1000 resultados para Serrarias - Automação


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There are some approaches that take advantage of unused computational resources in the Internet nodes - users´ machines. In the last years , the peer-to-peer networks (P2P) have gaining a momentum mainly due to its support for scalability and fault tolerance. However, current P2P architectures present some problems such as nodes overhead due to messages routing, a great amount of nodes reconfigurations when the network topology changes, routing traffic inside a specific network even when the traffic is not directed to a machine of this network, and the lack of a proximity relationship among the P2P nodes and the proximity of these nodes in the IP network. Although some architectures use the information about the nodes distance in the IP network, they use methods that require dynamic information. In this work we propose a P2P architecture to fix the problems afore mentioned. It is composed of three parts. The first part consists of a basic P2P architecture, called SGrid, which maintains a relationship of nodes in the P2P network with their position in the IP network. Its assigns adjacent key regions to nodes of a same organization. The second part is a protocol called NATal (Routing and NAT application layer) that extends the basic architecture in order to remove from the nodes the responsibility of routing messages. The third part consists of a special kind of node, called LSP (Lightware Super-Peer), which is responsible for maintaining the P2P routing table. In addition, this work also presents a simulator that validates the architecture and a module of the Natal protocol to be used in Linux routers


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This work develops a robustness analysis with respect to the modeling errors, being applied to the strategies of indirect control using Artificial Neural Networks - ANN s, belong to the multilayer feedforward perceptron class with on-line training based on gradient method (backpropagation). The presented schemes are called Indirect Hybrid Control and Indirect Neural Control. They are presented two Robustness Theorems, being one for each proposed indirect control scheme, which allow the computation of the maximum steady-state control error that will occur due to the modeling error what is caused by the neural identifier, either for the closed loop configuration having a conventional controller - Indirect Hybrid Control, or for the closed loop configuration having a neural controller - Indirect Neural Control. Considering that the robustness analysis is restrict only to the steady-state plant behavior, this work also includes a stability analysis transcription that is suitable for multilayer perceptron class of ANN s trained with backpropagation algorithm, to assure the convergence and stability of the used neural systems. By other side, the boundness of the initial transient behavior is assured by the assumption that the plant is BIBO (Bounded Input, Bounded Output) stable. The Robustness Theorems were tested on the proposed indirect control strategies, while applied to regulation control of simulated examples using nonlinear plants, and its results are presented


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This master dissertation presents the development of a fault detection and isolation system based in neural network. The system is composed of two parts: an identification subsystem and a classification subsystem. Both of the subsystems use neural network techniques with multilayer perceptron training algorithm. Two approaches for identifica-tion stage were analyzed. The fault classifier uses only residue signals from the identification subsystem. To validate the proposal we have done simulation and real experiments in a level system with two water reservoirs. Several faults were generated above this plant and the proposed fault detection system presented very acceptable behavior. In the end of this work we highlight the main difficulties found in real tests that do not exist when it works only with simulation environments


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Breast cancer, despite being one of the leading causes of death among women worldwide is a disease that can be cured if diagnosed early. One of the main techniques used in the detection of breast cancer is the Fine Needle Aspirate FNA (aspiration puncture by thin needle) which, depending on the clinical case, requires the analysis of several medical specialists for the diagnosis development. However, such diagnosis and second opinions have been hampered by geographical dispersion of physicians and/or the difficulty in reconciling time to undertake work together. Within this reality, this PhD thesis uses computational intelligence in medical decision-making support for remote diagnosis. For that purpose, it presents a fuzzy method to assist the diagnosis of breast cancer, able to process and sort data extracted from breast tissue obtained by FNA. This method is integrated into a virtual environment for collaborative remote diagnosis, whose model was developed providing for the incorporation of prerequisite Modules for Pre Diagnosis to support medical decision. On the fuzzy Method Development, the process of knowledge acquisition was carried out by extraction and analysis of numerical data in gold standard data base and by interviews and discussions with medical experts. The method has been tested and validated with real cases and, according to the sensitivity and specificity achieved (correct diagnosis of tumors, malignant and benign respectively), the results obtained were satisfactory, considering the opinions of doctors and the quality standards for diagnosis of breast cancer and comparing them with other studies involving breast cancer diagnosis by FNA.


