931 resultados para Router ottico, Click, Reti ottiche, linux
Neste trabalho foi realizada a modificação química do poli(cloreto de vinila) (PVC) pela sua reação com azida de sódio, onde alguns dos seus átomos de cloro foram substituídos por azidas. Em seguida o grupo incorporado foi transformado em triazóis por uma reação de cicloadição 1,3 entre o polímero modificado e propiolato de etila, sendo a reação catalisada por iodeto de cobre. Essas reações foram conduzidas sob aquecimento convencional e empregando irradiação de micro-ondas. Inicialmente, a reação incorporou 20% de triazol no PVC, sendo avaliadas as condições reacionais ideais. Essas condições foram usadas para a formação de novos copolímeros com diferentes teores de triazóis incorporados. Os produtos obtidos foram usados para o suporte de paládio que é utilizado como catalisador na reação de Suzuki-Miyaura. Todos os copolímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR)
Nesse estudo, foram preparadas bases poliméricas derivadas de 2,6-dimetilpiridinas e tereftaladeído utilizando a 2,4,6-trimetilpiridina como agente de reticulação. As resinas foram sintetizadas sob aquecimento convencional e purificadas por precipitação em metanol, apresentando rendimentos variando de 59 a 95%. Os copolímeros produzidos foram caracterizados por análise termogravimétrica (TGA), ressonância nuclear magnética de núcleo de hidrogênio (RMN-1H) e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com técnica de ATR (FTIR - ATR), além de sua atividade básica. A capacidade catalítica do material produzido foi avaliada em reações nitroaldólicas, do tipo Henry, tanto em aquecimento convencional quanto com o uso de reator de micro-ondas. Não sendo observada atividade catalítica significativa para as resinas testadas, nestas reações. O material polimérico produzido também foi testado como suporte para cobre na catálise de reações de cicloadição heterodipolar do tipo [3+2] com benzilazida e propiolato de etila, para a formação de triazóis, processadas em reator de micro-ondas e sob aquecimento convencional. A reação mostrou-se regiosseletiva e processos de reciclo do catalisador se mostrou eficiente em reações consecutivas
The effects of morphine on hippocampal sensory gating (N40) during the development of morphine dependence and withdrawal were investigated in the double click auditory evoked potential (EP) suppression paradigm. Rats were made dependent upon morphine hydrochloride by a series of injections (every 12h) over 6 days, followed by withdrawal after stopping morphine administration. Hippocampal gating was examined during the development of dependence and withdrawal. Moreover, the DA antagonist haloperidol was used to assess the contribution of dopamine to hippocampal gating induced by morphine. Our results showed that the morphine-treated rats exhibited significantly disrupted hippocampal gating during the development of morphine dependence and this disrupted gating was partially reversed by haloperidol pretreatment. In contrast, there was significantly enhanced hippocampal gating at the fifth and sixth days of withdrawal. The dynamics of hippocampal gating during the development of morphine dependence and withdrawal suggests the interaction between the hippocampus and opioids. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sensory gating is the ability of the brain to modulate its sensitivity to incoming stimuli. The N40 component of the auditory evoked potential, evaluated with the paired click paradigm, was used to probe the gating effect in rats. The physical characteris
With increasing demands on storage devices in the modern communication environment, the storage area network (SAN) has evolved to provide a direct connection allowing these storage devices to be accessed efficiently. To optimize the performance of a SAN, a three-stage hybrid electronic/optical switching node architecture based on the concept of a MPLS label switching mechanism, aimed at serving as a multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) ingress label edge router (LER) for a SAN-enabled application, has been designed. New shutter-based free-space multi-channel optical switching cores are employed as the core switch fabric to solve the packet contention and switching path conflict problems. The system-level node architecture design constraints are evaluated through self-similar traffic sourced from real gigabit Ethernet network traces and storage systems. The extension performance of a SAN over a proposed WDM ring network, aimed at serving as an MPLS-enabled transport network, is also presented and demonstrated. © 2012 OSA.
Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, which can be driven by natural continuous pointing gestures or by pressing buttons. Dasher is a competitive text-entry system wherever a full-size keyboard cannot be used - for example, when operating a computer one-handed, by joystick, touchscreen, trackball, or mouse; when operating a computer with zero hands (i.e., by head-mouse or by eyetracker); on a palmtop computer; on a wearable computer. The gazetracking version of Dasher allows an experienced user to write text as fast as normal handwriting - 29 words per minute; using a mouse, experienced users can write at 39 words per minute. Dasher can be used to write efficiently in any language. Dasher is free software (distributed under the GPL) and is available for many computer platforms, including linux, windows, and android.
Optical interconnects are increasingly considered for use in high-performance electronic systems. Multimode polymer waveguides are a promising technology for the formation of optical backplane as they enable cost-effective integration of optical links onto standard printed circuit boards. In this paper, two different types of polymer waveguide-based optical backplanes are presented. The first one implements a passive shuffle architecture enabling non-blocking on-board optical interconnection between different cards/modules, while the second one deploys a regenerative bus architecture allowing the interconnection of an arbitrary number of electrical cards over a common optical bus. The polymer materials and the multimode waveguide components used to form the optical backplanes are presented, while details of the interconnection architectures and design of the backplanes are described. Proof-of-principle demonstrators fabricated onto low-cost FR4 substrates, including a 10-card 1 Tb/s-capacity passive shuffle router and 4-channel 3-card polymeric bus modules, are reported and their optical performance characteristics are presented. Low-loss, low-crosstalk on-board interconnection is achieved and error-free (BER10 12) 10 Gb/s communication between different card/module interfaces is demonstrated in both polymeric backplane systems. © 2012 IEEE.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming increasingly central to many people’s lives, making it possible to be connected in any place at any time, be unceasingly and instantly informed, and benefit from greater economic and educational opportunities. With all the benefits afforded by these new-found capabilities, however, come potential drawbacks. A plethora of new PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, Bluetooth, the internet, Wi-Fi (the list goes on) expect us to know or be able to guess, what, where and when to connect, click, double-click, tap, flick, scroll, in order to realise these benefits, and to have the physical and cognitive capability to do all these things. One of the groups most affected by this increase in high-demand technology is older people. They do not understand and use technology in the same way that younger generations do, because they grew up in the simpler electro-mechanical era and embedded that particular model of the world in their minds. Any consequential difficulty in familiarising themselves with modern ICT and effectively applying it to their needs can also be exacerbated by age-related changes in vision, motor control and cognitive functioning. Such challenges lead to digital exclusion. Much has been written about this topic over the years, usually by academics from the area of inclusive product design. The issue is complex and it is fair to say that no one researcher has the whole picture. It is difficult to understand and adequately address the issue of digital exclusion among the older generation without looking across disciplines and at industry’s and government’s understanding, motivation and efforts toward resolving this important problem. To do otherwise is to risk misunderstanding the true impact that ICT has and could have on people’s lives across all generations. In this European year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and as the British government is moving forward with its Digital by Default initiative as part of a wider objective to make ICT accessible to as many people as possible by 2015, the Engineering Design Centre (EDC) at the University of Cambridge collaborated with BT to produce a book of thought pieces to address, and where appropriate redress, these important and long-standing issues. “Ageing, Adaption and Accessibility: Time for the Inclusive Revolution!” brings together opinions and insights from twenty one prominent thought leaders from government, industry and academia regarding the problems, opportunities and strategies for combating digital exclusion among senior citizens. The contributing experts were selected as individuals, rather than representatives of organisations, to provide the broadest possible range of perspectives. They are renowned in their respective fields and their opinions are formed not only from their own work, but also from the contributions of others in their area. Their views were elicited through conversations conducted by the editors of this book who then drafted the thought pieces to be edited and approved by the experts. We hope that this unique collection of thought pieces will give you a broader perspective on ageing, people’s adaption to the ever changing world of technology and insights into better ways of designing digital devices and services for the older population.
