916 resultados para Sediment texture


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This work proposes a novel texture descriptor based on fractal theory. The method is based on the Bouligand- Minkowski descriptors. We decompose the original image recursively into four equal parts. In each recursion step, we estimate the average and the deviation of the Bouligand-Minkowski descriptors computed over each part. Thus, we extract entropy features from both average and deviation. The proposed descriptors are provided by concatenating such measures. The method is tested in a classification experiment under well known datasets, that is, Brodatz and Vistex. The results demonstrate that the novel technique achieves better results than classical and state-of-the-art texture descriptors, such as Local Binary Patterns, Gabor-wavelets and co-occurrence matrix.


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In this paper,we present a novel texture analysis method based on deterministic partially self-avoiding walks and fractal dimension theory. After finding the attractors of the image (set of pixels) using deterministic partially self-avoiding walks, they are dilated in direction to the whole image by adding pixels according to their relevance. The relevance of each pixel is calculated as the shortest path between the pixel and the pixels that belongs to the attractors. The proposed texture analysis method is demonstrated to outperform popular and state-of-the-art methods (e.g. Fourier descriptors, occurrence matrix, Gabor filter and local binary patterns) as well as deterministic tourist walk method and recent fractal methods using well-known texture image datasets.


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Recently there has been a considerable interest in dynamic textures due to the explosive growth of multimedia databases. In addition, dynamic texture appears in a wide range of videos, which makes it very important in applications concerning to model physical phenomena. Thus, dynamic textures have emerged as a new field of investigation that extends the static or spatial textures to the spatio-temporal domain. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for dynamic texture segmentation based on automata theory and k-means algorithm. In this approach, a feature vector is extracted for each pixel by applying deterministic partially self-avoiding walks on three orthogonal planes of the video. Then, these feature vectors are clustered by the well-known k-means algorithm. Although the k-means algorithm has shown interesting results, it only ensures its convergence to a local minimum, which affects the final result of segmentation. In order to overcome this drawback, we compare six methods of initialization of the k-means. The experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art segmentation methods.


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Dynamic texture is a recent field of investigation that has received growing attention from computer vision community in the last years. These patterns are moving texture in which the concept of selfsimilarity for static textures is extended to the spatiotemporal domain. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for dynamic texture representation, that can be used for both texture analysis and segmentation. In this method, deterministic partially self-avoiding walks are performed in three orthogonal planes of the video in order to combine appearance and motion features. We validate our method on three applications of dynamic texture that present interesting challenges: recognition, clustering and segmentation. Experimental results on these applications indicate that the proposed method improves the dynamic texture representation compared to the state of the art.


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The strength and durability of materials produced from aggregates (e.g., concrete bricks, concrete, and ballast) are critically affected by the weathering of the particles, which is closely related to their mineral composition. It is possible to infer the degree of weathering from visual features derived from the surface of the aggregates. By using sound pattern recognition methods, this study shows that the characterization of the visual texture of particles, performed by using texture-related features of gray scale images, allows the effective differentiation between weathered and nonweathered aggregates. The selection of the most discriminative features is also performed by taking into account a feature ranking method. The evaluation of the methodology in the presence of noise suggests that it can be used in stone quarries for automatic detection of weathered materials.


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Trabajo Finde Título para obtener el Grado en Ciencia del Mar


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The study of the impact of climate change on the environment has been based, until very recently, on an global approach, whose interest from a local point of view is very limited. This thesis, on the contrary, has treated the study of the impact of climate change in the Adriatic Sea basin following a twofold strategy of regionalization and integration of numerical models in order to reproduce the present and future scenarios of the system through a more and more realistic and solid approach. In particular the focus of the study was on the impact on the physical environment and on the sediment transport in the basin. This latter is a very new and original issue, to our knowledge still uninvestigated. The study case of the coastal area of Montenegro was particularly studied, since it is characterized by an important supply of sediment through the Buna/Bojana river, second most important in the Adriatic basin in terms of flow. To do this, a methodology to introduce the tidal processes in a baroclinic primitive equations Ocean General Circulation Model was applied and tidal processes were successfully reproduced in the Adriatic Sea, analyzing also the impacts they have on the mean general circulation, on salt and heat transport and on mixing and stratification of the water column in the different seasons of the year. The new hydrodynamical model has been further coupled with a wave model and with a river and sea sediment transport model, showing good results in the reproduction of sediment transport processes. Finally this complex coupled platform was integrated in the period 2001-2030 under the A1B scenario of IPCC, and the impact of climate change on the physical system and on sediment transport was preliminarily evaluated.


