963 resultados para Radio orchestra


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Samuel Beckett was arguably one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Known for his stage plays, including the renowned En attendant Godot (1948), Beckett’s contribution to the field of radio drama is often overlooked. His corpus of radio dramas included some of the most innovativeradio works of the post-World War II period. For Beckett, radio drama was not exclusively verbocentric, for he always maintained that his work was “a matter of fundamental sounds (no joke intended) made as fully as possible” (Frost 362). His (radio) drama aesthetics defined a strict hierarchy of sound whereby the dramatist balances sound effects, music and the characters’ dialogue – and the use of silence. In this essay, I examine the juxtaposition of sound and silence in Samuel Beckett’s most influential radio dramas: All That Fall, Embers, Words and Music and Cascando. In the end, this essay will show that the sounds and silence employed in Beckett’s radio dramatic works were inextricably linked, which added to the overall meaning of his dramas.


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El presente trabajo identifica, dentro del contexto definido del ámbito doméstico, algunas de las prácticas y operaciones que elaboran los consumidores de la radio en Quito frente a los programas que eligen a diario. Procura sentar bases teóricas, registrar historias de producción desde los emisores, e integrarlas en el análisis de los usos y sentidos reconocidos en la aplicación de instrumentos cuanti-cualitativos.


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Esta investigación se mueve en tres áreas temáticas: los jóvenes, la radio y la ciudad. Busca, además de explorar las interrelaciones que se dan entre estos tres componentes, comprender cómo se concibe —desde la producción— a los jóvenes (qué idea se tiene de ellos) a la hora de diseñar un programa radial juvenil. Indaga desde qué parámetros —con respecto a la juventud— se han diseñado dos programas juveniles de una emisora universitaria, y sondea cómo los productores radiales asumen la interacción de sus espacios con los jóvenes y con la ciudad. Esta investigación parte desde la producción y no desde el consumo radial, y el marco referencial sobre el que se mueve, es la reflexión sobre la ciudad. Puede decirse que disciplinariamente esta investigación —cualitativa— está inserta en el campo de los estudios de la comunicación y los estudios urbanos; por ello, el sustento teórico en el que se basa se refiere a autores — fundamentalmente latinoamericanos— que trabajan estas perspectivas. El trabajo puede dividirse en dos partes. La primera, es una aproximación teórica y conceptual a las áreas temáticas. La segunda, se refiere a las interrelaciones que pueden darse entre los jóvenes, la radio y la ciudad, y se hace referencia a dos programas juveniles de Radio Universidad del Cauca, en Popayán, Colombia. Más que un análisis o estudio de caso, es una contextualización de la teoría en unas experiencias radiofónicas concretas. El tono de escritura de este trabajo apela a tres “estéticas”, que no son sucesivas sino más bien transversales en toda la tesis. Por un lado está la escritura más académica o teórica, por llamarla de alguna manera. Por otra parte hay un acercamiento a lo vivencial o experiencial que suscitan los temas. Finalmente hay una suerte de aproximación periodística al objeto de estudio.


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La presente investigación tiene el propósito de indagar sobre la producción y el consumo radial en los buses de transporte urbano de la ciudad de Quito; sus características, encuentros y desencuentros de un problema que tiene su apuntalamiento teórico en los escenarios, mediaciones y personajes que giran en torno a ésta la dinámica cotidiana. Los medios de comunicación, y particularmente la radio, tienen “la misión” de producir a través del discurso simbólico y radiofónico; las nuevas formas de informar, entretener y divertir a su “audiencia; así como también, ordenar, disciplinar y homogeneizar a “su público”. Se muestra, por un lado, la lógica de la producción simbólica y massmediática, y por otro lado, la lógica del consumo cultural. De esta forma se visibiliza, cómo la comunicación se convierte en un campo de “batalla simbólica” por la apropiación de los sentidos, significados y significaciones. Todo esto atraviesa por el lugar y la forma que los individuos ocupen en la relación económica, social, política y simbólica, donde la comunicación adquiere su protagonismo. Al señalar que la radio juega un papel fundamental en la configuración del imaginario urbano y que el contacto cotidiano de la gente está mediado por ésta institución mediática, se establece la importancia e influencia que ejerce la radiodifusión en nuestras sensibilidades, subjetividades y biografías. En la medida que cada medio de comunicación tiene su propia lógica, se informa sobre los resultados, se intenta visibilizar la trama del problema y se plantea nuevas preguntas de investigación.


