883 resultados para Regression Trees


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In many applications, and especially those where batch processes are involved, a target scalar output of interest is often dependent on one or more time series of data. With the exponential growth in data logging in modern industries such time series are increasingly available for statistical modeling in soft sensing applications. In order to exploit time series data for predictive modelling, it is necessary to summarise the information they contain as a set of features to use as model regressors. Typically this is done in an unsupervised fashion using simple techniques such as computing statistical moments, principal components or wavelet decompositions, often leading to significant information loss and hence suboptimal predictive models. In this paper, a functional learning paradigm is exploited in a supervised fashion to derive continuous, smooth estimates of time series data (yielding aggregated local information), while simultaneously estimating a continuous shape function yielding optimal predictions. The proposed Supervised Aggregative Feature Extraction (SAFE) methodology can be extended to support nonlinear predictive models by embedding the functional learning framework in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces setting. SAFE has a number of attractive features including closed form solution and the ability to explicitly incorporate first and second order derivative information. Using simulation studies and a practical semiconductor manufacturing case study we highlight the strengths of the new methodology with respect to standard unsupervised feature extraction approaches.


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Both polygenicity (many small genetic effects) and confounding biases, such as cryptic relatedness and population stratification, can yield an inflated distribution of test statistics in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). However, current methods cannot distinguish between inflation from a true polygenic signal and bias. We have developed an approach, LD Score regression, that quantifies the contribution of each by examining the relationship between test statistics and linkage disequilibrium (LD). The LD Score regression intercept can be used to estimate a more powerful and accurate correction factor than genomic control. We find strong evidence that polygenicity accounts for the majority of the inflation in test statistics in many GWAS of large sample size.


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Background: Around 10-15% of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) undergo a pathologically complete response (TRG4) to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy; the rest of patients exhibit a spectrum of tumour regression (TRG1-3). Understanding therapy-related genomic alterations may help us to identify underlying biology or novel targets associated with response that could increase the efficacy of therapy in patients that do not benefit from the current standard of care.
Methods: 48 FFPE rectal cancer biopsies and matched resections were analysed using the WG-DASL HumanHT-12_v4 Beadchip array on the illumina iScan. Bioinformatic analysis was conducted in Partek genomics suite and R studio. Limma and glmnet packages were used to identify genes differentially expressed between tumour regression grades. Validation of microarray results will be carried out using IHC, RNAscope and RT-PCR.
Results: Immune response genes were observed from supervised analysis of the biopsies which may have predictive value. Differential gene expression from the resections as well as pre and post therapy analysis revealed induction of genes in a tumour regression dependent manner. Pathway mapping and Gene Ontology analysis of these genes suggested antigen processing and natural killer mediated cytotoxicity respectively. The natural killer-like gene signature was switched off in non-responders and on in the responders. IHC has confirmed the presence of Natural killer cells through CD56+ staining.
Conclusion: Identification of NK cell genes and CD56+ cells in patients responding to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy warrants further investigation into their association with tumour regression grade in LARC. NK cells are known to lyse malignant cells and determining whether their presence is a cause or consequence of response is crucial. Interrogation of the cytokines upregulated in our NK-like signature will help guide future in vitro models.


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In this paper we identify requirements for choosing a threat modelling formalisation for modelling sophisticated malware such as Duqu 2.0. We discuss the gaps in current formalisations and propose the use of Attack Trees with Sequential Conjunction when it comes to analysing complex attacks. The paper models Duqu 2.0 based on the latest information sourced from formal and informal sources. This paper provides a well structured model which can be used for future analysis of Duqu 2.0 and related attacks.


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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are enzymes involved in transcriptional repression. We aimed to examine the significance of HDAC1 and HDAC2 gene expression in the prediction of recurrence and survival in 156 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) among a South East Asian population who underwent curative surgical resection in Singapore. We found that HDAC1 and HDAC2 were upregulated in the majority of HCC tissues. The presence of HDAC1 in tumor tissues was correlated with poor tumor differentiation. Notably, HDAC1 expression in adjacent non-tumor hepatic tissues was correlated with the presence of satellite nodules and multiple lesions, suggesting that HDAC1 upregulation within the field of HCC may contribute to tumor spread. Using competing risk regression analysis, we found that increased cancer-specific mortality was significantly associated with HDAC2 expression. Mortality was also increased with high HDAC1 expression. In the liver cancer cell lines, HEP3B, HEPG2, PLC5, and a colorectal cancer cell line, HCT116, the combined knockdown of HDAC1 and HDAC2 increased cell death and reduced cell proliferation as well as colony formation. In contrast, knockdown of either HDAC1 or HDAC2 alone had minimal effects on cell death and proliferation. Taken together, our study suggests that both HDAC1 and HDAC2 exert pro-survival effects in HCC cells, and the combination of isoform-specific HDAC inhibitors against both HDACs may be effective in targeting HCC to reduce mortality.


