735 resultados para Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises
This paper examines the potential for cluster associations to act globally on behalf of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) utilising networked internet-based capabilities to trade globally. The slow up-take of such new technology and the problems involved is also becoming of increased interest to policymakers. This paper argues that cluster associations with low power-dependence and decentralised structures are better able to provide the necessary support that networks of SMEs require to utilise the technology.
Prior studies have shown that innovative information systems (IS) adoption behaviour by small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is greatly dependent on organizational and environmental characteristics. Government influence (i.e., federal and local government agencies) was found to play an important role in the promotion or enforcement of innovative IS adoption by SMEs, and it is vital for ensuring adoption of nationwide innovative IS, particularly in developing economies. This study introduces the construct of enacted capabilities and examines the enacted capabilities that motivate SMEs to use innovative IS (i.e., a government's electronic procurement systems) to its full potential. A model of how enacted capabilities affect IS adoption behaviour through perceived net benefits and attitude is developed. A survey (and follow-up interviews) of CEOs/owners from Malaysian SMEs was conducted. Results indicate the enacted capabilities possessed by SMEs play a prominent role in determining the adoption of government electronic procurement systems by these enterprises.
O objetivo desse estudo foi evidenciar o uso das ferramentas de controle gerencial que auxiliam no processo de tomada de decisão nas Micros, Pequenas e Médias Empresas, no município de SCSul. Entende-se, que na atualidade esses instrumentos devem ser alinhados com a realidade dessas organizações e as informações extraídas por estas devem ser a base para a tomada de decisão que perpetuem a riqueza dos investidores. O procedimento metodológico aplicado na escolha das empresas pesquisadas foi o critério de conveniência, utilizando o método de raciocínio dedutivo, através de aplicação de um questionário em 296 empresas, pelo a qual 18,6% destas se depuseram a responder o questionário. As empresas foram classificadas de acordo com o faturamento bruto anual estabelecido pela Receita Federal. Após a análise dos resultados, foi possível detectar que cerca de 41% dessas organizações estão a mais de 20 anos no mercado, o que demonstra uma boa consolidação no mercado. Detecta-se, também, que estes empresários-gerentes possuem uma forte formação superior: 31,27% pós-graduados e 22,22% graduados, o que pode ser um diferencial na gestão desses negócios. Como o pressuposto dessa pesquisa foi de analisar: se as MPME s industriais no município de SCSul estão utilizando as ferramentas de controle gerencial em seu processo de gestão para tomada de decisão, diante das análises efetuadas, tanto pelo o estudo de campo com bibliográfica, conclui-se que a tomada de decisão nessas empresas está baseada nas ferramentas de controle e que estas possuem um bom controle dos seus negócios contrariando o que se esperava.
O associativismo empresarial aparece como forma de desenvolvimento regional, seja este econômico, social ou cultural, e é grande aliado para o surgimento e crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas. É um tema já vivenciado e estudado por vários países do mundo, entre eles europeus e especificamente italianos, mas ainda pouco estudado e conhecido no Brasil. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o associativismo empresarial entre micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) na região do Grande ABC (GABC) pelo Projeto Empreender (SEBRAE) relacionando seus dados com os publicados do relatório 2003/5 de autoria do Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas europeias, analisando as formas de associativismo aqui ocorridas, além de identificar o perfil das empresas e empresários envolvidos no projeto. Para tal análise foram coletados dados de um total de 63 empresas do Projeto Empreender, nos núcleos de Santo André, São Caetano do Sul e Ribeirão Pires. Do GABC foram coletados dados utilizando o instrumento desenvolvido pelo Observatório Europeu de estudos sobre pequenas e médias empresas. A análise dos dados coletados no GABC em relação aos dados europeus se fez necessária para que pudessem ser encontrados pontos de divergências e convergências em cada uma das experiências, objetivando o aprendizado e evolução do tema. A escolha do GABC foi motivada pelo fato da região passar por mudanças no seu perfil econômico, passando de berço e grande pólo das grandes indústrias para um grande centro de pequenas empresas prestadoras de serviços. Após coleta e análise dos dados, percebeu-se que a experiência do GABC e a ocorrida na Itália se parecem em muitos aspectos, porém tem grandes diferenças estruturais. Enquanto o projeto europeu é de responsabilidade de um órgão da União Europeia, aqui o projeto é de autoria do SEBRAE e sofre grandes conflitos com as Associações Comerciais e Industriais (ACIs) da região quando o tema é custeio das despesas das pessoas e estrutura que envolve a implantação do projeto. Além disso, conclui-se que é necessária uma maior aproximação dos municípios com o projeto, tendo em vista que isto poderia ser fator de incentivo a entrada de novas empresas além de fator de aumento de seriedade do sistema. Mais dois dados merecem destaque. Primeiro o fato do Projeto Empreender ter pouca visibilidade regional, ou seja, ser muito pouco divulgado, e o fato da agência de desenvolvimento do GABC não ter aproximação alguma com o projeto. Por último, surgem dados no decorrer da pesquisa que rompem a barreira das teorias administrativas conhecidas, tais como a amizade como fator de associativismo. Portanto, os resultados obtidos com essa pesquisa apontam para a influência no incentivo ao desenvolvimento do processo associativista na região do GABC, além de servir como incentivador para a aproximação de outros atores sociais no processo.(AU)
Access to external sources of technical knowledge is one of the keys to staying innovative for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The literature suggests that SMEs with a weak internal R&D capacity do not make much use of institutional sources like research institutes and universities. In this paper I investigate how trade associations can induce member SMEs to use a research institute. The case of a public research institute and SMEs in the textile industry in Kyoto, Japan is examined. Evidence from the case suggests that trade associations facilitate the use of the institute by expressing a collective `voice' to the management of the institute. The effect is evident among active members in the use of services involving a large information gap as to their benefits. I also consider a shortcoming of the collective approach and suggest some measures to be taken on the part of research institutes.
