575 resultados para Refrigeration.


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Large field studies of travelers' diarrhea for multiple destinations are limited by the need to perform stool cultures on site in a timely manner. A method for the collection, transport, and storage of fecal specimens that does not require immediate processing and refrigeration and that is stable for months would be advantageous. This study was designed to determine if enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) DNA could be identified from cards that were processed for the evaluation of fecal occult blood. U.S. students traveling to Mexico during 2005 to 2007 were monitored for the occurrence of diarrheal illness. When ill, students provided a stool specimen for culture and occult blood by the standard methods. Cards then were stored at room temperature prior to DNA extraction. Fecal PCR was performed to identify ETEC and EAEC in DNA extracted from stools and from occult blood cards. Significantly more EAEC cases were identified by PCR that was performed on DNA that was extracted from cards (49%) or from frozen feces (40%) than from culture methods that used HEp-2 adherence assays (13%) (P < 0.001). Similarly, more ETEC cases were detected from card DNA (38%) than from fecal DNA (30%) or by culture that was followed by hybridization (10%) (P < 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of the card test were 75 and 62%, respectively, compared to those for EAEC by culture and were 50 and 63%, respectively, compared to those for ETEC. DNA extracted from fecal cards that was used for the detection of occult blood is of use in identifying diarrheagenic E. coli.


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Background. Large field studies in travelers' diarrhea (TD) in multiple destinations are limited by the need to perform stool cultures on site in a timely manner. A method for the collection, transport and storage of fecal specimens that does not require immediate processing, refrigeration and is stable for months would be advantageous. ^ Objectives. Determine if enteric pathogen bacterial DNA can be identified in cards routinely used for evaluation of fecal occult blood. ^ Methods. U.S. students traveling to Mexico in 2005-07 were followed for occurrence of diarrheal illness. When ill, students provided a stool specimen for culture and occult blood by the standard method. Cards were then stored at room temperature prior to DNA extraction. A multiplex fecal PCR was performed to identify enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) in DNA extracted from stools and occult blood cards. ^ Results. Significantly more EAEC cases were identified by PCR done in DNA extracted from cards (49%) or from frozen feces (40%) than by culture followed by HEp-2 adherence assays (13%). Similarly more ETEC cases were detected in card DNA (38%) than fecal DNA (30%) or culture followed by hybridization (10%). Sensitivity and specificity of the card test was 75% and 62%, respectively, and 50% and 63%, respectively, when compared to EAEC and ETEC culture, respectively, and 53% and 51%, respectively compared to EAEC multiplex fecal PCR and 56% and 70%, respectively, compared to ETEC multiplex fecal PCR. ^ Conclusions. DNA extracted from fecal cards used for detection of occult blood is of use in detecting enteric pathogens. ^


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Species variations in formaldehyde solutions and gases were investigated by means of infrared spectral analysis. Double beam infrared spectrometry in conjunction with sodium chloride wafer technique and solvent compensation technique were employed. Formaldehyde species in various solutions were investigated. Formalin 37% was stable for many months. Refrigeration had no effects on its stability. Spectral changes were detected in 1000 ppm formaldehyde solutions. The absorbances of very diluted solutions up to 100 ppm were lower than the detection limit of the instruments. Solvent compensation improved resolution, but was associated with an observed lack of repeatability. Formaldehyde species in animal chambers containing animals and in mobile home air were analyzed with the infrared spectrophotometer equipped with a 10 cm gas cell. Spectra were not different from the spectrum of clean air. A portable single beam infrared spectrometer with a 20 meter pathlength was used for reinvestigation. Indoor formaldehyde could not be detected in the spectral; conversely, an absorption peak at 3.58 microns was found in the spectra of 3 and 15 ppm formaldehyde gas in animal chambers. This peak did not appear in the spectrum of the control chamber. Because of concerns over measurement bias among various analytical methods for formaldehyde, side-by-side comparisons were conducted in both laboratory and field measurements. The chromotropic acid method with water and 1% sodium bisulfite as collection media, the pararosaniline method, and a single beam infrared spectrometer were compared. Measurement bias was elucidated and the extent of the effects of temperature and humidity was also determined. The problems associated with related methods were discussed. ^


