999 resultados para Relações de gênero Aspectos sociais


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representaes sociais de um grupo de pedagogos docentes em faculdades isoladas, nos cursos de Pedagogia, a respeito de sua identidade profissional. A fundamentao terica do estudo baseou- se nos conceitos de Representao Social enunciados por Srge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet. Foram realizadas consideraes acerca dos caminhos percorridos pelos cursos de Pedagogia no pas e seus aspectos sociais, que deram origem s atuais representaes que os sujeitos do estudo tm sobre a profisso docente. Os dados foram coletados atravs de um questionrio semidiretivo e analisado com os recursos dos softwares ALCESTE, para anlise lexical, e EVOC, para evocao livre das palavras. Os resultados revelaram que a identidade do pedagogo compreendida como um processo de construo e reconstruo e apresenta-se como um diferencial, fruto de uma escolha profissional, e no de sacerdcio, anunciando que, embora exista um padro social estabelecido para o exerccio profissional, o pedagogo docente faz uso de sua professoralidade, na sua maneira de exercer a profisso. A contribuio pretendida por este estudo melhor compreender as representaes de pedagogos docentes nos cursos de formao de professores a respeito de sua profisso, e seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexes sobre a formao em Pedagogia.


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Fibromialgia uma sndrome de etiologia desconhecida com dor difusa, generalizada e crnica. O diagnstico da fibromialgia deve ser feito de acordo com o critrio do American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1990. O paciente deve apresentar dor difusa por mais de trs meses e relatar dor palpao em pelo menos 11 de 18 pontos sensveis, chamados de tender points , caracaterizando assim a sndrome. A maioria dos pacientes acometidos so mulheres, e o pico de incidncia etria na ocasio do diagnstico est entre 40 e 50 anos. A dor crnica promove um impacto na qualidade de vida dessas pessoas, diminuindo sua auto-estima, isolando-as do convvio social e fazendo com que percam o controle dos seus pensamentos e sentimentos. Sintomas depressivos podem ser o resultado da disfuno orgnica, associada s condies de limitao das atividades dirias.Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a presena dos sintomas depressivos e analisar o impacto dos mesmos sobre a qualidade de vida das pacientes com SF. Foram selecionadas 30 mulheres com diagnstico de SF, em atendimento no perodo de outubro a novembro de 2005, as quais responderam a dois questionrios: Inventrio de Depresso de Beck, para investigar a presena de sinto- mas depressivos e o SF-36 Medical Outcome Survey Short Form -36, para avaliar a qualidade de vida. Os resultados obtidos na estatstica pelo programa SPS demons- tram que os sintomas depressivos so responsveis pelo impacto na qualidade de vida dessas pessoas, principalmente nos domnios: aspectos fsicos, aspectos sociais, sa- de mental, vitalidade e sade geral. A anlise dos dados sugere que os sintomas depressivos podem influenciar negativamente a qualidade de vida das mulheres fibromilgicas, pois aumenta a sensao de incapacidade fsica, diminui a qualidade das relações sociais, aumenta o pessimismo, a fadiga e o desnimo


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A presente dissertao tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos religiosos islmicos e as implicaes das relações de gênero no islam sobre a assistncia de sade s mulheres muulmanas, e atravs disto, discutir a importncia do conhecimento prvio do islamismo pelos profissionais de sade para propor uma assistncia de sade congruente a estas mulheres, tendo por referncia a Poltica Nacional de Ateno Integral Sade da Mulher. Esta pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo e aplicao de um roteiro de perguntas semi-estruturado, com questes relacionadas ao islamismo e sade das mulheres. Ao todo, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas, sendo estas: quatro mulheres revertidas ao islam, trs mulheres de famlia muulmana, dois sheiks e uma assistente social. As entrevistas foram realizadas no Centro de Divulgao do Islam para a Amrica Latina e o Caribe (CDIAL) e na Assemblia Mundial da Juventude Islmica na Amrica Latina (WAMY).


