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Die Neurogenese und axonale Wegfindung sind in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten Thema einer Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen in den verschiedensten Organismen gewesen. Die zusammengetragenen Daten in Insekten und Crustaceen geben eine gute Übersicht darüber, wie das Nervensystem in Arthropoden aufgebaut wird. Die entwicklungsbiologischen Prozesse, die daran beteiligt sind, sind in den beiden genannten Gruppen sehr gut verstanden. In den Gruppen der Cheliceraten und Myriapoden jedoch wurden ähnliche Analysen bisher kaum durchgeführt. Das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit war es daher, Mechanismen in den Spinnen Achaearanea tepidariorum und Cupiennius salei, zwei Vertretern der Cheliceraten, zu untersuchen, die eine Rolle im Leitsystem der ventralen Mittellinie und bei der axonalen Wegfindung spielen. Eine Vorraussetzung hierfür sind Kenntnisse über die Architektur des Zentralnervensystems. In einem ersten Schritt beschrieb ich daher grundlegend die Morphologie des Nervensystems im Verlauf der gesamten Embryoalentwicklung. Ich konnte zeigen, dass in Spinnen ein für Arthropoden typisches Strickleiternervensystem gebildet wird. Dieses wird von segmental angelegten Neuronen geformt, wobei sowohl Gruppen von Zellen als auch einzelne Neurone daran beteiligt sind, die primären axonalen Trakte zu etablieren. Im Besonderen konnte ich eine Zelle identifizieren, die in Position, Projektionsmuster und der Expression des Markergens even-skipped vergleichbar zum PR2 Neuron in Drosophila ist, welches die posteriore Wurzel des Segmentalnervs anlegt.rnrnIn einem zweiten Ansatz untersuchte ich die ventrale Mittellinie in Spinnen im Bezug auf ihre mögliche Funktion in der axonalen Wegfindung. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es sich beim Epithel der Mittellinie, das die Lücke zwischen beiden Keimstreifhälften während des gesamten Prozesses der Inversion überspannt, um eine transiente Struktur handelt, die keine neuralen Zellen hervorbringt. Es ist daher vergleichbar mit der so genannten Floor plate in Vertebraten, die ebenfalls nur vorübergehend existiert. Die Untersuchung von single minded (sim) zeigte, dass es, anders als in Drosophila, wo sim ein wichtiges regulatorisches Gen für die korrekte Spezifizierung von Mittellinienzellen ist, nicht in den Zellen der Mittellinie, sondern in diesen benachbarten Zellen, exprimiert wird. Das ist vergleichbar mit Vertebraten. Zusätzlich konnte ich Expression von sim an den Basen der Gliedmassen und im Kopf nachweisen. Wie in Vertebraten könnte sim an der Musterbildung dieser Gewebe beteiligt sein. Dennoch spielt die Mittellinie in Spinnen eine wichtige Rolle als Organisator für auswachsende, kommissurale Axone. Diese Funktion teilt sie mit anderen Invertebraten und Vertebraten.rnrnDie Signaltransduktionskaskade, die an der axonalen Wegfindung an der Mittellinie beteiligt ist, ist in den verschiedensten Organismen hoch konserviert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte ich sowohl in Achaearanea als auch in Cupiennius ein netrin Homolog identifizieren und eine konservierte Funktion des Wegfindungsmoleküls während der Bildung der Kommissuren aufzeigen. RNAi Experimente belegen, dass, wird die Funktion von netrin herunterreguliert, das Strickleiternervensystem nicht korrekt gebildet wird, ins Besondere die kommissuralen Faszikel. Des Weiteren konnte ich eine neue Funktion von netrin, die bisher in anderen Organsimen noch nicht beschrieben wurde, identifizieren. Neben seiner Rolle in der axonalen Wegfindung, scheint netrin auch an der epithelialen Morphogenese im zentralen Nervensystem beteiligt zu sein. In dieser Funktion scheint netrin in Gliazellen, die die epithelialen Vesikel der Invaginationsgruppen umhüllen, wichtig zu sein, um neurale Vorläuferzellen in einem undifferenzierten Zustand zu halten. Der Abbau von netrin Transkript durch RNA Interferenz führt zu einer verfrühten Segregation neuraler Vorläuferzellen aus dem epithelialen Verband der Invaginationsgruppen und zu einer Zunahme an Zellen, die den frühen Differenzierungsmarker islet exprimieren.


