da cultura são importantes condicionadores da variabilidade de atributos do solo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Selvíria (MS), com o objetivo de avaliar a variabilidade espacial do pH, potássio (K), cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg) e saturação por bases (V) em Latossolo Vermelho sob diferentes usos e manejos. Os solos foram amostrados em malha, com intervalos regulares de 2 m, perfazendo o total de 64 pontos, nas profundidades de 0,0-0,1 e 0,1-0,2 m, nas seguintes áreas: vegetação natural (Cerrado), plantio direto, plantio convencional e pastagem. As maiores variabilidades, medidas por meio do coeficiente de variação, foram observadas para K, Mg e Ca; o pH apresentou o menor coeficiente de variação nos diferentes usos e manejo do solo, e o atributo V, coeficiente de variação médio. Os sistemas preparo convencional e pastagem apresentaram os menores alcances quando comparado aos sistemas Cerrado e plantio direto.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The soil tillage and the vegetable species have expressive effect on spatial variability of soil. The objective of this work was to study the spatial variability of some physical attributes of savannah soil (Oxisol) of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, under different management. The soil samples were collected in a grid, with regular intervals of 2.0 m, total of 64 points, in the depths of 0-0.10 m and 0.10-0.20 m for bulk density and in the depths 0-0.15 m; 0.15-0.30 m; 0.30-0.45 m and 0.45-0.60 m for the soil resistance to the penetration and soil water content, in the areas with native vegetation (savannah), no-tillage, conventional system and pasture. The greatest variability measured through the variation coefficient and nugget effect was observed for the soil resistance to penetration. The no-tillage showed major range when compared to native vegetation, conventional system and pasture. The uses and managements induce, in the crescent order of no-tillage, conventional system and pasture towards degradation of soil physical attributes in relation to native vegetation.
A viabilização e aumento da produção de novas cultivares podem ser obtidos com a prática da adubação nitrogenada. O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar o efeito de fontes e doses de adubação nitrogenada, em profundidades, na colonização micorrízica e na fertilidade do solo com Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés. O delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados e os tratamentos em esquema fatorial 3 x 4, envolvendo três fontes de nitrogênio (ureia, sulfato de amônio e ajifer-L40), quatro doses (0, 100, 200 e 400 kg ha-1) estudadas em duas profundidades (0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m), com três repetições. Por parcela, as amostras compostas, por cinco amostras simples de solo, foram coletadas, peneiradas, homogeneizadas e destinadas às análises. O uso do ajifer e da ureia proporcionou maior produtividade de massa seca da parte aérea de B. brizantha cv. Xaraés. em contrapartida, esta sofre redução à medida que as doses se elevaram. A melhor dose de adubação foi a aplicação de 100 kg ha-1 de N. As doses mais elevadas de N, na camada 0 a 0,10 m de profundidade, determinam acidificação do solo e reduzem os valores de MO, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SB e V%. A esporulação, mas não colonização micorrízica, é sensivelmente estimulada em elevadas doses.
Os sistemas de preparo do solo e tipos de adubações levam à disposição diferenciada dos elementos minerais no perfil do solo, influenciando os seus atributos químicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar as alterações de alguns atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho de cerrado, sob as adubações orgânica e mineral e plantas de cobertura, estabelecidas nos sistemas de semeadura direta e preparo convencional, sendo cultivado com feijão de inverno e algodão. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas. Nas parcelas foram instalados dois tratamentos (semeadura direta e preparo convencional) e, nas subparcelas, seis (esterco de galinha, esterco de galinha + metade da adubação mineral recomendada, adubação mineral, crotalária, milheto e testemunha). Foram avaliados P, MO, pH, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, H + Al, Al3+, SB, CTCe e V nas camadas de solo de 0,00-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m. O uso do adubo orgânico isolado ou associado com adubação mineral contribuiu para os melhores resultados dos atributos químicos do solo avaliados; as plantas de cobertura apresentaram-se semelhantes quanto aos efeitos nas propriedades químicas do solo; e a distribuição dos elementos minerais na camada superficial do solo (0,00-0,20 m) teve comportamento semelhante entre a semeadura direta e o preparo convencional.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de 0, 20 e 40 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, na presença e ausência de fertilizante mineral (NPK) na fertilidade e nos teores de metais pesados de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, cultivado com cana-de-açúcar. Amostras de solo foram coletadas aos 146, 272 e 484 dias após o plantio da cultura de cana-de-açúcar e foram submetidas à análise de fertilidade pelo método do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, incluindo a determinação do S, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn. O lodo de esgoto diminuiu a acidez do solo e forneceu Ca, P, S e Zn, principalmente. Seus efeitos foram de curta duração, restringindo-se a um ano agrícola. Os teores dos metais pesados das amostras de solo tratado foram maiores que os da testemunha, mas menores que os valores considerados perigosos ao ambiente.
The fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has been isolated from nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in different regions where paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) is endemic. The link between PCM and these animals has provided the first valuable clue in the effort to elucidate the ecological niche of P. brasiliensis. The present study was aimed at correlating P. brasiliensis infection in armadillos with local ecological features and, if possible, the presence of the fungus in the soil in the Botucatu hyperendemic area of PCM. In this region the mean temperature ranges from 14.8 to 25.8degreesC and the annual average precipitation is 1520 mm. The sites where 10 infected animals (positive group) were collected were studied and compared with the sites where five uninfected animals were found. The occurrence of the fungus in soil samples collected from the positive armadillos' burrows and foraging sites was investigated by the indirect method of animal inoculation. Environmental data from the sites of animal capture, such as temperature, rainfall, altitude, vegetation, soil composition, presence of water and proximity of urban areas, were recorded. All 37 soil samples collected from the sites had negative fungal cultures. Positive animals were found much more frequently in sites with disturbed vegetation, such as riparian forests and artificial Eucalyptus Or Pinus forests, in altitudes below 800 m, near water sources. The soil type of the sites of positive animals was mainly sandy, with medium to low concentrations of organic matter. The pH was mainly acidic at all the sites, although the concentrations of aluminum cations (H+Al) were lower at the sites where positive animals were found. Positive armadillos were also captured in sites very close to urban areas. Our data and previous studies indicate that P. brasiliensis occurs preferentially in humid and shady disturbed forests in a strong association with armadillos.
A escória de siderurgia é um silicato de cálcio e fonte de silício, que tem ação corretiva da acidez do solo semelhante à do calcário. Apesar do seu grande potencial de uso como corretivo e fertilizante, existem poucas informações sobre seus efeitos nos atributos químicos do solo. O estudo foi realizado com a cultura do arroz, objetivando-se avaliar os efeitos da aplicação da escória de siderurgia, calcário e ureia nas alterações dos atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Os tratamentos constaram da combinação de duas fontes de materiais corretivos (calcário e escória de siderurgia), em três doses (1,3 g dm-3 2,6 g dm-3 e 5,2 g dm-3; três doses de N (80 mg dm-3 160 mg dm-3e 320 mg dm-3, aplicadas na forma de ureia; e uma testemunha, dispostas em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial, com quatro repetições. Após o período de 90 dias de incubação do solo e 120 dias de cultivo da cultura do arroz, coletaram-se amostras do solo, para análise química. A escória de siderurgia foi viável como corretivo de acidez do solo e a adubação nitrogenada em arroz contribuiu para incrementos na acidez do solo, diminuindo a saturação por bases e o teor de Ca e Mg. A aplicação de escória de siderurgia favoreceu a disponibilidade de silício, entretanto, quando associada à adubação nitrogenada, não alterou o teor deste elemento no solo.
The soil solarization is used in small properties as an alternative for control of phytopathogens and weeds, besides it also can affect the availability of some nutrients and phytotoxic elements in the soil. Thus, one experiment was carried out as a three-factor factorial (solarized and not solarized soil x with and without addition of vegetable residue x four collection times) for evaluation of variations of pH, organic matter, phosphorus, total nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium and aluminum in a soil characterized as Distrofic Red Latosoil, in Botucatu county (SP). The incorporated vegetable residue was constituted of crop remains of kale (Brassica oleraceae var. acephala L.) fresh and triturated. Soil samples of each treatment were collected from zero to Urn of depth, at 7, 21, 35, and 49 days after solarization treatment, from January to March of 2001. Soil chemical analyses were done as well as the soil temperature were monitored on the treatments. The solarized soil with kale organic residues addition treatment presented higher values of pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and minor values of aluminum.
Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase production from Bacillus clausii E16, a new bacteria isolated from Brazilian soil samples was optimized in shake-flask cultures. A 2 4 full-factorial central composite design was performed to optimize the culture conditions, using a response surface methodology the combined effect among the soluble starch concentration, the peptone concentration, the yeast extract concentration, and the initial pH value of the culture medium was investigated. The optimum concentrations of the components, determined by a 2(4) full-factorial central composite design, were 13.4 g/L soluble starch, 4.9 g/L peptone, 5.9 g/L yeast extract, and initial pH 10.1. Under these optimized conditions, the maximum cyclodextrin glucanotransferase activity was 5.9 U/mL after a 48-h fermentation. This yield was 68% higher than that obtained when the microorganism was cultivated in basal culture medium.
This study records the consequences of fire upon the soil and structure of the Amazonian Forest of Gaucha do Norte, Mato Grosso state, Brazil (13degrees12'S and 53degrees20'W). For this, the number of individuals sampled in 1 ha of the forest, during a phytosociological survey completed 2 days before the accidental fire, was compared with the survivors recorded afterwards in the reinventory of the area taken 2 days and 10 months after the fire. For the surveys, the area of 1 ha was subdivided into 50 plots of 10 m x 20 m, and all the individuals with circumference at breast height (CBH) greater than or equal to 15 cm were sampled. Chemical analysis of the 30 soil samples collected 2 days before the fire were compared with those obtained 15 days and 1 year after the fire. It was seen that, soon after the fire, there was a significant increase in the nutrient levels in the soil, an increase in the pH and a decrease in the aluminum toxicity. However, after 1 year, losses by lixiviation resulted in a nutrient reserve in the soil of less than that before the fire. The tree mortality was extremely high (23.98%), particularly amongst the younger individuals of the population (93.68% of the total of deaths in the period). There was no significant reduction in the forest richness analyzed: 60% of the species had reduced populations after the fire, but just four species were locally extinct. Results, however, demonstrated a role for fire in the selection of resistant species or those adapted to fires, since some species demonstrated a greater tolerance to the fire than others. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Edaphic characterization of a forest savanna ecotone in southeastern Brazil. This study was motivated by the scarcity of studies involving descriptions of edaphic horizons in the transition from savanna to forest. It aims at comparing the chemical features and the texture of savanna and forest soils in one ecotone, and at considering possible edaphic influences on vegetation. In areas pertaining to the Botanical Garden of Bauru, State of São Paulo, two-meter deep pits were opened in different parts of a seasonal semi-deciduous forest and of a forested savanna to directly collect soil samples in different horizons. The physicochemical analysis revealed high contents of different nutrients, e.g., Ca and Mg, and low contents of Al in the superficial horizons of the seasonal forest, which were classified as eutrophic. Conversely, all the forested savanna horizons were considered as dystrophic. These edaphic features may be due to the different microenvironments of the studied phytocenoses.
A study to quantify the populations of filamentous fungi and actinomycetes was undertaken in a cerrado area, in Corumbatai county, São Paulo, at different depths of medium-textured red-yellow latosol, correlating them to humidity, organic matter, pH of the soil and climatic factors. The technique used was the serial dilution of composite soil samples (n=4), using Martin's medium with streptomycin for filamentous fungi and a starch medium for actinomycetes. The number of filamentous fungi was more abundant in the first soil layer, 0-5 cml compared to the other depths. The number of actinomycetes was higher between 5 cm and 50 cm depth. There were two-monthly variations in the number of filamentous fungi and actinomycetes. A sharp drop in fungi was found in May 1988 at all depths of the soil, when there was lower air temperature and an atypically high monthly rainfall for this period in the cerrado. Statistically significant and directly proportional correlations were obtained between the number of actinomycetes and the rainfall at depths of 0 to 5 cm and 50 to 100 cm. The results obtained in the different soil layers to 100 cm depth demonstrated the importance of the first 5 cm layer due to the heavy concentration of microorganisms, mainly the filamentous fungi, together with the highest organic matter content.