970 resultados para Renaissance.
Comprend : [ Folios A1v ° et A2r °. Vue des deux cartes en couleur de l'hémisphère Européen-Africain et de l'hémisphère Américain. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF RCB 8010. ]
Comprend : [ Bandeau et lettre historiée p. 1. Début du Dialogue Premier. Cerfs et aigle dans le bandeau. Figure d'homme tenant un calamme et un encrier, dans le lettre. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35646. ] ; [ Planche p. 56. Astronomie. Figure de la terre et tracés géométriques illustrant le Dialogue Trois. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35647. ] ; [ Planche p. 58. Astronomie. Figure de la Terre et du Soleil illustrant le Dialogue Trois. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35648. ] ; [ Planche p. 60. Astronomie. Figure de la terre illustrant le Dialogue Trois. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35649. ] ; [ Planche p. 62. Astronomie. Figure géométrique illustrant le Dialogue Trois. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35650. ] ; [ Planche p. 75. Astronomie. Figure géométrique illustrant le Dialogue Trois. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35651. ] ; [ Figure p. 79 illustrant le Dialogue Trois. Navire en mer, vents. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35652. ] ; [ Planche p. 98. Astronomie. Figure géométrique illustrant le Dialogue Quatre. XVIè siècle.] Ptolemaeus copernicus. [ Cote : BNF B 35653. ] ; [ Planche p. 104. Astronomie. Figure géométrique illustrant le Dialogue Cinq. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35654. ] ; [ Planche p. 125. Astronomie. Figure géométrique illustrant le Dialogue Cinq. XVIè siècle.] [ Cote : BNF B 35655. ]
Comprend : [Fig. p.75 : astronomie. XVIè siècle.] La création du monde. [cote : microfilm m 9658/R 34080] ; [Fig. p.87 : astronomie. XVIè siècle.] Figure de titubation du firmament. [cote : microfilm m 9658/R 34080] ; [Fig. p.143 : astronomie. XVIè siècle.] Figure des quatre saisons du monde. [cote : microfilm m 9658/R 34080] ; [Fig. en reg. p.180 : astronomie. XVIè siècle.] Figure de la création du monde. [cote : microfilm m 9658/R 34080] ; [Fig. p.181 : astronomie. XVIè siècle.] Figure de titubation du Firmament. [cote : microfilm m 9658/R 34080] ; [Fig. en reg. p.181 : astronomie. XVIè siècle.] Figure des saisons et âges du monde. [cote : microfilm m 9658/R 34080]
[Illustrations de Astronomiae instauratae Mechanica.] / [Non identifié] ; Tycho Brahé, aut. du texte
After a few historical references, from Homer to Plato, to the problem of death and permanence, this paper focuses on the different ways by which ~irgilO, vid and ~ucietiustr y to refute the phantom of death by means of a philosophy of the perennial substratum and the dissolution of phenomenic and episodic compounds.
F. 1-6v Calendrier de l'église d'Aix-en-Provence (7 juin: « Sancti Maximini Aquensis archiepiscopi... »; 7 août: « Dedicatio ecclesie Sancti Salvatoris »). F. 7-282 Temporal de toute l'année. F. 282v-286v Préfaces. F. 287-290v Canon de la messe. F. 291v-292 Peintures du Canon. F. 293-425 Sanctoral et commun des saints (f. 332v: s. Maximin; f. 352v: ste Marie-Madeleine; f. 361: dédicace de l'église; f. 374: s. Agricol; f. 393: s. Mitre). F. 425-431 « Orationes processionales per totum annum ». F. 431v-432v Bénédictions. F. 432v-433v Bénédictions et préface du mariage. F. 434-435 Messes de divers saints (dont s. Cannat, évêque de Marseille). F. 435v Colophon.
Majolica pottery is one of the most characteristic tableware produced during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Majolica technology was introduced to the Iberian Peninsula by Islamic artisans during Medieval times, and its production and popularity rapidly spread throughout Spain and eventually to other locations in Europe and the Americas. The prestige and importance of Spanish majolica was very high. Consequently, this ware was imported profusely to the Americas during the Spanish Colonial period. Nowadays, Majolica pottery serves as an important horizon marker at Spanish colonial sites. A preliminary study of Spanish-produced majolica was conducted on a set of 246 samples from the 12 primary majolica production centers on the Iberian Peninsula. The samples were analyzed by neutron activation analysis (NAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical procedures. Our results show a clear discrimination between different production centers. In some cases, our data allow one to distinguish amongst shards coming from the same production location suggesting different workshops or group of workshops were responsible for production of this pre-industrial pottery.
The opportunity to reflect broadly on the accomplishments, prospects, and reach of a field may present itself relatively infrequently. Each biennial meeting of the International Biogeography Society showcases ideas solicited and developed largely during the preceding year, by individuals or teams from across the breadth of the discipline. Here, we highlight challenges, developments, and opportunities in biogeography that were summarized at or emerge from that biennial synthesis. We note the realized and potential impact of rapid data accumulation in several fields, a Renaissance for inter-disciplinary research, the importance of recognizing the evolution-ecology continuum across spatial and temporal scales and at different taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional levels, and re-exploration of classical assumptions and hypotheses using new tools. However, advances are taxonomically and geographically biased, key theoretical frameworks await development of tools for handling, or strategies for simplifying, the biological complexity seen in empirical systems. Current threats to biodiversity require unprecedented integration of knowledge and development of predictive capacity which may enable biogeography to unite its descriptive and hypothetico-deductive arms and establish a greater role within and outside academia