998 resultados para Schill, Johann Gottfried.
di Telemann. [Text: Gottfried Simonis]
von Eduard Hermann Schaute
Angaben für Theil 1 auf der Haupttitelseite: Des bey 40. Jahr von der Judenschafft mit Arrest bestrickt gewesene Johann Andrea Eisenmengers Entdecktes Judenthum
von Anton Theodor Hartmann
zur Beleuchtung d. allgemeinen Historie dieser Nation hrsg. [von J. C. Ulrich]
This article responds to Gottfried Hagen’s extensive review (see Der Islam 2/2013) of my book Islamische Verantwortungsethik im 17. Jahrhundert. Ein weberianisches Verständnis der Handlungsvorstellungen Kātib Čelebis (1609– 1657). Whilst I benefitted greatly from some of Hagen’s critical remarks and his- torical elucidations, his review not only misstates crucial passages of my book but also largely disregards its main objective, which is to develop a systematic model for understanding Kātib Čelebi’s ethical stance. Besides reiterating cru- cial arguments ignored and rectifying central aspects misrepresented in Hagen’s review, I here ask how the more fundamental misunderstandings – exceeding differences in theoretical positions or empirical observations – between the au- thor’s intentions and the reviewer’s reception may be explained. Gottfried Hagen’s historiographical perspective on Kātib Čelebi diverges from my sociological take on the same subject matter to the extent that both perspectives are struggling to enter into dialogue. Such dialogue, however, remains highly desirable so as to complement a historical reconstruction of Kātib Čelebi’s life and times with a systematic, theoretically grounded understanding of his views.
Text lat. u. hebr.
wobey ein Anhang von den Anfangsgründen der chaldäischen Sprache
Johann David Michaelis
Hss. auf Titelbl. Sign. aus Freimann-Kat.:Jud. Ff. 599