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Partially ordered preferences generally lead to choices that do not abide by standard expected utility guidelines; often such preferences are revealed by imprecision in probability values. We investigate five criteria for strategy selection in decision trees with imprecision in probabilities: “extensive” Γ-maximin and Γ-maximax, interval dominance, maximality and E-admissibility. We present algorithms that generate strategies for all these criteria; our main contribution is an algorithm for Eadmissibility that runs over admissible strategies rather than over sets of probability distributions.


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Existing compact routing schemes, e.g., Thorup and Zwick [SPAA 2001] and Chechik [PODC 2013], often have no means to tolerate failures, once the system has been setup and started. This paper presents, to our knowledge, the first self-healing compact routing scheme. Besides, our schemes are developed for low memory nodes, i.e., nodes need only O(log2 n) memory, and are thus, compact schemes.
We introduce two algorithms of independent interest: The first is CompactFT, a novel compact version (using only O(log n) local memory) of the self-healing algorithm Forgiving Tree of Hayes et al. [PODC 2008]. The second algorithm (CompactFTZ) combines CompactFT with Thorup-Zwick’s treebased compact routing scheme [SPAA 2001] to produce a fully compact self-healing routing scheme. In the self-healing model, the adversary deletes nodes one at a time with the affected nodes self-healing locally by adding few edges. CompactFT recovers from each attack in only O(1) time and ∆ messages, with only +3 degree increase and O(log∆) graph diameter increase, over any sequence of deletions (∆ is the initial maximum degree).
Additionally, CompactFTZ guarantees delivery of a packet sent from sender s as long as the receiver has not been deleted, with only an additional O(y log ∆) latency, where y is the number of nodes that have been deleted on the path between s and t. If t has been deleted, s gets informed and the packet removed from the network.


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SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF SALINITY ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF YOUNG OLIVE TREES OF ARBEQUINA, COBRANÇOSA AND GALEGA VARIETIES Ana Elisa Rato1,4, Renato Coelho1, Margarida Vaz1, Teresa Carola2, Dália Barbosa2, Nádia Silva1, José dos Santos2, Lourenço Machado2, João Godinho2, Luzia Ruas2, Margarida Barradas2, Hernani Pereira2, Sara Porfírio4 1 ICAAM, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 2 Master students, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 3 Ph.D. student, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal 4 aerato@uevora.pt Due to the desertification in some regions, the interest in plant’s tolerance to salinity has been increasing, as this response is determining for plant survival in stress conditions. This work reports the investigation of tolerance to salt in two year-old olive trees (Olea europaea L.) of three varieties, Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega vulgar. Plants were grown in 10 L plastic pots containing approximately 9 Kg of a sandy granitic soil, on a greenhouse. For 3 months (from the beginning of February to the end of April 2012), they were subjected to three levels of salinity in the irrigation water, 0 mM, 80 mM and 200 mM NaCl (6 plants per salinity level in a total of 18 plants of each variety),. Stomatal conductance (gs) and relative leaf chlorophyll content were assessed on each plant in February, March and April. Mid-day leaf water potential () and soil salinity were measured at the end of the experiment (April). On average, concerning all treatments and dates of determination, stomatal conductance of Arbequina and Galega vulgar was quite similar, around 40 mmol m-2 s-1, but Cobrançosa had a value of gs 36% higher, almost 50% higher (61 mmol m-2 s-1) when compared with the controls (0 mM salt) of the other two varieties. In percentage of controls, there was little difference in gs between varieties and between salinities during February and March. In contrast, in April, after about 90 days of exposure to salt, there was a clear decrease in gs with salt irrigation, proportional to salt concentration. Compared with controls, plants irrigated with 200 mM salt showed around 80% (Arbequina) or 85% (Cobrançosa and Galega vulgar) decrease in gs. Chlorophyll content of leaves showed less than 5% difference between varieties on the average of all treatments and dates of determination. During the course of this experiment, the salinity levels used did not show any relevant effect on chlorophyll content. Overall, at the end of the experimental period (April), leaf water potential () at midday was significantly higher in Cobrançosa (-1,4 MPa) than in Galega vulgar (-1,7 MPa) or Arbequina (-1,8 MPa), and salt decreased  of control plants (-1,25 MPa) by an average 30% (with 80 mM) and 65% (with 200 mM). At the end of the experiment, salinity in the soil irrigated with 0 mM, 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl was, on average of all varieties, 0,2 mS, 1,0 mS or 2,0 mS, respectively. Soil salinity was quite similar in Arbequina and Galega vulgar but about 35% lower in the pots of Cobrançosa, on average of all salt-irrigation levels. Plants of Cobrançosa had higher stomatal conductance, however they showed higher water potential and lower salinity in the soil. These apparently contradictory results seem to suggest that Cobrançosa responds to salt differently from the other two varieties. This issue needs further investigation.


