1000 resultados para Reabilitação da Flexibilidade
The early tooth loss and periodontal disease often leave inadequate bone volume for installation of osseointegrated implants. The autogenous bone graft is considered the gold standard for reconstruction of residual bone defects. Some surgical techniques can be performed, including extra or intraoral donor sites depending on the degree of bone loss, depending on surgical-prosthetic planning and general condition of the patient. The intraoral bone grafts offer a safe option to rebuilt bone volume in smaller rehabilitations, with low morbidity and minimal postoperative discomfort. Among the possible donor sites, the mandibular ramus and body, which offer predominantly cortical bone, and the chin area, which offers corticomedullary bone tissue, can be harvested. The graft will be suitable both in quantity and quality, preserving the capacity of osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction, which differentiate autogenous grafts from other biomaterials. The aim of this study was to report a clinical case in which the mandibular ramus graft was used for total reconstruction of an edentulous maxilla, showing that even large areas can be reconstructed with grafts from intraoral origin. All the steps that allowed the complete reconstruction of the maxilla done by an intraoral donor area are listed in the text, culminating in an extremely satisfactory clinical result.
Osteodistraction is a clinical reality, available in the last decades for the resolution of large bone deficiencies, in cases that there are pre-existing, but misplaced implants and teeth. The aims of thearticle is to present a case report in which a new possibility for bone distraction, based on tooth-implant bone distractors, made from standard orthodontic expansion-screws, was used in an area where there was an extensive need of alveolar bone and aesthetical recovery, allied to teeth and dental implant misplacement. This technique presented good clinical results, associated to effective simplicity and low cost, becoming viable clinical solution for bone tissue augmentation and aesthetical optimization. In resume, it is possible to say that the suggested technique achieved its objectives, improving the hard and soft tissue profile, whilst allowing completion of oral rehabilitation.
The Combination Syndrome represents an important pathologic condition of the masticatory system that requires a complex rehabilitation treatment. The presence of flaccid mucosa is one of the most common features due to bone resorption of the pre-maxilla caused by anterior hyperfunction of the mandibular teeth on the maxillary complete denture, where the impact of oclusal loading in this region results in movement of the maxillary prosthesis into the ridge, resulting in increased resorption of the residual ridge, internal misfit and loss of the retention of the maxillary complete denture. The presence of flaccid mucosa, in such cases, leads to problems of support and stability of the maxillary complete denture, which can be treated by surgical reduction of the thickness of the tissue or using specific techniques of fabrication of prostheses. This article describes the oral rehabilitation of a patient with the Combination Syndrome where the surgical reduction of flaccid mucosa was not performed, using a modified technique of functional impression in two steps, with the objective of generating forces and less distortion in flaccid mucosa during functional impression.
Objective and Case report: The purpose of this paper is to describe the neutral zone technique in a patient with oral deformity on the right labial commissure due to the resection of an oral cancer, enhancing the difficulty resulting from mouth limited opening and the use of tissue conditioner material to determine the neutral zone. Complete denture was obtained through this technique, providing good retention and stability which made functional rehabilitation feasible to patient of his or her masticatory function. Final considerations: The neutral zone technique in complete dentures will determine a specific intraoral area for tooth position and denture base contour where the forces generated by lips, cheeks and tongue are neutralized. The objective of this technique is to provide an alternative approach for patients who presented an historic instability of lower complete denture: atrophic ridge, oral deformities and also with disorder problems. An oral rehabilitation using this technique improves comfort to the patient providing retention and stability of mandibular complete dentures.
Gingival recession is a common deformity that affects a large number of people. This condition is frequently associated with esthetic complains and may lead to dental hypersensitivity. Thus, various surgical procedures have been proposed to provide root coverage. Since the 1950s, free and pedicle gingival grafts have been greatly used for treating gingival recession. However, after the 1985 Miller gingival recession classification, and with the development of other appropriated techniques that use subepithelial connective tissue grafts, gingival recession treatments have resulted in more predictable outcomes, especially with respect to Class I and II sites, i.e., in the absence of interproximal bone loss. This article reported the importance of aesthetical periodontal treatment in the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with a class I gingival recession with 3 mm of vertical extension in the superior canine. The treatment plan consisted of root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) associated with construction of new prosthesis.
