682 resultados para Presidential decrees


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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This research focused on identifying a series of successful practices relating to administrative talent management within the higher education setting. The field study included a thorough examination of seven small to mid-size private colleges and universities that have incorporated employee development strategies. These strategies were aimed at growing future leaders from within the organization in order to achieve continuity and support institutional priorities. Specifically, several focus areas were investigated including presidential vision, leadership commitment, talent management’s place among institutional priorities, program characteristics, and program evaluation. Among the commonalities that were gathered included support at the senior officer level who serve as advocates, mentors, and program facilitators, a strong connection between talent management and the institutions’ strategic plans, and a holistic approach to developing talent at all levels of the organizations. In addition, both coaching and opportunities for growth in the work environment were evident within several of the institutions. Also, academic leadership development was considered to be a part of the talent management strategy within three of the colleges and universities. The key differentiators included the incorporation of organizational and leadership competencies to provide focus toward the performance development process at two institutions, the implementation of a succession planning model at another institution, and the location of human resource generalists in departments across two of the institutions to identify learning opportunities for both individuals and work teams. Based on both the findings from the field study and the literature review, a comprehensive procedural model is introduced that serves to support human resource departments and higher education professionals, in general, who are looking to either begin or broaden their own talent management approach. However, despite the progress that has been made across several institutions noted throughout the research study, much more must be learned in terms of how the time and resources invested in talent management translates to institutional success. Advisor: James O‘Hanlon


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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O objetivo é analisar o papel das instituições administrativas no planejamento urbano e regional do Estado de São Paulo. Nosso objeto de estudo são as leis e decretos estaduais e federais e as ações do Estado que definiram os padrões de organização territorial das cidades. Entendemos que a partir deles as ações administrativas atribuíram às cidades um modelo de planejamento setorizado e polarizado. Entre as décadas de 1930 e 1960, esse modelo formou a base para a aplicação de uma divisão funcional urbana fundada nas características produtivas e responsável pela provisão de recursos. A partir da década de 1960, a organização territorial paulista foi padronizada pelo conceito de polo urbano e o planejamento urbano e regional ficou submetido às condicionantes econômicas.


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O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa eleitoral realizada nos Campi da USP-Capital pelo Centro de Estudos das Negociações Internacionais (CAENI) e pelo Instituto Júnior de Pesquisas Sociais (IJPS) durante o período de campanha do segundo turno da eleição presidencial de 2010. Discutimos o processo de amostragem e a implicação de pesquisar sobre um universo de pessoas mais escolarizadas e jovens do que a população total. Mostraremos que é mais fácil isolar um comportamento prospectivo nessas condições do que em uma amostra onde o universo é a população de eleitores inteira do país.


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O presente estudo objetiva traçar um panorama atual sobre a responsabilidade subsidiária dos sócios nas hipóteses em que, em fase de execução no processo do trabalho, os bens da pessoa jurídica sejam insuficientes para satisfação dos créditos. A matéria propriamente dita nada tem de nova, remontando aos primeiros decretos que regulamentavam as sociedades por quotas de responsabilidade limitada, passando pelo Código Civil de 1916 e de 2002. Todavia, o estudo procurará demonstrar que, aos poucos, foi sendo abandonada a exigência de comprovação dos amplos poderes de mando e gestão do sócio, ou seu exercício abusivo, assim como foi aumentando simultaneamente a preocupação com a figura dos ex-sócios, objeto de investigação especial no presente trabalho. O artigo sustentará a tese de que essa maior liberdade na interpretação da responsabilidade de sócios e ex-sócios se deve, sobretudo, (a) à promiscuidade patrimonial verificada entre pessoas jurídicas e pessoas naturais, na sociedade brasileira, (b) às altíssimas taxas de encerramento das pessoas jurídicas logo no primeiro ou no segundo ano de existência e (c) à elevada rotatividade de sócios nos estatutos da empresa.