This paper discusses user target intention recognition algorithms for pointing - clicking tasks to reduce users' pointing time and difficulty. Predicting targets by comparing the bearing angles to targets proposed as one of the first algorithms [1] is compared with a Kalman Filter prediction algorithm. Accuracy and sensitivity of prediction are used as performance criteria. The outcomes of a standard point and click experiment are used for performance comparison, collected from both able-bodied and impaired users. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Acoustic and concurrent behavioral data from one neonatal male Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) in captivity were presented. The calf click train was first recorded at 22 days postnatal, and the frequency of hydrophone-exploration behavior with head scanning motions in conjunction with emissions of click trains by the calf increased gradually with age. The echolocation clicks in the first recorded click train were indistinguishable from those of adults. Calf echolocation trains were found to decrease in maximum click-repetition rate, duration, and number of clicks per train with age while the. minimum click-repetition rate remained more consistent. (c) 2007 Acoustical Society of America.
Echolocation click events of a free-ranging juvenile and an adult finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) were recorded with an acoustic data logger. Additionally, dive depth and swim speed of the juvenile were recorded with a behavior data logger. Echoes of echolocation signals from the water surface were clearly detected in shallow dives approximately less than 2 m. The delay time between a surface echo and a direct signal corresponded with the two-way transmission time for the animal's depth, indicating that the signals originated from the animal wearing the data loggers. The finless porpoises produced echolocation signals frequently and were thought to be able to detect their depth by listening to echoes from the water surface. (C) 2000 Acoustical Society of America. [S0001-4966(00)01609-X].
The interclick intervals of captive dolphins are known to be longer than the two-way transit time between the dolphin and a target. In the present study, the interclick intervals of free-ranging baiji, finless porpoises, and bottlenose dolphins in the wild and in captivity were compared. The click intervals in open waters ranged up to 100-200 ms, whereas the click intervals in captivity were in the order of 4-28 ms. Echolocation of free-ranging dolphins appears to adapt to various distance in navigation or ranging, sometimes up to 140 m. Additionally, the difference of waveform characteristics of clicks between species was recognized in the frequency of maximum energy and the click duration. (C) 1998 Acoustical Society of America. [S0001-4966(98)06609-0].
A computer program, QtUCP, has been developed based on several well-established algorithms using GCC 4.0 and Qt (R) 4.0 (Open Source Edition) under Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r0. it can determine the unit-cell parameters from an electron diffraction tilt series obtained from both double-tilt and rotation-tilt holders. In this approach, two or more primitive cells of the reciprocal lattice are determined from experimental data, in the meantime, the measurement errors of the tilt angles are checked and minimized. Subsequently, the derived primitive cells are converted into the reduced form and then transformed into the reduced direct primitive cell. Finally all the patterns are indexed and the least-squares refinement is employed to obtain the optimized results of the lattice parameters. Finally, two examples are given to show the application of the program, one is based on the experiment, the other is from the simulation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
传统集群网络(cluster area network,简称cLAN)的评测模型主要考虑了延迟、带宽、路由、拥塞、网络拓扑结构等因素.但这些因素是否足以描述实际应用程序在集群上的通信行为,或者对其在集群系统上的性能给出一个很好的预测呢?当对NAS Parallel Benchmark(2.4版本)在集群系统深腾1800(DeepComp 1800)上进行大量测试时发现,集群网络的通信性能可以被一种特殊的通信模式(LU模式)所严重影响.更深入的研究表明,这个影响LU模式的因素是独立于前面所述的如延迟、带宽、路由、拥塞、网络拓扑结构等因素的.因此有必要对集群网络的评测模型重新进行审视,并增加一个新的性能评测因子以反映这个新发现的现象.从研究结果来看,这个重新审视也将对集群系统上的并行算法设计以及实际大规模科学计算的应用程序性能的优化提供一些新的思路.