925 resultados para Sexual drive


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This study examined the role of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms of re-experience, avoidance, and hyperarousal in the relationship between different types of trauma and alcohol use disorders (AUD). We used data from 731 trauma-exposed individuals who participated in the first wave of the PsyCoLaus-study. Trauma characteristics were assessed relatively to the occurrence of lifetime PTSD symptoms and AUD. The results suggest that lifetime and childhood sexual abuse as well as overall childhood trauma were directly linked to AUD and PTSD symptoms, in particular to avoidance symptoms. From single symptom clusters PTSD avoidance was found to specifically mediate the trauma-AUD pathway. Both childhood and sexual trauma strongly contribute to the comorbidity of PTSD and AUD and avoidance-type symptoms appear to play a central role in maintaining this association. Hence, the alleviation of avoidance symptoms might be an important target for therapeutic intervention among victims of sexual abuse before specific addiction treatment is initiated.


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Reaaliaikaisten käyttöjärjestelmien käyttö sulautetuissa järjestelmissä on kasvamassa koko ajan. Sulautettuja tietokoneita käytetään yhä useammassa kohteessa kuten sähkökäyttöjen ohjauksessa. Sähkökäyttöjen ohjaus hoidetaan nykyisin yleensä nopealla digitaalisella signaaliprosessorilla (DSP), jolloin ohjelmointi ja päivittäminen on hidasta ja vaikeaa johtuen käytettävästä matalan tason Assembler-kielestä. Ratkaisuna yleiskäyttöisten prosessorien ja reaaliaikakäyttöjärjestelmien käyttö. Kaupalliset reaaliaikakäyttöjärjestelmät ovat kalliita ja lähdekoodin saaminen omaan käyttöön jopa mahdotonta. Linux on ei-kaupallinen avoimen lähdekoodin käyttöjärjestelmä, joten sen käyttö on ilmaista ja sitä voi muokata vapaasti. Linux:iin on saatavana useita laajennuksia, jotka tekevät siitä reaaliaikaisen käyttöjärjestelmän. Vaihtoehtoina joko kova (hard) tai pehmeä (soft) reaaliaikaisuus. Linux:iin on olemassa valmiita kehitysympäristöjä mutta ne kaipaavat parannusta ennen kuin niitä voidaan käyttää suuressa mittakaavassa teollisuudessa. Reaaliaika Linux ei sovellus nopeisiin ohjauslooppeihin (<100 ms) koska nopeus ei riitä vielä mutta nopeus kasvaa samalla kun prosessorit kehittyvät. Linux soveltuu hyvin rajapinnaksi nopean ohjauksen ja käyttäjän välille ja hitaampaan ohjaukseen.


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Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kuidutusrumpulaitteiston käytön- ja kannatuksen kehittä-minen. Työ rajattiin laajuutensa vuoksi koskemaan tuotesarjan viittä pienintä kokoa. Työn alkuosassa käsitellään kuidutuksen teoriaa ja siihen soveltuvia laitteistoja. Käytön suunnittelun kannalta olennaista käynnistystehon tarvetta on tarkasteltu lähtökohdaisesti fysiikan avulla. Perustietoja teorialle on haettu aiemmista tutkimuksista sekä kirjallisuu-desta. Tarkastelun tuloksena teoriaa on kehitty ja se on saatu vastaamaan todellisuutta aiempaa paremmin. Kannatuksen ja käytön toteuttamisvaihtoja etsittäessä on käytetty systemaattisen koneen-suunnittelun keinoja. Saatuja ideoita on arvioitu teknillis-taloudellisin perustein ja näistä on valittu parhaat vaihtoehdot jatkokehitykseen. Jatkokehitysvaiheessa ratkaisuvaihto-ehtoja on tarkasteltu komponenttitasolla ja näistä on tehty yksityiskohtaiset kustannus-laskelmat. Työn tuloksena on esitetty kannatuksen ja käytön toteutusvaihtoehto, jonka avulla voidaan saavuttaa merkittäviä kustannussäästöjä. Korkea, 30 prosentin kustannussäästö-tavoite saavutettiin.