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Objetivos: reducir pérdidas durante la conservación frigorífica, emplear atmósfera modificada como método suplementario a la refrigeración, alargar el período de aptitud comercial. Metodología: se trabajó con fruta acondicionada a 0±1 °C y 90±5 % HR, según las siguientes variantes: 1. testigo: 20 kg fruta a granel sin seleccionar en caja plástica; 2. granel + film PVC: 10 kg de fruta a granel en bandejas de madera más cartón corrugado recubierta con film de PVC; 3. celpack: bandejas de madera recubiertas de cartón corrugado con dos celpack de 23 frutos cada uno; 4. celpack + atmósfera modificada: ídem anterior pero cada celpack en bolsa de polietileno de baja densidad de 20 μ. A partir de los 30 días de conservación se extrajo semanalmente, durante 9 semanas, una muestra de 46 frutos, de los cuales 23 fueron analizados al momento de ser extraídos y los 23 restantes luego de 48 horas de comercialización simulada (sc). Para la evaluación estadística se aplicó análisis de la varianza con el programa SAS (Statistical Analysis System) y se determinaron las diferencias entre tratamientos con el test de Duncan. Para sabor, en cambio, se aplicó una prueba de homogeneidad de P2. La evaluación de sabor se realizó mediante degustación con panel de 5 catadores entrenados. Resultados: Los frutos tenían las siguientes características al inicio de conservación: calibre 61.4 mm, peso 117.8 g, firmeza de pulpa 3.1 kgf, sabor agridulce, contenido de sólidos solubles 17.5 °Bx, acidez 0.78 g ác. málico%g, % cubrimiento 83.69 %. Luego de la conservación frigorífica (97días): % de color de cobertura 95 %. La firmeza de la pulpa en el tratamiento celpack + bolsa se diferencia con valores más altos, media de 2.8 kgf , el resto con media 2.6 kgf. En sc la firmeza es inferior y esta disminución es menor en celpack + bolsa. Sólidos solubles, media 17.21 °Bx, en sc valores con media de un 0.3 % más. Acidez titulable: disminución progresiva, de 0.68 a 0.47 g%g al fin de conservación. Sabor: a partir de los 59 días aumentan los frutos insípidos y desagradables excepto en celpack + bolsa. Síntomas de deshidratación: a partir de los 79 días la única variante que no presenta síntomas es celpack + bolsa. Conclusiones: El acondicionamiento en celpack redujo la incidencia de ataque por mohos (fue el único tratamiento sin ataque durante 94 días); tampoco presentó sabores desagradables y su limitación en conservación se debió a la deshidratación evidente a partir de 74 días. La fruta embalada en celpack + bolsa tuvo mayores valores de resistencia a la presión y 100 % de frutos sin deshidratación a los 94 días de conservación; a partir de 80 días es evidente el ataque de mohos y frutos con sabores desagradables. Las variantes granel y granel + film presentan deterioro por deshidratación a partir de 74 días. La conservación no debería superar 80 días. Celpack + bolsa muestra mejores resultados, con mayores valores de resistencia a la presión que los otros tratamientos; con respecto al sabor, mantiene una mayor proporción de sabor dulce.


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La dureza es una de las propiedades utilizadas para comparar tanto los materiales restauradores como los tejidos biológicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la microdureza de la dentina coronaria en dientes sin acondicionar y luego acondicionados con EDTA al 17%. Para este estudio se seleccionaron 30 muestras de dentina de dientes recientemente extraídos. Los elementos fueron seccionados longitudinalmente con discos de diamante de doble corte (Horico), con abundante refrigeración acuosa, a nivel coronario, y serán conservados en saliva artificial (laboratorio NAF) a 37°C. La medición de la microdureza dentinaria se realizó con un microdurómetro Vickers, con una carga de 50g durante 30 s. Los datos fueron recolectados en una planilla ad hoc y procesados estadísticamente mediante el Test de Student.