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As land is developed, the impervious surfaces that are created increase the amount of runoff during rainfall events, disrupting the natural hydrologic cycle, with an increment in volume of runoff and in pollutant loadings. Pollutants deposited or derived from an activity on the land surface will likely end up in stormwater runoff in some concentration, such as nutrients, sediment, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, gasoline additives, pathogens, deicers, herbicides and pesticides. Several of these pollutants are particulate-bound, so it appears clear that sediment removal can provide significant water-quality improvements and it appears to be important the knowledge of the ability of stromwater treatment devices to retain particulate matter. For this reason three different units which remove sediments have been tested through laboratory. In particular a roadside gully pot has been tested under steady hydraulic conditions, varying the characteristics of the influent solids (diameter, particle size distribution and specific gravity). The efficiency in terms of particles retained has been evaluated as a function of influent flow rate and particles characteristics; results have been compared to efficiency evaluated applying an overflow rate model. Furthermore the role of particles settling velocity in efficiency determination has been investigated. After the experimental runs on the gully pot, a standard full-scale model of an hydrodynamic separator (HS) has been tested under unsteady influent flow rate condition, and constant solid concentration at the input. The results presented in this study illustrate that particle separation efficiency of the unit is predominately influenced by operating flow rate, which strongly affects the particles and hydraulic residence time of the system. The efficiency data have been compared to results obtained from a modified overflow rate model; moreover the residence time distribution has been experimentally determined through tracer analyses for several steady flow rates. Finally three testing experiments have been performed for two different configurations of a full-scale model of a clarifier (linear and crenulated) under unsteady influent flow rate condition, and constant solid concentration at the input. The results illustrate that particle separation efficiency of the unit is predominately influenced by the configuration of the unit itself. Turbidity measures have been used to compare turbidity with the suspended sediments concentration, in order to find a correlation between these two values, which can allow to have a measure of the sediments concentration simply installing a turbidity probe.


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This thesis investigates two distinct research topics. The main topic (Part I) is the computational modelling of cardiomyocytes derived from human stem cells, both embryonic (hESC-CM) and induced-pluripotent (hiPSC-CM). The aim of this research line lies in developing models of the electrophysiology of hESC-CM and hiPSC-CM in order to integrate the available experimental data and getting in-silico models to be used for studying/making new hypotheses/planning experiments on aspects not fully understood yet, such as the maturation process, the functionality of the Ca2+ hangling or why the hESC-CM/hiPSC-CM action potentials (APs) show some differences with respect to APs from adult cardiomyocytes. Chapter I.1 introduces the main concepts about hESC-CMs/hiPSC-CMs, the cardiac AP, and computational modelling. Chapter I.2 presents the hESC-CM AP model, able to simulate the maturation process through two developmental stages, Early and Late, based on experimental and literature data. Chapter I.3 describes the hiPSC-CM AP model, able to simulate the ventricular-like and atrial-like phenotypes. This model was used to assess which currents are responsible for the differences between the ventricular-like AP and the adult ventricular AP. The secondary topic (Part II) consists in the study of texture descriptors for biological image processing. Chapter II.1 provides an overview on important texture descriptors such as Local Binary Pattern or Local Phase Quantization. Moreover the non-binary coding and the multi-threshold approach are here introduced. Chapter II.2 shows that the non-binary coding and the multi-threshold approach improve the classification performance of cellular/sub-cellular part images, taken from six datasets. Chapter II.3 describes the case study of the classification of indirect immunofluorescence images of HEp2 cells, used for the antinuclear antibody clinical test. Finally the general conclusions are reported.


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The physicochemical interactions between water, sediment and soil deeply influence the formation and development of the ecosystem. In this research, different freshwater, brackish and saline subaqueous environments of Northern Italy were chosen as study area to investigate the physicochemical processes which occur at the interface between water and sediments, as well as the effects of soil submergence on ecosystem development. In the freshwater system of the Reno river basin, the main purpose was to define the heavy metals hazard in water and sediments of natural and artificial water courses. Heavy metals partitioning and speciation allowed to assess the environmental risk linked to the critical action of dredging canal sediments, for the maintenance of the hydraulic safety of plain lands. In addition, some bioremediation techniques were experimented for protecting sediments from heavy metals contamination, and for giving an answer to the problem of sediments management. In the brackish system of S. Vitale park, the development of hydromorphic and subaqueous soils was investigated. The study of soil profiles highlighted the presence of a soil continuum among pedons subjected to different saturation degrees. This investigation allowed to the identification of both morphological and physicochemical indicators, which characterize the formation of subaqueous soils and describe the soil hydromorphism in transitional soil systems. In the saline system of Grado lagoon, an ecosystem approach was used to define the role of water oscillation in soil characterization and plants colonization. This study highlighted the close relationship and the mutual influence of soil submergence and aeration, tide oscillation and vegetation cover, on the soil development. In view of climate change, this study contribute to understand and suppose how soil and landscape could evolve. However, a complete evaluation of hydromorphic soil functionality will be achieved only involving physiological and biochemical expertise in these kind of studies.


