699 resultados para Responsabilité corporative


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi averiguar partir da análise do modelo de performance social corporativa, tomando como base proposta de classificação dos conceitos que circunscrevem as "dimensões sociais do marketing", inseridos nos espaços estruturais do mapa de estruturaação das sociedades capitalistas no sistema mundial, se as práticas dessas ferramentas gerenciais por FURNAS Centrais Elétricas SA estão mais afinadas com preceitos regulatórios, ligados ao mercado, ou emancipatórios, ligados ao espírito público. Para tanto se realizou uma revisão da bibliografia referente ao assunto objetivando enquadrar as empresas na atual conjuntura sócio-econômica, aprofundar conhecimento concernente evolução do conceito de responsabilidade social corporativa, esclarecer emaranhado conceituai que envolve as ferramentas que compõem as "dimensões sociais do marketing" propor análise do uso de tais ferramentas sob enfoque da Teoria Crítica. Usou-se como método estudo de caso, os resultados foram obtidos a partir da análise livre do discurso de dirigentes, conseguidos por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, dos documentos disponibilizados pela empresa. Os dados revelam que prática das ferramentas que compõem as "dimensões sociais do marketing" por FURNAS Centrais Elétricas SA estão mais voltadas para legitimação da empresa, que para obter vantagem competitiva, de onde se conclui que está mais relacionada ao espírito público, denotando, por conseguinte, práticas substantivas.


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This research had the objective to verify if the Corporative Universities have a doctrinal character and why. In order to make the identification and analysis possible, field and bibliographic researches have been used. The bibliographical survey allowed to conclude that university is not the adequate and correct term to identify the Corporative "University", as an university does not only concern teaching. Regarding research, the investigation seeks the truth, what rarely occurs in Corporate Universities. Besides this, the bibliographical survey furnished information about organizational control and indoctrination that are important to the analysis of the Corporative Universities. While the market needs more critical, creative and enterprising individuals, the Corporative Universities limit the freedom of the thought. The field research is based on the studies of Reboul (1980) and Snook (1974), providing data that made the identification of politics and practices of the researched Corporate University possible, giving them doctrinal characteristics, which are opposed to those of education, but in a reduced degree, as compared with the respondent of the research. This circumstance harmed in a certain way initial supposition of the study, but at its end roused other suppositions as well.


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In the 1990, and after the process of privatizations of governmental companies in Brazil, cultural products had gained strategical importance for different types of organizations, specially for nationalized companies of the telecommunications sector. Based on the concept of market orientation, and specifically on the concept of cultural marketing, it is possible to understand the approximation between companies and cultural products restrictedly in the level of products and services. However, there has been little questioning about the concept of market orientation and the marginalization of plural and critical approaches which leaves gaps in the understanding of this approximation. Based in other areas of knowledge which understand this approximation between companies and cultural products and based in studies that present critics about the market forces it is possible to recognize the strategical corporative level of cultural products. Based in specific approaches in strategy, and defending pluralism and interdisciplinary research, it is possible to fill this gaps in the marketing literature. Specifically, in this study, are presented approaches that recognize the dimensions of power, politics and symbolism that influence strategies and are responsible for the approximation between these strategies and cultural products. Especially in Brazil, these debates are central, since in a context composed by nationalized companies many ambiguities are common. With this objective, a case study about a telecommunications sector company that has importance in the investment in cultural products is presented. From this case study, based on primary and secondary data, it is possible to comprehend the strategy in cultural products.


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The concept of corporative social responsability emphasizes the divergence of opinions about your meaning. The business values that direct the social actions at the company are performed by employees. This work has the objective to verify if the business values directed to the social responsibility practice act on free social actions practice of the employees of ALUMAR Consortium. The social actors involved were employees of the company that took part in some kind of social action supported by it in the period of January 1st 2003 to December 31st 2004. The methodology used was description and explanation searching to describe the phenomenon of corporate social responsibility and explain yours dimensions and influence in the practice of free actions of social responsibility. The conclusions about demonstrate that business values act on employees in the practice of free actions of social responsibility as well emphasize the strategical importance of social responsibility, regardeless the way it could be stablished and finally to organize a concept more included of social responsablity that passes by several boarding about the subject.