This exploratory paper, developing a conceptual model of owner-manager characteristics and access to finance, aims to investigate whether the concept of strategic groups plays a role in the process of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) accessing finance. Strategic groups are groups of firms making similar patterns of investments in order to achieve their goals. This paper explores how strategic groups, which represent a classification of SMEs based upon their realised strategies, helps to provide an understanding of the success of SMEs in raising finance. The data, from a representative survey of 400 SMEs conducted by the Barclays Bank Telephone Research Unit, were subject to two-stage cluster analysis, thus codified into strategic groups using the natural rhythm of the data, rather than any subjective and value-laden categories being imposed by the authors. The findings show clear differentiation between strategic groups of SMEs, the characteristics of their owner-managers, and the financing strategies adopted. As such, the paper develops a novel typology of strategic groups of SMEs which, therefore, informs their financing strategies, as well as advising other stakeholders.
Determining an appropriate research methodology is considered as an important element in a research study; especially in a doctoral research study. It involves approach to the entire process of a research study, starting from theoretical underpinnings and spanning to data collection and analysis, and extending to developing the solutions for the problems investigated. Research methodology in essence is focused around the problems to be investigated in a research study and therefore varies according to the problems investigated. Thus, identifying the research methodology that best suits a research in hand is important, not only as it will benefit achieving the set objectives of a research, but also as it will serve establishing the credibility of the work. Research philosophy, approach, strategy, choice, and techniques are inherent components of the methodology. Research strategy provides the overall direction of the research including the process by which the research is conducted. Case study, experiment, survey, action research, grounded theory and ethnography are examples for such research strategies. Case study is documented as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. Case study was adopted as the overarching research strategy, in a doctoral study developed to investigate the resilience of construction Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK to extreme weather events. The research sought to investigate how construction SMEs are affected by EWEs, respond to the risk of EWEs, and means of enhancing their resilience to future EWEs. It is argued that utilising case study strategy will benefit the research study, in achieving the set objectives of the research and answering the research questions raised, by comparing and contrasting with the alternative strategies available. It is also claimed that the selected strategy will contribute towards addressing the call for improved methodological pluralism in construction management research, enhancing the understanding of complex network of relationships pertinent to the industry and the phenomenon being studied.
Improving the performance of private sector small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in a cost effective manner is a major concern for government. Governments have saved costs by moving information online rather than through more expensive face-to-face exchanges between advisers and clients. Building on previous work that distinguished between types of advice, this article evaluates whether these changes to delivery mechanisms affect the type of advice received. Using a multinomial logit model of 1334 cases of business advice to small firms collected in England, the study found that advice to improve capabilities was taken by smaller firms who were less likely to have limited liability or undertake business planning. SMEs sought word-of-mouth referrals before taking internal, capability-enhancing advice. This is also the case when that advice was part of a wider package of assistance involving both internal and external aspects. Only when firms took advice that used extant capabilities did they rely on the Internet. Therefore, when the Internet is privileged over face-to-face advice the changes made by each recipient of advice are likely to diminish causing less impact from advice within the economy. It implies that fewer firms will adopt the sorts of management practices that would improve their productivity. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs); which generate more than one half of the employment and turnover, form an important sector of the UK economy. In fact, SMEs are considered as the backbone of the UK economy due to their significant economic and societal importance. Despite SMEs being the main drivers of the UK economy, they are also said to be the most vulnerable to the impacts from various disruptions such as Extreme Weather Events (EWEs). Consequently, increased intensity and frequency of weather extremes in the UK during the recent past has created a significant impact on the SME community. As the threat of EWEs is expected to further increase in future, the need for SMEs to implement effective coping mechanisms to manage the effects of EWEs is also increasing. This paper aims to identify and evaluate the current coping mechanisms implemented by SMEs to ensure their business continuity in the event of a weather extreme. The paper presents the findings of a questionnaire survey, conducted as part of "Community Resilience to Extreme Weather - CREW" research project, addressing this issue. It is identified that SMEs mostly rely on generic business continuity strategies as opposed to property level protection measures. The paper highlights the importance of raising the uptake of coping strategies by SMEs, as many were found without adequate coping strategies to deal with the risk of EWEs.