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Complete sex chromosome dosage compensation has more often been observed in XY than ZW species. In this study, using a population genetic model and the chicken transcriptome, we assess whether sexual conflict can account for this difference. Sexual conflict over expression is inevitable when mutation effects are correlated across the sexes, as compensatory mutations in the heterogametic sex lead to hyperexpression in the homogametic sex. Coupled with stronger selection and greater reproductive variance in males, this results in slower and less complete evolution of Z compared with X dosage compensation. Using expression variance as a measure of selection strength, we find that, as predicted by the model, dosage compensation in the chicken is most pronounced in genes that are under strong selection biased towards females. Our study explains the pattern of weak dosage compensation in ZW systems, and suggests that sexual selection plays a major role in shaping sex chromosome dosage compensation.


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Las pocas actuaciones de sensibilización en los contextos catalán y español sobre la existencia del acoso sexual en el deporte han tenido lugar durante la última década, pero el acoso sexual es todavía un tema de investigación poco estudiado. Sin embargo, investigaciones en países como Australia, Canadá, Dinamarca, Estados Unidos, Finlandia, Noruega, y Reino Unido demuestran que el acoso sexual no es un comportamiento ajeno al mundo del deporte. Ya en el año 2007 el COI hizo un llamamiento a los comités olímpicos nacionales para que empezaran a trabajar y prevenir el acoso sexual en el ámbito deportivo.El objetivo principal de este estudio, financiado por el Instituto Catalán de las Mujeres, es determinar si el acoso sexual en el deporte está también presente en el deporte catalán. Y, consecuentemente, contribuir a sensibilizar a las organizaciones deportivas pertinentes para que tengan presente que el acoso sexual que se produce en contextos deportivos es un problema a tratar desde las políticas deportivas de nuestro país. Los datos que se presentan en este estudio se han extraído de las experiencias de acoso sexual de una muestra de 214 estudiantes-deportistas de tres universidades catalanas donde se imparten estudios de ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte (CCAFD). Los datos de este trabajo muestran niveles de experiencia y de percepción muy diferentes según el tipo de comportamiento analizado. Los comportamientos percibidos como más acosadores son los menos vividos por las chicas estudiantes de CCAFD de Cataluña. Sin embargo, el trabajo constata que en el deporte catalán también hay casos de acoso sexual. Así, el acoso encontrado alcanza cifras de hasta el 6% de incidencia en algunos de los comportamientos.


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BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests a relationship between exposure to trauma during childhood and functional impairments in psychotic patients. However, the impact of age at the time of exposure has been understudied in early psychosis (EP) patients. METHOD: Two hundred and twenty-five patients aged 18-35 years were assessed at baseline and after 2, 6, 18, 24, 30 and 36 months of treatment. Patients exposed to sexual and/or physical abuse (SPA) were classified according to age at the time of first exposure (Early SPA: before age 11 years; Late SPA: between ages 12 and 15 years) and then compared to patients who were not exposed to such trauma (Non-SPA). The functional level in the premorbid phase was measured with the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS) and with the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale and the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) during follow-up. RESULTS: There were 24.8% of patients with a documented history of SPA. Late SPA patients were more likely to be female (p = 0.010). Comparison with non-SPA patients revealed that: (1) both Early and Late SPA groups showed poorer premorbid social functioning during early adolescence, and (2) while patients with Early SPA had poorer functional level at follow-up with lower GAF (p = 0.025) and lower SOFAS (p = 0.048) scores, Late SPA patients did not. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest a link between exposure to SPA and the later impairment of social functioning before the onset of the disease. EP patients exposed to SPA before age 12 may present long-lasting functional impairment, while patients exposed at a later age may improve in this regard and have a better functional outcome.


