914 resultados para Rameurs -- Suisse
Partindo da análise dos processos de legitimação e de consagração que regem, a partir da segunda metade do século XX, a mediatização do campo literário, propomo-nos estudar os peri-fenómenos consequentes, tal como a correlação possível entre essa circunstância e a própria criação. O objeto deste estudo focaliza-se na produção de três escritores paradigmáticos das letras de expressão francesa europeias contemporâneas, cuja mediatização acompanha a popularidade: o francês Michel Houellebecq, a belga Amélie Nothomb e o suíço romando Jacques Chessex. Interrogamo-nos sobre as relações possíveis entre os instrumentos dessa mediatização e os seus efeitos nas opções de escrita destes três escritores. Atenta à projeção transfronteiriça de autores e de obras, resultado de uma convergência de alguns fatores de mediatização, mas também às particularidades da memória cultural e literária onde se inscrevem as literaturas respectivas (num percurso de legitimação progressiva das literaturas de periferia face à centralidade franco-francesa), a nossa reflexão visa também contribuir para uma recontextualização do cânone da literatura francesa no contexto globalizado da sociedade mediática contemporânea na qual os autores visados estão comprometidos.
L'approche orientante qui est présentement implantée dans les écoles du Québec vise à favoriser l'implication des parents dans l'orientation de leurs enfants. La Suisse a pour sa part des méthodes qui répondent déjà à cet objectif. Afin de fournir une liste d'activités à privilégier pour la mise en oeuvre de l'approche orientante au Québec, 335 questionnaires ont été distribués à des parents du canton de Fribourg (Suisse). Ces derniers devaient indiquer les activités qui leur avaient été proposées au cours des études secondaires de leurs enfants, en plus de fournir leur degré de satisfaction à l'égard de celles-ci. Les résultats observés traduisent plusieurs suggestions d'activités permettant d'informer et d'impliquer davantage les parents dans l'orientation de leurs enfants.
In 2008, the department of gynaecology and obstetrics of a university hospital centre implemented a program addressing interpersonal partner violence (screening, prevention and care of the patient victims). A qualitative survey was conducted to identify the needs and feelings of patients. The results show that patients are in favour of being actively and directly questioned about violence during the consultation and that they trust medical doctors and nurses to help and support them.
Résumé : Les progrès techniques de la spectrométrie de masse (MS) ont contribué au récent développement de la protéomique. Cette technique peut actuellement détecter, identifier et quantifier des milliers de protéines. Toutefois, elle n'est pas encore assez puissante pour fournir une analyse complète des modifications du protéome corrélées à des phénomènes biologiques. Notre objectif était le développement d'une nouvelle stratégie pour la détection spécifique et la quantification des variations du protéome, basée sur la mesure de la synthèse des protéines plutôt que sur celle de la quantité de protéines totale. Pour cela, nous volions associer le marquage pulsé des protéines par des isotopes stables avec une méthode d'acquisition MS basée sur le balayage des ions précurseurs (precursor ion scan, ou PIS), afin de détecter spécifiquement les protéines ayant intégré les isotopes et d'estimer leur abondance par rapport aux protéines non marquées. Une telle approche peut identifier les protéines avec les plus hauts taux de synthèse dans une période de temps donnée, y compris les protéines dont l'expression augmente spécifiquement suite à un événement précis. Nous avons tout d'abord testé différents acides aminés marqués en combinaison avec des méthodes PIS spécifiques. Ces essais ont permis la détection spécifique des protéines marquées. Cependant, en raison des limitations instrumentales du spectromètre de masse utilisé pour les méthodes PIS, la sensibilité de cette approche s'est révélée être inférieure à une analyse non ciblée réalisée sur un instrument plus récent (Chapitre 2.1). Toutefois, pour l'analyse différentielle de deux milieux de culture conditionnés par des cellules cancéreuses humaines, nous avons utilisé le marquage métabolique pour distinguer les protéines d'origine cellulaire des protéines non marquées du sérum présentes dans les milieux de culture (Chapitre 2.2). Parallèlement, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode de quantification nommée IBIS, qui utilise des paires d'isotopes stables d'acides aminés capables de produire des ions spécifiques qui peuvent être utilisés pour la quantification relative. La méthode IBIS a été appliquée à l'analyse de deux lignées cellulaires cancéreuses complètement marquées, mais de manière différenciée, par des paires d'acides aminés (Chapitre 2.3). Ensuite, conformément à l'objectif initial de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé une variante pulsée de l'IBIS pour détecter des modifications du protéome dans des cellules HeLa infectée par le virus humain Herpes Simplex-1 (Chapitre 2.4). Ce virus réprime la synthèse des protéines des cellules hôtes afin d'exploiter leur mécanisme de traduction pour la production massive de virions. Comme prévu, de hauts taux de synthèse ont été mesurés pour les protéines virales détectées, attestant de leur haut niveau d'expression. Nous avons de plus identifié un certain nombre de protéines humaines dont le rapport de