982 resultados para SUBBASE GRANULAR


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We present what we believe to be the first thorough characterization of live streaming media content delivered over the Internet. Our characterization of over five million requests spanning a 28-day period is done at three increasingly granular levels, corresponding to clients, sessions, and transfers. Our findings support two important conclusions. First, we show that the nature of interactions between users and objects is fundamentally different for live versus stored objects. Access to stored objects is user driven, whereas access to live objects is object driven. This reversal of active/passive roles of users and objects leads to interesting dualities. For instance, our analysis underscores a Zipf-like profile for user interest in a given object, which is to be contrasted to the classic Zipf-like popularity of objects for a given user. Also, our analysis reveals that transfer lengths are highly variable and that this variability is due to the stickiness of clients to a particular live object, as opposed to structural (size) properties of objects. Second, based on observations we make, we conjecture that the particular characteristics of live media access workloads are likely to be highly dependent on the nature of the live content being accessed. In our study, this dependence is clear from the strong temporal correlations we observed in the traces, which we attribute to the synchronizing impact of live content on access characteristics. Based on our analyses, we present a model for live media workload generation that incorporates many of our findings, and which we implement in GISMO [19].


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The SNBENCH is a general-purpose programming environment and run-time system targeted towards a variety of Sensor applications such as environmental sensing, location sensing, video sensing, etc. In its current structure, the run-time engine of the SNBENCH namely, the Sensorium Execution Environment (SXE) processes the entities of execution in a single thread of operation. In order to effectively support applications that are time-sensitive and need priority, it is imperative to process the tasks discretely so that specific policies can be applied at a much granular level. The goal of this project was to modify the SXE to enable efficient use of system resources by way of multi-tasking the individual components. Additionally, the transformed SXE offers the ability to classify and employ different schemes of processing to the individual tasks.


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Starches are a source of digestible carbohydrate and are frequently used in formulated food products in the presence of other carbohydrates, proteins and fat. This thesis explored the effect of addition of neutral (Konjac glucomannan) or charged (milk proteins) polymers on the physical characteristics and digestion kinetics of waxy maize starch. The aim was to identify mechanisms to modulate the pasting properties and subsequent susceptibility to amylolytic digestion. Addition of αs- or β-caseinate protein fractions to waxy maize starch restricted granular swelling during gelatinisation, increasing granule integrity. It was shown that, while β-caseinate can adsorb to starch granules during pasting, αscaseinate can be absorbed into maize starch granules. The resultant effect was a reduction in granule size after heating, more intact granules and a subsequent decrease in starch digestion in vitro as determined by analysis of reducing sugars. The ability of αs-caseinate to reduce the level of amylolytic digestion was confirmed through in vivo pig (Teagasc, Moorepark) and human (University of Surrey, UK) trials. The scope of the thesis extended to the development of a new automated cell for attachment to a rheometer to measure digestion kinetics of starch-protein mixtures. In conclusion, the thesis offers new approaches to modulation of the physical characteristics of unmodified starch during gelatinisation and suggests that the type of protein and/or polysaccharide used in starch-based food systems may influence the ability of the food to modulate glycemia. This is an important consideration in the design of foods with positive health benefits.


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Figer (to congeal, to solidify) is a quadraphonic electroacoustic composition. It was completed in the fall of 2003. Several software programs were used in creating and assembling the piece (C-Sound, Grain Mill, AL/Erwin (grain generator), Sound Forge and Acid Music). The sounds used in the piece are of two general types: synthesized and sampled, both of which were subjected to various processing techniques. The most important of these techniques, and one that formally defines large portions of the piece, is granular synthesis. Form The notion of time perception is of great importance in this piece. Figer addresses this question in several ways. In one sense, the form of Figer is simple. There are three layers of activity (see diagram). Layer 1 is continuous and non-sectional and supplies a backdrop (not necessarily a background) for the other two. The second and third layers overlap and interrupt one another. Each consists of two blocks of sound. The layers, and blocks within, relate to each other in various ways. Layer 1 is formally continuous. Layer 2 consists of well-defined columns of sound that evolve from soft and mild to loud and abrasive. The layer is, in reality, a whole that is simply cut into two parts (block 1 and block 2). In contrast, the blocks of layer 3 do not constitute a whole. Each is a complete unit and has its own self-contained evolutionary path. Those paths, however, do cross the paths of other units (layers, blocks), influencing them and absorbing some of their essence. At the heart of Figer lies a constant process of presenting materials or ideas and immediately, or, at times, simultaneously, commenting, reflecting on, or reinterpreting that material. All of the layers of this piece deal, both at local and global levels, with the problem of time and its perception relative to the materials, sonic or otherwise, that occupy it and the manner in which they unfold and relate to each other.