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This work analyses the application of the so-called corporative university model in business enterprises in Brazil. What are the impacts observed in the training and development structures in companies that adopt learning systems defined within the corporative university? It aims to offer an analytical basis to those interested in the educational tendency of knowledge management as a strategy for a sustained competitive edge in business nowadays.


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The scene prevalecente, in this work was to analyze the capacity of BANRISUL - Bank of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, as bank of public control, was assumen of the continued increase of the profitability of the Brazilian banking sector, remaining itself as a brought up to date financial institution tecnologicamente and managemental structuralized by mechanisms of brought up to date taking of decision and permanently revised in compatibility with the increasing instabilidades imposed for the incited competition of the banking sector in adequacy with the macroeconomic volatillidades. On the basis of the extremely positive performance in the analyzed period enters 1997 the 2007, the commercial strategy remains focada in the constant improvement of the rendering of services and in the growth of the credit average small the physical people and the e companies. The abrangência of the attendance points and the ample base of customers are aggregate advantages to an exclusive differential: the Banricompras, the biggest card of proper mark of Latin America. Stronger and income-producing, with an adequate and transparent management, the BANRISUL follows in propósito de to gain position of prominence in the national economic-financial scene.


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O presente trabalho analisa a Trajetória do Processo de Aprendizagem Organizacional no Banco do Brasil, desde o treinamento tradicional até a aplicação do modelo de Universidade Corporativa. Neste contexto, pretendese verificar se os impactos das mudanças causaram rupturas com as práticas do treinamento e proporcionar um referencial de análise voltado à gestão do conhecimento, enquanto estratégia de vantagem competitiva.


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The purpose of this study was evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of being strategic tool, applied to Castrol Brazil, to make possible to conduct the company towards the needed changes facing the scenery that it was going through of being acquired by British Petroleum. Besides contributing to the administration of this changing process, providing a favorable atmosphere to motivation, synergy and mobilization of all employees facing the results maintenance, also contributed to the implementation of its sustainable development policy, via a solid culture of corporative social responsibility. Also, it doesn¿t present itself as a directive and exclusive tool, only applicable to the described reality, but adaptable and that could be used in several merger and acquisition processes, enabling the companies to be acquired the cleaned understanding of the mission and the corporative vision, the faster incorporation of the new values and the acquisition of the best results in short and medium terms. The methodology used was descriptive, explanatory and applied, making use of documental, bibliographical means, study of cases and mainly participative, by total interaction of the researcher in the context of this study


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One of principal goals of this work was to investigate the reasons for the growth of Corporate University in Brazil, therefore, it is concluded that the capacitation is geared towards the improvement of the performance of the organization¿s business; the dissemination of common values in the organization includes customers, suppliers and society; The investment in the trademark of the company uses the network of people committed to the organization; and the development of the innovation¿s culture and the growth within the organization. The other main objective of this study was to identify the perception of the official in relation to the University Petrobras in training and development of the individual and its consequent increase in value. For this, 5 testimonies were collected and a field research was made with the application of a closed questionnaire considering a sample of 43 respondents, which are allocated among the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The research shows that 88 % of the respondents approve the conduction of teaching/learning and consequent enhancement of human potential, in line with the strategic goals of the Company, promoted by Petrobrás Corporate University. Finally, it is concluded that the Corporative University is an institution of education and training of companies that provide several learning alternatives, aligned to organizational strategies, to promote the development not only of their staff, but also of other members of the value chain of the company, as customers, suppliers and partners.