synthèse et de dégradation (S/D) a été modifié par l'infection virale, ce qui peut donner des indications sur les stratégies utilisées par les virus pour détourner la machinerie cellulaire. En conclusion, nous avons montré dans ce travail que le marquage métabolique peut être employé de façon non conventionnelle pour étudier des dimensions peu explorées en protéomique. Summary : In recent years major technical advancements greatly supported the development of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. Currently, this technique can efficiently detect, identify and quantify thousands of proteins. However, it is not yet sufficiently powerful to provide a comprehensive analysis of the proteome changes correlated with biological phenomena. The aim of our project was the development of ~a new strategy for the specific detection and quantification of proteomé variations based on measurements of protein synthesis rather than total protein amounts. The rationale for this approach was that changes in protein synthesis more closely reflect dynamic cellular responses than changes in total protein concentrations. Our starting idea was to couple "pulsed" stable-isotope labeling of proteins with a specific MS acquisition method based on precursor ion scan (PIS), to specifically detect proteins that incorporated the label and to simultaneously estimate their abundance, relative to the unlabeled protein isoform. Such approach could highlight proteins with the highest synthesis rate in a given time frame, including proteins specifically up-regulated by a given biological stimulus. As a first step, we tested different isotope-labeled amino acids in combination with dedicated PIS methods and showed that this leads to specific detection of labeled proteins. Sensitivity, however, turned out to be lower than an untargeted analysis run on a more recent instrument, due to MS hardware limitations (Chapter 2.1). We next used metabolic labeling to distinguish the proteins of cellular origin from a high background of unlabeled (serum) proteins, for the differential analysis of two serum-containing culture media conditioned by labeled human cancer cells (Chapter 2.2). As a parallel project we developed a new quantification method (named ISIS), which uses pairs of stable-isotope labeled amino acids able to produce specific reporter ions, which can be used for relative quantification. The ISIS method was applied to the analysis of two fully, yet differentially labeled cancer cell lines, as described in Chapter 2.3. Next, in line with the original purpose of this thesis, we used a "pulsed" variant of ISIS to detect proteome changes in HeLa cells after the infection with human Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (Chapter 2.4). This virus is known to repress the synthesis of host cell proteins to exploit the translation machinery for the massive production of virions. As expected, high synthesis rates were measured for the detected viral proteins, confirming their up-regulation. Moreover, we identified a number of human proteins whose synthesis/degradation ratio (S/D) was affected by the viral infection and which could provide clues on the strategies used by the virus to hijack the cellular machinery. Overall, in this work, we showed that metabolic labeling can be employed in alternative ways to investigate poorly explored dimensions in proteomics.
Cette étude examine deux copies de la "Vie et Passion de Jésus Christ" conservées par la Cinémathèque suisse avec une première préoccupation de type philologique qui conduit à prendre la mesure de l'autonomisation de chacun des "tableaux" composant le film et de l'hétérogénéité de ce dernier. Puis les constats émis à propos du support matériel sont articulés avec une réflexion d'ordre esthétique qui dégage l'importance de l'"effet-tableau" inscrivant cette production filmique dans une généalogie plus large. Le cinéma étant alors le lieu de convergences entre diverses séries culturelles, l'article envisage les liens entre la production Pathé et une pratique jusqu'ici peu discutée dans ce contexte, celle du tableau vivant. This article is a study of two copies of the "Life and Passion of Jesus Christ" held at the Cinemathèque suisse. Our first, broadly philological, concern is to recognise the degree of autonomy of each of the "tableaus" that make up the film, thus establishing the latter's heterogeneous composition. Secondly, adopting a more aesthetic approach, we discuss the importance of the tableau-effect, placing this kind of film production in a wider genealogical context. Given that cinema was at the time a meeting place for different cultural sequences, this article the examines the links between Pathe films and the "tableau vivant", a practice that until now has been rarely discussed in this regard.
In 2008, several publications have highlighted the role of climate change and globalization on the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Studies have shown the extension towards Europe of diseases such as Crimea-Congo fever (Kosovo, Turkey and Bulgaria), leismaniosis (Cyprus) and chikungunya virus infection (Italy). The article also contains comments on Plasmodium knowlesi, a newly identified cause of severe malaria in humans, as well as an update on human transmission of the H5NI avian influenza virus. It also mentions new data on Bell's palsy as well as two vaccines (varicella-zoster and pneumococcus), and provides a list of recent guidelines for the treatment of common infectious diseases.