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O crescimento demogrfico de idosos um fenmeno mundial e exerce influncia sobre o desenvolvimento e funcionamento das sociedades. Fatores sociais, econmicos, ambientais, biolgicos e culturais influenciam o processo de envelhecimento, que pode vir acompanhado de contnua perda na capacidade de adaptao do indivduo ao meio ambiente, de maior vulnerabilidade ao estresse, limitaes funcionais e diminuio da qualidade de vida do indivduo. Todavia, ao longo do curso da vida, o indivduo vivencia mltiplas exposies adversas sade, e o declnio da mobilidade surge como um dos primeiros sinais do envelhecimento, repercutindo na sade fsica e mental do indivduo. Para contribuir com o conhecimento sobre os desfechos relacionados ao envelhecimento e mobilidade, o estudo IMIAS investiga idosos em quatro pases com diferentes perfis epidemiolgicos. O presente estudo abordou os possveis fatores associados ao declnio fsico em idosos de distintas sociedades, sobre a perspectiva epidemiolgica do curso da vida e dos biomarcadores da inflamao e do estresse. Objetivos: 1) Analisar as relações entre as adversidades sociais e econmicas, vivenciadas durante a infncia, a fase adulta e a velhice, com o baixo desempenho fsico em populaes idosas, de diferentes contextos sociais, econmicos e culturais. 2) Verificar a associao entre os nveis elevados da protena c-reativa (PCR) com o desempenho fsico em idosos de diferentes populaes. 3) Avaliar se a desregulao nos nveis de cortisol diurno exerce influncia sobre o desempenho fsico em idosos com distintos perfis epidemiolgicos. Mtodos: Foram utilizados dados da linha de base do IMIAS Estudo Internacional de Mobilidade no Envelhecimento, composto por 1.995 indivduos entre 65 e 74 anos de idade, residentes em comunidades de quatro pases (Albnia, Brasil, Canad, Colmbia). O desempenho fsico foi avaliado atravs do Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) e da fora de preenso manual. As adversidades durante o curso da vida foram estimadas a partir de eventos e exposies sociais, econmicas e culturais ocorridas durante a infncia, fase adulta e velhice. Para avaliar o percurso biolgico e suas associaes com a mobilidade, a protena c-reativa e o cortisol foram considerados como biomarcadores da inflamao e do estresse, respectivamente. No sentido de responder as questes de investigaes, foram conduzidas anlises de estatstica descritiva, bivariada e multivariada, mediante tcnicas de distribuio de frequncias, teste qui-quadrado, odds ratio e regresses logstica, linear e multinvel. Resultados: O desempenho fsico foi menor nos participantes que vivem na Colmbia, Brasil e Albnia do que nos que vivem no Canad, mesmo quando ajustados por idade, sexo e adversidades durante o curso da vida. O baixo nvel de desempenho fsico (SPPB < 8) foi associado a ter sofrido adversidade social e econmica na infncia, ter tido ocupao semiqualificada na fase adulta, morar sozinho e possuir renda insuficiente na velhice. A PCR esteve associada com a baixa fora de preenso manual e com o SPPB<8. Entretanto, a associao entre a PCR e a fora de preenso manual no se manteve quando ajustada por fatores socioeconmicos e hbitos de sade. As associaes negativas entre SPPB e PCR permaneceram significativas mesmo aps ajustes por idade, sexo, escolaridade, local de pesquisa e condies de sade. O baixo desempenho fsico (SPPB 8) foi associado com uma significativa diminuio nos nveis de cortisol ao acordar, em comparao com os nveis de cortisol de idosos com bom desempenho fsico (SPPB > 8), mesmo aps modelos controlados por local de estudo, sexo, depresso, hbitos de sade, uso de psicotrpicos e ndice de massa corporal. Concluses: Os resultados evidenciaram associao entre a inflamao, o estresse e as desigualdades sociais e econmicas na infncia, sobre o desempenho fsico de idosos com diferenciados perfis epidemiolgicos. Enfatizamos que a promoo do envelhecimento saudvel requer considerar polticas e prticas que favoream o bem-estar econmico e social para crianas, adultos e idosos.