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Soil salinization is a problem in the Mediterranean region. This paper reports a research on the response to salt in two year-old olive trees (Olea europaea L.) of three Iberian varieties: Arbequina, Cobrançosa and Galega Vulgar. Plants were grown in plastic pots containing approximately 9 Kg of a sandy granitic soil, on a greenhouse at the University of Évora since February 2010. The experiment went from February to April 2012. As a rule, plants were watered every other day alternating salt solution (0 mM, 80 mM or 200 mM NaCl) or tap water. After three months irrigation with the different NaCl solutions, soil electric conductivity and soil water content were significantly higher on salt-irrigated pots. Salt also decreased significantly stomatal conductance (gs) and mid-day leaf water potential (), Cobrançosa having in general higher gs and but lower SLA than the two other varieties. Chlorophyll content of leaves was not affected by salt after this three months exposure to NaCl but was significantly higher on Arbequina and lower on Cobrançosa. In general, hyperspectral reflectance indexes did not show significant correlations with salt irrigation, except for the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) which was clearly lower on plants of all three varieties irrigated with salt. Interestingly, Cobrançosa showed frequently vegetation indexes different from the other two varieties.


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Dada a extrema importância económica e ambiental que o montado de sobro tem em Portugal, e dado o declínio deste devido a várias razões (e.g. doença, idade das plantas) é premente desenvolver estratégias de preservação de sobreiros elite e optimizar técnicas para a propagação destes genótipos. No primeiro Capítulo expõe-se uma breve introdução sobre o montado actual e as técnicas actuais de regeneração/propagação do sobreiro. Descreve-se ainda as principais técnicas de preservação e avaliação de estabilidade genética referidas na literatura para sobreiro e outras lenhosas. No Capítulo II é apresentado um estudo de melhoramento das condições actuais de maturação de embriões somáticos de sobreiro com vista a aperfeiçoar o processo de conversão em plantas. Neste capítulo é apresentado um protocolo melhorado em relação ao actual que permite um desenvolvimento dos embriões somáticos dum modo semelhante aos embriões zigóticos em termos de substâncias de reserva. O Capítulo III mostra um estudo efectuado com o objectivo principal de avaliar estabilidade genética durante todo o processo de embriogénese somática. Neste capítulo são apresentados resultados duma análise feita por RAPD em fases distintas da embriogénese somática de sobreiro. Neste estudo mostra-se que não existem diferenças significativas entre plantas de campo, embriões somáticos e plantas regeneradas. No Capítulo VI, pretende-se complementar o estudo anterior. Neste Capítulo descreve-se a dinâmica do ciclo celular durante as primeiras fases de embriogénese somática na presença de reguladores de crescimento. Este trabalho permitiu concluir a importância dos reguladores de crescimento na indução e perceber o peso do factor genótipo durante o processo. Considerando os resultados anteriores, a necessidade de um processo eficiente de preservação de genótipos elite torna-se fundamental. No Capítulo V descreve-se um protocolo de criopreservação eficiente sem recursos a substâncias tóxicas. Nesta secção é ainda feita uma análise de variabilidade genética após criopreservação através de FCM, AFLP e SSR. Todos os resultados obtidos anteriormente são postos a prova no Capítulo VI onde se faz uma monitorização extensiva de 10 genótipos elite, tendo em conta a sua capacidade de produção de cortiça, através do processo de embriogénese somática. Durante esta secção são utilizados os protocolos desenvolvidos anteriormente e avaliados na sua eficiência. Neste capítulo é descrita a integração de vários segmentos deste estudo num só protocolo eficiente de regeneração e preservação de sobreiros através de embriogénese somática. Finalmente, no Capítulo VI são apresentadas as conclusões da presente Tese de Doutoramento, com especial incidência para linhas de investigação futuras a serem tomadas. Discute-se a importância deste novo protocolo na optimização da produção da cortiça e traçam-se possíveis aplicações alternativas.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010