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The preparation of gamma-LiAlO2 by coprecipitation and sol-gel synthesis was investigated. Ceramic powders obtained by coprecipitation synthesis were prepared from aqueous solutions of aluminum and lithium nitrates using sodium hydroxide as precipitant agent. By sol-gel synthesis, the ceramic powders were prepared from hydrolysis of aluminum isopropoxide. The materials obtained by two routes of synthesis were dried at 80ºC and calcined at 550, 750, 950 and 1150ºC. The characterization was done by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, emission and absorption atomic spectrometry, helium picnometry, specific surface area (BET method) and scanning electronic microscopy. Mixtures of crystalline phases were obtained by coprecipitation synthesis: 80ºC- LiAl2(OH)7.2H2O + Al(OH)3; 550 and 750ºC- alpha-LiAlO2 + eta-Al2O3; 950 and 1150ºC- gamma-LiAlO2 + LiAl5O8. Chemical analysis showed molar ration Al/Li @ 3. Crystalline single-phases were obtained by sol-gel synthesis above 550ºC: 550ºC-alpha-LiAlO2; 750, 950 and 1150ºC-gamma-LiAlO2. These powders presented molar ration Al/Li @ 1. Thus, gamma-LiAlO2 crystalline phase was obtained at 750ºC by sol-gel synthesis while by coprecipitation synthesis, a mixture of crystalline phases was obtained. These results showed the superiority of the sol-gel synthesis for the preparation of pure gamma-LiAlO2.


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There is no evidence of urban civilization in Brazilian prehistory; most inhabitants lived in tribal groupings, probably with regional economic integration among several independent tribes. There is little evidence of seasonal migrations between the coast and the inland of southern Brazil. Some specialized horticulturists competed among themselves but other groups lived more isolated and probably peacefully, in the upper interfluvial regions. Chemical analysis of artifacts is a means of documenting traffic in particular materials and intraregional production and distribution, development of craft specialization and typological refinement among other issues. In this study we tested some possibilities in two different cultural contexts using the parametric k0 neutron activation analysis technique, which allowed the determination of elements: Al, As, Au, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, La, Na, Rb, Sc, Ta, Ti, V and Zn.


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The quantitative chemical analysis of the Brazilian sugar cane spirit distilled from glass column packaged with copper, stainless steel, aluminum sponge, or porcelain balls is described. The main chemical compounds determined by gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization (FID) and flame photometric (FPD) detectors and liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector are aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols, esters and dimethylsulfite (DMS). The spirits produced either in columns filled with copper or aluminum pot still exhibits the lowest DMS contents but the higher sulfate and methanol contents, whereas spirits produced in stainless steel or porcelain showed higher DMS concentration and lower teors of sulfate ion and methanol. These observations are coherent with DMS oxidation to sulfate, with methanol as by product, in the presence of either copper or aluminum.


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The layered precursor of MCM-22 was prepared with different Si/Al ratios: 15, 25, 50, 100 and ¥. Upon heat treatment these precursors form MCM-22 zeolite. Both layered precursor and MCM-22 zeolite were characterized by several techniques: Chemical Analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermo-gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Pore Analysis by N2 and Ar adsorption, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Temperature Programmed Desorption of ammonium (TPD).


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Samples of copper compounds covering all of the XXth century and the end of the XIXth century were submitted to classical and instrumental quantitative analysis. The amount of impurities greatly decreased with time, reaching a constant level since the 1960's. The gravimetric method was suitable for the determination of copper although other procedures also gave good or reasonable results. However, for metal contaminants, atomic absorption spectrometry was the best choice because of its lower detection limits, being able to determine several elements in the oldest samples. Ion chromatography detected several anions in copper salts manufactured before the 1950's. An increasing quality of raw materials and a better sensitivity of analytical methods led to quality improvement of copper compounds with time.


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This work presents an evolution profile of labels and containers of commercial chemicals employed in laboratories since 1870. Most chemicals were made in Germany before the Second World War, after which many other manufacturers arrived on the Brazilian market. North-american products were dominant in the 1940s, but Brazilian chemicals have increased their participation along time. Labels presented increasingly more information, from originally simple names of the compounds at the beginning of the XXth century to the data presented today such as chemical formulae, safety regards and detailed chemical analysis. The raw material for container manufacturing also changed: glass was dominant until the 1950s, but nowadays plastic flasks are preferred whenever possible. Cork covers were replaced by screw caps. The diversity of commercial products also sharply increased with time, especially after the 1950s, following the many new and specific applications of chemicals for research and commercial purposes.


