974 resultados para Remote Control
Begging and food allocation patterns are the outcome of complex and repeated interactions between parents and young. In most systems studied, food allocation is regulated by begging and scramble competition. In contrast, little is understood about how nestling solicitation behaviours will evolve in systems where parents engage in complex patterns of food allocation. Parrots appear to be an excellent group in which to examine the shifting balance between sibling competition and parental control. Studies to date have shown that levels of sibling competition within parrot broods are low, possibly in response to parental control over food distribution. I assess what is known about the function of nestling begging in parrots and evaluate why begging signals appear to function differently in this group.
Burke TN, Franc, a FJR, de Meneses SRF, Cardoso VI, Marques AP: Postural control in elderly persons with osteoporosis: Efficacy of an intervention program to improve balance and muscle strength: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2010; 89: 549-556. Objective: To assess the efficacy of an exercise program aiming to improve balance and muscular strength, for postural control and muscular strength of women with osteoporosis. Design: Sample consisted of 33 women with osteoporosis, randomized into one of two groups: intervention group, in which exercises for balance and improvement of muscular strength of the inferior members were performed for 8 wks (n = 17, age 72.8 +/- 3.6 yrs); control group, which was women not practicing exercises (n = 16, age 74.4 +/- 3.7 yrs). At baseline and after 8 wks of treatment, postural control was assessed using a force plate (Balance Master, Neurocom), and muscular strength during ankle dorsiflexion, knee extension, and flexion was assessed by dynamometry. Results: Adherence to the program was 82%. When compared with the control group, individuals in the intervention group significantly improved the center of pressure velocity (P = 0.02) in the modified clinical test of sensory interaction for balance test, center of pressure velocity (P < 0.01), and directional control (P < 0.01) in limits of stability test, isometric force during ankle dorsiflexion (P = 0.01), knee extension (P < 0.01), and knee flexion (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Balance and strength exercises are effective in improving postural control and lower-limb strength in elderly women with osteoporosis.
Genomic imprinting alterations have been shown to be associated with assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) in animals. At present, data obtained in humans are inconclusive; however, some epidemiological studies have demonstrated an increased incidence of imprinting disorders in children conceived by ARTs. In the present study, we focused on the effect of ARTs [IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)] on the epigenetic reprogramming of the maternally methylated imprinting control region KvDMR1 in clinically normal children. Qualitative and quantitative methylation at KvDMR1 were assessed by the methylation-specific PCR approach and by the methylation-sensitive enzymatic digestion associated with real-time PCR method, respectively. DNA was obtained from peripheral blood of 12/18 and umbilical cord blood and placenta of 6/18 children conceived by IVF or ICSI. The methylation patterns observed in this group were compared with the patterns observed in 30 clinically normal naturally conceived children (negative controls) and in 3 naturally conceived Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome patients (positive controls). Hypomethylation at KvDMR1 was observed in 3/18 clinically normal children conceived by ARTs (2 conceived by IVF and 1 by ICSI). A discordant methylation pattern was observed in the three corresponding dizygotic twins. Our findings corroborate the hypothesis of vulnerability of maternal imprinting to ARTs. Furthermore, the discordant methylation at KvDMR1 observed between dizygotic twins could be consequent to one of the following possibilities: (i) a differential vulnerability of maternal imprints among different embryos; or (ii) epimutations that occurred during gametogenesis resulting in the production of oocytes without the correct primary imprint at KvDMR1.
Fear of heights, or acrophobia, is one of the most frequent subtypes of specific phobia frequently associated to depression and other anxiety disorders. Previous evidence suggests a correlation between acrophobia and abnormalities in balance control, particularly involving the use of visual information to keep postural stability. This study investigates the hypotheses that (1) abnormalities in balance control are more frequent in individuals with acrophobia even when not exposed to heights, that (2) acrophobic symptoms are associated to abnormalities in visual perception of movement; and that (3) individuals with acrophobia are more sensitive to balance-cognition interactions. Thirty-one individuals with specific phobia of heights and thirty one non-phobic controls were compared using dynamic posturography and a manual tracking task. Acrophobics had poorer performance in both tasks, especially when carried out simultaneously. Previously described interference between posture control and cognitive activity seems to play a major role in these individuals. The presence of physiologic abnormalities is compatible with the hypothesis of a non-associative acquisition of fear of heights, i.e., not associated to previous traumatic events or other learning experiences. Clinically, this preliminary study corroborates the hypothesis that vestibular physical therapy can be particularly useful in treating individuals with fear of heights.
