974 resultados para Single-chain variable fragments
This paper is based on the analysis and implementation of a new drive system applied to refrigeration systems, complying with the restrictions imposed by the IEC standards (Harmonic/Flicker/EMI-Electromagnetic Interference restrictions), in order to obtain high efficiency, high power factor, reduced harmonic distortion in the input current and reduced electromagnetic interference, with excellent performance in temperature control of a refrigeration prototype system (automatic control, precision and high dynamic response). The proposal is replace the single-phase motor by a three-phase motor, in the conventional refrigeration system. In this way, a proper control technique can be applied, using a closed-loop (feedback control), that will allow an accurate adjustment of the desirable temperature. The proposed refrigeration prototype uses a 0.5Hp three-phase motor and an open (Belt-Drive) Bitzer IY type compressor. The input rectifier stage's features include the reduction in the input current ripple, the reduction in the output voltage ripple, the use of low stress devices, low volume for the EMI input filter, high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the input current, in compliance with the IEC61000-3-2 standards. The digital controller for the output three-phase inverter stage has been developed using a conventional voltage-frequency control (scalar V/f control), and a simplified stator oriented Vector control, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed digital controls for continuous temperature control applied at the refrigerator prototype. ©2008 IEEE.
ResumoThe main idea of this work is based on the analysis of the electric torque through the acting of the PS in the power system, provided of a control for the compensation degree (PSC). A linear model of the single machine-infinite bus system is used with a PS installed (SMIB/PS system). The variable that represents the presence of PS in the net is associated to the phase displacement introduced in the terminal voltage of the synchronous machine by PS. For the input signals of the PSC are evaluated variations of the angular speed of the rotor, the current magnitude and the active power through the line where the PS is located. The simulations are accomplished to analyze the influence of the PS in the torque formation (synchronizing and damping), of the SMIB/PS system. The analysis are developed in the time and frequency domain.
A PCR-RFLP analysis of the restriction pattern in nuclear (RAG2) and mitochondrial (12S/16S) gene sequences of bat species from the Molossidae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae, and Emballonuridae families produced a large number of fragments: 107 for RAG2 and 155 for 12S/16S combined in 139 and 402 haplotypes, respectively. The values detected for gene variation were low for both sequences (0.13 for RAG2 and 0.15 for 12S/16S) and reflected their conservative feature, reinforced by high values of inter- and intraspecies genetic identity (70-100%). The species with a high gene divergence were variable in the analyses of RAG2 (Eumops perotis, Artibeus lituratus, and Carollia perspicillata) and of 12S/16S (Nyctinomops laticaudatus, C. perspicillata, and Cynomops abrasus), and furthermore, one of them, C. perspicillata, also showed the highest intraspecific variation. The species that exhibited the lowest variation for both genes was Molossus rufus. In the families, the highest variation was observed in the Molossidae and this can be attributed to variation exhibited by Eumops and Nyctinomops species. The variations observed were interpreted as a natural variability within the species and genus that exhibited a conserved pattern in the two gene sequences in different species and family analyzed. Our data reinforce the idea that the analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes contribute to our knowledge of the diversity of New World bats. The genetic variability found in different taxa suggests that an additional diversity, unnoticed by other methods, can be revealed with the use of different molecular strategies. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Purpose: This paper aims to perform an empirical investigation about the constructs and indicators of the supply chain management practices framework. Design/methodology/approach: The measuring framework proposed is based on a survey that was carried out on 107 Brazilian companies. Statistical techniques were employed to verify, validate, and test the reliability of the constructs and their indicators. To validate this framework principal component analysis and structural equation modeling techniques were used. Findings: In general, previous studies suggest six constructs for measuring the supply chain management practices framework. However, in this study a framework was achieved with four constructs of supply chain management practices, namely, supply chain (SC) integration for production planning and control (PPC) support, information sharing about products and targeting strategies, strategic relationship with customer and supplier, and support customer order. This framework has adequate levels of validity and reliability. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation of this study was that only a small sample of companies in a single sector and country were surveyed, and therefore there needs to be further research considering the special conditions in other countries. Originality/value: This study investigated statistically set indicators to discuss the topic supply chain management practices. The framework obtained has good quality of validity and reliability indicators. Thus, an alternative framework has been added to measure supply chain management practices, which is currently a popular topic in the supply chain mainstream literature. Both defined constructs and the validated indicators can be used in other studies on supply chain management. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
There have been few studies on the mutations that cause heterozygous beta-thalassemia and how they affect the iron profile. One hundred and thirty-eight individuals were analyzed, 90 thalasemic β0 and 48 thalasemic β+, identified by classical and molecular methods. Mutations in the hemochromatosis (HFE) gene, detected using PCR-RFLP, were found in 30.4% of these beta-thalassemic patients; heterozygosity for H63D (20.3%) was the most frequent. Ferritin levels and transferrin saturation were similar in beta-thalassemics with and without mutations in the HFE gene. Ferritin concentrations were significantly higher in men and in individuals over 40 years of age. Transferrin saturation also was significantly higher in men, but only in those without HFE gene mutations. There was no significant difference in the iron profile among the β0 and β+ thalassemics, with and without HFE gene mutations. The frequency of ferritin values above 200 ng/mL in women and 300 ng/mL in men was also similar in β0 and β+ thalassemics (P > 0.72). Our conclusion is that ferritin levels are variable in the beta-thalassemia, trait regardless of the type of beta-globin mutation. Furthermore, HFE gene polymorphisms do not change the iron profile in these individuals. ©FUNPEC-RP www.funpecrp.com.br.
