842 resultados para RC1200 Sports Medicine


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Los protocolos de medición antropométrica se caracterizan por la profusión de medidas discretas o localizadas, en un intento para caracterizar completamente la forma corporal del sujeto -- Dichos protocolos se utilizan intensivamente en campos como medicina deportiva, forense y/o reconstructiva, diseño de prótesis, ergonomía, en la confección de prendas, accesorios, etc -- Con el avance de algoritmos de recuperación de formas a partir de muestreos (digitalizaciones) la caracterización antropométrica se ha alterado significativamente -- El articulo presente muestra el proceso de caracterización digital de forma corpórea, incluyendo los protocolos de medición sobre el sujeto, el ambiente computacional - DigitLAB- (desarrollado en el CII-CAD-CAM-CG de la Universidad EAFIT) para recuperación de superficies, hasta los modelos geométricos finales -- Se presentan comparaciones de los resultados obtenidos con DigitLAB y con paquetes comerciales de recuperación de forma 3D -- Los resultados de DigitLAB resultan superiores, debido principalmente al hecho de que este toma ventaja de los patrones de las digitalizaciones (planares de contacto, por rejilla de pixels - range images -, etc.) y provee módulos de tratamiento geométrico - estadístico de los datos para poder aplicar efectivamente los algoritmos de recuperación de forma -- Se presenta un caso de estudio dirigido a la industria de la confección, y otros efectuados sobre conjuntos de prueba comunes en el ámbito científico para la homologación de algoritmos


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Over 2 million Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries occur annually worldwide resulting in considerable economic and health burdens (e.g., suffering, surgery, loss of function, risk for re-injury, and osteoarthritis). Current screening methods are effective but they generally rely on expensive and time-consuming biomechanical movement analysis, and thus are impractical solutions. In this dissertation, I report on a series of studies that begins to investigate one potentially efficient alternative to biomechanical screening, namely skilled observational risk assessment (e.g., having experts estimate risk based on observations of athletes movements). Specifically, in Study 1 I discovered that ACL injury risk can be accurately and reliably estimated with nearly instantaneous visual inspection when observed by skilled and knowledgeable professionals. Modern psychometric optimization techniques were then used to develop a robust and efficient 5-item test of ACL injury risk prediction skill—i.e., the ACL Injury-Risk-Estimation Quiz or ACL-IQ. Study 2 cross-validated the results from Study 1 in a larger representative sample of both skilled (Exercise Science/Sports Medicine) and un-skilled (General Population) groups. In accord with research on human expertise, quantitative structural and process modeling of risk estimation indicated that superior performance was largely mediated by specific strategies and skills (e.g., ignoring irrelevant information), independent of domain general cognitive abilities (e.g., metal rotation, general decision skill). These cognitive models suggest that ACL-IQ is a trainable skill, providing a foundation for future research and applications in training, decision support, and ultimately clinical screening investigations. Overall, I present the first evidence that observational ACL injury risk prediction is possible including a robust technology for fast, accurate and reliable measurement—i.e., the ACL-IQ. Discussion focuses on applications and outreach including a web platform that was developed to house the test, provide a repository for further data collection, and increase public and professional awareness and outreach (www.ACL-IQ.org). Future directions and general applications of the skilled movement analysis approach are also discussed.


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A crioterapia é uma técnica bastante divulgada por médicos fisioterapeutas na área do desporto, esta é uma técnica eficaz na redução do edema da dor,na diminuição de lesões secundárias e na redução do processo inflamatório, mas são questionáveis seus efeitos na noção de posição articular dos atletas. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos ocorridos na noção de posição articular na articulação do joelho no jogador de futebol nos diferentes níveis , amador, junior e de elite, e avaliar a diferença de resposta entre estes três grupos, relacionada ao tempo de treino. Metodologia: Foram avaliados 31 atletas em três diferentes níveis de atuação, amador, junior e elite, foi efetuada a medida de noção de posição articular do joelho antes e após a aplicação a crioterapia local, durante 15 minutos, no aparelho Isocinetico Biodex 4 . Resultados: Não foram encontrados resultados que sugiram a alteração na noção de posição articular entre grupos, no entanto constamos que o grupo de sujeitos juniores parece melhorar a sua precisão após a aplicação de crioterapia. Conclusão: Na amostra em estudo não encontramos valores que sugiram alteração na noção de posição articular na articulação do joelho após aplicação da crioterapia.


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Regular physical activity (PA) decreases mortality risk in survivors of breast and colorectal cancer. Such impacts of exercise have prompted initiatives designed both to promote and adequately monitor PA in cancer survivors. This study examines the validity of 2 widely used self-report methods for PA determination, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short version (IPAQ-SF) and Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). Both instruments were compared with the triaxial accelerometry (Actigraph) method as an objective reference standard. Study participants were 204 cancer survivors (both sexes, aged 18-79 years). Compared with accelerometry, both questionnaires significantly overestimated PA levels (across all intensities) and underestimated physical inactivity levels. No differences were detected between the 2 questionnaires except for a shorter inactivity time estimated by GPAQ (p=0.001). The Bland and Altman method confirmed that both questionnaires overestimated all PA levels. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis classified IPAQ and GPAQ as fair and poor predictors, respectively, of the proportions of survivors fulfilling international PA recommendations (≥150 min·week-1 of moderate-vigorous PA). IPAQ-SF showed a higher sensitivity but lower specificity than GPAQ. Our data do not support the use of IPAQ-SF or GPAQ to determine PA or inactivity levels in cancer survivors.


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To investigate the validity and reliability of surface electromyography (EMG) as a new non-invasive determinant of the metabolic response to incremental exercise in elite cyclists. The relation between EMG activity and other more conventional methods for analysing the aerobic-anaerobic transition such as blood lactate measurements (lactate threshold (LT) and onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA)) and ventilatory parameters (ventilatory thresholds 1 and 2 (VT1 and VT2)) was studied.Twenty eight elite road cyclists (age 24 (4) years; VO2MAX 69.9 (6.4) ml/kg/min; values mean (SD)) were selected as subjects. Each of them performed a ramp protocol (starting at 0 W, with increases of 5 W every 12 seconds) on a cycle ergometer (validity study). In addition, 15 of them performed the same test twice (reliability study). During the tests, data on gas exchange and blood lactate levels were collected to determine VT1, VT2, LT, and OBLA. The root mean squares of EMG signals (rms-EMG) were recorded from both the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris at each intensity using surface electrodes. Results - A two threshold response was detected in the rms-EMG recordings from both muscles in 90% of subjects, with two breakpoints, EMG(T1) and EMG(T2), at around 60-70% and 80-90% of VO2MAX respectively. The results of the reliability study showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) between mean values of EMG(T1) and EMG(T2) obtained in both tests. Furthermore, no significant differences (p > 0.05) existed between mean values of EMG(T1), in the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, and VT1 and LT (62.8 (14.5) and 69.0 (6.2) and 64.6 (6.4) and 68.7 (8.2)% of VO2MAX respectively), or between mean values of EMG(T2), in the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, and VT2 and OBLA (86.9 (9.0) and 88.0 (6.2) and 84.6 (6.5) and 87.7 (6.4)% of VO2MAX respectively). Rms-EMG may be a useful complementary non-invasive method for analysing the aerobic-anaerobic transition (ventilatory and lactate thresholds) in elite cyclists.