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The human p53 tumor suppressor, known as the “guardian of the genome”, is one of the most important molecules in human cancers. One mechanism for suppressing p53 uses its negative regulator, MDM2, which modulates p53 by binding directly to and decreasing p53 stability. In testing novel therapeutic approaches activating p53, we investigated the preclinical activity of the MDM2 antagonist, Nutlin-3a, in Philadelphia positive (Ph+) and negative (Ph-) leukemic cell line models, and primary B-Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patient samples. In this study we demonstrated that treatment with Nutlin-3a induced grow arrest and apoptosis mediated by p53 pathway in ALL cells with wild-type p53, in time and dose-dependent manner. Consequently, MDM2 inhibitor caused an increase of pro-apoptotic proteins and key regulators of cell cycle arrest. The dose-dependent reduction in cell viability was confirmed in primary blast cells from Ph+ ALL patients with the T315I Bcr-Abl kinase domain mutation. In order to better elucidate the implications of p53 activation and to identify biomarkers of clinical activity, gene expression profiling analysis in sensitive cell lines was performed. A total of 621 genes were differentially expressed (p < 0.05). We found a strong down-regulation of GAS41 (growth-arrest specific 1 gene) and BMI1 (a polycomb ring-finger oncogene) (fold-change -1.35 and -1.11, respectively; p-value 0.02 and 0.03, respectively) after in vitro treatment as compared to control cells. Both genes are repressors of INK4/ARF and p21. Given the importance of BMI in the control of apoptosis, we investigated its pattern in treated and untreated cells, confirming a marked decrease after exposure to MDM2 inhibitor in ALL cells. Noteworthy, the BMI-1 levels remained constant in resistant cells. Therefore, BMI-1 may be used as a biomarker of response. Our findings provide a strong rational for further clinical investigation of Nutlin-3a in Ph+ and Ph-ALL.


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Self-assembled molecular structures were investigated on insulating substrate surfaces using non-contact atomic force microscopy. Both, substrate preparation and molecule deposition, took place under ultra-high vacuum conditions. First, C60 molecules were investigated on the TiO2 (110) surface. This surface exhibits parallel running troughs at the nanometer scale, which strongly steer the assembly of the molecules. This is in contrast to the second investigated surface. The CaF2 (111) surface is atomically flat and the molecular assemblyrnwas observed to be far less affected by the surface. Basically different island structures were observed to what is typically know. Based on extensive experimental studies and theoretical considerations, a comprehensive picture of the processes responsible for the island formation of C60 molecules on this insulating surfaces was developed. The key process for the emergence of the observed novel island structures was made out to be the dewetting of molecules from the substrate. This new knowledge allows to further understand andrnexploit self-assembly techniques in structure fabrication on insulating substrate surfaces. To alter island formation and island structure, C60 molecules were codeposited with second molecule species (PTCDI and SubPc) on the CaF2 (111) surface. Depending on the order of deposition, quiet different structures were observed to arise. Thus, these are the first steps towards more complex functional arrangements consisting of two molecule species on insulating surfaces.


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Allergy is a common hypersensitivity disorder that affects 15% to 20% of the population and its prevalence is increasing worldwide. Its severity correlates with the degree of eosinophil infiltration into the conjunctiva, which is mediated by chemokines that stimulate the production of adhesion molecules like intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) on the endothelial cell surface. The α4β1 and α4β7 integrins are expressed in eosinophils and contribute to their activation and infiltration in AC through the binding to VCAM-1 or fibronectin, expressed on vascular endothelial cells. Blockade of α4 integrins might be a therapeutical achievement in allergic eye diseases. DS 70, that show an IC50 in the nanomolar range against α4β1 integrin in Jurkat cells and in the eosinophilic cell line EOL-1. This compound was able to prevent cell adhesion to VCAM-1 and FN in vitro. In a scintillation proximity assay DS70 displaced 125I-FN binding to human α4β1 integrin and, in flow cytometry analysis, it antagonized the binding of a primary antibody to α4β1 integrin expressed on the Jurkat cells surface as well. Furthermore, we analysed also its effects on integrin α4β1 signalling. In an vivo model of allergic conjunctivitis, topical DS70 reduced the clinical aspects of EPR (early phase reaction) and LPR (late phase reaction), by reducing clinical score, eosinophil accumulation, mRNA levels of cytochines and chemochines pro-inflammatory and the conjunctival expression of α4 integrin. In conclusion, DS70 seems a novel antiallergic ocular agent that has significant effects on both early and late phases of ocular allergy.