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A partir da abordagem investigativa da multirreferencialidade, com base em Jacques Ardono, e tendo como lentes tericas os conceitos de cultura e de gênero, discutidos respectivamente por Victor Hell, Stuart Hall, Alfredo Veiga-Neto, e Joan Scott, Guacira Lopes Louro, Dagmar Meyer, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as implicaes da presena de homens docentes na Educao Infantil, problematizando as relações de gênero a partir de um amlgama de atravessamentos sociais, histricos e culturais. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dois homens que exercem a funo de educador infantil na rede pblica de ensino do Municpio de Natal/RN/Brasil. A anlise das entrevistas possibilitou a organizao dos dados em quatro focos de discusso. O primeiro deles refere-se s figuras masculinas (re)produzidas no cotidiano da Educao Infantil, cujas representaes discursivas constroem o homem como perigoso, poderoso e respeitado, ajudando a perpetuar os vnculos histrica e culturalmente estabelecidos entre a figura masculina e as imagens de autoridade, liderana, comando, ao mesmo tempo em que refora o suposto carter natural das relações entre a figura feminina e o cuidado infantil. O segundo foco de discusso trata da polarizao entre os elementos do binmio masculino/feminino, ativado constantemente nas relações que se estabelecem entre homens e mulheres no cotidiano da Educao Infantil, tornando as instituies desta etapa de ensino um local de concretizao dos mais diversos significados de gênero. O terceiro foco de discusso problematiza a necessidade de afirmao da heterossexualidade dos educadores infantis entrevistados, destacando-se a associao (geralmente feita por gestores, por colegas de trabalho e pelas famlias das crianas) entre a heterossexualidade masculina e o adequado exerccio da funo docente. O quarto e ltimo foco de discusso trata das lacunas da formao inicial e continuada de educadores infantis, enfatizando que, de modo geral, os cursos que formam professores para atuar em instituies de Educao Infantil tendem a desconsiderar a insero profissional de homens nessa etapa de ensino. Assim, a Dissertao que ora apresentamos tem como escopo a desnaturalizao de esteretipos de gênero no cotidiano da Educao Infantil, entendendo que este tambm um contexto muito profcuo para o exerccio de resistncia s imagens cultural e historicamente associadas a homens e mulheres.


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This thesis aims to contribute to reflections on female prostitution in the Paraba`s North Coast in specific regions of the Baa da Traio and Indian villages Potiguara constant cultural flow region between indigenous and non-indigenous. Within this hemisphere intend to analyze the transits, the body boundaries, sexuality, identity and ethnic category as central to understanding of prostitution practices inaugurate the possibility to study the gender and blurred places, border, mixed. Specifically, I discuss the experience of articulated gender border between urban and rural, indigenous and non-indigenous, to show and hide, visible and not visible. Analyze the social relations among women who prostitute themselves and the community they inhabit, mobility, economic and symbolic exchanges, conflicts and situations of violence, since the social environment is permeated by these dimensions and the way these women includes complex situations and individuals. Analyze the ethnic and flow of people and relationships that are built differently inside and outside the indigenous community, such as women who prostitute themselves build their indigenous and prostitutes identities. Analyze this mobility in prostitution relationships and the reason for this mobility, indigenous women prostitutes avoid this practice in the indigenous area in order to protect their identities because the community is small, there is the fear on the probability of gossip and malaise in the community. However, the region is characterized as a heterogeneous whole, requiring a procedural analysis to cover the whole specificity of these practices in the covered area.


