787 resultados para SFS-EN ISO 3834


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The effective implementation of such an ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) in construction companies requires a proper and full implementation of the system to allow companies to improve the way they operate, by this means increasing profitability and market share, producing innovative and sustainable construction products, or improving employee and customer satisfaction. In light of this, this paper discusses the current status of QMS implementation, particularly related to the twenty elements of ISO 9001 within the grade 7 (G-7) category of Indonesian construction companies. A survey was conducted involving 403 respondents from 77 companies, to solicit an evaluation of the current implementation levels of the ISO 9001 elements. The survey findings indicated that for a large percentage of the sector surveyed they had ‘not so fully implemented’ the elements. Scrutiny of the data had also indicated elements that are ‘minimally implemented’, whilst none of the elements fell in the category of ‘fully implemented’. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the G-7 contractors may need to fully commit to practicing control of customer-supplied product and statistical techniques in order to enhance an effective implementation of ISO 9001 elements for ensuring better quality performance. These two elements are recognized as the least implemented of the quality elements.


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The growing social upheaval and intensifying tensions in South Africa have by their very nature evoked concern and panic among mental health professionals. In an attempt to alleviate the concomittant anxiety and appear to be more responsive to the majority, many psychologists have boarded the community psychology wagon to cross the great divide between the comfortable consultancy room and the masses. In assessing whether community psychology is the appropriate vehicle for crossing the rubicon, we will start with an overview of different models of community psychology focusing on their different conceptualizations of mental illness and how each model sees the role of the psychologist in the context of psycho-social change.


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The body of the article concerns itself with the vulnerability of islands and focuses on the Galapagos Archipelago where the author spent three years studying flamingoes and flightless cormorants.The article suggests practical, simple behavioural changes that individuals might adopt to help increase biodiversity and extend natural corridors and islands of vegetation throughout cities and suburbs. It will ask some questions about human motives for behaviour change and moral decisions.


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The Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO) has experienced significant amounts of wind power development within the last decade. The MISO footprint spans the majority of the upper Midwest region of the country, from the Dakotas to Indiana and as far east as Michigan. These areas have a rich wind energy resource. States in the MISO footprint have passed laws or set goals that require load serving entities to supply a portion of their load using renewable energy. In order to meet these requirements, significant investments are needed to build the transmission infrastructure necessary to deliver the power from these often remote wind energy resources to the load centers. This paper presents some of the transmission planning related work done at MISO which was largely influenced by current and future needs for increased wind power generation in the footprint. Specifically, topics covered are generator interconnection, long-term planning coordination, and cost-allocation for new transmission lines.


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The Midwestern US is a wind-rich resource and wind power is being developed in this region at a very brisk pace. Transporting this energy resource to load centers invariably requires massive transmission lines. This issue of developing additional transmission to support reliable integration of wind on to the power grid provides a multitude of interesting challenges spanning various areas of power systems such as transmission planning, real-time operations and cost-allocation for new transmission. The Midwest ISO as a regional transmission provider is responsible for processing requests to interconnect proposed generation on to the transmission grid under its purview. This paper provides information about some of the issues faced in performing interconnection planning studies and Midwest ISO's efforts to improve its generator interconnection procedures. Related cost-allocation efforts currently ongoing at the Midwest ISO to streamline integration of bulk quantities of wind power in to the transmission grid are also presented.


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Il s’agit de faire des étudiants étrangers des usagers de bibliothèques et des apprenants heureux. Les professionnels des bibliothèques peuvent y contribuer, pour peu qu’ils soient sensibles à leurs points forts et aux difficultés qu’ils rencontrent. Cet article part du point de vue des étudiants étrangers recueillis lors d’une enquête qualitative menée dans deux universités australiennes. Celle-ci a révélé que, pris collectivement,ces étudiants sont satisfaits de leur bibliothèque universitaire. D’un point de vue individuel cependant, des difficultés apparaissent, liées à l’organisation de la bibliothèque, de ses services et de ses ressources. Pour certains étudiants, le rôle du personnel est assez flou ; ils ne se doutent même pas que les bibliothécaires peuvent les assister dans leurs études. Pour finir, les formations à la maîtrise de l’information ont été jugées inadaptées à leurs besoins. Cet article se concentre sur trois points à l’attention des bibliothécaires universitaires australiens : être sensible aux expériences des étudiants internationaux ; identifier les besoins d’apprentissage et mettre en oeuvre des stratégies qui répondent à ces besoins.