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This work presents a set of intelligent algorithms with the purpose of correcting calibration errors in sensors and reducting the periodicity of their calibrations. Such algorithms were designed using Artificial Neural Networks due to its great capacity of learning, adaptation and function approximation. Two approaches willbe shown, the firstone uses Multilayer Perceptron Networks to approximate the many shapes of the calibration curve of a sensor which discalibrates in different time points. This approach requires the knowledge of the sensor s functioning time, but this information is not always available. To overcome this need, another approach using Recurrent Neural Networks was proposed. The Recurrent Neural Networks have a great capacity of learning the dynamics of a system to which it was trained, so they can learn the dynamics of a sensor s discalibration. Knowingthe sensor s functioning time or its discalibration dynamics, it is possible to determine how much a sensor is discalibrated and correct its measured value, providing then, a more exact measurement. The algorithms proposed in this work can be implemented in a Foundation Fieldbus industrial network environment, which has a good capacity of device programming through its function blocks, making it possible to have them applied to the measurement process


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Este trabalho propõe um ambiente computacional aplicado ao ensino de sistemas de controle, denominado de ModSym. O software implementa uma interface gráfica para a modelagem de sistemas físicos lineares e mostra, passo a passo, o processamento necessário à obtenção de modelos matemáticos para esses sistemas. Um sistema físico pode ser representado, no software, de três formas diferentes. O sistema pode ser representado por um diagrama gráfico a partir de elementos dos domínios elétrico, mecânico translacional, mecânico rotacional e hidráulico. Pode também ser representado a partir de grafos de ligação ou de diagramas de fluxo de sinal. Uma vez representado o sistema, o ModSym possibilita o cálculo de funções de transferência do sistema na forma simbólica, utilizando a regra de Mason. O software calcula também funções de transferência na forma numérica e funções de sensibilidade paramétrica. O trabalho propõe ainda um algoritmo para obter o diagrama de fluxo de sinal de um sistema físico baseado no seu grafo de ligação. Este algoritmo e a metodologia de análise de sistemas conhecida por Network Method permitiram a utilização da regra de Mason no cálculo de funções de transferência dos sistemas modelados no software


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Due to the current need of the industry to integrate data of the beginning of production originating from of several sources and of transforming them in useful information for sockets of decisions, a search exists every time larger for systems of visualization of information that come to collaborate with that functionality. On the other hand, a common practice nowadays, due to the high competitiveness of the market, it is the development of industrial systems that possess characteristics of modularity, distribution, flexibility, scalability, adaptation, interoperability, reusability and access through web. Those characteristics provide an extra agility and a larger easiness in adapting to the frequent changes of demand of the market. Based on the arguments exposed above, this work consists of specifying a component-based architecture, with the respective development of a system based on that architecture, for the visualization of industrial data. The system was conceived to be capable to supply on-line information and, optionally, historical information of variables originating from of the beginning of production. In this work it is shown that the component-based architecture developed possesses the necessary requirements for the obtaining of a system robust, reliable and of easy maintenance, being, like this, in agreement with the industrial needs. The use of that architecture allows although components can be added, removed or updated in time of execution, through a manager of components through web, still activating more the adaptation process and updating of the system


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This work presents the development of new microwaves structures, filters and high gain antenna, through the cascading of frequency selective surfaces, which uses fractals Dürer and Minkowski patches as elements, addition of an element obtained from the combination of the other two simple the cross dipole and the square spiral. Frequency selective surfaces (FSS) includes a large area of Telecommunications and have been widely used due to its low cost, low weight and ability to integrate with others microwaves circuits. They re especially important in several applications, such as airplane, antennas systems, radomes, rockets, missiles, etc. FSS applications in high frequency ranges have been investigated, as well as applications of cascading structures or multi-layer, and active FSS. In this work, we present results for simulated and measured transmission characteristics of cascaded structures (multilayer), aiming to investigate the behavior of the operation in terms of bandwidth, one of the major problems presented by frequency selective surfaces. Comparisons are made with simulated results, obtained using commercial software such as Ansoft DesignerTM v3 and measured results in the laboratory. Finally, some suggestions are presented for future works on this subject