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This thesis aims to contribute to reflections on female prostitution in the Paraba`s North Coast in specific regions of the Baa da Traio and Indian villages Potiguara constant cultural flow region between indigenous and non-indigenous. Within this hemisphere intend to analyze the transits, the body boundaries, sexuality, identity and ethnic category as central to understanding of prostitution practices inaugurate the possibility to study the gender and blurred places, border, mixed. Specifically, I discuss the experience of articulated gender border between urban and rural, indigenous and non-indigenous, to show and hide, visible and not visible. Analyze the social relations among women who prostitute themselves and the community they inhabit, mobility, economic and symbolic exchanges, conflicts and situations of violence, since the social environment is permeated by these dimensions and the way these women includes complex situations and individuals. Analyze the ethnic and flow of people and relationships that are built differently inside and outside the indigenous community, such as women who prostitute themselves build their indigenous and prostitutes identities. Analyze this mobility in prostitution relationships and the reason for this mobility, indigenous women prostitutes avoid this practice in the indigenous area in order to protect their identities because the community is small, there is the fear on the probability of gossip and malaise in the community. However, the region is characterized as a heterogeneous whole, requiring a procedural analysis to cover the whole specificity of these practices in the covered area.


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Studies show that the theme of gender relations within the MST (Rural Landless Workers Movement) has incorporated some feminist guidelines discussions in the set of its speeches and daily practices. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the production of meanings about the political militancy of women linked to MST in Rio Grande do Norte. The specific objectives sought to identify the continuities and ruptures related to the women's role in the family of the militant women and to investigate the militants discursive positioning about their work. The study is configured as a qualitative research, which six women militants linked to the MST at the RN participated. These women occupy the coordination and leadership functions in the movement. We will use a semi-structured interview, initially guided by triggering questions that included, among others, the dimensions: political militancy, family and work as an access tool to the phenomenon. The reports were analyzed from an initial categorization, based on the guiding principles: militancy, family and work, and were based on theoretical perspective of studies about the production of meaning, discursive practices, social psychology and gender studies. The meanings of militancy point to: contribution, hope, recognition, transformation, awareness and fight. The results show that there is always a positivation speech of life, achievements of a formation and about a new place as a woman at stake. These results come justified by the collective investment of struggle, not only for the access to land, but for social rights achievements too. Finally, the MST stands with a discursive agency that contributes to produce in these women not only the way of political participation: but a way to be exercised with collective subjects and their rights.


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Studies show that the theme of gender relations within the MST (Rural Landless Workers Movement) has incorporated some feminist guidelines discussions in the set of its speeches and daily practices. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the production of meanings about the political militancy of women linked to MST in Rio Grande do Norte. The specific objectives sought to identify the continuities and ruptures related to the women's role in the family of the militant women and to investigate the militants discursive positioning about their work. The study is configured as a qualitative research, which six women militants linked to the MST at the RN participated. These women occupy the coordination and leadership functions in the movement. We will use a semi-structured interview, initially guided by triggering questions that included, among others, the dimensions: political militancy, family and work as an access tool to the phenomenon. The reports were analyzed from an initial categorization, based on the guiding principles: militancy, family and work, and were based on theoretical perspective of studies about the production of meaning, discursive practices, social psychology and gender studies. The meanings of militancy point to: contribution, hope, recognition, transformation, awareness and fight. The results show that there is always a positivation speech of life, achievements of a formation and about a new place as a woman at stake. These results come justified by the collective investment of struggle, not only for the access to land, but for social rights achievements too. Finally, the MST stands with a discursive agency that contributes to produce in these women not only the way of political participation: but a way to be exercised with collective subjects and their rights.