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In the title squaraine dye solvate, C26H24N2O2·2CHCl3, the dye molecule is essentially planar, except for the methyl groups, having a maximum deviation over the 26-membered delocalized bond system of 0.060 (2) Å. It possesses crystallographic twofold rotational symmetry with the indole ring systems adopting a syn conformation. The molecular structure features intramolecular N-HO hydrogen bonds enclosing conjoint S7 ring motifs about one of the dioxocyclobutene O atoms, while the two chloroform solvent molecules are linked to the second O atom through C-HO hydrogen bonds.


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Autonomous navigation and locomotion of a mobile robot in natural environments remain a rather open issue. Several functionalities are required to complete the usual perception/decision/action cycle. They can be divided in two main categories : navigation (perception and decision about the movement) and locomotion (movement execution). In order to be able to face the large range of possible situations in natural environments, it is essential to make use of various kinds of complementary functionalities, defining various navigation and locomotion modes. Indeed, a number of navigation and locomotion approaches have been proposed in the literature for the last years, but none can pretend being able to achieve autonomous navigation and locomotion in every situation. Thus, it seems relevant to endow an outdoor mobile robot with several complementary navigation and locomotion modes. Accordingly, the robot must also have means to select the most appropriate mode to apply. This thesis proposes the development of such a navigation/locomotion mode selection system, based on two types of data: an observation of the context to determine in what kind of situation the robot has to achieve its movement and an evaluation of the behavior of the current mode, made by monitors which influence the transitions towards other modes when the behavior of the current one is considered as non satisfying. Hence, this document introduces a probabilistic framework for the estimation of the mode to be applied, some navigation and locomotion modes used, a qualitative terrain representation method (based on the evaluation of a difficulty computed from the placement of the robot's structure on a digital elevation map), and monitors that check the behavior of the modes used (evaluation of rolling locomotion efficiency, robot's attitude and configuration watching. . .). Some experimental results obtained with those elements integrated on board two different outdoor robots are presented and discussed.


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La creación del término resiliencia en salud es un paso importante hacia la construcción de comunidades más resilientes para afrontar mejor los desastres futuros. Hasta la fecha, sin embargo, parece que hay poca literatura sobre cómo el concepto de resiliencia en salud debe ser definido. Este artículo tiene como objetivo construir un enfoque de gestión de desastres de salud integral guiado por el concepto de resiliencia. Se realizaron busquedas en bases de datos electrónicas de salud para recuperar publicaciones críticas que pueden haber contribuido a los fines y objetivos de la investigación. Un total de 61 publicaciones se incluyeron en el análisis final de este documento, que se centraron en aquéllas que proporcionan una descripción completa de las teorías y definiciones de resiliencia ante los desastres y las que proponen una definición y un marco conceptual para la capacidad de resiliencia en salud. La resiliencia es una capacidad inherente de adaptación para hacer frente a la incertidumbre del futuro. Esto implica el uso de múltiples estrategias, un enfoque de riesgos máximos y tratar de lograr un resultado positivo a través de la vinculación y cooperación entre los distintos elementos de la comunidad. Resiliencia en salud puede definirse como la capacidad de las organizaciones de salud para resistir, absorber, y responder al impacto de los desastres, mientras mantiene las funciones esenciales y se recupera a su estado original o se adapta a un nuevo estado. Puede evaluarse por criterios como la robustez, la redundancia, el ingenio y la rapidez e incluye las dimensiones clave de la vulnerabilidad y la seguridad, los recursos y la preparación para casos de desastre, la continuidad de los servicios esenciales de salud, la recuperación y la adaptación. Este nuevo concepto define las capacidades en gestión de desastres de las organizaciones sanitarias, las tareas de gestión, actividades y resultados de desastres juntos en una visión de conjunto integral, y utiliza un enfoque integrado y con un objetivo alcanzable. Se necesita urgentemente investigación futura de su medición


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Whilst native French speakers oftentimes collapse accountability to account giving, this paper outlines the shape of an accountability ala française. Reading Tocqueville’s (1835) work highlights that accountability as practiced in Anglo-Saxonc countries has been an offspring of American democracy. An accountability a la française would be characterised by conformance to a set or universal values, the submission of minorities to choices made by the majority, a means obligation as well as the rejection of transparency. [Alors que le francophone réduit généralement l’accountability à la reddition de comptes, cet article esquisse les contours d’une véritable accountability à la française. La lecture de Tocqueville (1835) révèle que l’accountability pratiquée dans les pays anglo-saxons trouve ses origines dans les fondements de la démocratie américaine. En France, l’accountability serait caractérisée par le respect d’un ensemble de valeurs universelles, l’adhésion des minorités aux choix majoritaires, l’absence de discriminations, une obligation de moyens et un rejet de la transparence.]