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Este trabajo se constituye en un intento por abordar el análisis crítico de algunos de los presupuestos del discurso actual (finales de la década de 1990) sobre la comunicación alternativa y popular, confrontados con dos prácticas comunicativas en radio popular y televisión comunitaria: el caso de la emisora Radio Sucumbíos en Nueva Loja – Ecuador, y el del canal de televisión Parabólica Asociación Memoria TV en Cali – Colombia. Se pretende establecer, desde las posibilidades estructurales de cada uno (entendidas como las rutinas de producción / distribución), si estos medios de comunicación son “alternativos” como lo precisa el discurso al considerarlos como factores de desarrollo, o si por el contrario, están contribuyendo sin proponérselo, a reforzar o a construir nuevas relaciones, entre ellas las de dominación. Para adentrarnos en esta lectura en particular, se recreó el conflictivo contexto en que se desarrolla cada una de estas experiencias; se examinó el discurso desde nociones específicas; y se observó la práctica comunicativa a través de géneros como el informativo, para el caso de la radio, y el magazín para el de la televisión.


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La Radio Pública HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, con su mensaje de fe en Jesucristo inicia sus transmisiones desde el Ecuador a partir de 1931. Este medio masivo alcanza en 1990 una cobertura del 60% del globo terráqueo a través de sus frecuencias AM, FM y Onda Corta. Sin embargo, a partir de la década de 1990 se da inicio a un proceso de cambios sociales con el cual surge un movimiento de ruptura en la comunicación global, que también afecta a la estructura, funcionamiento, organización de esta Radio y la convierte en un medio de comunicación local. La investigación realizada para este estudio expondrá algunas de las causas, las determinaciones y los efectos de los cambios en la comunicación de la Radio HCJB.


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The long-term stability, high accuracy, all-weather capability, high vertical resolution, and global coverage of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) radio occultation (RO) suggests it as a promising tool for global monitoring of atmospheric temperature change. With the aim to investigate and quantify how well a GNSS RO observing system is able to detect climate trends, we are currently performing an (climate) observing system simulation experiment over the 25-year period 2001 to 2025, which involves quasi-realistic modeling of the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere. We carried out two climate simulations with the general circulation model MAECHAM5 (Middle Atmosphere European Centre/Hamburg Model Version 5) of the MPI-M Hamburg, covering the period 2001–2025: One control run with natural variability only and one run also including anthropogenic forcings due to greenhouse gases, sulfate aerosols, and tropospheric ozone. On the basis of this, we perform quasi-realistic simulations of RO observables for a small GNSS receiver constellation (six satellites), state-of-the-art data processing for atmospheric profiles retrieval, and a statistical analysis of temperature trends in both the “observed” climatology and the “true” climatology. Here we describe the setup of the experiment and results from a test bed study conducted to obtain a basic set of realistic estimates of observational errors (instrument- and retrieval processing-related errors) and sampling errors (due to spatial-temporal undersampling). The test bed results, obtained for a typical summer season and compared to the climatic 2001–2025 trends from the MAECHAM5 simulation including anthropogenic forcing, were found encouraging for performing the full 25-year experiment. They indicated that observational and sampling errors (both contributing about 0.2 K) are consistent with recent estimates of these errors from real RO data and that they should be sufficiently small for monitoring expected temperature trends in the global atmosphere over the next 10 to 20 years in most regions of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Inspection of the MAECHAM5 trends in different RO-accessible atmospheric parameters (microwave refractivity and pressure/geopotential height in addition to temperature) indicates complementary climate change sensitivity in different regions of the UTLS so that optimized climate monitoring shall combine information from all climatic key variables retrievable from GNSS RO data.