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This dissertation focus the implication of differences in accumulation of technological competences among companies and its reflex on the improvement of indexes of operational, economical and financial performance. This connection has been investigated at D'Itália Móveis Industrial Ltda. and Pozza S.A Industrial Moveleira, both companies of the furniture market located in Bento Gonçalves - RS. Based on a comparative case study of these two companies, this dissertation is based on empiric evidences about how the company has accumulated its technological competences. Such evidences are qualitative and quantitative, and were collected from several sources in the studied companies. The examination of technological competences accumulation is done based on an analytical structure that exists in the literature, that has been adapted to the analysis of the furniture market. The examination of performance improvement is based on a set of indexes used in the furniture industry. Studies about this subject are found in the literature, but the application of these analytic structures in the furniture market is scarce, mainly in brazilian companies. It has been noticed that the company D'Itália has accumulated technological competences on all the three functions analysed, what suggests implications for the improvement of its performance. On the other side, the company Pozza has shown a paralysation on technological competences accumulation during a long time, what brought implications for the reduction of its corporative performance. In this way, the conclusion of this dissertation suggests that the accumulation of technological competences has contributed to explain the differences of performance between both companies. Besides, it explains how both companies have managed (or not) to accumulate their indexes of performance in the long run. Even though this conclusion is not different from other studies formerly done, this conclusion is derivated from a study applied to a kind of industry that still wasn¿t examined in the available literature.


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Como se pode perceber, o mercado farmacêutico apresenta um perfil bastante competitivo e rico em diversos aspectos como o econômico, financeiro, de marketing, pesquisas e desenvolvimento, e não só para a saúde da população, ele é contemplado por altos lucros e dominado por grande parte de empresas multinacionais no cenário brasileiro. Este estudo analisa dois laboratórios brasileiros nacionais e suas formas de realizar a estratégia de diversificação em seus negócios, avaliando a criação de valor com as estratégias praticadas em cada organização. Essas questões se revelam no mínimo interessantes pela lógica que cada laboratório analisado está inserido. A pesquisa teve como base a utilização de entrevistas com diretores e gerentes de ambas as empresas, além dos dados obtidos de artigos e publicações científicas. Na análise das práticas das estratégias de diversificação, as categorias analíticas permitiram melhor compreensão e comparação com as duas companhias estudadas. As conclusões mostram que, questões como poder de mercado, economias de escopo, aspectos financeiros e tipos e graus de diversificação apresentam forte influência nas estratégias de diversificação com a criação de valor para essas empresas. No entanto, essas empresas analisadas apresentaram algumas particularidades semelhantes, e outras bastante diferentes, levando a crer que as estratégias adotadas não seguem caminhos retos no universo corporativo. Também são abordados neste trabalho, para futuros estudos, o interesse e a pressão das multinacionais em desejar adquirir empresas farmacêuticas brasileiras e a atuação do governo na política pública de maior desenvolvimento e autonomia no Brasil.


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The purpose of this study was evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of being strategic tool, applied to Castrol Brazil, to make possible to conduct the company towards the needed changes facing the scenery that it vvas going through of being acquired by British Petroleum. Besides contributing to the administration of this changing process, providing favorable atmosphere to motivation, synergy and mobilization of ali employees facing the results maintenance, also contributed to the implementation of its sustainable development policy. via a solid culture of corporative social responsibility. Also, it doesn't present itself as directive and exclusive tool, only applicable to the described reality. but adaptable and that could be used in several merger and acquisition processes, enabling the companies to be acquired the cleaned understanding of the mission and the corporative vision. the faster incorporation of the new values and the acquisition of the best results in short and médium terms. The methodology used was descriptive, explanatory and applied. making use of documental, bibliographical means, study of cases and mainly participative. by total interaction of the researcher in the context of this study


