983 resultados para Pulse Spectrophotometry
This paper describes physics of nonlinear ultra-short laser pulse propagation affected by plasma created by the pulse itself. Major applications are also discussed. Nonlinear propagation of the femtosecond laser pulses in gaseous and solid transparent dielectric media is a fundamental physical phenomenon in a wide range of important applications such as laser lidars, laser micro-machining (ablation) and microfabrication etc. These applications require very high intensity of the laser field, typically 1013–1015 TW/cm2. Such high intensity leads to significant ionisation and creation of electron-ion or electron-hole plasma. The presence of plasma results into significant multiphoton and plasma absorption and plasma defocusing. Consequently, the propagation effects appear extremely complex and result from competitive counteraction of the above listed effects and Kerr effect, diffraction and dispersion. The theoretical models used for consistent description of laser-plasma interaction during femtosecond laser pulse propagation are derived and discussed. It turns out that the strongly nonlinear effects such self-focusing followed by the pulse splitting are essential. These phenomena feature extremely complex dynamics of both the electromagnetic field and plasma density with different spatio-temporal structures evolving at the same time. Some numerical approaches capable to handle all these complications are also discussed. ©2006 American Institute of Physics
We propose techniques of optical frequency conversion, pulse compression and signal copying based on a combination of cross-phase modulation using triangular pump pulses and subsequent propagation in a dispersive medium.
This thesis presents a detailed, experiment-based study of generation of ultrashort optical pulses from diode lasers. Simple and cost-effective techniques were used to generate high power, high quality optical short pulses at various wavelength windows. The major achievements presented in the thesis is summarised as follows. High power pulses generation is one of the major topics discussed in the thesis. Although gain switching is the simplest way for ultrashort pulse generation, it proves to be quite effective to deliver high energy pulses on condition that the pumping pulses with extremely fast rising time and high enough amplitude are applied on specially designed pulse generators. In the experiment on a grating-coupled surface emitting laser (GCSEL), peak power as high as 1W was achieved even when its spectral bandwidth was controlled within 0.2nm. Another experiment shows violet picosecond pulses with peak power as high as 7W was achieved when the intensive electrical pulses were applied on optimised DC bias to pump on InGaN violet diode laser. The physical mechanism of this phenomenon, as we considered, may attributed to the self-organised quantum dots structure in the laser. Control of pulse quality, including spectral quality and temporal profile, is an important issue for high power pulse generation. The ways to control pulse quality described in the thesis are also based on simple and effective techniques. For instance, GCSEL used in our experiment has a specially designed air-grating structure for out-coupling of optical signals; hence, a tiny flat aluminium mirror was placed closed to the grating section and resulted in a wavelength tuning range over 100nm and the best side band suppression ratio of 40dB. Self-seeding, as an effective technique for spectral control of pulsed lasers, was demonstrated for the first time in a violet diode laser. In addition, control of temporal profile of the pulse is demonstrated in an overdriven DFB laser. Wavelength tuneable fibre Bragg gratings were used to tailor the huge energy tail of the high power pulse. The whole system was compact and robust. The ultimate purpose of our study is to design a new family of compact ultrafast diode lasers. Some practical ideas of laser design based on gain-switched and Q-switched devices are also provided in the end.
The matched filter detector is well known as the optimum detector for use in communication, as well as in radar systems for signals corrupted by Additive White Gaussian Noise (A.W.G.N.). Non-coherent F.S.K. and differentially coherent P.S.K. (D.P.S.K.) detection schemes, which employ a new approach in realizing the matched filter processor, are investigated. The new approach utilizes pulse compression techniques, well known in radar systems, to facilitate the implementation of the matched filter in the form of the Pulse Compressor Matched Filter (P.C.M.F.). Both detection schemes feature a mixer- P.C.M.F. Compound as their predetector processor. The Compound is utilized to convert F.S.K. modulation into pulse position modulation, and P.S.K. modulation into pulse polarity modulation. The mechanisms of both detection schemes are studied through examining the properties of the Autocorrelation function (A.C.F.) at the output of the P.C.M.F.. The effects produced by time delay, and carrier interference on the output A.C.F. are determined. Work related to the F.S.K. detection scheme is mostly confined to verifying its validity, whereas the D.P.S.K. detection scheme has not been reported before. Consequently, an experimental system was constructed, which utilized combined hardware and software, and operated under the supervision of a microprocessor system. The experimental system was used to develop error-rate models for both detection schemes under investigation. Performances of both F. S. K. and D.P. S. K. detection schemes were established in the presence of A. W. G. N. , practical imperfections, time delay, and carrier interference. The results highlight the candidacy of both detection schemes for use in the field of digital data communication and, in particular, the D.P.S.K. detection scheme, which performed very close to optimum in a background of A.W.G.N.