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A Academia de Direito de São Paulo, fundada em 1827 por Decreto Imperial, em toda a sua jornada de grade disciplinar evoluiu em consonância aos necessários procedimentos, caminhando na construção de uma tutela doutrinal e jurisprudencial, atendendo não-só a sociedade como, também, à correta busca de uma nação voltada à segurança no intuito de assegurar uma democracia plena de Direito. Desde a criação dos cursos jurídicos não há uma cadeira em seu currículo - incluso as extintas por decretos governamentais - que não fosse de suma importância no período de sua vigência, a exemplo da intitulada Hygiene Publica lecionada por Augusto Cezar de Miranda Azevedo, Catedrático por Decreto de 21 de março de 1891, dando origem ao Direito Sanitário atualmente vinculado à Medicina, área de Saúde Pública, ou Direito Nacional e Direito Natural, dando margem ao Direito do Estado e à Introdução à Ciência do Direito. A Cadeira de Direito das Gentes, inicialmente inserida em parceria ao Direito Natural, deu margem ao Direito Internacional Público lecionada por José Maria Avelar Brotero, em 1828, tornando-se, na História da Academia de Direito como das mais importantes disciplinas da grade curricular.


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I tre capitoli in cui è suddiviso il lavoro cercano di offrire una ricognizione delle questioni che ruotano intorno alla sussistenza o meno di prerogative presidenziali riguardo l’attività legislativa, e in generale sulle eventuali trasformazioni avvenute, soprattutto negli ultimi anni, nel ruolo del Presidente della Repubblica all’interno del sistema costituzionale italiano. Il lavoro esordisce con una premessa metodologica con cui si tenta di valorizzare la questione relativa ai diversi approcci metodologici che si possono seguire nello studio delle tematiche presidenziali: ossia, tenere nettamente distinti il piano delle norme da quello delle prassi oppure analizzarli e valutarli congiuntamente. Il primo capitolo è dedicato all’analisi della figura presidenziale così come delineata dalla Costituzione e arricchita dagli oltre sessant’anni di letteratura costituzionale. Vengono quindi analizzate le disposizioni costituzionali di riferimento e viene dato conto delle principali teorie costituzionali espresse dalla letteratura giuridica. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato a quella che viene offerta come una delle possibili cause da cui traggono origine le evoluzioni registrate in questi ultimi anni dalla figura presidenziale: ossia, il mutamento del sistema costituzionale di rappresentanza politica. Tale elemento è analizzato soprattutto nel suo ambito istituzionale, vale a dire il modello di forma di governo rappresentato dal circuito parlamento-governo. Il terzo capitolo entra direttamente nelle due questioni di fondo della ricerca: da un lato lo studio della generale attività presidenziale di intervento nelle questioni politiche, attraverso comunicati o esternazioni; dall’altro lato l’analisi di alcuni specifici casi paradigmatici di intervento presidenziale in sede di emanazione o promulgazione (o, comunque, discussione) degli atti legislativi del governo e del parlamento, accaduti tra il 2006 e il 2013. Inoltre, il lavoro è arricchito da una importante sezione (allegata) di “case studies” contenente il risultato di una ricerca effettuata su oltre tremila documenti presidenziali, dal 2006 al 2013, resi pubblici dagli uffici del Quirinale.


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L’elaborato costituisce la fase di approfondimento conclusivo del lavoro scientifico svolto negli anni precedenti. In quest’ottica, a circa tre anni dalla sua entrata in vigore, esso risulta prevalentemente incentrato sull’analisi delle principali innovazioni imposte dalla legge 30 dicembre 2010, n . 240, recante "Norme in materia di organizzazione delle università, di personale accademico e reclutamento, nonché delega al Governo per incentivare la qualità e l'efficienza del sistema universitario", nel tentativo di individuare quali soluzioni ,più o meno differenziate in base alle specificità delle diverse realtà, gli atenei italiani abbiano prefigurato mediante la revisione dei propri statuti, organi e strutture, al fine di rispettare ed attuare il dettato legislativo e non comprimere i propri spazi di autonomia. Contemporaneamente, esso approfondisce l’orientamento della giurisprudenza amministrativa in materia, la quale proprio nel corso di quest’anno ha avuto più di un’occasione di pronunciarsi in merito, per effetto dell’impugnazione ministeriale di molti dei nuovi statuti di autonomia. Infine, non viene tralasciata l’analisi dei profili e aspetti del sistema universitario italiano non intaccati dal cambiamento, ai fini del loro coordinamento con quelli riformati, cercando di percorrere parallelamente più strade: dalla ricognizione e lo studio dei più autorevoli contributi che la dottrina ha recentemente elaborato in materia, all’inquadramento delle scelte effettuate in sede di attuazione dai singoli atenei, anche alla luce dei decreti applicativi emanati. Il tutto al fine di individuare, anche grazie a studi di tipo comparato, con particolare riferimento all’ordinamento spagnolo, nuove soluzioni per il sistema universitario che, senza la pretesa di giungere a percorsi di cambiamento validamente applicabili per tutti gli atenei, possano risultare utili alla definizione di principi e modelli base, nel pieno rispetto del dettato costituzionale e dei parametri individuati a livello europeo con il processo di Bologna e la strategia di Lisbona.