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The focus of this study is to draw attention to the intergenerational familys lifestyles and their various ways of cohabitation, in special to those families which are made by individuals of different generations, these families being constituted of, two or more individuals, or, two or more smaller families, which live under the same roof and have the elderly person as referential in their cohabitation. In those types of families, as for their ways of organization, it is interesting to note that the researches and productions done by inner architects and inner designers do not include this type of family arrangement because their studies do not cover this kind of structuralization nor was this type of organization put together with any of the ways of cohabitation. Therefore there is a theoretical concept void which is propositional, interventional and does not relate to the empirical reality. In observation to these remarks, the research starts a theoretic challenge of deconstruct or reconstruct our modern only habitational template, which is used today in all families configurations which out any regards to where this template will be used, unfitting to the intergenerational families who have elders. This study is then meant to give an differential analysis of the various domestic spaces templates in regards to the new families formats, their basic and special necessities, the home identities of those families which indicates the differential gap in housing and lifestyle from the higher social classes in comparison to the lower social classes. The interdisciplinary method was chosen in order to describe arrangements found in the lifestyles and the ways of cohabitation of the intergenerational families, this method is used for its knowledge base that better articulates the procedure method and the inductive reflexive approach made possible after an qualitative research. In order to accomplish that, an geographical space which tow real possibilities was selected, that is, the space where the people of great social and anthropological proximity are concentrated and the people which are the researcher kinships and friends, in between those are the habitants of Capim Macios, Candelrias, Tirols and Petrpoliss, neighborhoods, located in the south west zone of her home city Natal. It has been noticed that, meanwhile these intergenerational spaces do not claim their said spaces, because of their habits, necessities and relations in between generations and gender, their arrangements of said space are extremely creative. That means that alterations in the concepts of planning, construction and utilization of built spaces are imperative.


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The focus of this study is to draw attention to the intergenerational familys lifestyles and their various ways of cohabitation, in special to those families which are made by individuals of different generations, these families being constituted of, two or more individuals, or, two or more smaller families, which live under the same roof and have the elderly person as referential in their cohabitation. In those types of families, as for their ways of organization, it is interesting to note that the researches and productions done by inner architects and inner designers do not include this type of family arrangement because their studies do not cover this kind of structuralization nor was this type of organization put together with any of the ways of cohabitation. Therefore there is a theoretical concept void which is propositional, interventional and does not relate to the empirical reality. In observation to these remarks, the research starts a theoretic challenge of deconstruct or reconstruct our modern only habitational template, which is used today in all families configurations which out any regards to where this template will be used, unfitting to the intergenerational families who have elders. This study is then meant to give an differential analysis of the various domestic spaces templates in regards to the new families formats, their basic and special necessities, the home identities of those families which indicates the differential gap in housing and lifestyle from the higher social classes in comparison to the lower social classes. The interdisciplinary method was chosen in order to describe arrangements found in the lifestyles and the ways of cohabitation of the intergenerational families, this method is used for its knowledge base that better articulates the procedure method and the inductive reflexive approach made possible after an qualitative research. In order to accomplish that, an geographical space which tow real possibilities was selected, that is, the space where the people of great social and anthropological proximity are concentrated and the people which are the researcher kinships and friends, in between those are the habitants of Capim Macios, Candelrias, Tirols and Petrpoliss, neighborhoods, located in the south west zone of her home city Natal. It has been noticed that, meanwhile these intergenerational spaces do not claim their said spaces, because of their habits, necessities and relations in between generations and gender, their arrangements of said space are extremely creative. That means that alterations in the concepts of planning, construction and utilization of built spaces are imperative.