Pulse compression techniques originated in radar.The present work is concerned with the utilization of these techniques in general, and the linear FM (LFM) technique in particular, for comnunications. It introduces these techniques from an optimum communications viewpoint and outlines their capabilities.It also considers the candidacy of the class of LFM signals for digital data transmission and the LFM spectrum. Work related to the utilization of LFM signals for digital data transmission has been mostly experimental and mainly concerned with employing two rectangular LFM pulses (or chirps) with reversed slopes to convey the bits 1 and 0 in an incoherent node.No systematic theory for LFM signal design and system performance has been available. Accordingly, the present work establishes such a theory taking into account coherent and noncoherent single-link and multiplex signalling modes. Some new results concerning the slope-reversal chirp pair are obtained. The LFM technique combines the typical capabilities of pulse compression with a relative ease of implementation. However, these merits are often hampered by the difficulty of handling the LFM spectrum which cannot generally be expressed closed-form. The common practice is to obtain a plot of this spectrum with a digital computer for every single set of LFM pulse parameters.Moreover, reported work has been Justly confined to the spectrum of an ideally rectangular chirp pulse with no rise or fall times.Accordingly, the present work comprises a systerratic study of the LFM spectrum which takes the rise and fall time of the chirp pulse into account and can accommodate any LFM pulse with any parameters.It· formulates rather simple and accurate prediction criteria concerning the behaviour of this spectrum in the different frequency regions. These criteria would facilitate the handling of the LFM technique in theory and practice.
We propose a simplified approach to optical signal pre-distortion based on adaptive pulse shaping through unconventional use of a MZ modulator. The scheme allows natural tailoring of transmitted pulses by optimising the received pulse.
Efficient suppression of relaxation oscillations in the output signal from an overdriven gain-switched laser diode was demonstrated. Several quantum-well distributed feedback laser diodes from different manufacturers were used for experimental analysis. A five-fold increase in the peak power was achieved for the tail-free operation. It was found that spectral filtering removed the nonlinearly chirped components resulting in pulse shortening by a factor of three.
In this paper, we propose a simplified approach to optical signal predistortion based on adaptive pulse shaping through asymmetrical control of a Mach-Zehnder modulator above its switching voltage. The scheme allows natural tailoring of transmitted pulses by optimizing the received pulse. We demonstrate enhancement of the power tolerance in nonrepeated systems and improved OSNR/BER performance and dispersion tolerance in ultra-long-haul fiber systems operating at 10 Gb/s and 20 Gb/s channel rates. The improved performance is demonstrated through simulations and experiment.
Error free propagation of a single polarisation optical time division multiplexed 40Gbit/s dispersion managed pulse data stream over 509km has been achieved in standard (non-dispersion shifted) fibre. Dispersion compensating fibre was used after each amplifier to reduce the high local dispersion of the standard fibre. © IEE 1999.
We experimentally investigate a multi-parameter optimization of conditions for generation of triangular pulses in normal dispersion fiber. We find that triangular pulses suitable for all optical processing applications can be generated for a wide range of input pulse chirps but that triangular pulse quality and stability is improved with increased input pulse chirp.
To elucidate the structures of orgamc molecules in solution using pulse FT NMR, heteronuclear pulse sequence experiments to probe carbon-13 (13C) and proton (1H) spin systems are invaluable. The one-dimensional insensitive nucleus detected PENDANT experiment finds popular use for structure determination via one-bond 13C-1H scalar couplings. PENDANT facilitates the desired increase in 13C signal-to-noise ratio, and unlike many other pulse sequence experiments (e.g., refocused INEPT and DEPT), allows the simultaneous detection of 13C quaternary nuclei. The tlrst chapter herein details the characterisation of PENDANT and the successful rectification of spectral anomalies that occur when it is used without proton broadband decoupling. Multiple-bond (long-range) l3C-1H scalar coupling correlations can yield important bonding information. When the molecule under scrutiny is devoid of proton spectral crowding, and more sensitive 'inverse' pulse sequence experiments are not available, one may use insensitive nucleus detected long-range selective one-dimensional correlation methods, rather than more time consuming and insensitive multidimensional analogues. To this end a novel long-range selective one-dimensional correlation pulse sequence experiment has been invented. Based on PENDANT, the new experiment is shown to rival the popular selective INEPT technique because it can determine the same correlations while simultaneously detecting isolated 13C quaternary nuclei. INEPT cannot facilitate this, potentially leaving other important quaternary nuclei undetected. The novel sequence has been modified further to yield a second novel experiment that simultaneously yields selective 13C transient nOe data. Consequently, the need to perform the two experiments back-to-back is conveniently removed, and the experimental time reduced. Finally, the SNARE pulse sequence was further developed. SNARE facilitates the reduction of experimental time by accelerating the relaxation of protons upon which pulse sequences, to which SNARE is appended, relies. It is shown, contrary to the original publication, that reiaxation time savings can be derived from negative nOes.