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Point mutations emerge as one of the rate-limiting steps in tumor response to small molecule inhibitors of protein kinases. Here we characterized the response of the MET mutated variants, V1110I, V1238I, V1206L and H1112L to the small molecule SU11274. Our results reveal a distinct inhibition pattern of the four mutations with IC(50) values for autophosphorylation inhibition ranging between 0.15 and 1.5muM. Differences were further seen on the ability of SU11274 to inhibit phosphorylation of downstream MET transducers such as AKT, ERK, PLCgamma and STAT3 and a variety of MET-dependent biological endpoints. In all the assays, H1112L was the most sensitive to SU11274, while V1206L was less affected under the used concentration range. The differences in responses to SU11274 are discussed based on a structural model of the MET kinase domain.


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to report acute and late toxicity in prostate cancer patients treated by high-dose intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with daily image-guidance.


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Little is known about the learning of the skills needed to perform ultrasound- or nerve stimulator-guided peripheral nerve blocks. The aim of this study was to compare the learning curves of residents trained in ultrasound guidance versus residents trained in nerve stimulation for axillary brachial plexus block. Ten residents with no previous experience with using ultrasound received ultrasound training and another ten residents with no previous experience with using nerve stimulation received nerve stimulation training. The novices' learning curves were generated by retrospective data analysis out of our electronic anaesthesia database. Individual success rates were pooled, and the institutional learning curve was calculated using a bootstrapping technique in combination with a Monte Carlo simulation procedure. The skills required to perform successful ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus block can be learnt faster and lead to a higher final success rate compared to nerve stimulator-guided axillary brachial plexus block.


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Chronic lung infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Although there is no clear evidence for a primary defect in the immune system of CF patients, the host is generally unable to clear P. aeruginosa from the airways. PTX3 is a soluble pattern recognition receptor that plays nonredundant roles in the innate immune response to fungi, bacteria, and viruses. In particular, PTX3 deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to P. aeruginosa lung infection. To address the potential therapeutic effect of PTX3 in P. aeruginosa lung infection, we established persistent and progressive infections in mice with the RP73 clinical strain RP73 isolated from a CF patient and treated them with recombinant human PTX3. The results indicated that PTX3 has a potential therapeutic effect in P. aeruginosa chronic lung infection by reducing lung colonization, proinflammatory cytokine levels (CXCL1, CXCL2, CCL2, and IL-1β), and leukocyte recruitment in the airways. In models of acute infections and in in vitro assays, the prophagocytic effect of PTX3 was maintained in C1q-deficient mice and was lost in C3- and Fc common γ-chain-deficient mice, suggesting that facilitated recognition and phagocytosis of pathogens through the interplay between complement and FcγRs are involved in the therapeutic effect mediated by PTX3. These data suggested that PTX3 is a potential therapeutic tool in chronic P. aeruginosa lung infections, such as those seen in CF patients.


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We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the electronic transport through single-molecule junctions based on nitrile-terminated biphenyl derivatives. Using a scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction technique, we show that the nitrile-terminated compounds give rise to well-defined peaks in the conductance histograms resulting from the high selectivity of the N-Au binding. Ab initio calculations have revealed that the transport takes place through the tail of the LUMO. Furthermore, we have found both theoretically and experimentally that the conductance of the molecular junctions is roughly proportional to the square of the cosine of the torsion angle between the two benzene rings of the biphenyl core, which demonstrates the robustness of this structure-conductance relationship.


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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) increases survival and neurite extension of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), the primary neurons of the auditory system, via yet unknown signaling mechanisms. In other cell types, signaling is achieved by the GPI-linked GDNF family receptor α1 (GFRα1) via recruitment of transmembrane receptors: Ret (re-arranged during transformation) and/or NCAM (neural cell adhesion molecule). Here we show that GDNF enhances neuritogenesis in organotypic cultures of spiral ganglia from 5-day-old rats and mice. Addition of GFRα1-Fc increases this effect. GDNF/GFRα1-Fc stimulation activates intracellular PI3K/Akt and MEK/Erk signaling cascades as detected by Western blot analysis of cultures prepared from rats at postnatal days 5 (P5, before the onset of hearing) and 20 (P20, after the onset of hearing). Both cascades mediate GDNF stimulation of neuritogenesis, since application of the Akt inhibitor Wortmannin or the Erk inhibitor U0126 abolished GDNF/GFRα1-Fc stimulated neuritogenesis in P5 rats. Since cultures of P5 NCAM-deficient mice failed to respond by neuritogenesis to GDNF/GFRα1-Fc, we conclude that NCAM serves as a receptor for GDNF signaling responsible for neuritogenesis in early postnatal spiral ganglion.