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This article presents a reflection of the application of multiculturality principles into tertiary educational programs at the University of Los Andes, Bogota Colombia. The main focus of this paper is debating the concept of 'positive discrimination' as a challenge taken by educational centres in societies with cultural diversity populations.


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This article explores a number of social control strategies on individuals and families actioned by the newly created state-national project during the first decades of Colombian XIX century. With special attention on the discourse of urbanity, also named 'civility or good manners', this paper analyses literary sources produced in the time for molding citizens behaviors in order to incorporate the society into the new paradigm of Modernity.


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Este proyecto se desarrollo por iniciativa de las autoras y con el apoyo de un grupo interdisciplinario, con el interés común de desarrollar una investigación académica cuyo resultado sea de utilidad para el desarrollo del sector productivo artesanal Peruano. El proceso de investigación nace a partir de una observación de campo acerca de la problemática del producto artesanal Peruana y enfocada en los aspectos comerciales, de diseño y producción. Esta observación se centro en Cajamarca (por ser el departamento menos intervenido por otras investigaciones en este tema) en la zona de Aylambo y Cruz Blanca, en los talleres artesanales que desarrollan productos cerámicos. A partir de un análisis de tipo FODA de los productos y de su contexto de desarrollo, encontramos que los artesanos que trabajan con los empresarios exportadores, requieren un tipo de capacitación que les permita desarrollar su trabajo mediante un proceso orientado a cumplir con exigencias técnicas y de diseño para el desarrollo de productos validos como oferta exportable. Como punto de partida se recurrió a las instituciones no gubernamentales y del gobierno, que promueven el sector artesanal Peruano (Prompex, Adex, Proyecto PARA, IMPART) para conocer su opinión respecto a los mercados objetivos de este sector, y para adoptar como parte del proyecto, lo vigente respecto a las políticas y planes de comercialización. Para entender la contraparte comercial de este sector artesanal recurrimos a empresas privadas exportadoras con muchos años de experiencia, para ello contamos con la colaboración de empresas como Allpa, Manos Amigas, Novica. A partir de la observación de campo preliminar y de la información recogida de los expertos consultados, se realizo un diagnostico de la situación productiva en este sector. En base a la definición del problema, se establecieron las estrategias y metodologías para el diseño de la investigación, siendo parte de estas estrategias, la realización de un taller de desarrollo de productos en Cajamarca. Las estrategias tuvieron como enfoque principal la definición de metodologías de trabajo, cuya aplicación sea posible en el marco del contexto económico, político y cultural en el que se desarrolla este sector en la realidad inmediata del país. El proyecto culmina con la presentación de una propuesta que mas allá de abarcar únicamente lo metodológico en el área del diseño, presenta también ‘modelos’ de trabajo entre los diferentes actores que intervienen en el sector, de manera que a través de estrategias colaborativas se pueda potenciar el crecimiento del sector y beneficiar el desarrollo del artesano.


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Research studies aimed at advancing cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment depend on a number of key resources, including a ready supply of high-quality annotated biospecimens from diverse ethnic populations that can be used to test new drugs, assess the validity of prognostic biomarkers, and develop tailor-made therapies. In November 2011, KHCCBIO was established at the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) with the support of Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) funding from the European Union (khccbio.khcc.jo). KHCCBIO was developed for the purpose of achieving an ISO accredited cancer biobank through the collection, processing, and preservation of high-quality, clinically annotated biospecimens from consenting cancer patients, making it the first cancer biobank of its kind in Jordan. The establishment of a state-of-the-art, standardized biospecimen repository of matched normal and lung tumor tissue, in addition to blood components such as serum, plasma, and white blood cells, was achieved through the support and experience of its European partners, Trinity College Dublin, Biostor Ireland, and accelopment AG. To date, KHCCBIO along with its partners, have worked closely in establishing an ISO Quality Management System (QMS) under which the biobank will operate. A Quality Policy Manual, Validation, and Training plan have been developed in addition to the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for consenting policies on ethical issues, data privacy, confidentiality, and biobanking bylaws. SOPs have also been drafted according to best international practices and implemented for the donation, procurement, processing, testing, preservation, storage, and distribution of tissues and blood samples from lung cancer patients, which will form the basis for the procurement of other cancer types. KHCCBIO will be the first ISO accredited cancer biobank from a diverse ethnic Middle Eastern and North African population. It will provide a unique and valuable resource of high-quality human biospecimens and anonymized clinicopathological data to the cancer research communities world-wide.