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© 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.The evolution of capillary forces during evaporation and the corresponding changes in the geometrical characteristics of liquid (water) bridges between two glass spheres with constant separation are examined experimentally. For comparison, the liquid bridges were also tested for mechanical extension (at constant volume). The obtained results reveal substantial differences between the evolution of capillary force due to evaporation and the evolution due to extension of the liquid bridges. During both evaporation and extension, the change of interparticle capillary forces consists in a force decrease to zero either gradually or via rupture of the bridge. At small separations between the grains (short & wide bridges) during evaporation and at large volumes during extension, there is a slight initial increase of force. During evaporation, the capillary force decreases slowly at the beginning of the process and quickly at the end of the process; during extension, the capillary force decreases quickly at the beginning and slowly at the end of the process. Rupture during evaporation of the bridges occurs most abruptly for bridges with wider separations (tall and thin), sometimes occurring after only 25% of the water volume was evaporated. The evolution (pinning/depinning) of two geometrical characteristics of the bridge, the diameter of the three-phase contact line and the “apparent” contact angle at the solid/liquid/gas interface, seem to control the capillary force evolution. The findings are of relevance to the mechanics of unsaturated granular media in the final phase of drying.


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Two-dimensional (2D) hopper flow of disks has been extensively studied. Here, we investigate hopper flow of ellipses with aspect ratio $\alpha = 2$, and we contrast that behavior to the flow of disks. We use a quasi-2D hopper containing photoelastic particles to obtain stress/force information. We simultaneously measure the particle motion and stress. We determine several properties, including discharge rates, jamming probabilities, and the number of particles in clogging arches. For both particle types, the size of the opening, $D$, relative to the size of particles, $\ell$ is an important dimensionless measure. The orientation of the ellipses plays an important role in flow rheology and clogging. The alignment of contacting ellipses enhances the probability of forming stable arches. This study offers insight for applications involving the flow of granular materials consisting of ellipsoidal shapes, and possibly other non-spherical shapes.


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Slowly-compressed single crystals, bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), rocks, granular materials, and the earth all deform via intermittent slips or "quakes". We find that although these systems span 12 decades in length scale, they all show the same scaling behavior for their slip size distributions and other statistical properties. Remarkably, the size distributions follow the same power law multiplied with the same exponential cutoff. The cutoff grows with applied force for materials spanning length scales from nanometers to kilometers. The tuneability of the cutoff with stress reflects "tuned critical" behavior, rather than self-organized criticality (SOC), which would imply stress-independence. A simple mean field model for avalanches of slipping weak spots explains the agreement across scales. It predicts the observed slip-size distributions and the observed stress-dependent cutoff function. The results enable extrapolations from one scale to another, and from one force to another, across different materials and structures, from nanocrystals to earthquakes.


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Pneumatic conveying of powder and granular material involve the mixed flow of solid particles in air. Characterisation of solid/gas flow regimes is important for the design, operation and control of plants involving such two-phase processes. This paper describes preliminary studies directed at identifying flow regimes in solid/gas flows by analysis of the process `noise' signals from a flow transmitter which has a relatively wide frequency response.


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Annular, ring or torsional shear testers are commonly used in bulk solids handling research for the purpose of powder characterisation or equipment design. This paper reports from a DEFRA sponsored project which aims to develop an industrial powder flow-ability tester, (based on the annular shear tester) that is economic to buy and quick and easy to use in trained but unskilled hands. This paper compares the wall failure loci measured with an annular shear cell with measurements obtained using the accepted standard wall friction tester, the Jenike shear cell. These wall failure loci have been measured for several bulk solids which range from fine cohesive powders to free-flowing granular materials, on a stainless steel 304 2B wall surface.


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There are two major types of erosion testing devices that are used throughout the world for quantifying particle impact erosion against a solid surface. The first of these uses pressurised air to accelerate abrasive particles through a nozzle so that they impinge upon a target specimen. The second adopts a rotating disc to accelerate abrasive particles using the centripetal effect so that they impinge upon a series of targets arranged around the periphery of the disc. This paper reports the findings of a collaborative project that was designed to compare the performance and results obtained from a rig of each of the two types mentioned above. The sand blast type rig was provided by The Department of Powder Science Technology (POSTEC) at The Telemark Technological Research and Development Centre (TEL-TEK), Porsgrunn, Norway while the centripetal effect accelerator was provided by The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, University of Greenwich, London, UK. The test programme included tests against a wide range of materials that are commonly used in pneumatic handling facilities. (Pneumatic handling is a means of conveying and transporting powders and granular solid materials in bulk in industrial process plant, through pipelines using a gas as the carrier medium.) Olivine sand was used as the abrasive and it was projected against the test specimens at velocities and concentrations commensurate with those seen in pneumatic conveyors. In all instances the materials used in the test programme were taken from the same batch so that scatter of experimental results due to specimen variation was minimised. The paper contains a series of recommendations for erosion testing equipment. A discussion based on the results and their applicability to the prediction of wear in pneumatic conveyors concludes the paper.