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Polyethylene glycol (PEG) may be added to forage based diets rich in tannins for ruminant feeding because it binds to tannins and thus prevent the formation of potentially indigestible tannin-protein complexes. The objective of this work was to determine the in vitro biodegradation (mineralization, i.e., complete breakdown of PEG to CO2) rate of PEG. C-14-Polyethylene glycol (C-14-PEG) was added to three different tropical soils (a sandy clay loam soil, SaCL; a sandy clay soil, SaC; and a sandy loam soil, SaL) and was incubated in Bartha flasks. Free PEG and PEG bound to tannins from a tannin rich local shrub were incubated under aerobic conditions for up to 70 days. The biodegradation assay monitored the (CO2)-C-14 evolved after degradation of the labelled PEG in the soils. After incubation, the amount of (CO2)-C-14 evolved from the C-14-PEG application was low. Higher PEG mineralization values were found for the soils with higher organic matter contents (20.1 and 18.6 g organic matter/kg for SaCL and SaC, respectively) than for the SaL soil (11.9 g organic matter/kg) (P < 0.05). The extent of mineralization of PEG after 70 days of incubation in the soil was significantly lower (P < 0.05) when it was added as bound to the browse tannin than in the free form (0.040 and 0.079, respectively). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Radiotelemetry is an important tool used to aid the understanding and conservation of cryptic and rare birds. The two bird species of the family Picathartidae are little-known, secretive, forest-dwelling birds endemic to western and central Africa. In 2005, we conducted a radio-tracking trial of Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas in the Mbam Minkom Mountain Forest, southern Cameroon, using neck collar (two birds) and tail-mounted (four birds) transmitters to investigate the practicality of radio-tracking Picathartidae. Three birds with tail-mounted transmitters were successfully tracked with the fourth, though not relocated for radio tracking, resighted the following breeding season. Two of these were breeding birds that continued to provision young during radio tracking. One neck-collared bird was found dead three days after transmitter attachment and the other neither relocated nor resighted. As mortality in one bird was potentially caused by the neck collar transmitter we recommend tail-mounted transmitters in future radio-tracking studies of Picathartidae. Home ranges, shown using minimum convex polygon and kernel estimation methods, were generally small (<0.5 km(2)) and centred around breeding sites. A minimum of 60 fixes were found to be sufficient for home range estimation.


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As a vital factor affecting system cost and lifetime, energy consumption in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been paid much attention to. This article presents a new approach to making use of electromagnetic energy from useless radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted in WSNs, with a quantitative analysis showing its feasibility. A mechanism to harvest the energy either passively or actively is proposed.


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The past decade has witnessed explosive growth of mobile subscribers and services. With the purpose of providing better-swifter-cheaper services, radio network optimisation plays a crucial role but faces enormous challenges. The concept of Dynamic Network Optimisation (DNO), therefore, has been introduced to optimally and continuously adjust network configurations, in response to changes in network conditions and traffic. However, the realization of DNO has been seriously hindered by the bottleneck of optimisation speed performance. An advanced distributed parallel solution is presented in this paper, as to bridge the gap by accelerating the sophisticated proprietary network optimisation algorithm, while maintaining the optimisation quality and numerical consistency. The ariesoACP product from Arieso Ltd serves as the main platform for acceleration. This solution has been prototyped, implemented and tested. Real-project based results exhibit a high scalability and substantial acceleration at an average speed-up of 2.5, 4.9 and 6.1 on a distributed 5-core, 9-core and 16-core system, respectively. This significantly outperforms other parallel solutions such as multi-threading. Furthermore, augmented optimisation outcome, alongside high correctness and self-consistency, have also been fulfilled. Overall, this is a breakthrough towards the realization of DNO.


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The increasing demand for cheaper-faster-better services anytime and anywhere has made radio network optimisation much more complex than ever before. In order to dynamically optimise the serving network, Dynamic Network Optimisation (DNO), is proposed as the ultimate solution and future trend. The realization of DNO, however, has been hindered by a significant bottleneck of the optimisation speed as the network complexity grows. This paper presents a multi-threaded parallel solution to accelerate complicated proprietary network optimisation algorithms, under a rigid condition of numerical consistency. ariesoACP product from Arieso Ltd serves as the platform for parallelisation. This parallel solution has been benchmarked and results exhibit a high scalability and a run-time reduction by 11% to 42% based on the technology, subscriber density and blocking rate of a given network in comparison with the original version. Further, it is highly essential that the parallel version produces equivalent optimisation quality in terms of identical optimisation outputs.


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This article discusses the sources of competitive advantage in the interwar British radio industry. Specifically, it examines why sections of the industry that reaped substantial monopoly rents from the downstream value chain failed to dominate the industry. During the 1920s Marconi (which controlled the fundamental UK patents) had a key cost advantage, as had other members of the ‘Big Six’ electrical engineering firms which formed the BBC and were granted preferential royalties. Meanwhile the valve manufacturers' cartel was also able to extract high rents from set manufacturers. The vertical integration literature suggests that input monopolists have incentives to control downstream production. Yet—in contrast to the gramophone industry, which became concentrated into two huge companies following market saturation in the 1930s—radio retained a much more competitive structure. The Big Six failed to capitalize fully on their initial cost advantages owing to logistical weaknesses in supplying markets subject to rapid technical and design obsolescence. Subsequently, during the 1930s, marketing innovations are shown to have played a key role in allowing several independents to establish successful brands. This gave them sufficient scale to provide strong bargaining positions with input suppliers, negating most of their initial cost disadvantage.