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Bisphosphonates are drugs that have been widely used in different bone diseases, and have recently been used successfully against many parasites. Various synthetic routes to prepare different types of bisphosphonates have been described, with distinct potency and pharmacological activity. A number of analytical techniques are currently being used to analyze these drugs; among these, the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), with different systems of detection, is worth highlighting. However, the development of more sensitive methods is still necessary, once they are essential for bioavailability and bioequivalence studies. This paper reports the major synthesis routes, chemical analysis methodologies and pharmacological applications of bisphosphonates.


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Montmorillonite clay from Brazil was pillared with aluminium polyhydroxications. The influence of aging of the pillaring solution and the concentration of the clay suspension on the properties of the prepared materials was studied. The materials were characterized by chemical analysis, XRD and pore analysis by N2 adsorption. The catalytic properties were evaluated in the cumene cracking reaction. Results showed that the pillarization process increases the basal spaces of natural clay from 9.7 to 18.5 Å and the surface area from 41 to 300 m²/g.


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The chemical analysis of the acetone, chloroform, toluene and methanol extracts of a pitch sample was carried out by IR and GC-MS, leading to the identification of sixty nine compounds, including fatty acids, alcohols and hydrocarbons. Analysis of the acetone extractive of a eucalyptus wood used in Brazil for pulp production was also carried out, resulting in identification of fifty nine compounds, including mainly fatty acids, phenolic compounds, beta-sitosterol and other steroids. This analysis showed that pitch formation had a contribution from wood extractives and other sources of contamination. The results obtained and the methodology applied can be used by the pulp industry to develop new methods of pitch control.


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The production of cashew apple wine has the purpose of minimizing the wastage in the Brazilian cashew production. Knowing that the cashew apple fermentation produces a good cashew wine, a study of alcoholic fermentation kinetics of the cashew apple and the physico-chemical characterization of the product were made. The cashew wine was produced in an stirred batch reactor. The results of the physico-chemical analysis of volatiles, residual sugars, total acidity and pH of cashew wine showed that their concentrations were within the standard limits established by the Brazilian legislation for fruit wines.


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This study is a result of undergraduate student participation in the Environmental Chemistry discipline provided by the Chemistry Institute/UFBA. The students were involved in the development of passive samplers, a project of the LAQUAM (Environmental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory). The students' residences and other neighborhoods were used to create a passive sampling network, allowing the measurement of atmospheric levels of pollutants in urban areas and in those under industrial influence. The assembly of the passive samplers, including impregnation of filters and chemical analysis were part of the students' practice tasks. The results were analyzed taking into consideration the Brazilian legislation.


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The synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite was studied by three synthesis methods: standard synthesis, three day synthesis and synthesis employing clays (kaolin and montmorillonite). The raw materials and prepared materials were characterized by Chemical Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results show that it is possible to synthesized ZSM-5 zeolite using clays as raw materials. Kaolin gives phases of higher crystalinity than montmorillonite.


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This work aimed to carry out an environmental monitoring in sabino narrow river (affluent of Tibiri Basin, in São Luís - MA, Brazil), in order to verify the main environmental impacts caused by effluent residues from Ribeira landfill. Chemical analysis and bibliographic and cartographic researches on this ecosystem were also carried out. In addition, heavy metals, such as Hg, Pb and Zn, were investigated in water samples by ICP-MS technique. It was observed that the contents of such heavy metals were above the tolerance limits established by the Brazilian legislation, showing a strong impact level on the evaluated ecosystem.


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In this work, the perovskite-type oxides LaNiO3, LaMnO3, La0,7Sr0,3NiO3 and La0,7Sr0,3MnO3 were prepared by co-precipitation and tested in the NO reduction with CO at 400 and 500 ºC for 10 h. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, temperature programmed reduction with hydrogen, nitrogen adsorption and chemical analysis. The nonstoichiometric oxygen was quantified by temperature programmed reduction, and the catalytic tests showed that the La0,7Sr0,3MnO3 catalyst presented the higher performance for the reduction reaction of NO with CO. The partial substitution of lanthanum by strontium increased the NO conversion and the N2 yield.


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Five samples of natural clays denominated: diatomite, CN-20, CN-29, CN-40 and CN-45 from Aliança Latina LTDA were characterized by differents supplementary techniques such as: XRD, chemical analysis, adsorption N2 measurements, infrared spectroscopy analysis, thermogravimetric analysis. Clays were tested in adsorption of blue methylene. All of isotherms adjust in a model of physics adsorption with formation of multilayers, however in the case of diatomite was a favorable adsorption (type II) and the CNs were a not favorable adsorption (type III). In the case of CNs had flocculation of clay in high concentration of coloring.