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Os sintomas psicolgicos nos indivduos consumidores de lcool o tema investigado neste trabalho, que se dedicou a analisar as diferenas entre grupos de indivduos alcolicos e no alcolicos homens e mulheres. A oportunidade desta investigao se originou no trabalho de psicologia clnica com pacientes alcolicos e, principalmente, frente s carncias bibliogrficas no mercado sobre o assunto. O presente trabalho, buscou, portanto, investigar-se, a partir das hipteses, a intensidade de problemas psicolgicos e sintomas psicopatolgicos em sujeitos alcolicos de ambos os sexos. Para tal, foram realizadas entrevistas orientadas para a aplicao do instrumento. O instrumento utilizado na pesquisa foi o SCL 90-R (Symptom Check List 90 - Revised) (DEROGATIS, 1983) que se prope a medir a intensidade dos sintomas, especificamente em casos de alcoolismo, sendo este instrumento validado no Brasil (LALONI, 2001). Os sintomas psicolgicos avaliados foram: Psicose, Relações Interpessoais, Ansiedade, Ideao Paranide, Hostilidade, Depresso, Fobia e Obsessivo Compulsivo. A populao investigada abrangeu pessoas no consumidoras de lcool da comunidade e pessoas alcolicas pertencentes aos AA (Alcolicos Annimos). Os dois grupos pertencem Regio Metropolitana de Porto Alegre no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A comparao foi abrangente em relao aos aspectos de gênero, pois alm de comparar o grupo de alcolicos e no alcolicos verificou as relações de gênero, analisando as diferenas entre o grupo de homens e mulheres alcolicos e no alcolicos. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que os alcolicos so mais sintomticos que os no alcolicos e as mulheres apresentam-se em relao aos sintomas avaliados com mdias mais altas que os homens. Os alcolicos homens e mulheres no diferem de forma estatisticamente significativa em seus sintomas psicolgicos. Da mesma forma homens e mulheres no alcolicos no diferem em seus sintomas psicolgicos. / The subject of this research concerns about psychological symptoms on alcohol consuming individuals, analyzing the differences between groups of alcoholic and non alcoholic individuals, men and women. This investigation arose from the psychological clinic work with alcoholic patients in face of the lack of literature about this subject. Based on the hypothesis we investigated the intensity of psychological problems and psychopathological symptoms in alcoholic individuals of both sexes. We also evaluated the presence and intensity of psychological problems and psychopathological symptoms in non alcoholic individuals of both sexes. For this research we performed interviews oriented to the application of the instrument. The instrument employed in the research was SCL 90-R (Symptom Check List 90 - Revised) (DEROGATIS, 1983) which measures the intensity of the symptoms. The instrument was validated in Brazil (LALONI, 2001) and is specific to evaluate symptoms in case of alcoholism. The psychological symptoms we evaluated were: Psychosis, Interpersonal Relations, Anxiety, Paranoid Ideation, Hostility, Depression, Phobia, and Obsessive Compulsive. The population investigated is formed by non alcohol consuming people and alcoholics belonging to the Anonymous Alcoholics (AA). Both groups are from the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre in the southern sate of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The comparison was comprehensive regarding the aspects of gender, since besides comparing the group of alcoholics and non alcoholics, it compared alcoholic men and women among themselves, and non alcoholic men and women as well. The results that were found demonstrate that alcoholics are more symptomatic than non alcoholics and women, regarding the evaluated symptoms, present themselves with higher averages than men. Alcoholic men and women do not expressively differ in their psychological symptoms, as non alcoholic men and women do not expressively differ in their psychological symptoms as well.


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A velhice pode estar associada ao sofrimento, aumento da dependncia fsica, declnio funcional, isolamento social, depresso e improdutividade. No envelhecimento observam-se lentificao no processamento cognitivo, reduo da ateno, dificuldades na reteno das informaes aprendidas (memria de trabalho) e diminuio na velocidade de pensamento e habilidades visuoespaciais. Por outro lado, as que se mantm inalteradas so: inteligncia verbal, ateno bsica, habilidade de clculo e a maioria das habilidades de linguagem (Moraes, Moraes & Lima, 2010). O objetivo deste estudo comparar funes executivas com grau de funcionalidade para averiguar em que medida estas variveis predizem funcionalidade. Trinta idosos de trs valncias diferentes constituram a amostra deste estudo. Os instrumentos de avaliao administrados foram os seguintes: Escala de Barthel, MontrealCognitiveAssessment (MoCA), Trail Making Test (TMT), Teste de Aprendizagem Audio-Verbal de Rey (RAVLT), Figura Complexa de Rey, Teste Stroop de Cores e Palavras (TSCP), DigitSpan, Escala Geritrica de Depresso. Dos resultados obtidos destacam-se a existncia de relações estatisticamente significativas entre a sade mental e a funcionalidade. Quanto melhor a sade mental, maior o grau de funcionalidade e os participantes do Domiclio possuem melhor sade mental, ateno, planeamento e construo visuo-espacial do que os do Centro de Dia, e estes melhor do que os do Lar. A Organizao Mundial de Sade (OMS) destaca a capacidade funcional e a independncia como fatores preponderantes para o diagnstico de sade fsica e mental na populao idosa. Alguns autores indicam que a avaliao cognitiva deve ser sempre acompanhada de uma avaliao funcional e vice-versa.