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We have studied the effects of slow infiltration of oxygen on microbial communities in refrigerated legacy samples from ocean drilling expeditions. Storage was in heat-sealed, laminated foil bags with a N2 headspace for geomicrobiological studies. Analysis of microbial lipids suggests that Bacteria were barely detectable in situ but increased remarkably during storage. Detailed molecular examination of a methane-rich sediment horizon showed that refrigeration triggered selective growth of ANME-2 archaea and a drastic change in the bacterial community. Subsequent enrichment targeting methanogens yielded exclusively methylotrophs, which were probably selected for by high sulfate levels caused by oxidation of reduced sulfur species. We provide recommendations for sample storage in future ocean drilling expeditions.


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The Late Miocene-Early Pliocene paleoclimatic history has been evaluated for a deep drilled sediment sequence at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 281 and a shallow water marine sediment sequence at Blind River, New Zealand, both of which lay within the Subantarctic water mass during the Late Miocene. A major, faunally determined, cooling event within the latest Miocene at Site 281 and Blind River coincides with oxygen isotopic changes in benthonic foraminiferal composition at DSDP Site 284 considered by Shackleton and Kennett (1975) to indicate a significant increase in Antarctic ice sheet volume. However, at Site 281 benthonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopic changes do not record such a large increase in Antarctic ice volume. It is possible that the critical interval is within an unsampled section (no recovery) in the latest Miocene. Two benthonic oxygen isotopic events in the Late Miocene (0.5 ? and 1 ? in the light direction) may be useful as time-stratigraphic markers. A permanent, negative, carbon isotopic shift at both Site 281 and Blind River allows precise correlations to be made between the two sections and to other sites in the Pacific region. Close interval sampling below the carbon shift at Site 281 revealed dramatic fluctuations in surface-water temperatures prior to a latest Miocene interval of refrigeration (Kapitean) and a strong pulse of dissolution between 6.6 and 6.2 +/- 0.1 m.y. which may be related to a fundamental geochemical change in the oceans at the time of the carbon shift (6.3-6.2 m.y.). No similar close interval sampling at Blind River was possible because of a lack of outcrop over the critical interval. Paleoclimatic histories from the two sections are very similar. Surface water temperatures and Antarctic ice-cap volume appear to have been relatively stable during the late Middle-early Late Miocene (early-late Tongaporutuan). By 6.4 m.y. cooler conditions prevailed at Site 281. Between 6.3 and 6.2 -+ 0.1 m.y. the carbon isotopic shift occurred followed, within 100,000 yr, by a distinct shallowing of water depths at Blind River. The earliest Pliocene (Opoitian) is marked by increasing surface-water temperatures.


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Study sites. Samples of surface water were taken from 4 coastal lagoons on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico: Celestun (20° 45' N - 90° 22' W), Chelem (21° 15' N - 89° 45' W), Rosada Lagoon (21º 19' N - 89º 19' W), and Sabancuy Estuary (18° 58' N - 91° 12' W). The sampling was performed from august to October of 2011 (Chelem 08/24; Laguna Rosada 09/06; Celestún 09/28; Sabancuy 10/25). The sampling was random without replacement and 10 samples of surface water were collected along a transect parallel to the coastal axis. Samples were deposited in sterile plastic bottles and conserved in refrigeration at 4°C. All samples were processed within 24 hours after sampling. According to the Mexican laws and regulations no permissions are required to obtain water and sediment samples from open public areas. Analysis of environmental and physicochemical parameters. Determinations of the environmental parameters were performed with a Hach 5465000 model 156 multi-parameter measuring instrument. The Lorenzen method was used to determine chlorophyll-a (21) with 90% acetone and the concentration was calculated according to the formula: Chla= 27.63 (OD665o - OD665a)(VA)/VM x L Where, OD665o: absorbance at 665 nm before acidification; OD665a: absorbance at 665 nm after acidification; VA: volume (ml) of acetone for extraction; VM: volume (ml) of filtered water; L: length (cm) of the photometric cell. Determinations of the physicochemical parameters (silicates, phosphates, nitrates, nitrites and ammonia) were performed using the spectrophotometric techniques described and modified by Strickland and Parsons (1972).