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene overexpression has been implicated in the development of many types of tumors, including glioblastomas, the most frequent diffusely infiltrating astrocytomas. However, little is known about the influence of the polymorphisms of EGFR on EGFR production and/or activity, possibly modulating the susceptibility to astrocytomas. This study aimed to examine the association of two EGFR promoter polymorphisms (c.-191C > A and c.-216G > T) and the c.2073A > T polymorphism located in exon 16 with susceptibility to astrocytomas, EGFR gene expression and survival in a case-control study of 193 astrocytoma patients and 200 cancer-free controls. We found that the variant TT genotype of the EGFR c.2073A > T polymorphism was associated with a significantly decreased risk of astrocytoma when compared with the AA genotype [sex- and age-adjusted odds ratio 0.51, 95% confidence interval 0.26-0.98]. No association of the two promoter EGFR polymorphisms (or combinations of these polymorphisms) and risk of astrocytomas, EGFR expression or survival was found. Our findings suggest that modulation of the EGFR c.2073A > T polymorphism could play a role in future therapeutic approaches to astrocytoma. (Int J Biol Markers 2008; 23: 140-6)
Purpose The purpose of the study was to examine the most adequate cut-off point for median nerve cross-sectional area and additional ultrasound features supporting the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Material and methods Forty wrists from 31 CTS patients and 63 wrists from 37 asymptomatic volunteers were evaluated by ultrasound. All patients were women. The mean age was 49.1 years (range: 29-78) in the symptomatic and 45.1 years (range 24-82) in the asymptomatic group. Median nerve cross-sectional area was obtained using direct (DT) and indirect (IT) techniques. Median nerve echogenicity, mobility, flexor retinaculum measurement and the anteroposterior (AP) carpal tunnel distance were assessed. This study was IRB-approved and all patients gave informed consent prior to examination. Results In CTS the median nerve cross-sectional area was increased compared with the control group. Median nerve cross-sectional area of 10 mm(2) (DT) and 9 mm(2) (IT) had high sensitivity (85% and 88.5%, respectively), specificity (92.1% and 82.5%) and accuracy (89.3% and 82.5%) in the diagnosis of CTS. CTS patients had an increased carpal tunnel AP diameter, flexor retinaculum thickening, reduced median nerve mobility and decreased median nerve echogenicity. Conclusion Ultrasound assists in the diagnosis of CTS using the median nerve diameter cut-off point of 10 mm(2) (DT) and 9 mm(2) (IT) and several additional findings.
Study design: Cross-sectional study. Objectives: To assess the importance of proprioceptive and vision information on different types of wheelchair seats with regard to postural control in paraplegic individuals during static posture. Setting: Centre of Rehabilitation at the University Hospital/FMRP-USP and Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic at University Hospital/UNICAMP, Brazil. Methods: This study involved 11 individuals with paraplegia. All individuals were submitted to an evaluation of static balance with their eyes open and closed in three different types of seats: wheelchair seat, foam seat and gel seat. Balance evaluation was performed by using the Polhemus system, in which body displacements and anteroposterior and mediolateral speeds were assessed in a static seated position in the different types of seats. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance. The differences were considered at P<0.05. Results: No statistical differences were found between the three types of seats in terms of displacements and anteroposterior and mediolateral speeds, or between seats with individuals keeping their eyes open or closed (P>0.05). However, it was observed that body displacements were more prominent toward an anteroposterior than a mediolateral direction. Conclusion: This study suggests that individuals with paraplegia tend to exhibit a more anteroposterior body displacement than a mediolateral one, with no significant differences between the types of seats in both situations of eyes open and closed. Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 825-827; doi:10.1038/sc.2010.30; published online 30 March 2010