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar as divergências na percepção de profissionais contratados e executivos com vínculo familiar quanto aos fatores críticos de sucesso em um processo de sucessão em empresas familiares. Para tanto, contextualiza-se a empresa familiar quanto suas características, tipologia e participantes, bem como suas tendências no mundo globalizado. Em seguida, caracterizaram-se as empresas familiares quanto as práticas de governança corporativa, apresentando o seu conceito e principalmente a teoria do agente e o principal. O foco principal do trabalho foi abordado em seguida, nas características do processo de sucessão em empresas familiares, onde se verificou necessário abordar a caracterização do ciclo de vida em empresas familiares. Também foram apresentados os fatores críticos de sucesso mais encontrados nos fundamentos teóricos. Para reforçar referencial teórico foi realizado um estudo de caso, sendo realizadas entrevistas com executivos com vínculo familiar e profissionais contratados. Após analise dos resultados, apontaram-se as principais divergências encontradas entre os dois grupos entrevistados.


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Há uma intensa transformação nas empresas, exigindo uma efetividade maior em seus processos. Neste contexto repleto de incertezas, tem grande importância a tomada de decisão. O processo decisório de uma organização é o reflexo de como ela interage com seu ambiente (Simon,1965). A Tomada de Decisão se toma muito importante para a organização, passando por diversas variáveis na constituição de um modelo decisório. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo o estudo dos modelos adotados por uma instituição financeira, que refletem sua fonna de decidir. A escolha deste tema justifica-se pela importância que o mesmo representa para as organizações financeiras e pela necessidade de melhorar a efetividade decisória. A empresa estudada é o Banco do Brasil, através de uma análise do processo de crédito dos clientes "pessoas jurídicas", onde se procura descrever a fonna como as decisões são tomadas. Há uma descrição da hierarquia do processo decisório, juntamente com os modelos de análise do risco de crédito como fatores preponderantes no sucesso do negócio crédito. No capítulo Metodologia, é caracterizada a empresa, a situação problema e o tema de estudo. No referencial teórico, foi feita uma análise do processo decisório, onde são analisados os modelos de análise do risco de crédito e a formação de sistemas de apoio à decisão nas instituições financeiras. Os resultados do estudo proposto, respondem o problema da pesqUIsa, onde é analisada, com aplicação de pesquisa documental e observação empírica, a empresa pesquisada. Através desta pesquisa, observou-se uma organização com modelo decisório extremamente planejado, porém não utilizando ainda as práticas modernas de tomada de decisão com relação ao crédito. A conclusão deste trabalho, além de trazer várias observações em tomo do tema analisado, também faz algumas sugestões à empresa pesquisada.


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o presente trabalho analisa a trajetória da Corporação Médica no processo de formulação da política da Reforma Sanitária brasileira, a partir de estudo de caso das entidades médicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1977 a 1989. Partindo-se da análise da representação de interesses no processo de fonnulação de políticas públicas, identificam-se as características diferenciais das políticas sociais. Procura-se demonstrar que a Refonna Sanitária, enquanto política social, sofreria os conflitos inerentes à implantação dessas políticas no contexto pós Welfare, estando sua efetivação dependente de uma concertação dada no plano da dinâmica societária, onde são determinantes os interesses dos diferentes atores que dela participam. O processo de fonnulação da política da Refonna Sanitária brasileira alcança a Corporação Médica em uma crise de seu ideário, cuja orientação é disputada por distintos projetos. A análise do período demonstra a prevalência dos interesses privados nas demandas da Corporação e como esses interesses se conflitavam com a concepção e propostas da Refonna, comprometendo sua efetivação. Os limites de adesão da Corporação à política da Refonna contudo, não são atribuídos ao corporativismo e conservadorismo médicos. Procura-se demontrar, diferentemente das análises correntes, que essses limites explicam-se pelas características intrínsecas à prática médica e à modalidade atualmente prevalente de organização da prática médica. Enquanto ator crucial ao interior do setor saúde, os conflitos enfrentados pela Corporação Médica revelariam as contradições da própria Refonna Sanitária.