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Transport of particulate clay occurs during some extremely cold weather conditions typically in the winter in the far North area. During the transport and temporary storage time, the clay may cake inside a rail or road wagon or in a silo, and consequently be difficult to be discharged from the containers. This paper studied caking strength of a granulated clay powder with a certain water moisture content of 18% for influences of temperature, packing stress and freezing time. The temperature tested was -5 oC, -10 oC and -20 oC. Because the clay powder may be packed at different bed depth, the study was undertaken across the packing stress range at 8.3 kPa (1 m bed depth), 25.0 kPa (3 m) and 75.0 kPa (9 m). Freezing time varied between 4 hours (transport) and 18 hours (overnight). During the tests, failure of caked materials was measured using a QTS texture analyzer and the caking strength of frozen samples was calculated. Influences on freeze caking of granular clay in storage or transport are discussed briefly. Some conclusions are made at the end of the paper,including recommendations for practical methods for mitigating these problems.


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Granular air-borne particles generally carry very small amounts of electric charge as a consequence of charging by the triboelectric effect. The presence of such particles induces charge of opposite polarity on a stationary conducting electrode. The amount of charge carried by the particles and the trajectories of the particles have significant random components and the signals produced are of very low level. The signal processing is further complicated by the random variation in the concentration of particles, i.e. the solid/gas ratio. This paper compares the results obtained from the electrostatic modelling of such sensors with those obtained from experiments.


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Since the publication of Hancock's ‘the Petrology of the Chalk’ there have been numerous developments in our appreciation of the palaeoenvironment and stratigraphie correlation of the UK Chalk. This work presents a review of some of the key developments over the last 30 years. Our detailed understanding of Chalk lithostratigraphy and advances in our understanding of chalk sedimentation indicate that large-scale mass transport and re-sedimentation of chalks by low-angle suspension flows is required to explain the observed thickness variations. The provenance of clay minerals and the process of flint and granular phosphate formation are discussed. The growing importance of isotopic studies in high resolution stratigraphy and improving our understanding of the late Cretaceous oceans and climate are emphasized. Developments in lithostratigraphic studies and recent proposals for a new stratigraphie division of the Chalk in the UK are evaluated.


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The hemocytes of Mytilus californianus are of three types: small and large basophils and large granular acidophils. The basophils contain lysosomal enzymes and phagocytose colloidal carbon. Agglutinins for yeast and human A Rh+ve erythrocytes are present in plasma, but are not needed for effective phagocytosis; in vitro both acidophilic and basophilic hemocytes rapidly phagocytose these particles. Plasma proteins, analyzed electrophoretically, are under strong homeostatic control. When Mya arenaria mantle is placed orthotopically on M. californianus mantle, the implant is invaded by host hemocytes in a manner consistent with that described in other published reports on molluscan graft rejection. Steady state is achieved by 26 days postimplant. Second- and third-set implants are rejected more rapidly than are first-set implants, but this is not a specific response. Third-set implants elicit a host cellular response that is more localized than the response to first-set implants. These data do not permit conclusions with respect to memory in these molluscan immune responses, but do imply a qualitative “improvement” in this quasi-immune response of M. californianus.


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Hemocytes of Mytilus edulis were examined cytologically and cytochemically. On the basis of structure, staining reactions, and phagocytic behavior, they were divided into two main groups: basophilic hemocytes and eosinophilic granular hemocytes (granulocytes). The basophilic cells were further divided into small lymphocytes and larger phagocytic macrophages reactive for lysosomal hydrolases. Mitosis was observed in granulocytes and in small lymphoid cells, believed to be the stem cells for the basophilic cell line. A few cells appeared to be intermediate between lymphocytes and small granulocytes. Macrophages were the main cell type involved in the clearance of injected carbon particles. However, granulocytes did show some phagocytic activity. Brown cells displaying apparent amoebocytic behavior were found to contain Fe3+ and Pb2+ in cytoplasmic inclusions, some of which were also reactive for β-glucuronidase and glucosaminidase. These cells appear to have a separate origin from the hemocytes.