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On this paper, it is made a comparative analysis among a controller fuzzy coupled to a PID neural adjusted by an AGwith several traditional control techniques, all of them applied in a system of tanks (I model of 2nd order non lineal). With the objective of making possible the techniques involved in the comparative analysis and to validate the control to be compared, simulations were accomplished of some control techniques (conventional PID adjusted by GA, Neural PID (PIDN) adjusted by GA, Fuzzy PI, two Fuzzy attached to a PID Neural adjusted by GA and Fuzzy MISO (3 inputs) attached to a PIDN adjusted by GA) to have some comparative effects with the considered controller. After doing, all the tests, some control structures were elected from all the tested techniques on the simulating stage (conventional PID adjusted by GA, Fuzzy PI, two Fuzzy attached to a PIDN adjusted by GA and Fuzzy MISO (3 inputs) attached to a PIDN adjusted by GA), to be implemented at the real system of tanks. These two kinds of operation, both the simulated and the real, were very important to achieve a solid basement in order to establish the comparisons and the possible validations show by the results


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The increasing of the number of attacks in the computer networks has been treated with the increment of the resources that are applied directly in the active routers equip-ments of these networks. In this context, the firewalls had been consolidated as essential elements in the input and output control process of packets in a network. With the advent of intrusion detectors systems (IDS), efforts have been done in the direction to incorporate packets filtering based in standards of traditional firewalls. This integration incorporates the IDS functions (as filtering based on signatures, until then a passive element) with the already existing functions in firewall. In opposite of the efficiency due this incorporation in the blockage of signature known attacks, the filtering in the application level provokes a natural retard in the analyzed packets, and it can reduce the machine performance to filter the others packets because of machine resources demand by this level of filtering. This work presents models of treatment for this problem based in the packets re-routing for analysis by a sub-network with specific filterings. The suggestion of implementa- tion of this model aims reducing the performance problem and opening a space for the consolidation of scenes where others not conventional filtering solutions (spam blockage, P2P traffic control/blockage, etc.) can be inserted in the filtering sub-network, without inplying in overload of the main firewall in a corporative network


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Several research lines show that sleep favors memory consolidation and learning. It has been proposed that the cognitive role of sleep is derived from a global scaling of synaptic weights, able to homeostatically restore the ability to learn new things, erasing memories overnight. This phenomenon is typical of slow-wave sleep (SWS) and characterized by non-Hebbian mechanisms, i.e., mechanisms independent of synchronous neuronal activity. Another view holds that sleep also triggers the specific enhancement of synaptic connections, carrying out the embossing of certain mnemonic traces within a lattice of synaptic weights rescaled each night. Such an embossing is understood as the combination of Hebbian and non-Hebbian mechanisms, capable of increasing and decreasing respectively the synaptic weights in complementary circuits, leading to selective memory improvement and a restructuring of synaptic configuration (SC) that can be crucial for the generation of new behaviors ( insights ). The empirical findings indicate that initiation of Hebbian plasticity during sleep occurs in the transition of the SWS to the stage of rapid eye movement (REM), possibly due to the significant differences between the firing rates regimes of the stages and the up-regulation of factors involved in longterm synaptic plasticity. In this study the theories of homeostasis and embossing were compared using an artificial neural network (ANN) fed with action potentials recorded in the hippocampus of rats during the sleep-wake cycle. In the simulation in which the ANN did not apply the long-term plasticity mechanisms during sleep (SWS-transition REM), the synaptic weights distribution was re-scaled inexorably, for its mean value proportional to the input firing rate, erasing the synaptic weights pattern that had been established initially. In contrast, when the long-term plasticity is modeled during the transition SWSREM, an increase of synaptic weights were observed in the range of initial/low values, redistributing effectively the weights in a way to reinforce a subset of synapses over time. The results suggest that a positive regulation coming from the long-term plasticity can completely change the role of sleep: its absence leads to forgetting; its presence leads to a positive mnemonic change