Determining an appropriate research methodology is considered as an important element in a research study; especially in a doctoral research study. It involves approach to the entire process of a research study, starting from theoretical underpinnings and spanning to data collection and analysis, and extending to developing the solutions for the problems investigated. Research methodology in essence is focused around the problems to be investigated in a research study and therefore varies according to the problems investigated. Thus, identifying the research methodology that best suits a research in hand is important, not only as it will benefit achieving the set objectives of a research, but also as it will serve establishing the credibility of the work. Research philosophy, approach, strategy, choice, and techniques are inherent components of the methodology. Research strategy provides the overall direction of the research including the process by which the research is conducted. Case study, experiment, survey, action research, grounded theory and ethnography are examples for such research strategies. Case study is documented as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. Case study was adopted as the overarching research strategy, in a doctoral study developed to investigate the resilience of construction Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK to extreme weather events. The research sought to investigate how construction SMEs are affected by EWEs, respond to the risk of EWEs, and means of enhancing their resilience to future EWEs. It is argued that utilising case study strategy will benefit the research study, in achieving the set objectives of the research and answering the research questions raised, by comparing and contrasting with the alternative strategies available. It is also claimed that the selected strategy will contribute towards addressing the call for improved methodological pluralism in construction management research, enhancing the understanding of complex network of relationships pertinent to the industry and the phenomenon being studied.
Enhancing the resilience of local communities to weather extremes has gained significant interest over the years, amidst the increased intensity and frequency of such events. The fact that such weather extremes are forecast to further increase in number and severity in future has added extra weight to the importance of the issue. As a local community consists of a number of community groups such as households, businesses and policy makers, the actions of different community groups in combination will determine the resilience of the community as a whole. An important role has to be played by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs); which is an integral segment of a local community in the UK, in this regard. While it is recognised that they are vital to the economy of a country and determines the prosperity of communities, they are increasingly vulnerable to effects of extreme weather. This paper discusses some of the exploratory studies conducted in the UK on SMEs and their ability to cope with extreme weather events, specifically flooding. Although a reasonable level of awareness of the risk was observed among the SMEs, this has not always resulted in increased preparedness even if they are located in areas at risk of flooding. The attitude and the motivation to change differed widely between SMEs. The paper presents schemas by which the SMEs can identify their vulnerability better so that they can be populated among a community of SMEs, which can be taken forward to inform policy making in this area. Therefore the main contribution the paper makes to the body of knowledge in the area is a novel way to communicate to SMEs on improving resilience against extreme weather, which will inform some of the policy making initiatives in the UK.
Recent policy changes in the UK encourage at-risk communities to learn to live with and adapt to flooding. Adaptation of individual properties by embracing resilient and resistant measures is an important aspect endorsed therein. Uptake of such protection measures by property owners, including that of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), has traditionally been low. A post-flood situation offers an opportunity to reinstate / reconstruct by integrating flood protection measures, in such a way that reduce damage and enhance the ability to recover in the event of a future flood incidence. In order to investigate the reinstatement / reconstruction experiences of flood affected SMEs, those affected by the 2009 Cockermouth flood event were studied. The results of a questionnaire survey revealed that many SMEs have opted for traditional reinstatement rather than resilient reinstatement. A detailed case study revealed requirements of getting the business back and running as soon as possible, a lack of guidance and advice from professionals and financial concerns as some of the barriers faced by SMEs. It is important that SMEs are provided with necessary guidance during the post-flood reinstatement stage, in order to make sure that the opportunity to build back better, integrating flood-protection measures is grasped by the SME owners. Stakeholders related to the construction industry, who are actively involved with post-flood reinstatement work, have an important role to play in this regard, providing necessary guidance and expertise to flooded SMEs.
Weather extremes have created a considerable impact on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK during the recent years, especially on SMEs in the construction sector. Evidence in relation to the recent weather extremes have demonstrated that SMEs are some of the worst impacted by the Extreme Weather Events (EWEs) and have confirmed them as a highly vulnerable section of the UK economy to the impact of extreme weather. This is of particular importance to the construction industry, as an overarching majority of construction companies are SMEs who account for the majority of employment and income generation within the industry. Whilst construction has been perceived as a sector significantly vulnerable to the impacts of EWEs, there is scant evidence of how construction SMEs respond to such events and cope with their impact. Based on the evidence emerged from case studies of construction SMEs, current coping strategies of construction SMEs were identified. Some of the strategies identified were focused at organisational level whereas others were focused at project level. Further, some of the strategies were general risk management / business continuity strategies whereas others have been specifically developed to address the risk of EWEs. Accordingly, coping strategies can be broadly categorised based on their focus; i.e. those focused at project or organisational level, and based on the risks that they seek to address; i.e. business / continuity risks in general or EWE risk specifically. By overlapping these two aspects; their focus and risks that they seek to address, four categories of coping strategies can be devised. There are; general risk management strategies focused at business level, general risk management strategies focused at project level, EWE specific strategies focused at business level, and EWE specific strategies focused at project level. It is proposed that for a construction SME to effectively cope with the impact of EWEs and develop their resilience against EWEs a rich mix of these coping strategies are required to suite the particular requirements of the business.