The reestablishment of a harmonious smile through dental ceramics, when properly conducted and with specific indications, can achieve extremely predictable results. For aesthetic and functional rehabilitation, many ceramic materials can be used such as zirconia, leucite, alumina, feldspar, and lithium disilicate. Among these materials the lithium disilicate stands out due to the following characteristics: its resistance to wear, to chemical attack, high temperatures and oxidation; low electrical conductivity; near zero thermal expansion; good optical properties and biocompatibility with periodontal; excellent esthetics; color stability and reinforcement of tooth structure. The indications for the use of lithium disilicate are not limited to multiple facets of teeth in cases where there was no favorable response to tooth whitening, and also comprehend teeth with multiple restorations, diastema closure, shape alteration, and dental contouring, replacement of missing or fractured teeth, among others. The versatility of lithium disilicate ceramics allows its utilization in several clinical situations. The concomitant use of lithium disilicate for veneers and over metal has satisfactory aesthetic results, as reported in the present studying cases that require both aesthetics and resistance.
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in the destruction of teeth and their supporting tissues with subsequent tooth loss. The replacement of missing teeth for implant-supported restorations has proven to be a highly predictable treatment method with good long-term prognosis. However, some consequences of tooth loss prevents dental implant placement in an ideal position, where regenerative procedures are necessary for this type of rehabilitation. Less invasive procedures such as conventional prosthesis emerge as a therapeutic option in cases where there is enough bone structure for implants and patient´s non-acceptance for invasive procedures. Thus, this paper aims to present the resolution of rehabilitation through a noninvasive and multidisciplinary treatment. One female patient referred to the clinic presented maladaptive bilateral mandibular fixed prostheses, endodontic lesions, gingival recession, and root sensitivity. For proper resolution of this case, an association among osseointegrated implants, fixed partial prosthesis, tooth extraction, and aesthetic periodontal procedures with the use of subepithelial connective tissue graft was proposed. After two years, the patient shows excellent aesthetics and chewing. Within the limits of this scenario, this paper discusses the various factors that may affect the choice of a particular treatment modality for the rehabilitation of edentulous single spaces.
This report shows the resolution of a case study whose aim was promote the aesthetic and functional rehabilitation of upper left hemi-arch over endosseous and needle implant prostheses. To improve the position of the needle implants, we performed the bucco-palatal bending of needles splinting them with composite resin; we removed the screwed implant prosthesis in the regions of the premolars (24 and 25) and molar (26). The mini-abutments of the last two implants were replaced, and in the first premolar and canine, we used cemented abutments due to implant angulation having planned soldering because of implant size and contact with one needle implant that could interfere with intimate contact bone/implant damaging biomechanics. Pick-up impressions were performed with an open tray, using a retractor cord in the needle implants and respective transfer copings. Therefore, models were related on semi-adjustable articulator after a face-bow recording and interocclusal indexes. After working cast fabrication and try-in of infra-structures, these were adjusted and related into the articulator again. Then, after ceramic build-up, adjustments, finishing, and torque, chemically-activated resin cement was applied on units 21 to 24. At the end of the case, we concluded that a good aesthetic and functional rehabilitation depends on thorough knowledge of techniques for each clinical situation.
Gingival recession is a common deformity that affects a large number of people. This condition is frequently associated with esthetic complains and may lead to dental hypersensitivity. Thus, various surgical procedures have been proposed to provide root coverage. Since the 1950s, free and pedicle gingival grafts have been greatly used for treating gingival recession. However, after the 1985 Miller gingival recession classification, and with the development of other appropriated techniques that use subepithelial connective tissue grafts, gingival recession treatments have resulted in more predictable outcomes, especially with respect to Class I and II sites, i.e., in the absence of interproximal bone loss. This article reported the importance of aesthetical periodontal treatment in the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with a class I gingival recession with 3 mm of vertical extension in the superior canine. The treatment plan consisted of root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) associated with construction of new prosthesis.
Introdução: a perda da dimensão vertical de oclusão (DVO) é resultada de um grande desequilíbrio oclusal, onde não apenas a perda dos dentes pode ser o fator responsável, mas também as parafunções, entre elas, o bruxismo. O restabelecimento da relação maxilomandibular é condição necessária para que uma adequada reabilitação bucal seja executada, devolvendo, assim, função e estética perdidas. Objetivo: descrever um caso clínico de reabilitação em paciente bruxista, com presença de desgastes dentários, desgastes de tratamentos restauradores previamente existentes, fratura de onlay e bordas incisais, restabelecendo uma nova DVO por meio de onlays posteriores em cerômeros, recuperando a estética com restaurações diretas em resinas compostas nos dentes anteriores. Conclusões: a reabilitação bucal com levante de mordida em onlays devolve a DVO perdida de maneira segura.