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In this work, we present a hardware-software architecture for controlling the autonomous mobile robot Kapeck. The hardware of the robot is composed of a set of sensors and actuators organized in a CAN bus. Two embedded computers and eigth microcontroller based boards are used in the system. One of the computers hosts the vision system, due to the significant processing needs of this kind of system. The other computer is used to coordinate and access the CAN bus and to accomplish the other activities of the robot. The microcontroller-based boards are used with the sensors and actuators. The robot has this distributed configuration in order to exhibit a good real-time behavior, where the response time and the temporal predictability of the system is important. We adopted the hybrid deliberative-reactive paradigm in the proposed architecture to conciliate the reactive behavior of the sensors-actuators net and the deliberative activities required to accomplish more complex tasks


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This work presents a theoretical, numerical and computation analysis of parameters of a rectangular microstrip antenna with metamaterial substrate, fin line as a coupler and also integrated devices like integrated filter antenna. It is applied theory to full-wave of Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method, to characterize the magnitude of the substrate and obtain the general equations of the electromagnetic fields. About the metamaterial, they are characterized by permittivity and permeability tensor, reaching to the general equations for the electromagnetic fields of the antenna. It is presented a study about main representation of PBG(Photonic Band Gap) material and its applied for a specific configuration. A few parameters are simulated some structures in order to reduce the physical dimensions and increase the bandwidth. The results are presented through graphs. The theoretical and computational analysis of this work have shown accurate and relatively concise. Conclusions are drawn and suggestions for future work


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The predictive control technique has gotten, on the last years, greater number of adepts in reason of the easiness of adjustment of its parameters, of the exceeding of its concepts for multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) systems, of nonlinear models of processes could be linearised around a operating point, so can clearly be used in the controller, and mainly, as being the only methodology that can take into consideration, during the project of the controller, the limitations of the control signals and output of the process. The time varying weighting generalized predictive control (TGPC), studied in this work, is one more an alternative to the several existing predictive controls, characterizing itself as an modification of the generalized predictive control (GPC), where it is used a reference model, calculated in accordance with parameters of project previously established by the designer, and the application of a new function criterion, that when minimized offers the best parameters to the controller. It is used technique of the genetic algorithms to minimize of the function criterion proposed and searches to demonstrate the robustness of the TGPC through the application of performance, stability and robustness criterions. To compare achieves results of the TGPC controller, the GCP and proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controllers are used, where whole the techniques applied to stable, unstable and of non-minimum phase plants. The simulated examples become fulfilled with the use of MATLAB tool. It is verified that, the alterations implemented in TGPC, allow the evidence of the efficiency of this algorithm


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Deaf people have serious difficulties to access information. The support for sign languages is rarely addressed in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, in scientific literature, there is a lack of works related to machine translation for sign languages in real-time and open-domain scenarios, such as TV. To minimize these problems, in this work, we propose a solution for automatic generation of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) video tracks into captioned digital multimedia contents. These tracks are generated from a real-time machine translation strategy, which performs the translation from a Brazilian Portuguese subtitle stream (e.g., a movie subtitle or a closed caption stream). Furthermore, the proposed solution is open-domain and has a set of mechanisms that exploit human computation to generate and maintain their linguistic constructions. Some implementations of the proposed solution were developed for digital TV, Web and Digital Cinema platforms, and a set of experiments with deaf users was developed to evaluate the main aspects of the solution. The results showed that the proposed solution is efficient and able to generate and embed LIBRAS tracks in real-time scenarios and is a practical and feasible alternative to reduce barriers of deaf to access information, especially when human interpreters are not available