[Table des matières] Introduction. 2 Stratégies de prévention dans d'autres régions. 3. Australie (Australian Better Health Initiative 2006-2010). 4. Royaume-Uni. 5. Suisse. 5.1 En résumé ... 5.2 Vers une loi fédérale (?) 5.3 Suisse : synopsis. 6. Saint-Gall. 6.1 Poids corporel sain pour les enfants. 6.2 Santé au travail. 6.3 Dépendances. 6.4 Prévention et promotion de la santé dans les communes. 6.5 Saint-Gall : synopsis. 7. Valais. 8. Tessin. 8.1 Canton du Tessin : Synopsis I (programme général). 8.2 Canton du Tessin : Synopsis II (activités en cours). Annexe 1 : 21 buts de santé pour la Suisse (Santé Publique Suisse). Annexe 2 : 7 thèses sur la nouvelle réglementation de la prévention et de la promotion de la santé en Suisse (Office fédéral de la santé publique).
This article presents a critical review of the literature about the potential benefit of cardiac pacing in patients suffering from vasovagal or neurocardiogenic syncope. The manifestation of vasovagal syncope comprises some reflex bradycardia and vasoplegia resulting in cerebral hypoperfusion that ultimately leads to a loss of consciousness. The literature reports conflicting results of the potential benefit of cardiac pacing on the prevention of recurrence of vasovagal events. A detailed analysis of the inclusion criteria of these studies permits to clarify the discrepancy. Only patients older than 50 years with prolonged sinus pause at time of syncope benefit of the implantation of a cardiac pacemaker.
The unresolved issue of false-positive D-dimer results in the diagnostic workup of pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism (PE) remains a difficult diagnosis as it lacks specific symptoms and clinical signs. After the determination of the pretest PE probability by a validated clinical score, D-dimers (DD) is the initial blood test in the majority of patients whose probability is low or intermediate. The low specificity of DD results in a high number of false-positives that then require thoracic angio-CT. A new clinical decision rule, called the Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out criteria (PERC), identifies patients at such low risk that PE can be safely ruled-out without a DD test. Its safety has been confirmed in US emergency departments, but retrospective European studies showed that it would lead to 5-7% of undiagnosed PE. Alternative strategies are needed to reduce the proportion of false-positive DD results.
The prevalence of undernutrition was prospectively studied in 143 patients before liver transplantation between 1997 and 2005. Nutritional assessment is a particularly tricky problem in cirrhosis and mid-arm muscle circumference is considered as the best reliable anthropometric tool. In this prospective study, prevalence rate is very high (61%) and undernutrition is more frequent in alcoholic cirrhotic patients. In conclusion, these patients should benefit from an early dietician intervention before liver transplantation.
This thesis explores the importance of literary New York City in the urban narratives of Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska. It specifically looks at the Empire City of the Progressive Period when the concept of the city was not only a new theme but also very much a typical American one which was as central to the American experience as had been the Western frontier. It could be argued, in fact, that the American city had become the new frontier where modern experiences like urbanization, industrialization, immigration, and also women's emancipation and suffrage, caused all kinds of sensations on the human scale from smoothly lived assimilation and acculturation to deeply felt alienation because of the constantly shifting urban landscape. The developing urban space made possible the emergence of new female literary protagonists like the working girl, the reformer, the prostitute, and the upper class lady dedicating her life to 'conspicuous consumption'. Industrialization opened up city space to female exploration: on the one hand, upper and middle class ladies ventured out of the home because of the many novel urban possibilities, and on the other, lower class and immigrant girls also left their domestic sphere to look for paid jobs outside the home. New York City at the time was not only considered the epicenter of the world at large, it was also a city of great extremes. Everything was constantly in flux: small brownstones made way for ever taller skyscrapers and huge waves of immigrants from Europe pushed native New Yorkers further uptown on the island, adding to the crowdedness and intensity of the urban experience. The city became a polarized urban space with Fifth Avenue representing one end of the spectrum and the Lower East Side the other. Questions of space and the urban home greatly mattered. It has been pointed out that the city setting functions as an ideal means for the display of human nature as well as social processes. Narrative representations of urban space, therefore, provide a similar canvas for a protagonist's journey and development. From widely diverging vantage points both Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska thus create a polarized city where domesticity is a primal concern. Looking at all of their New York narratives by close readings of exterior and interior city representations, this thesis shows how urban space greatly affects questions of identity, assimilation, and alienation in literary protagonists who cannot escape the influence of their respective urban settings. Edith Wharton's upper class "millionaire" heroines are framed and contained by the city interiors of "old" New York, making it impossible for them to truly participate in the urban landscape in order to develop outside of their 'Gilt Cages'. On the other side are Anzia Yezierska's struggling "immigrant" protagonists who, against all odds, never give up in their urban context of streets, rooftops, and stoops. Their New York City, while always challenging and perpetually changing, at least allows them perspectives of hope for a 'Promised Land' in the making. Central for both urban narrative approaches is the quest for a home as an architectural structure, a spiritual resting place, and a locus for identity forming. But just as the actual city embraces change, urban protagonists must embrace change also if they desire to find fulfillment and success. That this turns out to be much easier for Anzia Yezierska's driven immigrants rather than for Edith Wharton's well established native New Yorkers is a surprising conclusion to this urban theme.