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Il seguente lavoro di tesi si è concentrato sull'analisi statistica dei dati prodotti dall'imaging di risonanza magnetica di pazienti affetti da tumori di alto grado, in particolare glioblastoma multiforme. Le tipologie di acquisizione d'immagine utilizzate sono state l'imaging pesato in T1 e il Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI). Lo studio è stato suddiviso in due fasi: nella prima è stato considerato un campione di pazienti affetti da glioblastoma multiforme che, dopo il trattamento, avessero manifestato una ricaduta della malattia; per questi pazienti è stato quantificato in che modo la dose erogata durante la terapia si sia distribuita sul target del trattamento, in particolare nella porzione di tessuto in cui andrà a svilupparsi la recidiva. Nella seconda fase, è stato selezionato un campione più ristretto che disponesse, per entrambe le modalità di imaging, di un'acquisizione pre-terapia e di un numero sufficiente di esami di follow up; questo al fine di seguire retrospettivamente l'evoluzione della patologia e analizzare tramite metodi statistici provenienti anche dalla texture analysis, i dati estratti dalle regioni tumorali. Entrambe le operazioni sono state svolte tramite la realizzazione di software dedicati, scritti in linguaggio Matlab. Nel primo capitolo vengono fornite le informazioni di base relative ai tumori cerebrali, con un'attenzione particolare al glioblastoma multiforme e alle sue modalità di trattamento. Nel secondo capitolo viene fatta una panoramica della fisica dell'imaging di risonanza magnetica e delle tecniche di formazione delle immagini, con un'ampia sezione è dedicata all'approfondimento dell'imaging in diffusione. Nel terzo capitolo viene descritto il progetto, i campioni e gli strumenti statistici e di texture analysis utilizzati in questo studio. Il quarto capitolo è dedicato alla descrizione puntuale dei software realizzati durante questo lavoro e nel quinto vengono mostrati i risultati ottenuti dall'applicazione di questi ultimi ai campioni di pazienti esaminati.


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Il mondo di Internet ha vissuto un radicale e inarrestabile processo di rinnovamento nel corso dell'ultimo decennio. Nel giro di pochi anni, i siti che popolano il World Wide Web si sono evoluti divenendo vere e proprie applicazioni in grado di fornire un livello di interattività e di coinvolgimento fino ad allora impensabile. Il mondo del Web è mutato, e con esso quello dei browser, i quali assumono sempre più le conformazioni di "sistemi operativi nei sistemi operativi": si sono tramutati in complesse piattaforme di sviluppo in grado di fornire a programmatori e web designer potenti librerie e API relative a qualsiasi ambito, nonché avanzati strumenti di debugging. Numerosi standard che governano l'ecosistema di Internet hanno raggiunto la maturità in questo contesto: fra tutti HTML5, il quale ha arricchito enormemente le potenzialità di un browser introducendo nuovi strumenti orientati alla multimedialità e alla classificazione semantica delle risorse. Altri standard altrettanto importanti hanno visto la luce in questi anni, affermandosi e conquistando, nel giro di pochissimi anni, l'interesse di un'ampia platea di sviluppatori. E' il caso di WebGL, una potente e flessibile libreria grafica derivata dal mondo di OpenGL che ha aperto le porte al rendering di scene tridimensionali all'interno di un qualsiasi browser moderno. WebGL ha rappresentato un punto di svolta abbattendo un'ulteriore barriera tra il mondo del web che vive all'interno di un browser e la dimensione delle applicazioni native che popolano un sistema operativo, consolidando il già affermato concetto di web app che lentamente sta seppellendo l'idea di "sito" così come era stato concepito all'inizio del nuovo millennio. Scopo di questo elaborato è quello di fornire una panoramica delle principali funzionalità offerte dalla libreria WebGL (con una particolare attenzione per il supporto cross browser) e di analizzare le possibilità che essa offre, studiando e implementando i principali modelli di illuminazione e le tecniche di applicazione texture per definire un ambiente tridimensionale esplorabile e il più possibile realistico all'interno della dimensione del web.


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This thesis has the main aim of defining the lithostratigraphy, depositional architecture, post-depositional modifications and reservoir characteristics of the Cardium Formation in the Ferrier Oilfield, and how these characteristics can have great impact over production rates, GOR and produced fluid discrimination. In the Ferrier area, the Cardium Formation is composed by a NE prograding clastic sequence made up of offshore to shoreface deposits sealed by marine shales. The main reservoir is composed by sandstones and conglomerates interpreted to have deposited in a shoreface depositional environment. Lithofacies and net reservoir thickness mapping led to more detailed understanding of the 3D reservoir architecture, and cross-sections shed light on the Cardium depositional architecture and post-deposition sediment erosion in the Ferrier area. Detailed core logging, thin section, SEM and CL analyses were used to study the mineralogy, texture and pore characterization of the Cardium reservoir, and three main compartments have been identified based on production data and reservoir characteristics. Finally, two situations showing odd production behaviour of the Cardium were resolved. This shed light on the effect of structural features and reservoir quality and thickness over hydrocarbon migration pathways. The Ferrier example offers a unique case of fluid discrimination in clastic reservoirs due both to depositional and post-depositional factors, and could be used as analogue for similar situations in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.