SNaPshot minisequencing reaction is in increasing use because of its fast detection of many polymorphisms in a single assay. In this work we described a highly sensitive single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) typing method with detection of 42 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) SNPs in a single PCR and SNaPshot multiplex reaction in order to allow haplogroup classification in Latin American admixture population. We validated the panel typing 160 Brazilian individuals. DNA was extracted from blood spotted on filter paper using Chelex protocol. Forty SNPs were selected targeting haplogroup-specific mutations in Europeans, Africans and Asians (only precursors of Native Americans haplogroups A2, B2, C1, and D1) and two non-coding SNPs were chosen to increase the power of discrimination between individuals (SNPs positions 16,519 and 16,362). It was done using a modified version of a previously published multiplex SNaPshot minisequencing reaction established to resolve European haplogroups, adding SNPs targeting Africans (L0, L1, L2, L3, and L*) and Asians (A, B, C, and D) haplogroups based on SNPs described at PhyloTree.org build 2. PCR primers were designed using PerlPrimer software and checked with the Autodimer program. Thirty-three primer-pairs were used to amplify 42 SNPs. Using this panel, we were able to successfully classify 160 individuals into their correct haplogroups. Complete SNP profiles were obtained from 10. pg of total DNA. We conclude that it is possible to build and genotype more than 40 mtDNA SNPs in a single multiplex PCR and SNaPshot reaction, with sensitivity and reliability, resolving haplogroup classification in admixture populations. © 2011.
The objective of this article is to analyse how green supply chain management (GSCM) practices are being adopted by some high-tech companies located in Brazil. The research was conducted using the case study approach, focusing on eight companies that are representative of this sector. The main results are: (a) the most adopted GSCM practices in the studied high-tech companies located in Brazil are internal environmental management, investment recovery and reverse logistics and (b) Brazilian environmental legislation and international policies are very important in driving the adoption of GSCM practices. The internationalisation of companies was also found to be a variable that interferes with the adoption of GSCM practices. This is one of the first studies that examine the relationship between GSCM and the internationalisation of companies located in Brazil. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London.
The gene responsible for coding the leptin hormone has been associated with productive and reproductive traits in cattle. In dairy cattle, different polymorphisms found in the leptin gene have been associated with several traits of economic interest, such as energy balance, milk yield and composition, live weight, fertility and dry matter consumption. The aim of this study was to detect genetic variability in the leptin gene of buffaloes and to test possible associations with milk yield, fat and protein percentages, age at first calving and first calving interval. Three genotypes (AA, AG and GG) were identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism, which presented genotypic frequencies of 0.30, 0.54 and 0.16, respectively. The allele frequencies were 0.57 for the A allele and 0.43 for the G allele. No significant effects were found in the present study, but there is an indicative that leptin gene affects lipid metabolism. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Investigação de polimorfismos no gene do receptor 2 da interleucina 8 em indivíduos com periodontite
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Lewis blood group system involves two major antigens, Leª and Leb. Their antigenic determinants are not primary gene products but are synthesized by the transfer of sugar subunits to a precursory chain by a specific enzyme which is the product of the FUT3 gene (Lewis gene). The presence of three FUT3 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (59T > G; 508G > A and 1067T > A) was related to the Lewis phenotype of erythrocytes from 185 individuals of Japanese ancestry living in the town of Tomé-Açu in the Brazilian Amazon region. This relationship was detected using a serological hemagglutination test and the Dot-ELISA assay along with the molecular technique PCR-RFLP. We found that the three SNPs investigated in this study only accounted for a proportion of the Lewis-negative phenotype of the erythrocytes.
The Lewis blood group system involves two major antigens, Lea and Leb. Their antigenic determinants are not primary gene products but are synthesized by the transfer of sugar subunits to a precursory chain by a specific enzyme which is the product of the FUT3 gene (Lewis gene). The presence of three FUT3 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (59T > G; 508G > A and 1067T > A) was related to the Lewis phenotype of erythrocytes from 185 individuals of Japanese ancestry living in the town of Tomé-Açu in the Brazilian Amazon region. This relationship was detected using a serological hemagglutination test and the Dot-ELISA assay along with the molecular technique PCR-RFLP. We found that the three SNPs investigated in this study only accounted for a proportion of the Lewis-negative phenotype of the erythrocytes.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
The goal of this study was to analyze international scientific production in the area of constant-production green supply chain management from 2001 to 2012 using the Business Source Complete database (EBSCO Host). The database was checked for cooperation between authors and institutions, author entrants, production and continuity categories, regularity of publication and distribution of publications over time. Ninety articles were included in the sample, and the results showed a reduction in the number of publishing authors, concentrated in one-timers category with 68.90%. The highest yield for a single author was 10 articles, and the most prolific periodical was the Journal of Cleaner Production, with 12 articles published on the subject. Clark University (USA) stood out in terms of output, with 12 affiliated authors. It was concluded that the subject had experienced a significant rise in published literature over that time period.