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This study aims to analyze the process of implementation of Maria da Penha Law in Paran from the perception of persons directly involved in combating violence against women in that state. To achieve this goal, the implementation in Curitiba was taken as the main reference, due to its status as capital, being the headquarter of the political powers and the place where are some feminist social movements. We have chosen qualitative approach of interpretative nature as research methodology, because it is a method that allows the analysis of the responses and as a data collection technique. We also have chosen the individual semi-structured interview as interview mode, because it gives greater freedom to the interviewee to discuss the matter, but it is delimited to the study objectives. The research included nine persons, including members of the Judiciary and Public Ministry, public servants and activists. The importance of the study stems from the relevance of the numbers of violence against women in Brazil, and more specifically by the significant occurrence of this kind of acts in the state of Paran, which currently occupies the 3rd place in the ranking for the most violent states. The paper also discusses gender relations by understanding that violence against women is the result of an asymmetrical power relationship between men and women; human rights because violence is a blatant disregard of women's human rights; on public policies and technologies to confront this form of violence. Among the policies, the Maria da Penha Law is highlighted as one of the most striking examples of public policy for combating violence against women. The research found out which was the participation of Paran in the discussion and implementation of Maria da Penha Law, identifying relevant facts and people and also what was the repercussion obtained by this law. As for the implementation in Paran, it was possible to determine progresses, difficulties and challenges of the process. The greatest advances obtained so far are the facilities of: Court of Domestic and Family Violence against Women in Curitiba, Maria da Penha Patrol and Women's Special City Office of Curitiba. As for the difficulties, they are related, among others things, to the physical structure, training of agents, political will, and even cultural issues, which are directly linked to gender issues. Thus it was found that the law is implemented in the state, but there are still several challenges to be achieved, which consist, mainly, of the structure increment for combating violence; awareness and change of mentality of public officials; training of service agents and a greater social participation in combating violence. We concluded that the need for change in gender relations, which is an educational and social evolutionary process and therefore time consuming, is also a challenge.


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This work presents results, reflections, conclusions and considerations about the research entitled "Social representations of environmental education and objectivations in teaching practices in elementary school ". She intended to make known research whose objectives were to know the current environmental education framework (EA) developed by the teachers of the early years of elementary school of that city; identify their social representations about EA and the ways in which these representations are objectified in their teaching practices. Thus, the methodology is characterized by the qualitative approach; whose data collection instruments were the Free Evocation Questionnaire (QEV), the semi-structured interviews and documentary research. The QEV consists of free recall questions and essay questions, whose data is quantitative and qualitative. Data from this instrument were analyzed according to the procedures of the Structural Approach to Theory of Social Representations. In turn, the analysis of data obtained through the interview and reading the documents followed the guidelines of the Content Analysis method. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research was the Theory of Social Representations and critical approach to environmental education. Thus, the results obtained in the investigation allowed us to identify the social representations of EA of participants; confirm that such representations are being targeted in their pedagogical practices that are characterized as conservative. Also confirm that the teaching documents of the surveyed network are in line with the official documents on EA; the AE actions developed in the network are referenced in the teaching documents of the network and in the official documents of EA and the EA practices of survey participants teachers relate directly with their social representations on Environmental Education.