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Introduction : La littérature suggère un lien entre l'exposition à des expériences traumatiques durant l'enfance et des déficits dans le niveau de fonctionnement chez des patients souffrant de psychose. Par contre, l'impact de l'âge au moment de l'exposition à ces expériences n'a pas été investigué chez des patients dans leur phase précoce de la psychose. Méthodes : Deux cents vingt-cinq patients âgés entre 18 et 35 ans ont été évalués au moment de leur entrée dans un programme thérapeutique spécialisé pour la psychose débutante (TIPP), et après 2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 et 36 mois de traitement. Les patients exposés à des abus sexuel et/ou physiques (SPA) ont été classifiés selon l'âge au moment de la première exposition (Early-SPA : avant 11 ans d'âge; Late-SPA : entre 12 et 15 ans d'âge) et ils ont été comparés à des patients qui n'ont jamais été exposés à une telle expérience (Non-SPA). Le niveau de fonctionnement dans la phase premorbide a été mesuré avec la Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS) et avec les échelles Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) et Social and Occupational Functionning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) durant le suivi thérapeutique. Résultats : 24.8 % des patients ont été exposés à SPA. Les patients dans le groupe Late-SPA étaient plus souvent des femmes (p=0.010). Les comparaisons avec les patients dans le groupe Non-SPA ont révélé que : (1) Les patients dans le groupe Early et Late-SPA ont montré un moins bon niveau de fonctionnement social premorbide durant l'adolescence précoce, et (2) alors que les patients dans le groupe Early-SPA ont présenté un moins bon niveau de fonctionnement durant tout le suivi selon les scores de GAF (p=0.025) et SOFAS (p=0.048), les patients dans le groupe Late-SPA n'ont pas montré telles différences avec le groupe non exposé. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent un lien entre l'exposition à SPA et une altération ultérieure de niveau de fonctionnement social, avant l'apparition de la maladie. Les patients dans leur phase précoce de la psychose exposés à SPA avant l'âge de 12 ans ont des altérations fonctionnelles durables, alors que les patients exposés à SPA plus tardivement semblent s'améliorer à ce niveau et montrent une meilleure capacité de récupération.


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This study examined the role of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms of re-experience, avoidance, and hyperarousal in the relationship between different types of trauma and alcohol use disorders (AUD). We used data from 731 trauma-exposed individuals who participated in the first wave of the PsyCoLaus-study. Trauma characteristics were assessed relatively to the occurrence of lifetime PTSD symptoms and AUD. The results suggest that lifetime and childhood sexual abuse as well as overall childhood trauma were directly linked to AUD and PTSD symptoms, in particular to avoidance symptoms. From single symptom clusters PTSD avoidance was found to specifically mediate the trauma-AUD pathway. Both childhood and sexual trauma strongly contribute to the comorbidity of PTSD and AUD and avoidance-type symptoms appear to play a central role in maintaining this association. Hence, the alleviation of avoidance symptoms might be an important target for therapeutic intervention among victims of sexual abuse before specific addiction treatment is initiated.


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La presente revisión tiene como objetivos analizar si dentro de los programas preventivos europeos de salud sexual y reproductiva existen barreras de acceso, identificar qué grupos son más vulnerables respecto a la prevención y conocer estrategias que permitan un mejor acceso a dichos programas. El método es una revisión de la bibliografía publicada en los últimos 10 años sobre iniciativas de prevención en salud sexual y reproductiva en Europa. Los resultados muestran la existencia de desigualdades en el acceso, y se identifican propuestas para contribuir a su disminución. La conclusión principal es que las mujeres con condiciones socioeconómicas desfavorables tendrán un mayor riesgo de exclusión si no se aplican medidas correctoras en el diseño de los programas.