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La presente tesis analiza el problema de la validez de las disposiciones de transposición de las Directivas Europeas en los ordenamientos nacionales desde la perspectiva del principio constitucional de reserva de ley. En el primer capítulo se desarrolla un análisis del estado de la cuestión en las jurisprudencias española e italiana. En el segundo se afronta el estudio de los requisitos impuestos por la jurisprudencia del TJUE en relación con las normas por las que se procede a la incorporación en los ordenamientos internos del contenido de las Directivas; teniendo en cuenta que ha de partirse del principio de autonomía institucional y procedimental de los Estados Miembros y que las Directivas, en tanto carentes por razón de su forma de directa aplicabilidad, no pueden sustituir a la ley nacional, el principio de reserva de ley ha de aplicarse en este tipo de operaciones siempre que así lo exija la Constitución nacional. En el tercer capítulo se estudian los efectos que han producido en los ordenamientos italiano, francés y alemán las cláusulas constitucionales "europeas", alcanzándose la fundamental conclusión de que las mismas no han supuesto quiebra alguna de la disciplina general de producción normativa en lo que se refiere a las operaciones de ejecución interna del Derecho Europeo. En el cuarto y último capítulo, en fin, se analiza el sistema italiano de ejecución de las políticas europeas mediante normas reglamentarias y la posible toma en consideración del mismo para la formulación de propuestas de lege ferenda en relación con el Derecho Español.


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Zarycki studied the political map of Central Europe today on the basis of results of recent parliamentary and/or presidential elections in the Czech Republic, Hungary, L8ithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. He identified first the structure of regional political cleavages, then the spatial patterns emerging in different countries. He also considered the significance and eventual regional differentiation of various possible influences on these patterns, including urbanisation, historical heritage, ethnic factors, population movements, economic differentiation, the effects of the transformation, demographic factors, education and religion. Virtually all the countries showed a cleavage between more traditional, anti (or non-) communist regions and secular areas with higher post-communist support. Except in Ukraine and the Czech Republic, the post-communist party is dominated by the direct heirs of the former communist parties transformed into moderate left parties. The second major class of cleavages was typical of the Visegrad countries, i.e. the conflict between liberal, mostly metropolitan, regions and a different periphery, usually with a strong populist or anti-liberal appeal. This usually depends on the existence of a sizeable well-educated class, usually pro-market and pro-Western, and on the resolution of the conflict between post and anti-Communists. The third type of cleavage is based on ethnic factors and is clearest in Lithuania and Slovakia, where there are large ethnic minorities. Of factors influencing political behaviour, the two major ones identified were the historical heritage and urbanisation.


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Lincoln famously spoke of government “of the people, by the p eople, and for the people.” But who, exactly, are “the people”? Which demographic characteristics are the most politically significant? And who will actually turn out to vote? Dr. Ruy Teixeira, Senior Fellow at The Century Foundation and the Center for American Progress, will consider these questions against the backdrop of this year’s presidential campaign.


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Although – or because – social work education in Italy has for some 15 years now been exclusively in the domain of the university the relationship between the academic world and that of practice has been highly tenuous. Research is indeed being conducted by universities, but rarely on issues that are of immediate practice relevance. This means that forms of practice develop and become established habitually which are not checked against rigorous standards of research and that the creation of knowledge at academic level pays scant attention to the practice implications of social changes. This situation has been made even worse by the dwindling resources both in social services and at the level of the universities which means that bureaucratic procedures or imports of specialisations from other disciplines frequently dominate the development of practice instead of a theory-based approach to methodology. This development does not do justice to the actual requirements of Italian society faced with ever increasing post-modern complexity which is reflected also in the nature of social problems because it implies a continuation of a faith in modernity with its idea of technical, clear-cut solutions while social relations have decidedly moved beyond that belief. This discrepancy puts even greater strain on the personnel of welfare agencies and does ultimately not satisfy the ever increasing demands for quality and accountability of services on the part of users and the general public. Social workers badly lack fundamental theoretical reference points which could guide them in their difficult work to arrive at autonomous, situation-specific methodological answers not based on procedures but on analytical knowledge. Thirty years ago, in 1977, a Presidential Decree created the legal basis for the establishment of social service departments at the level of municipalities which created opportunities for the direct involvement of the community in the fight against exclusion. For this potential to be fully utilized it would have required the bringing together of three dimensions, the organizational structure, the opportunities for learning and research in the territory and the contribution by the professional community. As this did not occur social services in Italy still often retain the character of charity which does not concern itself with the actual causes of poverty and exclusion. This in turn affects the relationship with citizens in general who cannot develop trust in those services. Through uncritical processes of interaction Edgar Morin’s dictum manifests itself which is that without resorting to critical reflection on complexity interventions can often have an effect that totally the opposite to the original intention. An important element in setting up a dynamic interchange between academia and practice is the placement on professional social work courses. Here the looping of theory to practice and back to theory etc. can actually take place under the right organizational and conceptual conditions, more so than in abstract, and for practitioners often useless debates about the theory-practice connection. Furthermore, research projects at the University of Florence Social Work Department for instance aim at fostering theoretical reflection at the level of and with the involvement of municipal social service agencies. With a general constructive disposition towards research and some financial investment students were facilitated to undertake social service practice related research for their degree theses for instance in the city of Pistoia. In this way it was also possible to strengthen the confidence and professional identity of social workers as they became aware of the contribution their own discipline can make to practice-relevant research instead of having to move over to disciplines like psychology for those purposes. Examples of this fruitful collaboration were presented at a conference in Pistoia on 25 June 2007. One example is a thesis entitled ‘The object of social work’ and examines the difficult development of definitions of social work and comes to the conclusion that ‘nothing is more practical than a theory’. Another is on coping abilities as a necessary precondition for the utilization of resources supplied by social services in exceptional circumstances. Others deal with the actual sequence of interventions in crisis situations, and one very interestingly looks at time and how it is being constructed often differently by professionals and clients. At the same time as this collaboration on research gathers momentum in the Toscana, supervision is also being demanded more forcefully as complementary to research and with the same aim of profiling more strongly the professional identity of social work. Collaboration between university and social service filed is for mutual benefit. At a time when professional practice is under threat of being defined from the outside through bureaucratic prescriptions a sound grounding in theory is a necessary precondition for competent practice.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY To establish at what stage Swiss hospitals are in implementing an internal standard concerning communication with patients and families after an error that resulted in harm. METHODS Hospitals were identified via the Swiss Hospital Association's website. An anonymous questionnaire was sent during September and October 2011 to 379 hospitals in German, French or Italian. Hospitals were asked to specify their hospital type and the implementation status of an internal hospital standard that decrees that patients or their relatives are to be promptly informed about medical errors that result in harm. RESULTS Responses from a total of 205 hospitals were received, a response rate of 54%. Most responding hospitals (62%) had an error disclosure standard or planned to implement one within 12 months. The majority of responding university and acute care (75%) hospitals had introduced a disclosure standard or were planning to do so. In contrast, the majority of responding psychiatric, rehabilitation and specialty (53%) clinics had not introduced a standard. CONCLUSION It appears that Swiss hospitals are in a promising state in providing institutional support for practitioners disclosing medical errors to patients. This has been shown internationally to be one important factor in encouraging the disclosure of medical errors. However, many hospitals, in particular psychiatric, rehabilitation and specialty clinics, have not implemented an error disclosure policy. Further research is needed to explore the underlying reasons.