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La presente revisión tiene como objetivos analizar si dentro de los programas preventivos europeos de salud sexual y reproductiva existen barreras de acceso, identificar qué grupos son más vulnerables respecto a la prevención y conocer estrategias que permitan un mejor acceso a dichos programas. El método es una revisión de la bibliografía publicada en los últimos 10 años sobre iniciativas de prevención en salud sexual y reproductiva en Europa. Los resultados muestran la existencia de desigualdades en el acceso, y se identifican propuestas para contribuir a su disminución. La conclusión principal es que las mujeres con condiciones socioeconómicas desfavorables tendrán un mayor riesgo de exclusión si no se aplican medidas correctoras en el diseño de los programas.


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The aim of the study is to obtain a mathematical description for an alternative variant of controlling a hydraulic circuit with an electrical drive. The electrical and hydraulic systems are described by basic mathematical equations. The flexibilities of the load and boom is modeled with assumed mode method. The model is achieved and proven with simulations. The controller is constructed and proven to decrease oscillations and improve the dynamic response of the system.


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The fact that individuals learn can change the relationship between genotype and phenotype in the population, and thus affect the evolutionary response to selection. Here we ask how male ability to learn from female response affects the evolution of a novel male behavioral courtship trait under pre-existing female preference (sensory drive). We assume a courtship trait which has both a genetic and a learned component, and a two-level female response to males. With individual-based simulations we show that, under this scenario, learning generally increases the strength of selection on the genetic component of the courtship trait, at least when the population genetic mean is still low. As a consequence, learning not only accelerates the evolution of the courtship trait, but also enables it when the trait is costly, which in the absence of learning results in an adaptive valley. Furthermore, learning can enable the evolution of the novel trait in the face of gene flow mediated by immigration of males that show superior attractiveness to females based on another, non-heritable trait. However, rather than increasing monotonically with the speed of learning, the effect of learning on evolution is maximized at intermediate learning rates. This model shows that, at least under some scenarios, the ability to learn can drive the evolution of mating behaviors through a process equivalent to Waddington's genetic assimilation.


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This thesis presents briefly the basic operation and use of centrifugal pumps and parallel pumping applications. The characteristics of parallel pumping applications are compared to circuitry, in order to search analogy between these technical fields. The purpose of studying circuitry is to find out if common software tools for solving circuit performance could be used to observe parallel pumping applications. The empirical part of the thesis introduces a simulation environment for parallel pumping systems, which is based on circuit components of Matlab Simulink —software. The created simulation environment ensures the observation of variable speed controlled parallel pumping systems in case of different controlling methods. The introduced simulation environment was evaluated by building a simulation model for actual parallel pumping system at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The simulated performance of the parallel pumps was compared to measured values of the actual system. The gathered information shows, that if the initial data of the system and pump perfonnance is adequate, the circuitry based simulation environment can be exploited to observe parallel pumping systems. The introduced simulation environment can represent the actual operation of parallel pumps in reasonably accuracy. There by the circuitry based simulation can be used as a researching tool to develop new controlling ways for parallel pumps.


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Energy consumption and energy efficiency have become an issue. Energy consumption is rising all over the world and because of that, and the climate change, energy is becoming more and more expensive. Buildings are major consumers of energy, and inside the buildings the major consumers are heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. They usually run at constant speed without efficient control. In most cases HVAC equipment is also oversized. Traditionally heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems have been sized to meet conditions that rarely occur. The theory part in this thesis represents the basics of life cycle costs and calculations for the whole life cycle of a system. It also represents HVAC systems, equipment, systems controls and ways to save energy in these systems. The empirical part of this thesis represents life cycle cost calculations for HVAC systems. With these calculations it is possible to compute costs for the whole life cycle for the wanted variables. Life cycle costs make it possible to compare which variable causes most of the costs from the whole life point of view. Life cycle costs were studied through two real life cases which were focused on two different kinds of HVAC systems. In both of these cases the renovations were already made, so that the comparison between the old and the new, now existing system would be easier. The study indicates that energy can be saved in HVAC systems by using variable speed drive as a control method.